L.A. GEMS PRICE LIST Prices May Alter Without Notice

L.A. GEMS PRICE LIST Prices May Alter Without Notice

L.A. GEMS PRICE LIST Prices may alter without notice. Prices current as of 1 January, 2012 . All prices are GST inclusive. Sterling 9ct Stock RINGS (Page 1) Sterling 9ct Stock Silver Ring Size Silver Ring Size R43 9, 10mm $45 14ct POA N R 1 7 to 8.5mm $39 $199 P-Q R43 11, 12, 13, 14, 15mm $55 14ct POA N R 2A 6x4mm oval to order $175 M-N R43 8 to 9mm N/A $265 P R 2A 7x5mm oval to order $185 M-N R43 10 to 11mm N/A $275 Q R 3 3 to 4mm $35 $145 P R43 11 to 12mm N/A $315 S R 3 5 to 6mm $35 $155 O- P R43 13 to 14mm N/A $335 Q R 4 7-8m & 4x3mm $35 $199 Q R43 14 to 15mm N/A $359 Q R 5 8, 9, 10mm&2x3m $39 $199 P-Q R44 10x8-11x9 em & 2 of 3mm $39t/o $259 N R 5 11, 12, 13mm & 2x3mm $39 N/A N R45 7-8mm $39t/o $259 N-O R 5 12mm, 14x10oval & 2x3mm $39 N/A M-N R46 5-6mm & 2x2mm $39 $199 L-M R 5 12mm, 14x10oval & 2x3mm N/A $225 Q-R R47 7x5 to 8x6 & 2x2.75mm $39 $265 Q R 6 4, 5, 6, 7, 8mm $35 N/A L- P R48 8x6,9x7,10x8,11x9,12x10 $45 N/A N R 6 3 to 4mm N/A $155 N-O R48 8x6mm N/A $215 P R 6 4 to 5mm N/A $165 N-O R48 10x8, 9mm N/A $245 P-Q R 6 5 to 6mm N/A $165 P R48 12x10m oval, 11mm $45 $275 Q R 6 6 to 7mm N/A $185 M, P-Q R49 12x10, 14x10,1 6x12 cab $55 not avail Asstd R 6 7 to 8mm $45t/o $205 R-S R49 18x13, 20x15, 25x18 cab $65 not avail Asstd R 7A 5x4 to 6x4 oval & 4x2.5mm $39 $295 O R49 25x18mm cab $69 not avail Asstd R 8 5 to 6m & 2x5m $39 N/A M-N R49 14x10mm cab N/A $375 R R 8 5 to 6m & 2x4m to order $195 L-M R49 16x12mm cab N/A $375 Q R 8 5 to 6m & 2x4m to order $215 P R50 8x6,10x8,12x10,14x10 $45 N/A M-N R 9 9x7mm cab/facet $39 $205 N R50 16x12, 18x13 cab $45 N/A M-N R 9 10x8mm cab/facet $39 $229 N R50 12x10 oval cab N/A $195 T R10E NEW 5 of 2.5mm to order $235 N R50 18x13 oval cab N/A $235 O R11 6-7m &6x2.25m $39 $225 P R51 8x6,10x8,12x10 cab $45 to order N R12 7x5 emer & 4x2.25m $39 $225 M R52 7x5mm oval $45 $329 O R13 8 to 9mm $45 $245 P-Q R53 5mm $45 $245 P R14 5-6mm $35 $155 O R54 4mm & 2x1.5mm $39 $155 P R15 8x6 / 7mm & 2x2mm $35 $169 O R55 4,5mm $59 $345 O R16 9mm & 3x2.25m $45 $299 Q R55 6,7mm $59 $375 O R17 6-6.5m & 3x2m $39 $195 P R55 6x4, 7x5, 8x6mm oval $59 $375 O R18 5-5.5mm $39 $195 N-O R55 7x5, 8x6, 9x7mm emerald $59 $385 R19 7x5-8x6 &2x3mm $39 $265 O R56 5mm & 2x3mm $65 $365 M R20 6m & 2x3mm $39 $215 K R56 6mm & 2x3mm $65 $365 M R21 7x5m & 12x1.75m $45 $235 M-N R56 6.5-7mm &2x3mm $65 $385 N R22 6 to 7mm & 2x4.5m $45 $335 N-O R57 7x5,8x6, 9x7 oval & 2x3.5mm $65 $385 R23 6–8m pearl $45 $325 N R58 5mm filigree $39 $189 M R24 10-11mm $45 $275 R R59A 7 to 8mm $39 $225 P R25 6x4, 7x5, 8x6, 10x8 & 2x2m $39 not avail M-N R60A 6-7mm Square $65 $265 O R26 8, 9, 10, 11, 12m $45 not avail N R61 7x5,8x5mm oval $39 $195 N R26 7-8, 9-10, 10-11mm N/A $265 Asstd R62A 7.5-8m OR 9x7 OVAL $39 $235 P R27 9x7, 10x8, 12x10, 14x10mm $55 N/A N R63A 4 to 4.5mm $35 $195 Asstd R27 16x12, 18x13, 20x15mm $65 N/A N R64A 4 to 4.5mm $35 $185 Asstd R27 9x7 to 10x8mm N/A $285 Q R65A 6x4 EMER or 7x5 OVAL $45 $235 O R27 11x9 to 12x10mm N/A $335 Q-R R66 5,6,7,8,9,10mm heart $39 14ct t/o N R27 12x10 to 14x10mm N/A $365 S R66 6mm heart N/A $165 N-O R27 16x12 to 18x13mm N/A $415 Q-R R66 7mm heart N/A $165 Q R27 18x13 to 20x15mm N/A $485 S-T R66 8mm heart N/A $199 O R28 5-6mm $39 $179 N R67A 5 to 5.5mm $35 $165 Asstd R29 5m & 2x3mm $35 $175 O R68 6x4,7x5,8x6,9x7 & 2mm $39 to order M-N R30 6x4-7x5 & 2x1.5m $39 $199 J R68 8x6mm & 2mm N/A $175 O-P R31 10x8 cab $39 $195 P-Q R68 6x4mm & 2mm N/A $165 O R32 9x7m oval $39 $275 P R69 4,5,6,7mm $35 to order M-N R33 3.5 & 3x3mm $39 $195 O R69 5mm $35 $169 N R34 6-6.5mm heavy band $39 $275 N R70A 7x5mm $35 $185 Asstd R35 7x5, 6m & 2x2.5m $39 $245 Q R71 5mm & 2mm to order $295 M R36 8x6, 7mm facet or cab $39 $199 P-Q R72 7mm TRILLIANT/HEART $45 $279 Q R37 12x10, 14x12mm $55 14ct t/o N R73 8x6 & 2x4.5 to 5mm $39 $265 Q R37 16x12, 18x13, 20x15mm $65 14ct t/o N R74A 7x5 oval $35 $225 Asstd R37 12x10-14x12 emerald N/A $335 Q-R R75 5.5 to 6mm to order $225 Q R37 14x12-16x12 emerald N/A $385 Q-R R76A 3 of 6 & 1 of 5mm $69 $365 R-S R38 2 of 4mm, 2 of 5mm, 2 of 6mm $45 not avail N R77 6 to 7mm & 2x3mm $39 $255 S R38 2 of 5-6mm facet $45 $195 L-M R78 8x6mm emerald $39 $265 Q-R R39 8x6, 7mm $45 $209 Q R79B 7-7.5 mm & 2x3mm $39 $235 P R39 10x8, 9mm $45 $295 R R39 11x9, 12x10 oval $45 to order N R40A 7,8,9,10mm trilliant $55 to order M-N PLEASE NOTE – resizing charges apply to all rings ordered in a R40A 9 to 10mm trilliant $55 $225 P different ring size from the stock ring size. Some variation in R41 8x6,12x10,14x10,16x12mm $45 to order N sizing may occur due to mould shrinkage. Sizing is approximate R41 8x6 oval, 7mm $45 $275 R only. Please check with us first before ordering sizes from R41 10x8 oval, 9mm $45 $295 P Assorted Sizes to see what sizes are available. R41 12x10, 11mm $45 $325 Q R42 10x8, 12x10, 14x10mm $55 not avail N R42 12x10 to 14x10mm N/A $315 P R42 16x12, 18x13, 20x15mm $65 not avail N R42 15x11 to 16x12mm N/A $375 Q RINGS (Page 2) Sterling 9ct Stock Sterling 9ct Stock Silver Ring Size Silver Ring Size R80 8 to 9mm (heavy) $49 $369 S R128 6 to 6.5mm $39 $299 N-O R80 10 to 11mm (heavy) $49 $415 S R129A 10x8mm oval $39 $199 O-P R81 5,6,7,8,9,10,11mm square $45 to order M-N R130 6 to 7 & 2x3mm $39 $295 N R81 6-7mm square N/A $165 N-O R131 6 & 4mm $39 $339 Q R81 8-9mm square N/A $205 O R132 6.5 to 7mm $39 $209 P R81 10-11m split shank $45 $235 M-N R133 11 to 12mm $45 $359 R R82 10,11,12,13,14mm square $55 to order M-N R134 8mm round/cushion & 2x3mm $39 $225 P R82 11mm square N/A $295 P-Q R135A 3.5 to 4mm $39 $219 O R82 12-13mm square N/A $395 P-Q R136 18 to 20mm $69 $595 R R83 6 to 6.5mm & 2x2mm $39 $325 O R137 14x10 to 16x12 mm emerald $49t/o $239 Q R84 6 to 6.5mm $39 $215 O R138 11x9-12x10 emerald $45 $375 Q R84 8mm round & 7mm square $39 $235 P R139 9x7,10x8,11x9,12x10m & 2x3m $45 N/A M-N R85A 9x7 - 10x8mm $39t/o $209 Q R139 14x10 em & 2x3mm $45 N/A M-N R86 7 to 7.5mm T/O $465 Q R139 12x9-14x10 em & 2x3mm $45 $239 R R87 10x8 emerald, 9mm sq/cushion $39 $215 P R140 12x10 emerald cut $39 $239 Q-R R88 7mm rub-over $45 $395 R-S R141 9 to 10mm square $45 $275 Q R89 10x8mm $45t/o $285 Q R142 8- 8.7mm & 2x4.5 to 5mm $45 $245 Q R90 7 to 8mm $39 $265 P-Q R143 7, 8, 9, 10mm trilliant $45 to order M-N R91 10x8,12x10,14x10,16x12mm $45 to order Q-R R144 9 to 10mm trilliant & 2x3mm $55 N/A M-N R91 18x13, 20x15mm $55 to order Q-R R144 9 to 10mm trilliant & 2x3mm N/A $285 P R91 25x18mm $65 not avail Q-R R145 5 of 3.5mm $39 $195 P R91 12x10 to 14x10mm not avail $205 O R146 3.5 & 2 of 2.75mm bezel to order $195 O R91 14x0 to16x12mm not avail $225 Q R147 3 of 5x4 or 4.5mm to order $205 Asstd R91 18x13 to 20x15mm not avail $239 R R148 4.5-5 & 2x3.5-4mm $39 $165 O R92 8mm $39 $245 P R149 6.5-7 & 2x4.5-5mm $39 $209 P R92 11mm $39 $275 R R150 8mm $39 $215 O R93 8x6 to 9x7oval $45 $285 Q R151 9 to 10mm $39 $215 O R94A 11x9 to 12x10 oval $39 $275 Asstd R152 12-13.5mm & 13-14 cushion $45 $279 R R95 11x9 to 12x10mm emerald $39 $285 Q R153 7x5mm oval $35 $175 Asstd R96 10x8, 12x10, 14x12mm $45 14ct t/o N R154 8x6 to 9x7mm oval $39 $215 P R96 16x12mm $55 14ct t/o N R155 7x5mm oval filigree $39 $199 O R96 18x13, 20x15mm $65 14ct t/o N R156 10mm $39 $209 Q R96 11x9 to 12x10mm N/A $265 P R157 10x8mm oval butterfly $45 $285 P R97A 9x7mm oval $39 $265 Asstd R158 8x6mm oval $39 $195 Q R98 7x5 emerald not avail $199 M,Q R159 8x6mm oval rope $45 $259 Q R99 10x8 to 11x9 emerald not avail $199 O R160 8x6 to 9x7mm emerald $45 $295 Q R100 8x6 & 2x2mm $39 $199 N R100 9x7 to 10x8 & 2x2.25mm $39 $215 N PLEASE NOTE – resizing charges apply to all rings ordered in a R101 7x5 & 2x3mm $39t/o $195 K,O different ring size from the stock ring size.

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