FILE COPY CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF A PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY Company No. 4007273 The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales hereby certifies that SHELL FOUNDATION is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 1985 as a private company and that the company is limited. Given at Companies House, London, the 31st May 2000 *N04007273A* For The Registrar Of Companies ········ { ·= ~ .: ········· COMPANIES- HOUSE 12 Declaration on Application for Registration Please complete in typescript. or in bold black capitals. Company Name in full ,I-_____S_H_£_L_L __ F_o_u_r.~_o_A_T_,_O_N-'------------l *F0120C10* of ALL~IJ.,..OVER'{, 01'1£/'Jt:t.Jc.HAN&-£, L<JN~ONEC:.I(-M. <I (Jr.! a..rri s do solemn~y and sincerely declare that I am a I:::s:: engaged in the formatton of the companytf~eFSeA AaFAed -----+-qer er seeretaFy ef the eefA~BA'f iA the stateFAeAt delivered te the Re!Jistraf tPiease delete as appropriate. ttnder seetieA 1 0 ef the CefA~aAies Aet 1986]t and that all the requirements of the Companies Act 1985 in respect of the registration of the above company and of matters precedent and incidental to it have been complied with. And I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835. Declarant's signature the 1 so rl I day of I ~ , d._oo c -pfease print name. before me• I()Aiv1ANfli-A Mcr21SotJ Signedl(i~ IDate I~ J.1 VI;) MO A ~llimlssionel fut Oaths ot No tat 7 Pttelie or Jttstice of tlte Peaee ~Solicitor Please give the name, address, telephone number, and if available, a OX number and Fl/ANI'I TA 'I La"- Exchange of the person Companies House should contact if there is any query. /111 1:"/'J +/1 ~ •Y 0/J€ NE"c.J CHAN CrfL ' /-IJNDON EC.4M "/G)Q Tel Otrt 3iW ~tli'O OX number f- 3 OX exchange When you have completed and signed the form please send it to the Registrar of Companies at: Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF4 3UZ for companies registered in England and Wales OX 33050 Cardiff or Companies House, 37 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2EB for companies registered in Scotland OX 235 Edinburgh The Solicitor'S' Law Stationery Soctety Ltd, Oyez Hoose, 7 Spa Road. london SE16 300 1995 Edmon OYEz 2.95 F29025 Companies 12 l5017173l ** 30(5)(a) Declaration on Application for Registration of a Company Exempt from the Requirement to Use the Please complete in Word ..Limited" or "Cyfyngedig" typescript. or in bold black capitals. 1 • J btANA Fot...t...ANA IA'(I-0~ of AL~EZIJ-r Ov£/l!f. ONE: IIJ€t.J CHAII/4-(Z, 1.-<JIIJ~c/11 Ect).l\1 CJtX;J t:l.rris a [€£'1ieiter engaged in the formation of the companyj[perseft ftBFFtea as duecto• or sec1etai y of the cornp21n' in the st8tement delivered tPlease delete as appropriate. undet section 10 of tlte Cotupanies Act 1985jt do solemnly and sincerely declare that the company complies with the requirements of section 30(3) of the Companies Act 1985. And I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835. Declarant's signature iJ-1~ Declared at STEPHE£NSt>N c •P1ease print name. bo!ore m'·l &~NIMfHA M<'.GsoN Signed&~~ • A ,Co; 1tmissieAer Oaths er Notary Ptfblie er Jt:Jstice of tRe PoaGe 191" Solicitor Please give the name, address, telephone number. and if available, a OX number and D /ANA TA'ft...Oil.. Exchange of the person Companies House should contact if there is any query. ALt...t:N -r. 0v£A!f, 01\1€ 11/C:t.J CHANG-£:. LoNboi'J !<C£;.11'\ <JQQ Tel 0/)-f H o :S'tf?o OX number -} 3 OX exchange When you have completed and signed the form please send it to the Registrar of Companies at: Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF4 3UZ for companies registered in England and Wales OX 33050 Cardiff or Companies House. 37 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2EB for companies registered in Scotland OX 235 Edinburgh OYEZ The Solicitors· law Stationery Society Ud. Oyez House, 7 Spa Road. London SE16 300 1995 Editoon 3.95 F29026 Companies 30{5}(a) iso17979)........ 10 Please complete in typescript. First Directors and Secretary and or in bold black capitals. Notes on completion appear on final page. Intended Situation of Registered Office If the memorandum is delivered by an EJ agent for the subscriber(s) of the / memorandum mark the box opposite and give the agent's name and address. Agent's Name I A /..L E!/J ""- Ove: RY Address I 0/'IE: NE:t:J C...HAAJ6-£ Post town ILc NDON ~======~--~====~ County/Region I.__ ________...J Postcodel E. c 4- M 'l QQ Number of continuation sheets attached. ~ Please give the name, address. telephone OJAJ.JA TA'/LOP. number. and if available. a OX number and Exchange of the person Companies ALL.£# 'f- OvO.'f, ONE NE.Q C.HANG-t, House should contact if there is any LoN'b.CN EqN\ 'l OQ Tel o.2.o 'r330 37eo query. OX number "7- .3 OX exchange r----------------, When you have completed and signed the fonn please send it to the Registrar of Companies at: Companies House. Crown Way, Cardiff, CF4 3UZ OX 33050 Cardiff for companies registered in England and Wales or Companies House, 37 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2EB '----------------....1 for companies registered in Scotland OX 235 Edinburgh Companies 1 0 PhotoForms. 7 Spa Road. london SE1 6 3QQ A four· page fonn issued in May 1995 ' ·~. .' . Company Secretary csee notes 1-51 ' Company name 3 }1 E h., L.. ~ ou J!;:> A--n e.rJ I NAME tc.l I •voluntary details. I I Previous sumame(s) Address /111£ W/1tl"r=- H(j({s e. I Usual residential address For a corporation. give the /....DI,J~{( St\SILDoiJ I fttgistered or principal office address. Post town County/Region j (3(5f('l{~}i)l/::£. Postcod el ~j~ ~tier 1 Country I (= tJ Ct},, AN' D · I pany named on page 1 · Date I 12.·5'·;2ooo I Directors (see notes 1-51 Please list directors in alphabetical order. tc.l NAME *Style[Title 1=1=.,;I)~,======='IL.*_H_o_n._ou_rs_e I Forename(s) 1=1=,;f'!\::;;,A;;fl.:==t<.<========== I Sumamei=I==::M~o~o=n~y==-=S=T="'U=A~R~T====== I Previous forename(s) Previous sumame(s) Address <t CutJ l-loust: I Usual residential address 1.2.2 WA~PING f'IIGH STA.ETT For a corporation, give the I fttgistered or principal office 8ddress. Post town I County/Region Postcod ej f'IW )...f.)(._ I Country. I BRITISH I )< e c. u.t lie Other directorships ,..):-.....) T'"' "'J"ke f<oSk(l'' ~r 0 0..,J '~ c,... (l"-""'1 f. l !'. ctJe..le:...:l ~ e sled·} any named on page 1 D ate I 8'·1Y~ z6'co 1 panies 10 e2 Directors (continued) (see notes 1-Sl NAME •styte{T"ttle j j•Honours etc.j F==========d------~=======9 •voluntarydetails. Forename(s) 1=1=~H,;;,.~='"'=R.=lc=v=s=~~~o=s=e;,.fl=H=()=S==M=A=R..=i=A=R=o=t:<=L=S===l Surname j Roe-LS F==============================9 Previous forename(s) Previous sumame(s) Address LoGoSGE"R.G 2A Usual residential address 1). S"l GL For a corporation, give the registered or principal office address. Posttown j County/Region l==========;iP_o_st_co_d_e1j=======~ F=============L-----~=========9 Country ~.-1 ~-T-:-:H~~--:--fJ ~~T_H_f5_~_L_A_fJ_rJ_s________ ___, Day Month 7Year Date of birth j :2-6'1714-&j Nationality fJUTCH I Business occupation Gfl ou P f" At-1 A G,,., G 0111.£ c Tott Other directorships "f"'ke. st-.C!.ll t'le.r~IQ..~ c. .... p.....-...:=i L; ...:r~ ( v')e.~Jr ~\-;_~J 0"'- . S"e:,j)d-U"'o t'e. shu\-) - • section must be signed by Either ' '--, an agent on behal Signed of all subscribers Or the subscribers Date (i.e. those who signed Date as members on the memorandum of association). Date ~ j Date Signed Signed mpanies 10 oe 3 Directors (continued) (see notes 1-Sl NAME •Style/T'rtle I !•Honours etc., •voluntary details. Forename(s) Fl ===H=r:=,..,=I'<.=I=C=v=s===::r;:=oLS-c_fJ_H_U_S--M-"A=R.=i=A=R=o=C:=L=S===l Surname I R o E'L S F==========================9 Previous forename(s) Previous sumame(s) Address LOGOS GE'R.G 2 A Usual residential address i;l. 5' I GL For a corporation, give the registered or principal office address. Post town County/Region I Postcodel ~============L-----~=========9 Cou~~~~--T~H~~~-~~c~T_H_E'_~_L__ A_~_O_s __________________ ~ Day Month Year Date of birth I ;2.bl714-&l Nationality DUTCH Business occupation G r<.ouP f'\A~JA Gti-IG 01R.£c: Tott Other directorships ne. sl-.e.ll re.rrl)k~ c .. ""p~~ L.: .....:r~ (rJ.._t;.~_lr C<>",J:..:.. .,..QA 0'-' se..pd.,Ar'Q. \"e sh Q.~ r) I consent to act as d1rector. of the company named on page 1 Date Consent signature ._1_=-~-=-::---;:::-:~:::r-----' s... "'- S<!-p .......J::;,. ~<1..12. ~ · section must be signed by Either an agent on beh~ Signed of all subscribers ,~ Or the subscribers Date (i.e. those who signed Date as members on the memorandum of association). Date Date Signed Signed >mpanies 10 ..,e 3 Directors (continued) (see notes 1-51 NAME •styte/Trtle Fl =========IL•_H_o_n_o_urs_e_t_c..!·l========j "Voluntary details.
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