etown W on't Rehire Sewerage SEE STORY PAGE 17 Cloudy and Cool WEDMLY Partly cloudy and cool today FINAL Clear, quite cool tonight. Sun- ny, cool tomorrow. EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 30 PAGES VOL. 94 NO. 92 RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4,1971 TEN CENTS Courts May Decide Makeup of Assembly TRENTON (AP) - Ballots are being Impounded in key Democrats held a 40-39 edge, with imperiale looming as a pi- Essex, Democrats Elderidge Hawkins and Peter Stewart state committee, said, "If he (Imperiale) says 'For organiza- legislative contests, giving rise to the possibility that the votal and controversial figure in the battle for reorganization budged GOP incumbents Kenneth T. Wilson and John Trezza, tional purposes I'm going to line up with the Democrats,' I'm courts may have final word on control of the New Jersey As- and control. commissioner of the city of Orange, by marrow margins. not going to tell him to go to hell." sembly. Walter Davis, campaign manager for the Republican tick- Stewart topped Trezza by 70 votes in the unofficial tally. And Imperiale, angered over Cahill's comments, called" The picture that emerged today was that white militant in- et in the state's most populous county — Essex — said voting A recount was assured in the Salem-Gloucester-Camden the governor a "hypocrite" and said he was a roadblock to dependent Assemblyman-elect Anthony Imperiale of Newark machines have been impounded and attorneys were preparing district where Republicans James A. Turner won by a razor what the people want. would hold the key to reorganization of the lower house of the to go to court for a recount. He moved on the heels of a margin over Democrat Louis Daminger. All voting machines "The roadblock has to be removed," Imperiale said. legislature in January. recount that showed Democrat Wynona Lipman defeating in- were impounded in Camden County after Republican State Republicans viewed the election as a return to normalcy But some contests were so close — even in the Senate — cumbent Republican State Sen. Milton A. Waldor by 1,700 Sen. Frank Italiano, an incumbent, won by 800 votes over in New Jersey politics. They contended that the lopsided Re- publican 3 to 1 majorities in both houses of the legislature in that losers were girding for court fights. votes. Democrat Thomas Bristow. recent years weren't a true gauge of the state's political On the basis of unofficial returns, Republicans clung to Earlier, the Essex election figures showed her winning by Republican Gov. William T. Cahill declared in an election winds. their lessened majority in the Senate, 24-16, with ballots im- 63 votes over Waldor. post-mortem that he would not negotiate with Imperiale to win pounded in some areas. control of the Assembly for Republicans. Mrs. Lipman's victory enabled the Democrats to carry (See national election analyses roundup story on Page 3.) With complete but unofficial tallies in the Assembly, the three of the five Senate seats in Essex. In an Assembly race in Joseph Gannon, executive director of the Democratic Indict 8 Qty Officers In Bi-State Gambling NEWARK (AP) - Eight "contracted" to accept $1,650 sources said the gambling op- vestigating New York's police listed $800 for the headquar- present and former New York a month in return for pre- eration was the same one run department, that many offi- ters. City policemen have been in- venting the arrest of the oper- by Joseph "Joe Bayonne" cers are on the take to protect The 7th Division was to re- dicted here on charges they ations workers. Zicarelli, who is now in pris- gambling and narcotics oper- ceive $500 per month, the 48th accepted bribes to protect an The indictment also on. ations. Detective Squad, $200 a month $8 million-a-year numbers charged 28 other persons with Stern said several of the po- Borough HQ and the 48th Precinct $150 a racket in The Bronx, N.Y., violating interstate gambling licemen have already been in- According to the in- month. which had its headquarters in and bribery laws. dicted on perjury charges in dictment, the payoffs may Stern said there was no evi- Jersey City. Although U.S. Attorney Her- New York. The indictments have reached as high as the dence that any high-ranking The federal grand jury in- bert J. Stern, who announced came on the heels of testi- Bronx Borough police head- police officials were involved. dictment yesterday charged the indictment, would not mony before the Knapp Com- quarters. The indictment The eight policemen are Je- that in 1968 the policemen comment officially, informed mission, which is in- charged that the "contract" rome Smolen, James A. Pa- retti, Edwin Miller, all now on the force, and Eugene God- dard, William P. McAuliffe, Ramon Rodriguez, Robert J. Stannard and Andrew V. Tay- lor. v Trooper to Testify Today The indictments listed one actual payoff allegedly made . Jan. 9,1968, when one of the f alleged gamblers gave $650 to three of the policemen. The About DeaF by Stavola indictment described the cash as "insurance money." By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI cover agent, Detective James hear the tapes through a ants were entrapped by the 'Bagman' Sweeney, had with stavola speaker in the courtroom. The detective. The indictment listed Miller FREEHOLD - The state's and heard the two discuss the state has between three and Recess Called as the bagman for the Bronx key witness, a state police un- alleged deal and Stavola tell- 3% hours of taped conversa- The trial recessed early yes- Borough headquarters, Pa- dercover agent, is scheduled ing the agent he was getting tions in nine tapes. terday afternoon because De- retti for the 7th Division, God- Register Staff Photo by Don Lordl to testify today in the trial of $5,000. Defense attorneys, when tective John J. Logan of the dard for the 48th Detective YES BUT NO — Raymond A. Reaney of Keansburg was easily elected to Michael J. Stavola of Middle- The state will seek to estab- they are permitted to cross electronic surveillance unit of Squad and McAuliffe for the a vacant seat on Borough Council Tuesday night, but when he showed up town and of his former em- lish through Detective examine Detective Sweeney, the state police could not be 48th Precinct. for council's regular meeting last night he was told his victory had not ploye about his alleged deal Sweeney's testimony and the are expected to hammer available to set up the equip- The indictments are report- been certified, and that therefore he could not assume his seat. Coun- with the two defendants to playing of the tapes that the away at his direct testimony ment for the afternoon ses- edly the result of an in- cilman-elect Reaney stands outside council's chambers and ponders the have a Monmouth county in- alleged deal was made by the in hopes of persuading the sion. vestigation by the Bronx dis- situation. He is expected to be sworn to office Nov. 22. dictment dismissed against two defendants with the jury that the deal originated Stavola and bis former em- trict attorney's office into po- Stavola. agent with the detective. ploye, Joseph Martinelli of lice corruption. The agent will also play To Hear Tapes The defense concedes that Monmouth Beach, arc on trial One of the former patrol- taped recorded conversations The jury of eight men and Stavola paid the detective before Superior Court Judge men, named in the in- He had with the two defend- six women were to listen to 95,000 for him to use his in- Walter H. Conklin on charges dictment, Stannard, was con- Results of Election ants. the tapes today with each ju- fluence to dismiss a Mon- of offering a bribe, obstruct- victed of perjury as a result of A state police detective tes- ror, the attorneys, the defend- mouth County indictment then ing justice, attempting to that investigation. He is tified yesterday that he moni- ants and the judge each hav- pending against Stavola but cause a state police detective serving a three-year prison tored conversations the under- ing headsets. The public will contends that the two defend- See Trooper, Page 3 term. Rocking Keansburg Seven other policemen pleaded guilty in the Bronx in- By ED WALSH tichka to meet council in its embarrassing to just sit vestigation. Two received sus- chambers. there." pended sentences and the rest KEANSBURG - The elec- Several minutes later he Remark Cheered were acquitted. tion officially ended at 8 p.m. emerged and with Mayor Har- Mr. Reaney then rebutted a Red Bank Regional High Tuesday, but shock waves ry Graham and Councilman remark attributed to .Coun- Zicarelli's reputed overseer still reverberated in borough Leonard S. Bellezza took a cilman Bellezza in a county of the Bronx operation, Ri- hall last night. seat at the council table. daily newspaer yesterday. cardo Ramos, of West New Councilman-elect Raymond His appearance was met by "It's not two against one York, was named in the in- A. Reaney was led to be- loud clapping and cheers from (Mayor Graham and Coun- Plans Generally Favored dictment as the man who lieve—as was everyone else— his followers, but after sev- cilman Bellezza against Mr. transmitted the $650 cash to that he would be sworn into eral minutes of listening to Reaney) it's 1,309 against cation formally unveiled,its to the state Department of lot. By PAUL KERN the policemen an Jan. 8,1968. office before last night's routine business Mr.
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