Exmouth . Budleigh Salterton . Otterton . Newton Poppleford . Sidmouth 157 Exmouth Community College . Budleigh Salterton 257 Exmouth . Cranford Avenue . Budleigh Salterton 357 MONDAYS to FRIDAYS except Bank Holidays Service No. 157 157 157 157 357 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 257 357 157 357 157 Byron Way Lovering Close 0823 Exmouth Parade 0628 0635 0705 0740 0815 0835 0900 0930 00 30 1400 1430 1500 1535 1605 1630 1705 Exmouth Rolle Street 0630 0637 0707 0742 0820 0836 0905 0935 05 35 1405 1435 1505 1540 1610 1635 1710 Cranford Avenue Merrion Avenue 0826 0941 41 1441 1546 1641 Exmouth Community College l l l l l l then l l l 1510 l l Littleham Tesco 0637 0644 0715 0750 0831 0842 0913 0946 at 13 46 1413 1446 1513 1523 1551 1618 1646 1718 Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 0645 0652 0725 0800 0842 0850 0923 0957 these 23 57 until 1423 1457 1523 1533 1602 1628 1657 1728 Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane 0655 0728 0803 0855 0926 times 26 1426 1526 1536 1631 1731 East Budleigh High Street 0659 0732 0807 0930 each 30 1430 1530 1635 1735 Otterton Village 0703 0812 l 0935 hour 35 1435 1535 1640 1740 Bicton Park Entrance 0706 0816 l 0939 39 1439 1539 1644 1744 Bicton College 0905 Colaton Raleigh 0709 0819 0942 42 1442 1542 1647 1747 Newton Poppleford Memorial 0714 0824 0947 47 1447 1547 1652 1752 Sidmouth Alexandria Road 0831 0954 54 1454 1554 1659 1759 Sidmouth Triangle/3 Cornered Plot 0729 0840 1003 03 1503 1603 1708 1808 Service No. 357 157 157 357 357 357 Codes: Exmouth Parade 1735 1805 1845 1900 00 2300 Bicton College Days Exmouth Rolle Street 1740 1810 1847 1901 01 2301 School Days Cranford Avenue Merrion Avenue 1746 Littleham Tesco 1751 1818 1854 1908 then 08 2308 Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 1802 1828 1901 1915 at 15 2315 Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane 1831 1904 1918 these 18 until 2318 East Budleigh High Street 1835 1907 times Otterton Village 1840 each Bicton Park Entrance 1844 hour Colaton Raleigh 1847 Newton Poppleford Memorial 1852 Sidmouth Alexandria Road 1859 Sidmouth Triangle/3 Cornered Plot 1908 SATURDAYS Service No. 157 157 157 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 157 357 Exmouth Parade 0628 0635 0710 0740 0830 0900 30 00 1430 1500 1535 1605 1630 1705 1735 1805 1847 1900 Exmouth Rolle Street 0630 0637 0712 0742 0835 0905 35 05 1435 1505 1510 1610 1635 1710 1740 1810 1850 1901 Cranford Avenue Merrion Avenue 0841 41 1441 1546 1641 1746 Littleham Tesco 0637 0644 0720 0750 0846 0913 then 46 13 1446 1513 1551 1618 1646 1718 1751 1818 1857 1908 Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 0645 0652 0730 0800 0857 0923 at 57 23 1457 1523 1602 1628 1657 1728 1802 1828 1904 1915 Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane 0655 0733 0803 0926 these 26 until 1526 1631 1731 1831 1907 1918 East Budleigh High Street 0659 0737 0807 0930 times 30 1530 1635 1735 1835 1911 Otterton Village 0703 0812 0935 each 35 1535 1640 1740 1840 Bicton Park Entrance 0706 0816 0939 hour 39 1539 1644 1744 1844 Colaton Raleigh 0709 0819 0942 42 1542 1647 1747 1847 Newton Poppleford Memorial 0714 0824 0947 47 1547 1652 1752 1852 Sidmouth Alexandria Road 0831 0954 54 1554 1659 1759 1859 Sidmouth Triangle/3 Cornered Plot 0729 0840 1003 03 1603 1708 1808 1908 Service No. then 357 357 Codes: Exmouth Parade at 00 2300 Service 157 operates on Exmouth Rolle Street these 01 until 2301 Sundays & Bank Holidays Littleham Tesco times 08 2308 from Sunday 26th May until Budleigh Salterton Public Hall each 15 2315 Sunday 15th September Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane hour 18 2318 inclusive. SUNDAYS and BANK HOLIDAYS Service No. 357 157 357 357 157 357 357 357 157 357 357 157 357 357 357 Exmouth Parade 0900 0930 1000 1100 1130 1200 1300 1400 1430 1500 1600 1630 1700 00 2200 Exmouth Rolle Street 0901 0932 1001 1101 1132 1201 1301 1401 1432 1501 1601 1632 1701 01 2201 Littleham Tesco 0908 0939 1008 1108 1139 1208 1308 1408 1439 1508 1608 1639 1708 then 08 2208 Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 0915 0946 1015 1115 1146 1215 1315 1415 1446 1515 1615 1646 1715 at 15 2215 Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane 0918 0949 1018 1118 1149 1218 1318 1418 1449 1518 1618 1649 1718 these 18 until 2218 East Budleigh High Street 0952 1152 1452 1652 times Otterton Village 0957 1157 1457 1657 each Bicton Park Entrance 1001 1201 1501 1701 hour Colaton Raleigh 1004 1204 1504 1704 Newton Poppleford Memorial 1009 1209 1509 1709 Sidmouth Triangle/3 Cornered Plot 1024 1224 1524 1724 During the Christmas and New Year period, timetables are subject to alteration, please refer to the Stagecoach website or Travel Shops for full details. from 26th May 2019 Sidmouth . Newton Poppleford . Otterton . Budleigh Salterton . Exmouth 157 Budleigh Salterton . Exmouth Community College 257 Budleigh Salterton . Cranford Avenue . Exmouth 357 MONDAYS to FRIDAYS except Bank Holidays Service No. 157 157 157 157 257 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 357 157 357 Sidmouth Triangle/3 Cornered Plot 0735 0910 10 1510 1615 1715 Sidmouth Alexandria Road 0740 0915 15 1515 1620 1720 Newton Poppleford Memorial 0751 0926 26 1526 1631 1731 Colaton Raleigh 0756 0931 31 1531 1636 1736 Bicton College 1700 Bicton Park Entrance 0759 0934 34 1534 1639 1739 Otterton Village 0804 0939 then 39 1539 1644 l 1744 East Budleigh High Street 0705 0735 0735 0809 0944 at 44 1544 1649 l 1749 Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane 0710 0740 0740 0752 0814 0949 these 49 1549 1654 1710 1754 Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 0842 0957 times 57 until 1602 1657 1802 Knowle Garage l l l l l 0847 l 1003 each l 03 l 1608 l l 1703 l 1808 Greenway Lane Post Office l l l l l 0854 l 1009 hour l 09 until l 1614 l l 1709 l 1814 Budleigh Salterton Hospital l l l l l 0857 l 1012 l 12 l 1617 l l 1712 l 1817 Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 0650 0715 0745 0745 0757 0819 0900 0954 1024 54 24 1554 1629 1659 1715 1724 1759 1824 Littleham Capel Lane/Dinan Way 0655 0722 0750 0750 0805 0825 0907 1000 1030 00 30 1600 1635 1705 1722 1730 1805 1830 Cranford Avenue Merrion Avenue 0911 1034 34 1639 1734 1834 Dinan Way Cheshire Road l l l 0753l l l l l l l l l Bradham Court l l l 0756 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Exmouth Community College l l l 0802 0820 l l l l l l l l l l l l l Exmouth Rolle Street 0702 0729 0757 0832 0917 1010 1040 10 40 1610 1645 1715 1732 1740 1815 1840 Exmouth Parade 0704 0731 0801 0809 0836 0921 1014 1044 14 44 1614 1649 1719 1736 1744 1819 1844 Byron Way Lovering Close 1750 Service No. 157 357 157 357 357 357 Sidmouth Triangle/3 Cornered Plot 1815 1915 During the Christmas and New Year period, timetables are Sidmouth Alexandria Road 1820 1920 subject to alteration, please refer to the Stagecoach website Newton Poppleford Memorial 1831 1931 or Travel Shops for full details. Colaton Raleigh 1836 1936 then Bicton Park Entrance 1839 1939 at Otterton Village 1844 1944 these until East Budleigh High Street 1849 1949 times from 26th May 2019 Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane 1854 1920 1954 2020 each 20 2320 Codes: Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 1859 1923 1959 2023 hour 23 2323 Bicton College Days Littleham Capel Lane/Dinan Way 1905 1930 2005 2030 30 2330 School Days Exmouth Rolle Street 1912 1939 2012 2039 39 2339 Exmouth Parade 1916 1940 2016 2040 40 2340 School Holidays SATURDAYS Service No. 157 157 157 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 157 357 Sidmouth Triangle/3 Cornered Plot 0735 0910 10 1615 1715 1815 1915 Sidmouth Alexandria Road 0740 0915 15 1620 1720 1820 1920 Newton Poppleford Memorial 0751 0926 26 1631 1731 1831 1931 Colaton Raleigh 0756 0931 31 1636 1736 1836 1936 Bicton Park Entrance 0759 0934 34 1639 1739 1839 1939 Otterton Village 0804 0939 39 1644 1744 1844 1944 East Budleigh High Street 0705 0740 0809 0944 then 44 1649 1749 1849 1949 Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane 0710 0745 0814 0949 at 49 1654 1754 1854 1920 1954 2020 Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 0857 these 57 until 1602 1657 1802 Knowle Garage l l l 0903 l times 03 l 1608 l 1703 l 1808 l l l l Greenway Lane Post Office l l l 0909 l each 09 l 1614 l 1709 l 1814 l l l l Budleigh Salterton Hospital l l l 0912 l hour 12 l 1617 l 1712 l 1817 l l l l Budleigh Salterton Public Hall 0650 0715 0748 0819 0924 0954 24 54 1629 1659 1724 1759 1824 1859 1923 1959 2023 Littleham Capel Lane/Dinan Way 0655 0722 0754 0825 0930 1000 30 00 1635 1705 1730 1805 1830 1905 1930 2005 2030 Cranford Avenue Merrion Avenue 0934 34 1639 1734 1834 Exmouth Rolle Street 0702 0729 0801 0832 0940 1010 40 10 1645 1715 1740 1815 1840 1912 1939 2012 2039 Exmouth Parade 0704 0731 0805 0836 0944 1014 44 14 1649 1719 1744 1819 1844 1916 1940 2016 2040 Service No. then 357 357 Codes: Budleigh Salterton Granary Lane at 20 2320 Service 157 operates on Budleigh Salterton Public Hall these 23 until 2323 Sundays & Bank Holidays Littleham Capel Lane/Dinan Way times 30 2330 from Sunday 26th May until Exmouth Rolle Street each 39 2339 Sunday 15th September Exmouth Parade hour 40 2340 inclusive.
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