! n r i fl y - - H i ^ cc,-v^ m e VS ifflfiiaiaR F. Good morningI W ea C;aUs IQ.S. aigent ‘flat liar’ lOday^s loreciecast: The Auociated P r ^ but he wos 4ifoot*l11 I,, weighing 80 doorwo;fay of the family's mountu -;. ----- Mostly, sunnyy wwith light northwest-- ' Craljig’s target - A2 • . pounds. He hadn’t mtmatured yet. He cabin,, holdingh her baby doughte w in^. Highs inn thetl upper SOs. Lows WASHINGTON —- \White sepa- ' — had ju st walked by thc<ihcse.guys." His fir*irst shot wounded Rnntla n d y ncaipOdcgrccs. raTjst Randy Weaver,r^ \whose wife on ABC: N> ew s’ “ Primetime Live.”' tcto As for the govorrornment’s con* Weaver.;r. and his second killed Vic.V icki W P age/U ond son were killed by/ fefederal agents be broadciico.sl tonight, w hether he be- tention that the FBI*BI sniper who and wo'ounded Kevin Harris. 27. a in 1992, says.they weretre deliberately lievcd thnilat his 14*ycar*otd son. Sumim. killed Weover’s wife,;fc. Vicki, with a family’ friend.f A Justice Dcpartmci sh o t and thot an fB I ageagent is a “flat was dclibiberaleiy shot by u fcdera:;ral shot to the head onn A ug. 22 d id n ’t report criticizedc Horiuchi for firir m lia r." ’ * m arshal o:on Aug. 21, 1992. Authori-ari* k n o w h e 'w o s shlooting o o ot her. the secoi:ond shot. Weaver will be theB opening6 ; wit* tics conteitend.the marshal shot San-am Weaver said, “I knowow with thot 10- Wcoviver, in the ABC intervicv I CSl offers ‘re-re-entry’ help ness today at Senate! hearings'intohe after the9 tcen*ageri fired at anotheiher power.scope he sowV nmy wife stond* coifed HoriuchiH a "flot liar’’ for con-coi ^ the II-day standoff inn AugustA 1992 marshal whow had shot his dog. m g there. H e knew■ exexoctly what ,he • tendingIg that Weover was tryingtig ito - ' .The College of Southern Idaho has ot R u b y Ridge, Idaho,, thithot also left a' “Oh, dcdeliberately, yeah." Weaveivcr • wos doing." shoot otat a government helicoptcr. m entors to help studentsstui who are 're-en- d ep u ty U.S. marshal deadead. ' responded,:d. "They didn’t have to killkill The sniper. Lon1 HHoriuchi, shot "He isi; a liar. He is o flat liar, terihg* educationI aHafk r long absences. s she stood in the Page BI Weaver was asked in ion interview that littlee kid.! He was 14 years old,)ld, - V icki W eaver, 43, as si Please see WEAVER/AR/A2 Weaver t . T ^ e festivalI seekss( home . B ecause. Tw inI FailsFi commercial real to force Remindder for thei citizenn^ -■ n Bid t estate is so hot, theth annual I^estival of [ -Trees h a s n 't foundid as site fo r 1995. Page BI 1 wast(te onto 111^^ ^ I Idah<lo fades Only th'e warnrmup The Associated1 PressF t . Baltimore wentnt icrazy Tuesday night 8 • ■ -w hen C ai Ripken1 tiitied Lou Gehrig's iron Scnate.supportilorters of the nuclear Navy m a n r e c o r d o f coiconsecutively played Tuesday' d roped p p ed their proposol to force games. Tonightt it should go bonkers resumptionjifrad:radioactive dunging in Ida- w h en R ipken beatsIts iit. ho. Page B5 came in the wake of Gov. ;r to .voluntarily resume lim- Player, the fanarmer in return for eventual re- South'Africon1 GGary Player, part of oste from the state. golfdom’s “Big ThThree,” visited Jviagic, Dublican Sens. Larry Craig ‘ Valley Tuesday,/, rnot to play its golf pthome won support of key courses but to'tour!ur some Jerome Coimty and Nebraska Democrat - -farms and dairies.-' I 1. who had been pushing o . ' n g e BO late, for o resolution essen* g the negotiations between inton odministration. on, to be incorporated into ing out a general framework ending, would require De- Autumn’s thele iseason ■y William Perry to report ■ R ia d y for full? TTry r soup.' ess next-wcek on the status Page Cl en the administration until J accept or reject Kis ofTcr to - • : H unger—for,r ssomething new rc shipments of high-level n eatery that has it all? • _ s te into_thc Idnho N ational “ ^ T ^ J A M S : -----^ - r r - ■■ 'Pag*-Ci: BUOeV CHARLES MAMOINSm* The hction canhange for all waste'— new •• • Phil Bott’s o ffe r tc w ith the levy elBctlictlon taking place Thursrsd'ay, students enrolled•d'at tha Magld^lUy AlAlternative High School be removed from INEL by : ited dumping in ig their oplnidna' heard.I. : „ . _ . ' have been making .’ movol of all wasteows more new waste thon Instead, Repubnost Idaho voters w ould iic* and Dirk Kempthiolf what the Energy Depart* Letters, letters,:r^ letters Republicans dumpam at INEL ond none of T m n F ja lis^ sli -Jomes J. Exon, w Readers soundd coff about the Twin I waste the department must I F alls school tax levy5vy. dumping mandateiibility for in 1998. PaoeAe>7 daily e n d o rsin gthe tl deal under the growing d school Batt and th e C lintcCongress would pass on wiUdlecide wwhether to build The resolution, ke Exon’s authorizing the legislation setting ByKareoToIkkineQ The school hos ne ne dumping waste ot the had its own buildi for defense spend)th so it eon keep its nuclear Tim es-N ew s writer fense Secretary \ It begon in the w » in support of the nation’s bock to C ongress Attacks may b;backfire I o f 0 hospital c TWIN FALLS - TheThere’s a reason stu* npanies advertising at* o f the talks. Telephone compn d e n ts a t the M a g ic ViValley. Alternative m oved inio the F ith Exon backing off. the tacking com petitorsirs mi ay boom enm g^^ win Falla School DIatH Bott has givencongressional mondate're- High School are hwdi:ndmg out brochures, dai Presbyterian Chur lahta.may votie batwee S tu d e n ts : t noon Friday to Bott’sacc deal be'rejected os w riting letKrs and spco:peaking to commoni-',’ ind & p.pi. at looal alanamentafy they’re worth a ri allow 968 more s In Uyihg color>r ......... ................. ty..grbupi..'.' ....... .aclchoola oathurtdiy::t;L’.' building.; ‘ . _radioacu,yc_svastc; scheduled to vole Inter this In a day,'they .willill fin d o u t vvhether .Vo^oteHi may regiat«i< at 'the'poiUirth “There's n lot Eiiglneeriiig'UiiboiI ijs version of the defense O ne com puter malmaker Is trying color to 1 lUHnuat bring Idaritlficat»tlQn and . " decades in cxchan they.’ll get their own scschool - two years bpi s tu d e n ts h e re tl coming year legislulion ou* make its productss standst out on the sales piroof rt that they have llyai/ad In the ,1— Ol. ond old — to be 1 fh)m now . I,pg wouldn't moke it 1 Novy to resume shipping racks. On Thursday, votersers in the Twin Falls dltIlatrlct for at l e u t 3fll dayaya. Chupa •- 2036. E L on Oct, I. normol school," s Page Dl School District will dcdcclde the fate of a' I------ The deol ollowion could, be incorporated w school. Jamie Chupcupo, who graduated last spr S2.06 million property*rty*tox levy thot will polls indicate mosi:fense budget should Batt’s •'The commcnt w c h e a r is, ‘I‘Should we fromjhe schschool. "Everyone fits .in h< bolster the district’s technologytec plan and' * • cept but only half'jgh or the fedcral'courts build a small altemativtttive high school'on P'”It those kinds of kidss Iin 0 n e w th e r e ’s no0 gigroups." ment wants to ydun the existing court ban on • - land north-of.the Col!-ollege of.Southern.. ARhch o p ll’!’- ! .norgum^nts She citedled herself os an exampje the com m ercial)mcntR w t to Idaho. U.S. Dis- Second-rate sheltersh • Idaho. don’n ’t make any sense.*' what the sclschool dbc^for students. S assume responsibilard Lodge could rule in the I t’s a difficult voteI to chll. ThThe alternative school, origriginally tar* went fVomX stistraight F ’r t t T w in Falls Hi Bou offered sthe on the stntc'ti claim that ' Seasonal employee>yees in m any ofthe-na* Having the new sch'jchool on the ballot gctcited at pregnant teens, .has expandedcji to. School to strstraight A 's her senior yeot1 pressure that nnotCo be snfcly'dumped at t io n ’s m o s t notedid tnational parks find could kill the whole pacpackage. Superinten* inch:lude teen fathers as well1 aos students ihe oltcrnatilative school. Teachers at I amendment likethe 1 9th U.S, Circuit Court themselves living in substandard housing ^ e n t .Terrell D onicht salsaid Dll the negative withth learning disabilities orir thoset who rjgulnr »chichool tried to help her,nevei— I - Navy to resumers arguments in two weeks or their ow a trailers,rs. coiriroent he has heardrd centers< around the arc: 1failihg out of their regulaulor schools. [ding. INEL next m onthrcouest : to make at least 24 PlBBBB s e e VOTE/- Page A3 wing warships at seas rightin away. i^nd 'security. NATO strikes!S iagain First' But even with urch. prospect of o con .Shifting Serb si]signals bring a now say mains should Bot round of air attackiicks by NATO plones M rs .
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