DLUME 27 ¯ MAY, 949 ¯ NUMBER The Houston Port is now amongthe four top-ranking ports in the nation FOREIGNBANKING SERVICE western manufacturer or business man to go Houston has achieved unlooked for things, as her destiny has unfolded. Amongthese has to NewYork or the West Coast. Several days been her present position as an oceanport. Al- time can often be saved and a more personal most unbelievably, she has steadily forged in service obtained, by handling foreign transac- recent years to a position amongthe 4 top- tions through The Second National Bank of ranking ports of the nation, her great port ton- Houston. nage of oil and oil products, cotton and grain, Our Foreign Department, working direct having madeher a recognized contestant with through a network of foreign correspondent Philadelphia and Baltimore for second place. banks in all parts of the world, specializes in Location in a great world port has made the handling of foreign transactions of firms it logical for The Second National Bank of and banks located in Texas and the Southwest. Houston to develop a complete foreign banking This departmentreflects the interest of our bank service, the most comprehensivein the South- in world trade as a vital factor in domestic west. To obtain the best in foreign banking prosperity. Ask for details about this valuable service, it is no longer necessaryfor the South- service. S SECONI IONAL MAIN AT RUSK BANK OF HOUSTON CAPITAL ANDSURPLUS EN MILLIONDOLLARS . MEMBERF.D.I.C. G~/N l~ouston¯ " " - B. C. HASVITAL pAR1 N. IN woRLDsHIPpING Ships from all of the seven seas put in Industry. This friendly bank has had at the Port of Houston discharging and much to do with the development of loading cargo vital to the city’s growth both. And during the months and years and prosperity. A wide variety of exports to come, National Bank of Commerce and imports flows through Port Houston. will continue to offer its services and fa- Oil and petroleum products ha,~e played cilities to an expanding clientele of busi- a major part in making this port the ness men who have learned that it pays third largest in the nation. to bank with N.B.C. National Bank of Commerce salutes Call on us at any time. the Port of Houston and the Petroleum MemberFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation National Bank of Commerce OF HOUSTON ~THE BANK OF COURTESY" WARM, FRIENDLY BANKING AND TRUST GUIDANCE 4OUSTON PORT BOOK FOR MAY, 1949 j STEAMSHIP OWNERS,OPERATORS AND AGENTS wo~,0w,0~ s~~v,c~s i i i | NEW YORK -- NORFOLK-- NEW ORLEANS--HOUSTON -- GALVESTON-- SAN FRANCISCO ! W.A. WANSLEY CAPT. H. O. WEATHERBEE R.J. WALES C. R. HADEN V~ce-Pres. & Secretary President Vice-Pres. Vice-Pres. & Treas. BAY- HOUSTON TOWING COMPANY SEA, HARBOR AND COASTWISE TOWING 82? Cotton Exchange Bldg. Phone Capitol 6231 HOUSTON, TEXAS Dock Phone: W. 6-0059 Night Phones: H. 8635--W. 9-2089--J. 2-3332 MERRITT-CHAPMAN& SCOTT CORPORATION Contractors for the PORT OF HOUSTON PASADENA TUNNEL ALL TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION Chemical Plants Bridges Oil Refineries Tunnels Steel Mills Breakwaters Docks Your Confidence Is Justified WhereThis Flag Flies 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK CLEVELAND, OHIO NEW LONDON, CONN. L 2 HOUSTONPORT BOOKFOR MAY, 19 Between the Gulf and the Pacific- \ LOS~L~ $ FORTWORTH andDENVER CITY speedy, air-conditioned travel Speedier Freight Schedules--Bur- at no extra fare ... lington Lines’ streamline, diesel- Texas - Colorado- California electric freight locomotives be- ¯.. the Sam Houston Zephyr and tween Texas and Colorado afford Texas Zephyr between the effortless power and smoother Southwest and Colorado, in con-. handling, and materially re- nection with the Vista-Dome duce freight transit time be- California Zephyr, tween the Southwest ... the provide unparal- i~i Mountain States, and the Pacific leled transportation ~ Coast. to the Pacific Coast Comfortable, Carefree Travel-- via "The World’s Burlington Lines Zephyrs provide Most Scenic Route." BURLINGTON LINES Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad ¯ Colorado and Southern Railway ¯ Fort Worth and Denver City Railway The Wichita Valley Railway ¯ Burlington-Rock Island Railroad AN ESSENTIAL LINK IN TRANSCONTINENTAL TRANSPORTATION DUSTOH PORT BOOK FOR MAY, 1949 HARBOR TORVI1NG o o ° in Houston,Texas City and Galveston DonePromptly, Courteously and Elliciently IIXTTIIAEllASTALTIIWINfi & TIIANSPIIIITATII]NEft. 702 Petroleum Bldg.--Houston 2, Texas Phone: PRESTON 2297 Cable Address: PETANK Cable Address"RICE," Houston THOMAS RICE & COMPANY, INC. United States Gulf Ports to Spain . Far EasternPorts... Africa . NetherlandsEast Indies ¯ . Malaya. India... PersianGulf COTTON EXCHANGE BUILDING COTTON EXCHANGE BUILDING HOUSTON GALVESTON HERE COMES YOUR Natural gas has an important place in the industrial prosperity of the Gulf South. One of its familiar uses is as fuel in the manufacture of paper and paper products--kraft paper for your shopping bag . cartons for your ice cream . newsprint for your local newspaper. More than 2,000 industrial gas consumers obtain their fuel directly from United Gas, and many others buy their gas from distribution companies supplied by United. The delivery of industrial fuel is one of many func- tions of the United Gas organization . all of which means more jobs for residents of the Gulf South, more payrolls and local expenditures for all to share. NITED GAS. ~ Serving lhe HOUSTONPORT BOOKFOR MAY, 194 4 ~ervingthe Cotton South ,°, Warehouses strategically located at: Birmingham, Ala. Augusta, Ga. Charlotte, N. C. Montgomery, Ala. Macon, Ga. Greenville, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. New Orleans, La. Memphis, Tenn. Athens, Ga. Houston, Tex. Cotton Compression Service Available at All Warehouses GeneralOffices : DivisionOffices : HOUSTON MEMPHIS, NEW ORLEANS GULF ATLANTIC WAREHOUSE CO. OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF: HOUSTON TEXAS ~FO-’6-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-r-’-n-~-o o-0-0-0-o o 00-o o o o o 0 0 o o o-0-0-0 o o o-o IOUSTON PORT BOOK FOR MAY, 19o,9 MARINE REPAIRS, INC. 507 73rd Street P. O. Box 9262 Phone Yukon 8-5409 Houston !1, Texas , COYLE LINF__S TEXAS - LOUISIANA- MISSISSIPPI - ALABAMA- FLORIDA GENERAL OFFICES: P.O. BOX 6036 - STATION A - NEW ORLEANS 14, LA. MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN WATERWAYS OPERATORS, INC. DREDGING FILLING, LAND RECLAMATION, CANALS, PORT WORKS RIVER AND HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS--DEEP WATERWAYSAND SHIP CHANNELS We are especially equipped to execute all kinds of dredging, reclamation and port works in Southern waters. Correspondence invited from corporate and private interests everywhere. Contractors to the Federal Government ATLANTIC, GULF AND PACIFIC CO. NEWYORK: 15 Park Row HOUSTON,TEXAS: Citizens State Bank Building HOUSTONPORT BOOK FOR MAY, 194 LOOKING FOR A e e If you are planning to expand your business and require property or spur track facilities in Texas, our Industrial Department can save you time and money. HERE’S HOWTO GO ABOUTIT: Send us your basic requirements for an in- dustrial site. Wewill send you complete details J_ on suitable locations. Then, if ~,@ you wish, our representative .~.~A~/A will accompany yours "~,.~’~ on an inspec- ¯ o ~1~~~I~ tlon trip . .~A~ ~:~"- -~---~"--II’~l INDUSTRIAL SITE SERVICE by Southern Pacific For prompt and confidential information about plant sites along SP’s lines in Texas and Louisiana, also New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, California and Oregon, write either or both of our traffic officers designated below. Your inquiry will receive immedi- ate attention. We’ll tell you, too, about the many advantages you get when you locate on the largest railroad west of the Mississippi. F. L. GORDON, W. W. HALE, Freight Traffic Manager Vice President (Lines in Texas and Louisiana) (System Freight Traffic) 913 Franklin Avenue 65 Market Street Houston, Texas San Francisco, Calif. e The friendly Southern Pacific Watermant, ine fast, new,17 knot vessels REGULAR SAILINGS TO CONTINENT, FAR EAST UNITED KINGDOM AND MEDITERRANEAN BLOOMFIELD STEAMSHIP COMPANY GALVESTON HOUSTON DALLAS QUALITY MARINE PRODUCTS LUBRICATING GREASES LUBRICATING OILS ~!1111~ BUNKER OILS DIESEL FUELS ~ GULF OIL CORPORATION GULF REFINING COMPANY GULF QUALITY MARINE LUBRICANTS are available at Houston, Texas; Galveston, Texas; Mobile; Alabama; New Orleans, Louisiana; and other principal ports on the Atlantic, Gulf, and West Coast. 8 HOUSTON PORT BOOK FOR MAY, 194 Whether you store 5,000 gallons~ or you get the samehigh standardsof service at GENERALAMERICAN TANK STORAGE TERMINALS General American Tank Storage Terminals are privacy, the same specialized facilities, the equipped to handle any liquid that can flow same skilled handling--in fact, every advan- tage of your own private terminal. Find out through a pipeline--in any quantity. Nomatter how General American Tank Storage Termi- what your product, no matter what the quan- nals can meansafer, more profitable storage Operator of the World’s tity, General American offers you the same and distribution for your product. Greatest Public Tank Storage Systemfor Liquids GENERAL AMERICAN TANK STORAGE TERMINALS a division of GENERALAMERICAN TRANSPORTATION CORPORATION 135South La Salle Street, Chicago TERMINALSAT: Carteret, New Jersey; Goodhope, Louisiana; Houston and Corpus Christi, Texas HOUSTON PORT BOOK FOR MAY, 1949 9 Cable Address "EDWIN" FOWLER8 McVITIE, INC. SteamshipAgents and Brokers Regular Service to Principal Ports in Europe GALVESTON HOUSTON CORPUS CHRISTI PORT ARTHUR B ROWNSVILLE Plant Telephone P. O. Address Box 5125, Harrisburg Station Woodcrest 6-1768 HOUSTON 12, TEXAS HARRISBURGMACHINE CO., INc. OLDEST MARINE REPAIR PLANT IN PORT OF HOUSTON General Machinists, Founders, Boiler Makers, Copper Smiths, Electric Welding, Floating Equipment Derrick Barge and Tow Boats for Ship Repairs Night Telephone Numbers R. A. Fenzl, Jackson 2-5571 C.B. Cobb, Wydown 9-2807 Pres. and Gen’l Mgr. F. g. Fenzl, Wayside 7575 YourVessel will bemet at theBar andPiloted to thePort of Houstonby HOUSTON PILOTS 7 1 4 PETROLEUMBUILDING CABLE ADDRESS: HOUPLT HOUSTON, TEXAS io HOUSTON PORT BOOK FOR MAY, 194S WITH "ONE RAILROAD ALL THE WAY SERVICE" TO DENVER, CHICAGO, AND CALIFORNIA Export or import .
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