Wednesday, July 5. 1961 THE PRESS Page D-7 Ai'temo for Sal* 20i Automobiles for Sal* 200 AutomobiUs for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 AutomobiUs for Sal* 20C Automobiles for file 200 Automobiles for Sel« 200 Automobiles for Sale 20C Automobilet for Sale 201 *s*>~* WE FINANCE WE OUTSELL OUR COMPETITORS... BECAUSE WE ANYONE JULY SIZZLERS tot rcliabtt c»r. We don't curt H vow can't havt ertdlt «ls«wher«, SELL FINER, GUARANETED USED CARS ' WITH COOL, COOL PRICES our credit ttrrm are available to anyone who hat a steady lob and food characttr. FOR LESS MONEY! '56 CHEVROLET BEL AIR '995 '58 FORD FAIRLANE Try Us 4-DOOR SEDAN CONVERTIBLE COUPE '1395 W* <o everything we MV we will. V-8. Radio, heater, automatic. LGD-579. One of th« V-8. Radio, heater, automatic, power steering. PXIXJ71. In addition, we have the flnett, See for Yourself . Compare These Values in Person sharpest 56's cleanest, cart In Southern Call' we've had. Priced to sell. Atrnia . absolutely guaranteed with a 1-wt«fc trial exchange »rlv- NEARLY 200 FINE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ... ALL MAKES AND MODELS ll*t«. No red tape no side loans- '59 FORD SKYLINER SIOftE no credit necn-.ary. All you need '58 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE la steady lab and oood character. 2-DOOR SEDAN FLIPTOP ,..........................................................*1993 If you have 150 to $100 down and Save From $300 to $900 Now! '1495 can afford (10 »*r week payments V-8. Radio, heater, standard transmission. PND-593. A V-8. Radio, heater, automatic. SAF-969. Extra sharp. you can drive out In a fine car. real go-er. Thrifty Lad 1953 Cadillac 1959 Chevrolet 1961 Dodge '60 FORD GALAXIE S1OOC 1311 Calabrlllo 4 Door Sadan. Hydramatlc, pow­ Apache 3100 Sarlat Steptlde ' w Ton Pickup. Pionoer 2 Door Hardtop. Pu»h button drive, 1958 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEDAN TI990 TOftRANCE PA 0-2404 er window*, contolt radio, heater, tutona, Standard trantmittlon, full factory equip­ radio, heater, whltawallt. Jutt Ilka brand V-8. Radio, heater, automatic. SWY-325. Full price. wkltawallt. Was I7*f. ment. i cylinder, heavy duly tirei, excep­ new. Wat (3299. IMP A LA CONV. COUPE tional mechanically. Wat '1595 SACRIFICE V-8. Radio, heater, power steering, automatic. Weather's '51 HUDSON Save $300 Now Sove $400 Now Save $900 Now right price is right. '59 FORD 6-PASSENGER Auto, radio, heater. Call Tax, FA H300 $499 $999 $2399 1 4-DOOR STATION WAGON '1695 » LINCOLN Hardtop. Good condl- V-8. Radio, heater, automatic. SMW-208. Priced to sell. tlon. Private party. 2722 Clarellen. '59 CHVEROLET riced to sell. (After « P.m.) 4-DOOR SEDAN MERCURY convatbe. Good eon 1399 '59 FORD dltlon. full power. $300. Fully factory equipped, including heater. SPF-607. FR M909 1959 Thunderbird 1958 Chevrolet 1960 Starliner Full price. 4-DOOR SEDAN 1395 'M MGA. R*H, w»w. I owner. Mutt Hardtop. Crultomatlc, full power, console Bel Air 4 Door Sedan. Powerglide, power 7 Door Hardtop. Automatic trantmlttion, V-8. Healer, automatic. PVE-769. Let's trade. Mil thlt wMkand. Excellent condi­ radio, maglcalre heater, padded daih and tteerlns, power braket, radio, heater, to- power tteering, radio, matlcalra heater, tion. With extra*. FR 1.734*. vltflri, backup Hvhtt, alecrtlc clock, tide tone, whitewallt. Wat »159». white wallt. Wat I2S99. '59 CHEVROLET mirror, whitewalli. Vrry clean. Wat tJJ»». '56 MERCURY MONTCLAIR Save $700 Now Save $500 Now Save $700 Now IMPALA COUPE '1995 V-8. Radio, heater, automatic, power steering. SMM-107. HARDTOP COUPE ,.........,, *895 $2699 $1099 $1899 Beautiful silver blue and sharp. V-8. Radio, heater, automatic. FNF-525. Save! For The Best '60 CORVAIR '56 OLDS 88 4-DOOR SEDAN '1695 4-DOOR SEDAN »749 1961 Corvair 1960 Corvair 1958 Ford 6-cyI. Radio, heater. UfcF-727. Full price. V-8. Radio, heater, automatic, power steering, power Monzo Daluxa. Automatic trantmittlon, ra­ 4 Door Sadan. Radio, haatar, wftltawallt. V patunoar Country Sadan Station Waion. Automatic trantrrtUilon, powar ttaarln*, brakes. MKH-469. Priced to «ell. Home Buys dio, haatar. wttltawalls. Wat MW. Wat MOW. ptith button radio, haatar, tutona, wttlttwalli. Wat SUW. '61 CORVAIR MONZA Save $400 Now Sove $600 Now Save $500 Now '60 VALIANT 2-DOOR COUPE '2295 DELUXE SEDAN 6-cyl. S1695 See $2299 $1499 $1199 Radio, 'heater, automatic. UXA-265. Showroom- 6-cylinder. Radio, heater, standard transmission. UCB- fresh. 805. Beat this price. '58 CADILLAC 62 Classification NO MONEY DOWN . EASY CARE PLAN TERMS '58 FORD F-1QO , COUPE S2695 !/2-TON PICKUP ........................... 1395 GUARANTEED SATISFACTION V-8. Radio, heater, power «tcering. power brakes, elec­ V-8. Standard transmission. E-66931. This one's red and tric windshield wipers, factory air conditioning. PJT-630. sharp. 86 Bonk or Credit Union OK Terrific buy. '60 DODGE '57 DODGE ROYAL SOOO !/2-TON PICKUP 4-DOOR SEDAN ............_..:........................... V0Sf!f '1395 V-8. Radio, heater, automatic. M-64315. Long wheelbase. TORRANCE V-8. Radio, heater, automatic. UUU-449. Week-end spec. Lot* of truck for little money. PRESS KENNETH Chevrolet WANT ADS Torrance 118th and Hawthorne Blvd. Open Sunday Hawthorne OS 5-9108 A-l GUARANTEED USED CARS Noon 'til 5 P.M. DA 5-1515 1420 CABRILLO AVENUE, TORRANCE PHONE FA 8-5014 If YOU Haven't STOPPED at KENNETH, HIGHWAY 101 AND HAWTHORNE BLVD., TORRANCE PHONE FR 5-5088 You Haven't SHOPPED at All! Eves, 'til 9 P.M. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Now Is Your Opportunity To Make a Good Car Buy During This PRE VACATION SELL-A-THON Outstanding Money-Saving Values on Brand New Cars or Guaranteed Used Cars BE A HAPPY DRIVER... CHECK THESE SUPER CAR BUYS TODAY! 1961 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Executive Cor RAMBLERS-WE HAVE 'EM Bacon Ford Will Beat Any Legitimate Deal Fully Equipped, Including Air Conditioning '59, '60 and '61 Sedans and Wagons VILLAGE LARK in Town from $100 to $250 It Your Authorized Dealer for the Harbor Area For the Complete Line of WILL $19Af| Low as $1295 Fu" Pric* DISCOUNT It UU 1961 FALCON ........... .$1775 LARK - HAWK - STUDEBAKER TRUCKS Fully Factory Equipped We Will Bend Over Backwards to Give You the Best Possible Deal in Southern California FRANK REIMAN BACON FORD 402-500 West Anaheim Wilmington VILLAGE LARK PONTIAC CENTER 11 Acres of Cars TE 5-6646 TE 4-6?83 1860 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach 412 West Anoheim Wilmington 1100 Pacific Coast Hwy. Hermoso Beach Open Evenings and S: . lay (Between 101 and Willow) GA 7-9927 Open Evenings and Sunday FR 4-8991 S-A-L-E ON »/2 TO 2-TON '60 BpRGWARD CLUB COUPE ..... '53 CHEVROLET AND FORD TRUCKS! Beige color. '58 CHEVROLET IMPALA COUPE 9QQR Down Rad and white top ........ V«W*J '56 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2-DOOR '57 CAOLILLAC FLEETWOOD SEDAN COQC Down Hardtop. Full power. Beige and tan. Air conditioning ...... «JKKI<J '57 CHEVROLET 210 4-DOOR-SEDAN '58 EDSEL CITATION HARDTOP C» I I QC Full DAF Air conditioning, full power ......... V' **** Price Red «nd white. Loaded with extras. '60 METROPOLITAN HARDTOP Full '56 OLDS 88 2-DOOR HARDTOP Radio and heater, whittwallt '59 CHEVROLET V-8 PARKWOOD 5 Passenger Sedan with Orchid and white. WAGON, power »t«ering, 2-tone . '56 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 2-DR. H.T. 189 New Cars Must Be Sold '58 FIAT CONVERTIBLE Fu Extra nice. Low mileage .................... Fully AUTOMATIC Transmission '60 CORVAIR 700 DILUXI Fu " '53 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR 150 SERIES Auto, RAH, w.w. ............. NOW*49 DOWN MONH '60 FALCON 2 DOOR DILUXI Down All Died Can Carry Warranties Redie, Heater ................... For Only $1445 Delivered Here Delivers Any New Car in Stock CHIVROLET NOTHING DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT DAHM PLYMOUTH (ENTER Authorized Plymouth-Valiant Sales and Service Western Cars of Holland 1107-1045 Pacific Coast Highway GLEDHILL CHEVROLET KAZAN MOTORS 21805 Torronce 304 East Anaheim Wilmington 15019 S. Western, Gardena DA 4-9913 So. Western Ave. At Pier Avenue Arny K*i«n, Owner *rid Qptrttor -$«m* location for 15 Y««rj FA 0-2323 SP 5-3347 FR 4-8938 Hermosa Beach TE 4-3491 Open Evenings and Sunday 'Advertise with the Leader in Auto Ads The Torrance Press.
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