University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-6-1917 Tucumcari News Times, 12-06-1917 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 12-06-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/85 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Largest Circulation of Any $ Advertisers Know Where to Views Ads Paper in Quay County ffhe ueumeari Place Their AND TUCUMCARI TIMES o VOL. XT TUCUMCARI, QUAY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, I) EC EM HE It 0, 1UI7 NO. 11 PRESIDENT ASKS THAT WAR GYM APPARATUS HAS HE DECLARED ON AUSTRIA NO PEACt POSSIBLE Washington, Dec. 1. A wild demon strution greeted the presdent's recom mendatinn that war he declared against TILL WORLD WRONG Austrn-Hungur- y, which was entirely unexpected. Senators and representa- tives arose in their seats and cheered MEN ORGANIZE CLUB and applauded while visiting members of the diplomatic corps smiled and ap- plauded. Senators La Follcttc and Core, however, remained in their seats The gymnasium apparatus has ar- Washington, Dec. 3 Declaration of and did not applaud. Another out-hur- st High School Is now Austria-Hungar- y rived for the and of applause greeted the presi war with was recom- rcaily for use. The students are proud dent's declaration that reparation mended to Congress today by Prcsi- - this splendid of man-makin- g Immediate war with Hu of assortment must be made Iielgium for the dam- - llson. health-preservin- g Germany's and utilities age done by the German army. When .j""" aml furkey other al and this room will soon he the tnost the president mentoncd Turkey and s, the president told Congress he be popular place in Tucumcari. Bulgaria a few members, apparently licved unnecessary at this time be The local business men meti Tues-- cause they did not yet stand in tiie di day enjoyed splendid work- - l..iri-l.llll- II I WUlllllllllll(lklUII 1UI Will, mght and a lnUHe aml eht.L.ririg. he rect path of necessary action. on various devices. Some but out the of did not recommend war on these two Immediate wur against Austriu, tin. 'ilil. ttmi.ru" ,'imlfvnd Ibtit tttrf lu be Germany's countries now. even though she vnssni u gll'llb iimililllllf, iuui uiuji iiiu join-t:.. nnd not her own mistress, the presi- ing Club, the iiusiness Men's Athletic SHAiIAN VISITS GOVERNMENT dent declared, was necessary because overcome he and intend to this obstacle AVIATION CAMP IN TEXAS the central powers must considered as much as possible. war be conduct- Phil Shahan while making a busi- us one because the can Tonight a younger fel- (liv- few of the ness trip to Elcctrn Texas (us will be ed successfully in no other way. lows will be pitted against the local wnrning, noted in another column of this issue) ing a pluin however, that ho High toss-ur- s School team of busket ball continued his trip on to Wichita Falls would not hesitate to ask for decima- they may win is and while not it Texas, for the purpose of viewing the tion of wur on Turkey and Hulgarin cinch boys will play their when a the have to government aviation camp, which is he considered it necussary, tho A box carni- Lest to win. supper and now under construction about seven president said: val will be held in connection with the miles from that city, thinking he "Wo shall go wherever the necessi- games and a good time is expected. thnt war curry 1 Scene at u dlvlslonn! headquarters of the Hrltlsh during one of the big battles on the west front. 2 Mem- would gain some information that may ties of this us, but it seems The town "boys" meet every Tues-du- y go bers of un American college girls' tri h candle brigade making candles of rolled pnper boiled In pnrnffln. 3 be of value to Tucumcari, us we to me that we should only whero and Thursday evenings and play arc immediate und pructical considerations (Sen. Herbert C. O. I'lurtii'r, appointed iniiiiiiiiici- of the British forces sent In aid the Itnlluns, working hard to camp lo- granted get such a iTny games and are the free use of cated near this city. lead us und not heed others." the other gymnnsiunwupparatus. Prof. Peace, the president told Congress, hand-to-han- Mr. Shahan states that upon his had the best of It in tho d Shadwick has been chosen to coach could only when would gain Infinitely more than they arrival at the camp he found that no come the Prussian Eu- fighting as well as In the artillery com- the basket ball team and in- autocracy possibly would lose In western other visitors vero allowed, but he had the military is beaten down; NEWS REVIEW OF rope. bats, and the tanks continued to piny structors will be chosen to tench the when the German people make peace pleasure of seeing the workmen leuv-in- g part. These monsters often use boxing gloves, work, tumb- The hopefulness In the situation lies their of bar the grounds. There was such n with the world through rulers tho way the Infantry, nnd ling, hand ball, Indian Clubs, and va- they rep far away from I'etrograd. A great or- cleared the for crowd of them thut it taxed ull the world can trust, when make In they things. will THE PAST WEEK ganization known as the .Southeastern at least one Instance, when rious other The classes transportation facilities to the limit, aration for the wrongs their present union has been formed, embracing the were themselves held up by superior be arranged as soon as enough mem- including wagons rulers have done nnd when thu enslav - street enrs, jitneys, Don territory, most of Little Russia, forces, the British ulnncn, flying dnr- bers are found for each department. and hundreds walked. He says ed people of Iielgium, northern Franco membership will "Wc the lower Volga region and Turkestan. Ingly low, routed tho enemy with ma The Initial be $1.00, picked up three of thu pedestriuns and und the Halkans have been set free. in grain-growin- n sum will be Interallied War Conference 'I bis Is the great part of chine run Ilro nnd Dcrralttcd tho tanks after which small ask took them to town. In the course of Germany's declarations that she is to pay expenses, self-defen- Russia, the territory that feeds the to go on. Altogether, It has been the cd each month such I fighting n war of against Paris Opens With Russia our ride learned from them thut ut uggrcssion rest, ami steps are being taken to add most spectacular bottle of tho wur, and as lights, fuel, etc. this time the government has employ- dclibcrnte the president in In day practice some the Big Topic. to the union the g part It has coat the Germans a great many this all should ed about 500 men, and has had as high ringing words, declared "were only exercise in order to be in read- anew of Siberia. In all this territory, rough- of their best men. kind of as '2500. The men draw from three to false, and he reiterated that no country if it be is ly speaking, General Knledlues, bet General Byng lust week seemed to iness to assist the nine dollars a day. There now one threatening the existence of thu necessary. is nothing arc enter- - man of the Cossacks, is lu control, and be endeavoring to break through to the found There 100 men officers independence of the peaceful LENINE DEALS WITH BOCHES good about enlisted and he, In turn, Is by north of Catnbrnl, n movement that bettor than healthful exercise to So you avia- ests of Germuny. controlled leuder lengthen your there. can see whut an probably would compel the enemy to preserve and lives. The tion camp of this kind would mean to "I. hear men debute peace who un who have not yielded to the dictation' been placed 100 years fall buck on u wide front. Cambral It- - K limit has at our city." derstand neither its nuture nor the way Accept Bolshevlkl Proposal More- cms-Gener- al Germans uf I.enlne and his bolshevlklsts. self seems doomed to destruction. wn " you come under mis in which we may attain it with uplift of Armistice Signs of Collapse of over, the Immense gold reserve of the Pershing week sent silication, join the Club and you will ed eyes and broken spirits. Hut I nlso removed last THE REAL ADVENTURE Radical "Government" Ital- Russian empire, which was over his second casualty list. It gave nJy yourself as well as be greatly know thnt none of these speak for the from I'etrograd to the Kremlin In 10J8, benefited. It hnppens very often in real life nation. They do not touch the heart ian Crisis Considered Over the names of two privutes who were that after a couple have been married Coun- has bacn taken stilt further Into the of any one. They can safely bo left Supreme War killed lu the trenches by German er nnd In out of the reach of the VOORHEES.
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