
An eye on alluring leaders, emerging sectors, leading companies and rising trends shaping the future of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. 2014/1 THE REVIEW Issue 5 KURDISTAN REGION OF IRAQ Speed Ahead 25 Saad Hasan Qaiwan Group Sulaimani First Mover Forum Investor Highlights from the 66 Sulaimani Forum Rasheed Abu Hamad Carl Bistany SABIS Trillium Bringing Best Practices Holding Luxury Landmark Page 78 86 Alexander Lifting the Baseline Faruk Medical City Dodds MOL Group Global Ambitions Page 70 98 INVEST IN GROUP AN EYE ON THE EMERGING WORLD AUSTRALIA — AustRIA — EuropEAN Union — FrANCE — GERMAny — IRAn — ITAly — POLAnd — RUSSIA — SPAin — SWEDEn — SWITZERLAnd — UNITED KINGdom — UNITED STATES KRG Worldwide The KRG has representative Department of Foreign Relations Kurdistan Regional Government offices in 14 countries. www.dfr.krg.org www.krg.org CONTENTS 2014/1 Diplomacy & Politics 31 Economy 41 Kurdistan’s Shifting Political Economy Iraq-Britain Business Council Henri Barkey Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne Long-term Collaboration Investing in Long Term Growth Dilshad Barzani Paul Bailey Promoting Spanish Investment Turkish Economic Expansion Daban Shadala Dr. Anwar Anaid Promoting Opportunities for Growth Building Bridges Rezan Kader Bakir Lashkari Notes from Westminster Focus: Expanding Trade Ties Gary Kent Dubai / Kurdistan Investor Highlights from the Pursuing Common Interests: Sulaimani Forum 25 AmCham Slated to Open in Erbil 44 The Sulaimani Forum brought together many The US business community will soon find additional of the most influential and distinguished figures shaping support in the Kurdistan Region. This spring, the KRG’s the modern Middle East, and set a high standard for first AmCham office will open in Erbil, and Kurdistan will WE THINK OF INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES. conferences in Kurdistan and Iraq. become the latest addition to the AmCham network. WE CREATE BETTER WAYS TO SERVE ENERGY NEEDS. WE MOVE FORWARD TO CREATE VALUE FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. 17-29 DK>'ƌŽƵƉŝƐĂůĞĂĚŝŶŐŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůŽŝůĂŶĚŐĂƐĐŽŵƉĂŶLJĨƌŽŵƚŚĞŚĞĂƌƚŽĨƵƌŽƉĞǁŝƚŚƉƌĞƐĞŶĐĞŝŶŵŽƌĞ Briefing ƚŚĂŶϰϬĐŽƵŶƚƌŝĞƐ͘tĞŚĂǀĞŽǀĞƌϳϱLJĞĂƌƐ͛ĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞ͕Ϯϵ͕ϬϬϬĞŵƉůŽLJĞĞƐŽŶϯĐŽŶƟŶĞŶƚƐ͕ĞdžƉůŽƌĂƟŽŶĂƐƐĞƚƐ ŝŶϭϯĐŽƵŶƚƌŝĞƐĂŶĚϭ͕ϳϬϬƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐƚĂƟŽŶƐŝŶƵƌŽƉĞ͘ THINK. CREATE. MOVE. Kurdistan Region of Iraq — 7 UpstreamDesert_200x270_Vredgrey2.indd 1 3/24/14 12:59 PM Construction Qaiwan Towers 4DLZDQ 7RZHUV· LFRQLF WZLQ WRZHU GHVLJQHG LV D EUHDWKWDNLQJ DGGLWLRQ WR Energy WKH 6XODLPDQ\DK VN\OLQH BAZIAN OIL REFINERY 7KH VWRUH\ EXLOGLQJ LV 5HÀQHG3HWUROHXPRI,QWHUQDWLRQDO4XDOLW\ VSUHDG DFURVV 7KH UHÀQHU\ LV FXUUHQWO\ RQH RI WZR UHÀQHULHV LQ WKH .XUGLVK 640 DQG FRPSULVHV DQ UHJLRQFRQVLVWHQWO\SURGXFLQJUHÀQHGSHWUROHXPSURGXFWVRI RIÀFH WRZHU D ÀYH VWDU WKH KLJKHVW RUGHU 7KLV UHPDUNDEOH JURZWK DQG SURGXFWLYLW\ KRWHO DQG D SUHPLXP KDV HQDEOHG 4DLZDQ *URXS WR H[SDQG WKH UHÀQHU\ DQG VKRSSLQJPDOO$QLPSRU LQFUHDVH LWV RXWSXW WR EDUUHOV D GD\ /RFDWHG NP WDQW EXVLQHVV DQG FRP IURP6XOD\PDQL\DKWKHUHÀQHU\LVFXUUHQWO\RQHRIRQO\WZR PHUFLDO KXE WKH FDSLWDO UHÀQHULHVLQWKH.XUGLVWDQUHJLRQDQGSURGXFHVEDUUHOV H[SHQGLWXUH RQ 4DLZDQ DGD\%D]LDQ2LO5HÀQHU\LVFXUUHQWO\XQGHUJRLQJDQH[SDQ 7RZHUV LV LQ H[FHVV RI 86 VLRQ SURJUDPPH WR LQFUHDVH LWV FDSDFLW\ WR RYHU PLOOLRQ EDUUHOVDGD\E\ Real Estate Contact Details Sulaimanyah Heights +HDGRIÀFH6XODLPDQL0DOOEXLOGLQJ,UDT 7 6XOH\PDQLH+HLJKWVLV4DLZDQ*URXS·VQHZHVWDQGWKHPRVWDPELWLRXVSURMHFWVWLOOGDWH:LWK &RQWDFW#TDLZDQJURXSFRP RXWVWDQGLQJ SURMHFWV XQGHU WKH EHOW OLNH 4DLZDQ &LW\ 6XOH\PDQLH 0DOO DQG XSFRPLQJ 'XEDL -%&-/7'XEDL32%R[8$( SURMHFWVVXFKDV4DLZDQ7RZHUVLWRQO\PDNHVVHQVHWKHQH[WVWHSLVDSURMHFWRIWKLVVWDWXUH 7 &RQWDFW#TDLZDQJURXSFRP 6XOH\PDQLH+HLJKWVZLOOEHVSUDZOHGDFURVVDSDUWPHQWXQLWVDQGYLOODVRIYDULRXV 'XEDL$/2ZDLV7RZHU'XEDL32%R[8$( VL]HV WKDW DUH DOO VSUHDG DFURVV D MDZGURSSLQJ VTXDUH PHWHUV ,W LV GHVWLQHG WR 7 EHFRPHWKHFLW\·VPRVWSUHVWLJLRXVDQGGHVLUDEOHFRPPHUFLDODQGUHVLGHQWLDOGHYHORSPHQW 7KHFDSLWDOH[SHQGLWXUHRQWKHSURMHFWLVRYHU86PLOOLRQ Real Estate Qaiwan City 4DLZDQ &LW\ LV D G\QDPLF WKULYLQJ FRPPXQLW\LQ6XODLPDQ\DK'HVLJQHG WR DSSHDO WR ERWK KRPH EX\HUV DQG SURSHUW\LQYHVWRUVWKHGHYHORSPHQWLV D FLW\ ZLWKLQ D FLW\ RIIHULQJ UHVLGHQWV HYHU\WKLQJWKH\QHHGIRUDIXOÀOOLQJOLIH 7KHFLW\FRQWDLQYLOODVDQGDSDUW PHQWV WKH 4DLZDQ &LW\ FRYHULQJ DQ DUHDRI640ZLWKWKHFDSLWDO H[SHQGLWXUHRQWKHSURMHFWLVRYHU86 PLOOLRQ CONTENTS 2014/1 Finance 59 Energy 66 Facilitating Investment First Mover Shwan Ibrahim Taha Saad Hasan Expanding Local Market Share Global Ambitions Nawzad Jaff Alexander Dodds Financing Development Shifting to Production Chawki Badr Majdi Ahmad Bringing Global Standards Securing Industry Nejdet Polat Botan Osman Real Estate & Construction 78 ICT 82 Luxury Landmark Leadership and Coordination Rasheed Abu Hamad Hiwa Afandi Applying Insight Building an IT Enabled Society Edward Carnegy Antoine Kawkabani Expanding Access Amal Ouarid, Aram Daro Noori Senior Customer Service Rep Excellence in Aircraft Handling 65 Macair Flight Support sets the standard in superior Standart Chartered in customer service and specialized aviation services Kurdistan—Seizing Growth FOCUS Opportunities handling as the first fixed based operation (FBO) in The opening of its new branch in Erbil Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. has made Standard Chartered first major international bank to establish ‘full-fledged and on-the-ground’ MNR Annual Report 2013 operations in the Kurdistan Region. In a major step forward for the transparency of the Region’s energy sector and finances, 76 the report details all revenues, as well as all of Macair Flight Support / Private Jet Exclusive Handlers the MNR’s reinvestment and expenditure. Erbil International Airport 10 — The Review 2014 / 1 [email protected] | www.macairinc.com Mobile +964 750.330.2777 | Office +964 750.386.2363 Just about as high as you can get. CONTENTS 2014/1 When it comes to setting the standard in private jet charters, no one surpasses Komar Aviation Group. For the 8th consecutive year we’ve been awarded the ARGUS Platinum Rating — the highest Higher Education Transport level of safety ratings for equipment and crew experience. 88 104 Bringing Best Practices Establishing Erbil as a So take to the skies with a majestic fleet of aircraft, magnificent Carl Bistany Regional Hub 24-hour concierge service, and maximum peace of mind. We’ll Oliver Mathwich take you higher than ever before. Welcome aboard. Progress in Higher Education Khaled Salih Tourism 106 Human Capital Slemani’s Landmark 92 Heimo Leitgeb Building Capacity Allegra Klein Life 110 Taking the Long View Mazen Turk & Maya Khouri Chalak’s Place D.C. Steak House Health 98 Tangram Hotel Erbil Lifting the Baseline Dr. Firya Peryadi Success Story Andreas Ahnlund Innovative Approach Dr. Rang Shawis Worldwide aircraft charters, sales, Affiliate Office women management and acquisitions. Macair Flight Support +1.949.250.1359 +964 750.386.2363 KomarAviation.com MacAirInc.com 52 Orange County | Van Nuys | Long Beach | Carlsbad Erbil, Iraq on the frontlines In a region where high-ranking positions are often dominated by men, the Kurdistan Region is gradually opening its eyes to the benefits of women’s participation in society. 2013 saw female leadership in a number of sectors, including education, business and politics. A MACAIR, Inc. company Kurdistan Region of Iraq — 13 The Review Kurdistan Region of Iraq An update on alluring leaders, emerging sectors, leading companies and rising trends shaping the future of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Co-Publisher ollowing the successful completion of our project in 2013, Invest in Group (IIG) and the KRG Department of Foreign Relations (DFR) renewed their partnership agreement for 2014. According to this Fpartnership agreement, IIG will continue creating awareness of the alluring leaders, emerging sectors, leading companies, rising trends and opportunities shaping the future of this promising Region through its quarterly issues, The Review: Kurdistan Region of Iraq, and annual issue, Kurdistan Review 2014. We are living in a period of rapid change, with increases in growth as Department of Foreign well as improvements in the health of the global economy. The Kurdistan Relations (DFR) Region of Iraq, as a rising frontier market, has remained steady and Kurdistan Regional flourishing. Kurdistan has undergone an exciting stage in its economic and social development. The KRG is committed to creating the best Government (KRG) possible business environment for the companies operating in the Region. These efforts have created results: each year sees a rise in the number of foreign companies opening their doors in the Kurdistan Region. In our fifth issue, we focus on the private sector, which has played an increasingly effective role in the economic and social development of the Region. The leading private sector giants in this publication’s Economy, Finance, Energy, Real-Estate, ICT, Health, Transport, and Tourism sections describe their success stories, future plans, and the business environment in Kurdistan, in exclusive interviews with IIG, as well as analysis pieces. Published in May 2014 We are privileged to have met these remarkable individuals, who are Copyright © Invest in Group 2014 committed to strengthening the private sector and believe in the future of the Region. Goldcrest Executive, Cluster C, In 2014, IIG will continue to provide fresh business perspectives JLT, Dubai, UAE from Kurdistan, and feature new leaders, companies, and tremendous opportunities rising in the Kurdistan Region. We would like to express [email protected] our gratitude to Minister Falah Mustafa Bakir
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