I Tlie Weather Serving the State l'huDClenC.,... ,. n I , b t University of Iowa f.Uowee) t" pDenI ..... Frid.r. HlP ....r. 11; Campus and I••• 53. H .... W .......r. Iowa City ·e· 7f; I••• 55. Eat. 1868 - AP Leased Wire - Five Centa Utilily Pl,aces Teach~rs Represent 201 Years of Service Storm Damage AI $25;000 The estimate of storm damage to facilities of the Iow~-l1linois Gas and Electric Co. was almost doubled Wednesday by Robert H. Lind. dis~rlct mana«er. The pre­ vious estimate ot $10,000 to $IS,- '*' was jumr>ed to $20,000 to $25,- 000. f The discovery of additional hid- K . (h· f den damage and small trouble, which also has slowed repairs, ae- U' 11 e s L,-II S orean ·. Ie counted for the new estimate, Lind ' \ i ted t B'I .. B I. CHICAGO (IP)-Jacob Burck, 48, PuUtzer prize winnin. editorial po n ;:~es Lack Service an,on OOKS cartoonist for the Chicago Sun-Times, Wednesaay was ordered de- II Sf Ubbo rn About 100 to 150 homes are still • ported on the grounds that he was a member of the Communist party without electricity today, Lind fe- Byr.ommun,"sls when he last enteud the United States in 1936. • 0 P •PO rted. He said that they were \;,c Jerome T. McGOWan, immigration dcpartment hearing ottlcer, n Nee Plan . • issued the deportation order against Burck, whose ~yndicated draw- . scattered over the east side of WASHINGTON (J1» - The ings ap!lellr In some 35 daily newspapers across the country. Iowa City, but that the greatest It a,t e departme~t Wednesday Burck, a ChW:agoan now, denied he evel' was a member ot the SEOUL (Thursday (ID>. --Gen. number were on Johnson st. Other C · I d I ", reas without servl'ce were on Lu- ±nl l lifted Its ban on the use of ommurust party. A native ol Po an , he f rst entered the U.S. at Mark Clark, U.s. special envoy a b C . h I the a,e ot 10. He last entered in 1936, when he returned lrom a trip Walter Robertaon and Ambassa- cas, Dodge, GoverlJor, Summit and -'_ y . om~unlst au.t ors n to Moscow. dors Ellis BrillS and Robert Mur- ,Court st., and on 7th ave., Dear- oWl;Seas hbrarJes prOVIded the Marcus T. NQelly, district immigration \lWcer, said Burck has 10 met for as minutes today with boEn st. and the extreme south- worJu servo "tho ends of dcmoc- days in whlch to appeal the order. It no appeal Is made, II warrant South Korean President east section 01 Iowa City. racy'." · ror tpe cartoonist's arres~ and deportation will be issued autc;'matl- Rbee. , Lind said t~at all but a couple of "0 lib I hid cally, Neelly S~Ic;l. Burck s attorney, William H. KIng Jr., saId the "Th .- d .. R b 011 the primary electric lines had been ur rar CS ave aoqu re order wl\1 be a dbaled. 0 same /IS 1OS""r ay, 0- I .IJ ks b C ist ertson told correspondents after fepaired. Bomo 00 y ommun or Burck wot! .the Pulitzer priJ;e in 1941. the short Beilion of the armistice 21. I 4 Most of the repair work Wed- REPRESENTING A TOTAL OF 201 Jeal'll in educational service Ire these lour panel IpealuJrII par- Communist sympathizers that , deadlock. ell nesday was on individual home tlclpatiDI' In tbe round table clIIeusalons on teJl4lhi nK .t SUI. Seated II (len.) Ernest HOI'n, profes.or- bave notblpg to do with com- That meant no progress in eon- .!~ H · B. N Ob. dl :.14-1'0 service. Most of the homes wlth- emeritUI 0' education and a teacher III.nee 1901. On his rll'bt is Frink L. Boyden, beaclmas1er 01 munism," said a slatemcnt issued earlng rings 0 Je Ions vlncing Rhee tba pe should jOio.- :u out service today . are ones which Deerfield academy, Deerfl~Jd. MUs., since 1902. S tan d In,. are A. Cui&' Baird (leU), proftSlOr.emerl- :;oi~~ FtohseteraPDPUrollVe~ .1 of Secretary . In U.s. plana for fin armistice. ' have not had lead-in wires re- tuB of speeeb and an educator liJlCe 1910. On hJ" ril'ht 111 Georfe W. Stewart, prolellor-emerltus 01 ~ (S Id 1lobeI1IIon, R_ Meet pa;:: ;~IPc;~t~:!~f::i:n:ork_ llbyslcs and In the career of helplnl' youth Iince 1898. '- , :i;:1h£:~~~:~~~ :~~:~~~~ r0 it' chool Bui ing Projed ~EJ~:E1:~e~~~~?~: Ing for the light company untJl Qua' I,·f,·es of 'Old Gray Mare erstock at the end of the war or Iowa Cl~ '~ JiIOsed $795,000 senhower's special ~nvoy sent here between 9 and 11 p.m. Tuesday .' as the result 01 gifts. To remove school bUWJinJ;. {ld re-modellng be opened and a public reading to seek Rhee', cooperation In th e ' ht d or t d b k ( k or destroy th«:se books arbitrarily plan mQI! ' willi cit approval of beld Friday, July 17, I :30 p.m. U.S. program for an armistice in P~g6 ,an wre: ~ ac or wor N' d cI. T h P' I S ",ould be to defeat the very pur- the citizen "W~~sday. No onc Any combined bids made on all Korea. a a.m. e nl!S ay. ~,es which brought these librar- appcatM' 0 voice objections or three additions wlll be received MUrphy I, special advillCr to I Lind said that all homeoWners ee e In eac er ane ays I . bel t t without electrjcity today should I es Into ng. raise any ques ions a a public until Wednesday, 1:30 p,m., but Clnk. UN commander, on Korean Policy Announeed hearing held by the school board will not be opened and read until problem,. lhone the Iowa-Illinois Gas and Starting with the age-old query Tho revised policy was an- tor the... purposes. July 17, ]:30 p.m. As the party proceeded to the lectrlc Co. lind report the lack of ",what is a good t~a .c~er?", two na- broad sympathy and an unfailing "public servant" to some commu- nounced by Dr. Robert L. Johnson, Two new elementary schoOll5 arc Budget lor the comlng year will presidential mansion, more tban service. ~ind wished to doubJe- ~l~nally-known vlSltmg schoolmen sense of humor. He should be in- nitles meahS "community proper- retirinjt administrator of the planned for Iowa City, plus addl- be approved at the next school 1,000 South Koreans passed by ~hcck ~r~t o~ ~0i: without serv- lomed sev~ral SUI st~dents an.d telligen! but not pedantic, firm ty" and even "public stave" an state department's International tions to three grade schools: Hor- board meeting whreh Is scheduled carrying banners and chanting an- Ice ';'. ~ a en previously educators !n exchanglOg expen- but not Intolerant, familiar but that too oCten signs of normal Information administration, w h II lice Mann, ROQsevelt and Henry for next Wednesday. 'slopns. , comp e . enees dur10g a roundtable on not vulgar. He should be young hum a n qualities al)d amiable said Dulles gave his approval. Sabin. An addition to Lincoln .OX', React * * * teaching Wednesday at SUI. And enough to recoUect his Own ehUd- weaknesses are vic wed with Johnson expressed hope It would school 18 under construction now. South Korean official reaction ' ne they found themselves in .com- hood, but old enough to have put alarm, the current shortage 01 help "clear the air" In the book This project is scheduled for com- Taft's Condition Iwltt Ilnd bristling to tha loeal , Rural Pho plete agreement on many pomts. away childish things. elementary teachers lind pcrhaps purge row and facilitate the task pleUon by September. eel d news th_t the R41ds had accepted ~ I R d In addition to J'leeding a sense Compromise SllJ'fested other causcs are changing some f his successors. Contract lor the Lincoln school Report 'Goo' Gem. Mark CJark'. ofter for the "lervlee estore of humor whJch can respond at "Although he should not be attitudes. The purae of books started ar- addition calls for expcndltures to- It . two ,sides '\0 meet and discuss a any ho~r 01 the daY-;-or night-:-to ashamed to proclaim his Idcals, t- Frances Camp, director 01 edu- ler Scn. Joseph McCarlhy (R- tallit;lg $54,150. Total for all con- A er OperatIon date for an arm"tice that would IAfter Cable Repa"lr unpredl~table ,situations, for 10- sh.ould. be prepar~d lor eompro- cational placem~nt, ob. erved that WlsJ charged that 30,000 boolt~ struction will be approximately leave Korea dl~ided. stance, It was ~ uggested that the mise 10 a practlcal WOrld. He some commlJl1lty chambers 0 by Comlllunists were in the Jl- $195,000. xNEW YORK (JP)- SCn. Robert Soli\h Kqtea s absentee truce community wants the teacher to should be able to mix with others commerce are 'flOW helping super- braries. A number 01 directives Bids to Be Received A. Talt (R-Ohio) underwent lin delegate, Maj. Gen. Choi Duk All acal and rur.al .phollell in hllve "the c.o~stitution of ~ ,plow- without superciliousness or em- inte.ndents attract teachers. The were then I sued by aUthorJtic! Bids on tt!:e t\VO new elementary exploratory operation Wednesday said. Jth~ felt obligated to the Iowa city lI1'ea are .back in horse, the flOes and breedmg ot a barrassment. He should deal with placement offiee, ' lIhe ~ald, re- here and in the eQ$I.llng conlu4\.oP schools -mast tie riceived by Tues- .
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