SANCTIFICATION EXPLORATIONS IN THEOLOGY AND PRACTICE E D I T E D B Y KELLY M. KAPIC InterVarsity Press P.O. Box , Downers Grove, IL - World Wide Web: www.ivpress.com Email: [email protected] © by Kelly M. Kapic All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from InterVarsity Press. InterVarsity Press® is the book-publishing division of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA®, a movement of students and faculty active on campus at hundreds of universities, colleges and schools of nursing in the United States of America, and a member movement of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. For information about local and regional activities, write Public Relations Dept., InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, Schroeder Rd., P.O. Box , Madison, WI -, or visit the IVCF website at www.intervarsity.org. Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright ©2011 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. While all stories in this book are true, some names and identifying information in this book have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Cover design: David Fassett Interior design: Beth McGill Images: Holy Spirit (photo)/Godong/UIG/Te Bridgeman Art Library ©Chris Schmidt/iStockphoto ISBN ---- (digital) ISBN ---- (print) To Tabitha Kapic, Susan Hardman Moore, Elizabeth Patterson, Dayle Senef and Lynn Hall Each of you has, in various ways, had a profound impact on my life, especially through your own particular experiences of faith amid diverse struggles. In both strong and subtle ways, each of you has pointed me to the promises and call of sanctifcation in Christ by his Spirit. I remain deeply in your debt. CONTENTS Introduction Abbreviations Contributors PRELUDE: AN OPENING HOMILY . Holiness: Restoring God’s Image Colossians 3:5-17 Derek Tidball PART ONE: SANCTIFIED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN UNION WITH CHRIST . Living by Faith—Alone? Reformed Responses to Antinomianism Richard Lints . Sanctification by Faith? Henri Blocher . Covenantal Union and Communion Union with Christ as the Covenant of Grace Brannon Ellis . Sanctification After Metaphysics Karl Barth in Conversation with John Wesley’s Conception of “Christian Perfection” Bruce L. McCormack PART TWO: HUMAN AGENCY AND SANCTIFICATION’S RELATIONSHIP TO ETHICS . “Let the Earth Bring Forth . .” The Spirit and Human Agency in Sanctification Michael Horton . Sanctification and Ethics Oliver O’Donovan . On Bavinck’s Theology of Sanctification-as-Ethics James Eglinton PART THREE: THEOLOGICAL AND PASTORAL MEDITATIONS ON SANCTIFICATION . Gospel Holiness Some Dogmatic Reflections Ivor J. Davidson . Faith, Hope and Love A Theological Meditation on Suffering and Sanctification Kelly M. Kapic . Sonship, Identity and Transformation Julie Canlis . Sanctification Through Preaching How John Chrysostom Preached for Personal Transformation Peter Moore Subject and Name Index Scripture Index Praise for Sanctification About the Author More Titles from InterVarsity Press Textbook Selector INTRODUCTION While there is nothing new under the sun, diferent seasons do make us sensitive to changes in our environment. When winter dawns our attention turns to jackets, scarves and gloves; when spring arrives the renewed warmth of the sun beckons us outside. On cue, the seasons come and go and we would be foolish to treat them all the same. Each needs our attentiveness in due course, as each has a particular power over our lives and calls for us to respond accordingly. Similarly, the church ofen lives through diferent doctrinal seasons. With the faith, we embrace the truth of God in all its varied theological realities, but inevitably there are periods when one truth requires our renewed con- sideration. At times we discover we have neglected or distorted a biblical truth, and the result is similar to realizing you are trying to live through winter in your shorts and T-shirt. Sure, it can be done, but it is certainly not a healthy way to exist. In recent decades debates about justifcation have dominated the at- tention of many Protestants. While at times the cool winds of that season can still blow with great power, there are indications that a new season, with new challenges, is at hand. Evangelicals in particular demonstrate strong signs of a growing need to revisit the topic of sanctifcation. Fresh concern about this vital theological locus is surfacing, which is wonderful since this is where the church so ofen lives and breathes. Set free from the dominion of sin, “saints” are set apart for kingdom purposes: as God is holy, so he has called his people holy and promises to renew them in the image of his Son. In a way this is a simple idea. Yet, as will become apparent in the essays that follow, the topic of sanctifcation is 10 Sanctification profoundly intertwined with all manner of other topics, beyond simply its contested relationship to justifcation. Although justifcation remains a key idea that can never be lef behind, one must also learn to appreciate how sanctifcation relates to ethics, union with Christ, ecclesiology, adoption, eschatology and so on. Evangelicalism appears to be in a season of struggling with how best to think about sanctifcation. What is the relationship between “faith” and human responsibility? How might human agency relate not only to ques- tions of God’s saving grace but also to the way he sustains and preserves us by his grace? Does efort undermine the role of faith? How does all of this relate to our creaturely existence as it is fundamentally empowered by the Spirit? How do we understand the promises of God as we live in the escha- tological tension of the now and the not yet? At the more popular level we see mistrust and misunderstanding per- petuated. For some, the temptation is to reduce the gospel to moral im- provement, while for others, human efort appears irrelevant—if not down- right antithetical—to the Christian life. On the one hand, a number of prominent voices have emphatically focused their message on the “gospel,” by which some tend to mean narrowly “justifcation by faith alone.” Such voices have at times appeared to provide balm to wounded souls; too many have labored under the sufocating weight of certain forms of rigid funda- mentalism that reduced the gospel to a list of oppressive rules. To be told over and over of God’s unfinching love and grace, of your secure position as declared righteous because of Christ’s righteousness, can be both liber- ating and invigorating to such anguished listeners. On the other hand, some raise the concern that such a perspective, if lef undeveloped, might actually risk perverting grace rather than fully pro- claiming it. Tey worry that if in the process of declaring the “good news” we end up belittling the signifcance of human will and agency, we are not ultimately liberating people; we might be undermining the fullness of gospel life. Not only is the believer set free from the condemning power of sin, but they are also set free to love and serve others, to grow and to fourish under God’s care. A growing multitude echoes this renewed emphasis on personal piety, holiness and justice concerns even as it has welcomed renewed explo- ration on the topic of human agency. Introduction 11 While many of the representative voices on both sides of this come from the Reformed tradition, this conversation is being engaged in by a much larger audience, including many across the spectrum of evangelicalism. Unfortunately, much of the current conversation is only taking place at the more popular level. In this book, we ofer something a bit diferent. It is not intended as a direct engagement with those particular popular authors, but rather provides some “outside” perspective from theologians who are nevertheless also deeply concerned with the Protestant doctrine of sanctif- cation (and justifcation!). Representing a good portion of the breadth of the Reformed tradition, these scholars gathered in Edinburgh a number of years ago to ofer extended refections on sanctifcation. Most of the essays in this book grew out of that Edinburgh Dogmatics Conference. No attempt has been made to provide a unifed perspective on sancti- fcation here—we are not presenting some new school of thought or any- thing like that, as some of the subtle disagreements even within this volume indicate. Instead, this is an opportunity to explore the doctrine of sanctifcation; ofer various proposals that might stimulate further thought and discussion; and also hopefully encourage pastoral refection that is biblically, theologically and historically informed. It is our great hope that these essays by ecclesial-minded scholars might stimulate and foster this growing discussion. Beginning and ending with ecclesial concerns, this volume opens with a homily and closes with theological and pastoral meditations: we aim to place this discussion squarely within the life of the church, even if at times it can appear somewhat technical or philosophical. Te following brief re- views of the essays in this volume aim to give potential readers a survey of the work, hopefully orienting them to some of the directions in which the discussion will move. Derek Tidball’s homily on holiness as the restoration of God’s image com- bines careful exegesis with pastoral wisdom. Using Colossians 3:5-17 as a lens for understanding what it means for a believer to be holy, he proposes that the meaning of holiness in this passage is threefold: to have a Christlike character, to have a Christ-renewed mind and to belong to a Christ-renewed community. Holiness is relational because the church is the place where a new habitus is cultivated, where the image of God is restored. 12 Sanctification Richard Lints opens up the frst section by addressing the relationship between sanctifcation and faith, and how this relationship is similar to and diferent from justifcation and faith.
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