Tobias Nicklas / Candida R. Moss / Christopher Tuckett / Joseph Verheyden (eds.) The Other Side: Apocryphal Perspectives on Ancient Christian “Orthodoxies” © 2017 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525540589 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647540580 Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus/ Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments In cooperation with the “Bibel und Orient” foundation, University of Fribourg (Switzerland) edited by Martin Ebner (Bonn), Max Küchler (Fribourg), Peter Lampe (Heidelberg), Stefan Schreiber (Augsburg), Gerd Theißen (Heidelberg) and Jürgen Zangenberg (Leiden) Advisory Board Helen K. Bond (Edinburgh), Thomas Schumacher (Fribourg), John Barclay (Durham), Armand Puig i Tàrrech (Barcelona), Ronny Reich (Haifa), Edmondo F. Lupieri (Chicago), Stefan Münger (Bern) Volume 117 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht © 2017 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525540589 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647540580 Tobias Nicklas/Candida R. Moss/ Christopher Tuckett/Joseph Verheyden (eds.) The Other Side: Apocryphal Perspectives on Ancient Christian “Orthodoxies” Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht © 2017 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525540589 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647540580 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data available online: http://dnb.d-nb.de. ISSN 1420-4592 ISBN 978-3-647-54058-0 You can find alternative editions of this book on our Website: www.v-r.de © 2017, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Theaterstraße 13, D-37073 Göttingen/ Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht LLC, Bristol, CT, U.S.A. www.v-r.de All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher. Typesetting by SchwabScantechnik, Göttingen © 2017 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525540589 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647540580 Table of Contents Foreword .......................................................... 11 Christoph Markschies (Humboldt University Berlin) Models of the Relation between “Apocrypha” and “Orthodoxy”. From Antiquity to Modern Scholarship . 13 Tobias Nicklas (University of Regensburg) Beyond “Canon”. Christian Apocrypha and Pilgrimage .............. 23 1. References to Apocryphal Books and their Reception ............. 26 2. Stories in Apocryphal Writings about Holy Places ................ 29 3. Stories Connected to Holy “Biblical” Places or Persons Not Found in the Bible or in Apocryphal Writings ............... 35 4. Conclusion ................................................... 38 Ismo Dunderberg (University of Helsinki) Recognizing the Valentinians – now and then ........................ 39 1. Talking about Recognition . 41 2. Irenaeus, the Valentinians and Textual Community .............. 42 3. Stronger Recognition: Clement of Alexandria .................... 46 4. Between Rejection and Approval: Origen and Heracleon .......... 49 5. Conclusion ................................................... 52 Petri Luomanen (University of Helsinki) The Nazarenes: Orthodox Heretics with an Apocryphal Canonical Gospel? ................................................. 55 1. Introduction .................................................. 55 2. The history of the Nazarenes as Epiphanius’s fiction .............. 60 3. The Nazarenes’ orthodoxy? ..................................... 63 4. Origen and the two kinds of Ebionites .......................... 66 5. Conclusion ................................................... 72 © 2017 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525540589 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647540580 6 Table of Contents Reidar Aasgaard (University of Oslo) The Protevangelium of James and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Orthodoxy from Above or Heterodoxy from Below? ................. 75 1. The twin stories of Jesus’ and his mother Mary’s childhood ........ 75 2. The Protevangelium of James: reception and research history ...... 77 3. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: reception and research history .... 79 4. Status quo of research, and a fresh approach: the importance of social level .................................................... 81 5. A social level approach: Ramsay MacMullen’s “second church” .... 82 6. Circumstantial evidence of social level: approaches and text samples 84 7. Language and style ............................................ 87 8. Intertextuality ................................................ 88 9. Educational level and cultural background ...................... 89 10. The role of theology ........................................... 90 11. Social world .................................................. 91 12. Social hierarchy and authority .................................. 92 13. Reflections and conclusions .................................... 93 Meghan Henning (University of Dayton, Ohio) Lacerated Lips and Lush Landscapes: Constructing This-Worldly Theological Identities in the Otherworld ............................ 99 1. Introduction .................................................. 99 2. Hermeneutics and the Otherworld: The History of Interpretation of Hell and the “Truth Games” of Proto-Orthodoxy and Canonicity 100 2.1. The Otherworld as Reflexive: Finding the Heterodox in Hell and the Orthodox in Heaven ............................... 102 2.2. The Otherworld as Constructive: The Use of the “Apocrypha” in Christian Praxis ........................................ 103 3. The Otherworld as a Place to Keep them Separated: “Sorting” in Pre-Christian Depictions of the Otherworld .......... 104 3.1. “Works” and the Reign of Christ in the New Testament ....... 105 3.2. Otherworldly Categories that Demarcate Theological Identity in this World ........................... 106 4. Lacerated Lips: Defining Christian Identity through Heteropraxis in the Netherworld ............................... 108 5. Lush Landscapes: Constructing Christian Identity through Orthopraxis in the Heavenly realms ............................. 112 6. Conclusion ................................................... 115 © 2017 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525540589 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647540580 Table of Contents 7 Judith Hartenstein (University of Koblenz-Landau) Wie „apokryph“ ist das Evangelium nach Maria? Über die Schwierigkeiten einer Verortung ........................... 117 1. Zur äußeren Bezeugung ....................................... 117 2. Die Personen in der Erzählung ................................. 119 3. Inhaltliche Positionen der Schrift ............................... 122 4. Die Verwendung von Traditionen .............................. 125 5. Überlegungen zum sozialen Hintergrund ....................... 129 6. Folgerungen .................................................. 132 Jens Schröter (Humboldt University Berlin) The Figure of Seth in Jewish and Early Christian Writings. Was there a “Sethian Gnosticism”? .................................. 135 1. Introduction .................................................. 135 2. The Figure of Seth in Jewish Writings ........................... 139 3. The Figure Seth in Nag Hammadi Texts . 141 4. “Sethians” in the heresiological reports of early Christian theologians 146 5. Conclusion ................................................... 148 Christopher Tuckett (University of Oxford) What’s in a Name? How “apocryphal” are the “apocryphal gospels”? ... 149 1. What is “apocryphal”? ......................................... 149 2. Readership ................................................... 152 2.1. Gospel of Thomas . 153 2.2. Gospel of Mary . 157 2.3. Gospel of Peter ............................................ 159 2.4. General Conclusions on Gos. Thom., Gos. Mary and Gos. Pet. 160 3. Further Considerations ........................................ 160 4. Implied Readers .............................................. 162 5. Conclusions .................................................. 163 Candida R. Moss (University of Notre Dame) Notions of Orthodoxy in Early Christian Martyrdom Literature . 165 1. Martyrdom as Orthopraxis in Justin Martyr ..................... 165 2. Martyrdom of Polycarp and the Rejection of False Martyrdom .... 168 3. Conclusion ................................................... 175 © 2017 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen ISBN Print: 9783525540589 — ISBN E-Book: 9783647540580 8 Table of Contents Jacques van der Vliet (Leiden University/Radboud University Nijmegen) The embroidered garment: Egyptian perspectives on ‘apocryphity’ and ‘orthodoxy’ .................................................... 177 1. Coptic-language sources: Nature and heuristics .................. 177 2. The debate about apocryphity in late-antique Egypt I: Shenoute of Atripe ............................................ 181 3. Apocrypha in defense of orthodoxy I: The Apocalypse of Paul (CANT 325) . 187 Jan Dochhorn (University of Durham) Menschenschöpfung und urzeitlicher Teufelsfall in Überlieferungen der Falascha. Der erste Teil von Teezâza Sanbat in der von Halevy veröffentlichten Version ............................................ 193 1. Einleitung .................................................... 193 2. Teezâza Sanbat: Zum Stand der Forschung und zum Inhalt ........ 195 2.1. Zur Editionsgeschichte ....................................
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