Volume ol, umber 75 FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS Tuesday, January 30, 1973 atergate Case raws To End ~·A HI GTO < Pl- The prosecutor in he Watergate bugging trial told the jury tonday that defendant Gordon Liddy was he moneyman, the supervisor, the ganizer" of espionage in Democratic eadquarters and that co-defendant ames W. McCord Jr. did his bidding. ever once referring to involvement by e Committee for Re-election for the resident , for which both men worked, rosecutor Earl J . Silbert said of the two fendants: " He and Liddy were off on an terprise of their own ." Both sides had rested earlier in the day­ e 15th of the trial, and Silbert completed is one·-hour closing argument. Judge hn J . Sirica put off the defense's closing guments until Tuesday and said he ·ould issue his instructions to the jury fterward . Repeatedly turning toward the two fendants-the only ones left on trial from n original seven.Silbert asked : · "Who was the boss that night?" DOUG PRICHARD (right), GR of Holcombe Holl, was "honeyed and potato chipped" lost night while tied to the DG anchor ferring to an evening when the men (left)in front of the Delta Gamma House. The incident was "o birthday present" given to him by some residents of Holcombe ere riding around with a young college Holl. TRA'v~LER/Logon tudent looking over McGovern dquarters. By Two State Senators "The boss was the defendant Liddy, the oneyman , the supervisor, the ganizer." The case against the two men-and the Repeal Of Printing laws Requested her five who pleaded guilty earlier­ LITTLE ROCK (AP )-Sens. J. A. given under contract to the lowest bidder. from navigable streams of the state. The an in the predawn hours of June 17th "Dooley" Womack of Camden and Robert Harvey said the aim of both of the vote was 80-0. st year, when the political campaign Harvey of Swifton introduced two amendments was to allow the state to do Hampton said the purpose of the as just heating up. That morning three reslutions Monday calling for as much of its own printing as possible. measure was to allow the formation of a ain clothes policemen arrested McCord constitutional amendments that would Sen . Guy " Mutt" Jones of Conway water distribution district to acquire nd four others inside Democratic allow the state to do much of its own introduced a bill that would give State water from the White River to irrigate adquarters. printing. Police troopers a raise of about $100 per rice fields of the Grand Prairie in East­ Both of the amendments would repeal month and State Police sergeants a raise Central, Arkansas. He said the water table The defense for the two men on trial Section 15 of Article 9 of the Constitution, of about $50 per month. in the Grand Prairie was falling and that resented onl y 11 witnesses in an hour and which requires that printing, stationary Under Jones' bill, $10 million from the eventually White River water would be · minutes before resting in the early and supplies be purchased under contract Capital Improvement Preserve Fund ion . fternoon . needed for irrigat from the lowest bidder. Account would be invested and the Hampton's bill would amend a 1957 law The attorney for G. Gordon Liddy took One of the amendments also would interest would be used to provide the that was designed to aJJow the acquisition minutes in questioning seven witnesses. change the language of the Contitution to raises. Lake in Northwest Ch ief .S. Dist. Judge John J . Sirica of water from Beaver permit printing not done by the state to be Sen. Jerry Bookout of Jonesboro id his instructions, to be delivered in the Arkansas. a bill that would deny the 70-0 to approve a bill to orning, run 40 typewritten pages. introduced The House voted privilege of operating a motor vehicle to Gerald AJ ch, McCord's attorney said in Fund provide for the creation of county Nicaragua who were "habitual offenders" of s opening arguments three weeks ago persons depository boards to supervise funds laws. at McCord had "no evil-meaning mind­ traffic colJected by sheriffs and circuit and that would evil-doing hands." Started Locally Jones also introduced a bill county clerks. The bill was recommended that a five cent deposit be placed Peter M aroul is, Liddy's attorney, who A group of interested UofA students are require by the Legislative Joint Auditing on all beverage containers sold in the served his opening statements until currently sponsoring a drive to help Committee. onday , said he w9uld-through his victims of the Dec. 23 Nicaraguan state The House approved 83-5 an Auditing itnesses-"establish a line of innocence in earthquake. The senator said the bill was designed to Committee-recommended bill to establish he cha in of command." Collection points for canned goods, help prevent bottles and cans from being minimum accounting procedures for all Government witnesses have testified, small medical supplies, reusable old thrown along the state's roads in state county offices. A similar bill applying to aroulis said , that Liddy was given an clothes and money donations have been parks and recreation areas. water improvement districts was tell igence gathering function in the set up at the four Fayetteville fire Rep. Henry Osterloh of North Little approved 88-0. mpaign but the prosecution made it stations. Collection points are also being Rock introduced a bill to increase the The House voted 80-1 to approve a bill pear that the guilt for illegal activities set up in the on-campus living areas. hunting license from $3.50 to $10, with $4 permitting counties to appropriate up to en t no higher than Liddy. Churches and various businesses in the going into a game protection fund of the 100 per cent of their anticipated revenues. McCord, 53, was a one-time FBI radio area are helping out with the drive, said Game and Fish Commission and the other Currently, a county may appropriate up to ialist and fo r 21 years in the Centi al Robert Adcock . The drive also has the $6 to be used solely by the commission to 90 per cent of anticipated revenues. telligence Agency. He was security backing of ASG . acquire land. :::!::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:: rector for the Republican ational " We 'd like to be able to pick up all the A group of legislators introduced a bill mmittee and the Commi ttee for the Re- donations by Feb. 15," Adcock said. The to establish a new Public Building I Senate r ection of the President a t the time two supplies will be taken to Houston and then Authority, which would be empowered to iretaps were placed in the Democratic to icaragua. obtain sites for public buildings and rty headquarters i n the Watergate "Of the 79 ,000 homes in icaragua, construct and equip them. i! Agenda II fi ce building. 60,000 were totally destroyed. They've also Rep. John Lipton of Warren and Tonight, at 6:30 p.m. in room 217 in the McCord is charged in eight counts with had a bad drought this year. It will be a Kenneth Ray Camp of Brookland Arkansas Student Union there will be a nsp1racy "lo obtain and use information year before the coun try is back on its feet introduced a bill to expand the state Senate meeting. Senate Agenda (two legally from the o ffices and again." said Adcock, emphasizing the program of vocational education in the resolutions tabled last week will be adquarters of the Democratic ational need fo r the v arious donations. secondary s chools. brought up) l. Presidents Report 2 . Old mm1ttee ," with burgl ary, and with Peopl e are n eeded lo help pick up the In another action, the House approved a Business: ing bugging devices. A conviction on all supplies and boxes. Anyone i nterested in bi ll by Rep. Wa yne Hampton of Stuttgart 15--Separate banking policy submitted by ght counts could carry a maximum 60 helping should call Robert Adcock at 575- to perm it private nonprofi t water David Russell ear m pri on and a fine of $60 ,000. 3481 or J ohn Combs at 575-3684. distribution districts to acquire water 16-Communication w ith constituents page 2 TIIE Al1KAN AS TRA VELfi,R Tuesday, January 30, 1973 ~-Journalism Table Has Colorful History IOn The Hill I e Anyone interested in fraternity open rush can ign up in the IFC offi ce from 2 to 5 p m Monday through Thur day or call 575-5209 or Doug chrantzat 521 -5489 There is no deadline • The Marketing club will meet ruesday at 6 p.m . at the Union . Film to be shown. • RA applications are now available at the Student Programs Office, Union Desk from any RA and at all the hall reception desks. Due Feb 9. • Action Life will be held Tuesday at SAE at 9: 15. Everyone invited. • Coffeehouse auditions are this Thursday and Friday. Contact the Union desk for more information. • The Sickle Cell Anemia testing program has begun at the Infirmary from 8 to 5 daily and will continue as long as a need is shown. o Civic Club will not meet today. o ABC will meet at 6:30 in the BA auditorium. Officer elections will be held . New AHA Member On Board Of Pub Dana Bone, sophomore from PHYSICAL PLANT workers are shown reconstructing the large study table in the Journalism library of the new Communication Batesville, was elected last night building.
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