411-HQ 1St Bn

411-HQ 1St Bn

by-Name MORNING REPORTS - 411th, 1st Bn HQ March '44 through July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action 2/9/1945 O339423 Acher Chester O. 1542 MAJ Asgd & jd, 1-Feb, fr Co C this Regt, par 1, SO 33, Hq 411th. MCO 018.010, Comp RES. Prim dy- ExO. 3/19/1945 O339423 Acher Chester O. 1542 MAJ LWA. Dy to Hosp. Trfd to D of P. Drpd fr rolls. 5/6/1945 O339423 Acher Chester O. 1542 MAJ RTU, Asgd & jd fr Hq 2d Reinf Dep, par 1, SO 99, Hq 103d ID. Prim dy - Ex O, Comp RES. 6/29/1945 O339423 Acher Chester O. MAJ Dy to Lv (7 days). 7/26/1945 O339423 Acher Chester C. MAJ Lv to dy, 25-Jul - abs 7 days + travel time. 5/24/1945 O1287288 Ainsworth J.C. 1542 1LT Asgd & jd fr Co A this Regt, par 2, SO ???, Hq 411th. Prin dy - Bn S-3. 6/25/1945 O1287288 Ainsworth J.C. 1LT Reld fr asgmt & asgd to Co D this Regt, par 2, SO 117, Hq 411th, 19-Jun. 3/1/1944 O1295980 Barda CAPT Reld fr asgmt & asgd to Hq 411th Inf. (DS C&GS School, Ft Leavenworth, KD), 29-Feb. 3/2/1944 O1295980 Barda CAPT Asgd fr Hq 411th Inf. Prim dy - S-3 (DS C & GS School, Ft Leavenworth, KD). 4/2/1944 O1295980 Barda CAPT Fr DS C & GS School, Ft Leavenworth, KS to dy, 1-Apr. 4/4/1944 O1295980 Barda CAPT Fr dy to SD Augmenting Sec, 103d ID, Cp Howze, TX, 1-Apr. 5/25/1944 O1295980 Barda CAPT Reld fr dy as Bn S-3 & placed on SD as actg Regt'l S-3 this Regt, 5-May. 7/7/1944 O1295980 Barda 2162 CAPT Fr SD as S-3, Hq 411th Inf to Lv (15 days). 7/13/1944 O1295980 Barda James J. 2162 CAPT Reld fr asgmt & asgd to Hq 411th, par 6, SO 159, Hq 411th (On Lv 15 days). 3/1/1944 O1296319 Call 1LT Asgd & jd fr Co A this Regt. Prim dy - S-2, 29-Feb. 3/1/1944 O1296319 Call 1LT Fr dy to Lv (5 days). 3/2/1944 O1296319 Call 1LT Reld fr asgmt & dy & asgd to Co A this Regt. 5/11/1945 O2000656 Christlancy Walter J. 0200 2LT RTU, Asgd & jd, 27-Apr, fr Hq 3d Reinf Bn, par 5, SO 92, Hq 411th. Prim Dy - Asst S-2 (9301) 6/19/1945 O2000656 Christlancy Walter J. 2LT Dy to sk, LD, 117 Evac Hosp. 6/22/1945 O2000656 Christlancy Walter J. 2LT Fr abs sk 117 Evac Hosp to dy. 3/30/1944 O452351 Crouch MAJ Reld fr dy as Ex-O, 1st Bn this Regt & placed on SD as acting CO, 3d Bn this Regt.. 6/13/1944 O452351 Crouch MAJ Fr SD Hq 3d Bn this Regt to dy, 29-Apr. 6/13/1944 O452351 Crouch MAJ Dy to SD as Regt'l S-4 this Regt, 8-Jun. 8/12/1944 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. MAJ Dy to Lv (15 days). 8/26/1944 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. MAJ Fr Lv to dy - abs 15 days. 10/14/1944 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. MAJ Dy to sk ship Hosp, LD. 10/16/1944 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. MAJ Fr sk in Ship Hosp to dy. 11/29/1944 O452351 Crouch Robert L. 1542 MAJ Assumed Command per VOCO 411th Inf. 1/6/1945 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. 1542 MAJ Assumed command, 27-Dec. 3/18/1945 O452351 Crouch Robert L. MAJ Promoted to Lt COL, 16-Mar, per Par 1, SO 75, Hq 7th Army. 3/19/1945 O452351 Crouch Robert L. 1542 LtCOL LWA. Dy to Hosp. Trfd to D of P. Drpd fr rolls. 5/6/1945 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. 1542 LtCOL RTU, Asgd & jd fr Hq 2d Reinf Dep, par 1, SO 99, Hq 103d ID. Prim dy - CO, Comp AUS. 6/4/1945 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. LtCOL Dy to temp dy, US Army Rec Cen, Riviera, FR, per Ltr O, Hq 411th ID, 4-Jun. 6/11/1945 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. LtCOL Fr temp dy to dy. 7/4/1945 O452351 Crouch Robert L., Jr. LtCOL Abv Os reld fr asgd & asgd to 180th Inf, 45th ID, par 2, SO 154, Hq 103d ID. 3/1/1944 O1300135 Davis James W. 1LT Reld fr dy as S-2 1st Bn and asgd prim dy - S-3, 29-Feb. 3/2/1944 O1300135 Davis James W. 1LT Reld fr dy as S-3, 1st Bn and asgd prim dy S-2. 6/20/1944 O1300135 Davis 1LT Dy to Lv (14 days). 7/4/1944 O1300135 Davis 9301 1LT Lv to DS Adv Off Sch, Class 63, ft Benning, GA. (On Lv 14 days). 8/26/1944 O1300135 Davis James W. 1LT Fr DS Adv Off Sch Class #63, Ft Benning, to dy. 12/21/1944 O1300135 Davis James W. 1LT LIA (Superficial great & 2d toe foot, lt), 20-Dec. Not hospitalized. 12/29/1944 O1300135 Davis James W. 2162 1LT Reld fr dy as Bn S-2 (9301) & asgd prim dy, Bn S-3 (2162) per par 2, SO 258, Hq 411. 1 by-Name by-Name MORNING REPORTS - 411th, 1st Bn HQ March '44 through July '45 Date S/N Last Name First Name MOS Rank Action Reld fr asgmt & asgd to Co D this Regt, par 6, SO 2, Hq 411th and atchd as Bn S-3 (2162), par 10, SO 1/2/1945 O1300135 Davis James W. 2162 1LT 2, Hq 411th. Eff 1-Jan. 2/11/1945 O1300135 Davis James W. 2162 CAPT Asgd & jd fr Co D this Regt, par 1, SO 35, Hq 411th. MCO 32.003, Comp AUS. Prim dy - Bn S-3. 5/20/1945 O1300135 Davis James W. 2162 CAPT Dy to sk Hosp (hepatitis infectious - acute w/ jaundice). Trfd to D of P, Hq 7th A. 6/22/1945 O1300135 Davis James W. 2162 CAPT RTU, Asgd 7 jd 19-Jun fr Hq 2d Reinf Bn, par 2, SO 115, Hq 411. Prim dy - S-3. 7/4/1945 O1300135 Davis James W. CAPT Abv Os reld fr asgd & asgd to 180th Inf, 45th ID, par 2, SO 154, Hq 103d ID. 6/5/1945 O2049802 Gordon Leo 1LT Atchd - Dy to temp dy VI Corps Rest Cen, Nancy, FR (6 days). 6/11/1945 O2049802 Gordon Leo 1LT Fr temp dy to dy. 7/13/1944 O1300436 Graham Richard S. 2162 CAPT Asgd & jd fr Co A this Regt, par ?, SO 159, Hq 411th. Prim dy - S-3, 1st Bn, MCO 01.754, Comp AUS. 8/17/1944 O1300436 Graham Richard S. CAPT Fr dy to Lv (15 days). 9/2/1944 O1300436 Graham Richard S. CAPT Fr Lv to dy - abs 15 days, 1-Sep. 12/18/1944 O1300436 Graham Richard S. 2162 CAPT LIA (Int Der knee, rt). Dy to 103d Clr Sta. Trfd to DoP Hq 7th Army. (No add pay). Drpd fr rolls. 7/4/1945 O339423 Hebert Don A. 1542 CAPT Asgd & jd fr Co A this Regt, 3-Jul, par 6, SO 122, Hq 411th. ASR 99. Prim dy - Ex O 1/6/1945 O453380 Keleher William P. 1542 MAJ Asgd & jd, 27-Dec, fr Hq 3d Bn, par 7, SO 6, Hq 411th. Prim dy - Ex O. Comp AUS, MCO 01.498 2/11/1945 O453580 Keleher William P. MAJ Reld fr asgmt & asgd to Hq 3d Bn this Regt, par 1, SO 35, Hq 411th. Asgd & jd fr Hq Co, 1st Bn this Regt, par 3, SO 66, Hq 411th. Comp AUS, Prim dy - Ex O Deleted in 3/23/1945 O1296046 Kutauskas Anthony F. 2900 CAPT M/R dated 27-Mar. 3/28/1944 O383322 McMackin LtCOL Fr dy to Lv (6 days). 4/3/1944 O383322 McMackin LtCOL Lv extended 1 day. 4/4/1944 O383322 McMackin LtCOL Fr Lv to dy - abs 7 days. 4/13/1944 O383322 McMackin LtCOL Fr dy to DS Preventive Maint Course, Atlanta Ord Depot, Atlanta, GA. 4/25/1944 O383322 McMackin LtCOL Fr DS Preventitive Maint Course, Atlanta Ord Depot, Atlanta, GA to dy, 24-Apr. 7/24/1944 O383322 McMackin Charles L. LtCOL Fr dy to Lv (15 days). 8/8/1944 O383322 McMackin Charles L. LtCOL Fr Lv to dy - abs 15 days. 11/28/1944 O383322 McMackin Charles L LTCOL LIA (strain sacro-iliac). Dy to Clr Sta. Fr Clr Sta (Strain, sacro-iliac) LIA to trfd to Det of Pnts 7th Army & evacd to 51 Evac Hosp per A&D 11/29/1944 O383322 McMackin Charles L 1542 LTCOL #17, Hq 103d ID. (No add pay). Drpd fr rolls. 7/28/1945 O361904 Morrow James S., Jr. 1542 CAPT Asgd & jd fr 71st ID, par 9, SO 136, Hq 411th. Prim dy - Asst S-3, ASR 103. Asgd fr Service Co this Regt, par 6, SO 2, Hq 411th. Prim dy - S-3 (2162). R-W, MCO 605-95, (On 1/2/1945 O1310486 Pacha Harold F. 2162 1LT temp dy Hq 103d ID). Eff 1-Jan. Comp: AUS. 1/3/1945 O1310486 Pacha Harold F. 2162 CAPT Correct'n, 2-Jan - Correct rank to CAPT. 2/14/1945 O1310486 Pacha Harold F. CAPT Fr temp dy to Reld fr asgmt & asgd to Hq 411th, par 2, SO 37, Hq 411th. 3/27/1945 O454402 Rhea John E. 9301 MAJ Atchd & jd fr Hq 103d ID, 20-Mar, par 2, SO 62, Hq 103ed ID.

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