USOO9345661 B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,345,661 B2 Adler et al. (45) Date of Patent: May 24, 2016 (54) SUBCUTANEOUSANTI-HER2 ANTIBODY FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS FORMULATIONS AND USES THEREOF CL 2756-2005 10/2005 CL 561-2011 3, 2011 (75) Inventors: Michael Adler, Riehen (CH); Ulla CL 269-2012 1, 2012 Grauschopf, Riehen (CH): CN 101163717 4/2008 Hanns-Christian Mahler, Basel (CH): CN 101370525 2, 2009 Oliver Boris Stauch, Freiburg (DE) EP O590058 B1 11, 2003 EP 1516628 B1 3, 2005 (73) Assignee: Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, EP 1603541 11, 2009 JP 2007-533631 11, 2007 CA (US) JP 2008-5075.20 3, 2008 JP 2008-528638 T 2008 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this JP 2009-504142 2, 2009 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 JP 2009/055343 4/2009 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. KR 2007-0068385 6, 2007 WO 93.21319 A1 10, 1993 WO 94/OO136 A1 1, 1994 (21) Appl. No.: 12/804,703 WO 97.048O1 2, 1997 WO 98.22136 5, 1998 (22) Filed: Jul. 27, 2010 WO 99.57134 11, 1999 WO 01.00245 A2 1, 2001 (65) Prior Publication Data WO 2004/078140 9, 2004 WO 2005/023328 3, 2005 US 2011 FOO44977 A1 Feb. 24, 2011 WO 2005/037992 A2 4/2005 WO 2005,117986 12/2005 (30) Foreign Application Priority Data WO WO 2005,117986 A2 * 12/2005 WO 2006/044908 A2 4/2006 Jul. 31, 2009 (EP) ..................................... 0.9167025 WO 2006/09 1871 8, 2006 WO 2007 O24715 3, 2007 (51) Int. Cl. WO WO 2007/O24715 A2 * 3, 2007 C07K 16/00 (2006.01) (Continued) A6 IK9/00 (2006.01) A 6LX 9/19 (2006.01) OTHER PUBLICATIONS A 6LX39/395 (2006.01) A6 IK 47/8 (2006.01) Frost (Expert Opin Drug Deliv, 2007, 4(4): 427-440).* A6 IK 47/26 (2006.01) (Continued) A6 IK 47/42 (2006.01) C07K 16/32 (2006.01) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC ................. A61K9/0019 (2013.01); A6IK 9/19 Primary Examiner — Sean Aeder (2013.01); A61 K39/39591 (2013.01); A61 K (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Diane L. 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