BITS FOR SPARE MOMENTS Through ^Wasps and Hornets in Winter soon as it had l>een officially verified Grayson was released. "EVERYBODY is fami'.iar with the big gray nests which and hornets at¬ A similar timely discovery was made after paper wasps the village tragedy known as "The Cooper Devote II ninnies a day in tach to trees and buildings during the summer. who has had some with Murder," in Lancashire, England. Cooper, your own bone to tbe exercise Nearly every boy experience was a named McKen- the hornets. Late in summer there apprenticed to blacksmith I prescribe for yon and I abso¬ stirring up was on the floor of the latter's are from five hundred to fifteen hundred of na, found dead lutely fuarantee to five yon tbe ver¬ these insects in a nest, and all of them are shop, and the coroner's jury brought in a health and strenztb that make dict of snicide A photographer who had been No. 5 [Mo. 10 a joy, work a delieht ready to battle for their home. In winter, $3.00 living ex¬ through the village taking snapshots on the $2.00 and business a success. however, vou can take the nest down and amine its wonderful structure with perfect day of Cooper's death, developed his films, of Exercise is not and one of them showed the with a Right here Is the cutting end. My Pbysioljgical System safety, for its belligerent builders have en- smithy that makes theKnterprlseMeat at all like anv of the so-called physical cul¬ partial view of the interior through the It is nned for the ambitions tirelv deserted it. open and Food Chopper so vastly sup¬ ture systems. r* Where have The males and door, revealing evidence that caused Mcken- erior toallothers. It consists of a razor- brain worker.the man o wants to increase they gone' na's arrest his of murder. knife that it who finds he can't workers have scattered and died here and and confession the edged, four-bladed steel his creative capacity, revolves rapidly against a perforated do even as much work today as he could there on the last autumn flowers, but the It cannot crush the food, a not because he is a older, steel plate. year ago. year queens have concealed themselves in their but cut» so that each minute piece but because he has not nourished as he hornets Reveling in Gold It, An muscles which take winter quarters. The large, bold faced loses none of Its natural goodness. should the deep internal hide under bark, and eaves. The smaller care of his vital organs. logs, A SINGULAR passion for literally reveling in wasps crawl into crevices of buildings and gold is exhibited now and then by men rocks. A professor in a western college, not who have become rich Some years "ENTERPRISE" DON'T LOSE YOOR GRIP down the rock of an suddenly are if long ago pried decayed ago a London journalist who had speculated If you feel that you tettinc "run down," overhanging cliff, and in the cracks of the in railroad stocks netted five thousand Mroo"d you are losing your appetite, it you can't sleep per¬ rock he found thousands ot pounds Chopper fectly, if you suffer from Indigestion and headaches, loosely lointed as the result of a lucky venture Drawing it in may cost a trifle more at the outset: but In 0» if you are getting so nervous that you can't wasps benumbed in their . winter quarters gold, the fortunate man repaired to a hotel, time It saves, the work it saves, the food It or are of were numerous wood saves, it is far cheaper in the end. take pleasure in your work, fearful With the wasps found emptied the bags of gold in the bed, and went last a lifetime. Knl» to and make a of their Enterprise Choppers having give up change cockroaches and hundreds of large to sleep literally in the sands of Pactolus and plate can be replat-ed at mall coet If they scene, which, by the way, is only a temporary cases The cockroaches become worn. diamond shaped egg The man was so crazed by his good fortune and for Hand. Steam, relief for nervousness, write for my free booklet had been on the Mailt* in S6 sizes styles "How To Keep A Good On Your Health." feeding helpless wasps that he found indescribable pleasure in revel¬ and Electricity. Ko. 6, small family size. $2.00. This booklet Grip how tbe heart, tbe lunes the immense number of the remains of lx>th in a golden bath So. 10, large family size. $S.no. We also make explains insects showed that had resorted to these ing cheaper Food Choppers, but recommend the aad tbe digestive tract need toninc and strengthening; they Paganim the violinist, when he received above for the reasons given. and it establishes the reasons why my system same cliffs for many years. the proceeds of his concerts (he insisted upon FR RE The Enterpriting Houxekrrper avalu- of exercise invigorates tired nerves, stimulates the in used to wash his hands in able book containing hundreds of special recipes circulation of the blood and absolutely carts indiges¬ being paid gold), «wi kitchen helps, sent free orx application. headaches, nervousness, insomnia, sovereigns MFC. tion, constipation, The Call Over All Others A French Soulie wrote a book en¬ THE ENTERPRISE CO., .berity, liver tronble and dozens of other com¬ n<f>£ist, N. Third Philadelphia, Pa. mon, but serious, ailments. With my book¬ titled "The Memoirs of the Devil." It took; 2202 St., most lot of tes There's the call of the caller platonic, pedantic. let I will send the convincing never the publishers paid him for the first volume timonials ever had the of There's the call of the caller who goes you opportunity home. ten thousand dollars in gold The author reading. , , carried the gold to his bed room, poured it My prescriptions for exercise are person¬ But the call of all callers she thinks most for each individual client and into a foot bath and enjoyed for half an hour ally made up romantic the excitement of his feet to and fro under an absolute guarantee that I will satis¬ Is the call of that caller who calls her his own moving fy him beyond question or refund his money. in a bath of gold coins, smoking, meanwhile, Physicians endorse my methods. Dr E. E. De- .Carl C Wiggin the biggest of Havanas Grofft of Woodstown. X. J., speaks to the A Boston merchant of great wealth, believ¬ point in a recent letter : ing certain symptoms indicated that he would "As a ami practical means for equalizing become insane, consulted a and bloodpositivestream, anil circulation, Artistic Slips specialist, the exciting superficial an a thereto eliminating effete or poisonous substances a matter of lamentation on the under his advice became inmate of ll»er anil bowels is frequent from the body, ami a«»kllnc stomarh, IT of artists that one of their number private asylum For twelve years there his lEARN to Hernial nrlUin. tour srslna, la my hosest opinion, part recreation was coins and then flu* eurl* Ikal of Internal medication." mav spend genius and time on a piece of piling up gold or work onlv to fail in small detail knocking them over At times he washed Photo-Engraving Photography Let me tell you more about my work. Write conspicuously his hands in anil At KagraTtrs Kara Fran #20 to f50 Per Week for my free booklet today. Or, better still, write There is a story that one Royal Academician gold eagles half-eagles world where these would like to the end of the seclusion he returned to The only college in the paying me a letter, outlining what you gave a hand five and' a thumb, and long are Endorsed the fingers his n>om and in twelve months con¬ professions taught successfully. by have me do for you. that another painted a live lobster bright red counting International Association of Photo-Engravers and the "Get acquainted with Thompson of Worcester." The clever Goodall had been in firmed the thoroughness of his recovery by Photographers' Association of Illinois. Terms easy engaged five hundred thousand dollars. and living inexpensive Graduates placed in J. EDMUND THOMPSON painting a number of laborers dragging a huge amassing good position*. Write for catalogue, and %fecify stone across the desert when a man of science, the course in which you are interested Address H-2 WORCESTER, MASS. " Slttl Exchange Building, entering the studio said to him, I say. The Itllaoh (.Itftr of Photographf or < 986 Wabuk liwiif. Croodall, if you want those fellows to pull that Exception Csllfff of Pboto-Kngrating ( Kffincban, llllnoN. stone, must double their number It Of time and of tide, 'tis asserted. L H. BI8SELL. Pmldent. you not for man would require just twice as many for the task They will any wait; But it is not modern painters alone who But they just have to pause for a woman, CARBORUNDUM on Even Albrecht because slip up points of accuracy Durer. in a scene Peter She must fasten her hat on straight representing denying . Christ, painted one of the Roman soldiers in .Sixon ifaternian the act of smoking. Turner put a rainbow « Sun I"S£SS"t Lamp beside the sun and in another he got Ideal indoor light at lowest com. picture An Unlucky Royal Name ioo-candle power each burner.
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