jfAlt( l 1 , 1 ^ OAOLV GOtOULATION The Men’s chorus « f the Second H i* weekly bridge and eetbeck AVtM AOM Emanuel Lutheran church Sunday FstechBl et O. 8. W( Ooagregatloaal church win prepare p ^ y of the Hencheeter Green at 7 o’clock. This chorus is cloeely tor tha month ef Fsbrnary, IMS ABOUT TOWM and servo the monthly parish sup­ Community club will take place to­ SCHUBERT SINGERS connected with the Beethoven Glee Pinochle Tonight per tomorrow night at 6:30 at the morrow night at 8 o’clock. Novelty Club In that the present director of PAPER HANGING u , v s HPnit****""*"** Trib* No. S8, I. O. church.- They will also provide a door prizea will be awarded and the the Beethovens, G. Albert Pearson, AT MASONIC TEMPLE 83.60 A ROOM. \ 5,486 Fair ahd esUer tonight; RntnrOny ‘m IL. will tiold It! regular meeting IKeJIYIlALtCo musical program to follow the meal. usual caah prises given the winners HERE W SUNDAY organized and directed the Schu­ I Alsa Curry WUIpaqMr. Member et the Andft ooMer with rain beginning Sntardnj • « llidcer ban tomorrow evening at 8:00 P. M. •rMANCHF.StFP/’OHN.'w The fee is pUtced s o ' that whole In each section. The gamea will ha berts last year. Bnraan ef (Jlrealattona an rtet^r Sunning IJyralb oe Bight. 'Ife rd o e k . famUles will feel able to attend. followed by a aocial time during — All Men Invited! — There Is a close bond of friend­ A. K A N E H L 3 TO 6 SPECIALS which refreshmenta wlU be served ship between these two organiza­ Palaler .ml Daeormtor U Owing to tbe poatponemwt of tba Admission 25e. by the women's committee. Hartford Choristers to Pre­ tions and the SchubeH Singers will Fbone 1M1 S n e e at Jarvla Orove Dance Hall Wilson Greer, principal of the FRIDAY AFTERNOON be here as guests of the Beethovens. VOL. LIV., NO. 147. (ItnmWIei Adverllihig an Fngn 1S>I MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1935. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) ‘tonreral weeka ago, due to the lUneai Wethersfield High school will be the Mons-Tpree post, British W ar The club will be assisted at the MuweH Hoiiw .'W Haaagera Shmidt and Hodge speaker at the session of the Every­ sent Program at Emanoel Veterans, will hold an annual post piano by Howard Stearns, brother m i i T of their patrons we're diaap* man's Bible class, Sunday morning 4--------- get-together and roast beef supper of the director. The concert Is open ColBPee ......... lb. 29c wolaied on arriving at the hall to at 0:30 at the Second Congregation­ and entertainment In Orange hall, Church. to the public and a large attendance 2 lbs. 570. « and no dance. The management haa al church. H r. Greer addressed the Saturday, March 23, at 7 o’clock. A is expected. New A A A Crisis! A One-Cow Calf Show! A d d e d to make up for thia by gtv- class on a previous occasion and the good program of entertainment will Kellogg’z 1 I ■tog a crmpUmentary dance, thla program committee haa been able to FRANCIS J. SCHIEBEL PATMAN BILL WINS be presented by various members A m ln g Saturday night, with no secure him again. Miss Alma and The Schubert Singers of Hart­ of the post and guests of the post, Corn Flakes.. pkg. 7c LEAGUE CALLS PARLEY A a r g e whatever, and Invite all Miss Helen Bailey will contribute ford, under the direction of Gordon from Hartford and Springfield will' 3 patchages 13r! their old patrons and also the public vocal selections, and the meeting Stearns, organist and choirmaster attend. Announces the Opening of his la general to enjoy this old-fashlon- will be open to all interested. of the Immanuel Congregational BRIDGE church in Hartford, will present a OunpbeU’s IN THE HOUSE; NOW •d and modern dance. The Justamere Bridge Club will Group H of Center church wom­ program of sacred music at the Service Station B ean s.......... .can 6 c The Parish Players will meet to- meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. en workers will conduct a sale of Lenten evening service at the SETBACK ON REICH REARMAMENT jht at 8 o'clock in Center church Robert Johnston of Woodbridge home made foods Saturday morn­ FR IDAY, MAR. 22. 8 I‘. M. At the Comer of ^ ing at 10 o'clock In tbe kitchen Dltimond Brand • f use. srtect. MANCHESTER GREEN GOES UP TO SENATE utensil department of the J. W. Walnut Hale company's store. They expect COMMUNITY CLUB Special Session o f Conndl to have the usual variety of home DANCE! Cash Prizes: $2.50, $l.,*50c. East Center and Walko* Sts. Meats lb. 29c Regulate Food, Drugs made bread, cake, pie, and other Every Thursday NiRht! And 5VIII Be Glad To Meet His Friends Measure ProTides for Pay­ DIAL 4151— PINEHURST foods to offer for sale. Door Prize! Refreshments! WIND FANS FLAMES To Be Held Pirst Week in THE RAINBOW and Former Customers There L a rg s FOR FRESH SEA FOOD Art McKay’s Orchestra. All Players Welcome! Mrs. Harold Symington of Munro ment of Soldiers* Bonos Carl Wlganowskl, Prompter. R in so .........pkg. 18c Is Plea of Roosevelt April— British Diplomat street, who broke her leg eight Admission 25c. GRAND OPENING FRIDAY AND AS HOUSE IS BURNED weks ago, has had the cast removed SATURDAY, M ARCH 22nd A N D 23rd Beech-Nut by Issuing Two Billions in SCALLOPS, pint 44c and It almost completely recovered Washington, March 22.— (A P )—<^and doubtful, and which will provide Starts for Paris to Attend from the mishap. , Fancy, large, tender, fresh. A Valuable Souvenir To Each Customer. Macaroni . .1/2 lb. 5c Hope to r enactment of legislation to 1 * necessary flexibility in admin- Also Spaghetti. New Money. Home of Charles K. Bocys regulate trade in food and drugs! “ products and conditions The Spruce Street Tavern setback A Lollypop for Every Child. Meeting of French and ■'1 team defeated the Coast to Coast Fresh 1 8-4 to S S-4 lbs. which, he said, would be directed p rt-! Ehcplalning he understood the mat- Club by 14 points in the third and • iJI'WGreeii Stamps given out. Entirely Gntted in Fire On A Coupon With Every Gasoline Purchase, Washington, March 22,— (A P )— marily toward a small minority of ter had been studied and discussed Italian Envoys to Discuss deciding match of a series last “evaders and chtsellers,” was ex-1 for two years and that Congress had BUCK SHAD, lb. 33c The Adminlatratlon-opposed Pat­ night. The winners expect a chick­ (I’ood for a Complete Lubrication Job— • A ll Saturday’s food specials pressed by President Roosevelt t o -; full Information on the subject, the en and spaghetti dinner from the Wanted 100 Jnat ont of the water. go on sale each Friday at 3 man blU for paying off the eoldiers’ Woodland Street Today. day In a message to Congre.ss. Pre.sldent sold "It la my hope that Farther Moves. ^ losers In the near future. (Value $1 .0 0 ) ................... 5 0 ^ o’clock. bonus by Issuing 12,000,000,000 of Explaining that no comprehensive such legislation may be enacted at attempt at reform In the regulation this session of Omgress.” Two matches will be played to­ • AH orders fl.OOytr over, deUv- new money waa paaaed today by the Fresh Halibut, juicy, full For a New England Chow­ Complete Alemite Fanned by a strong northwest of commerce In food and drugs had Declaring no honest man need night In the town title pool tourna­ ered free! House and sent to the Senate. By ASSOCIATED PRESS of real sea flavor. been' made since 1906, the Chief Ex­ fear passage of such a measure, ths der— ment at the Center Pool Parlors at President Roosevelt has threaten­ wind, fire shortly after 10 o'clock Diplomatic steps emerging from ed several times to veto the legisla­ ecutive told Congress that many President said the le^slatlon woulo Opened Clam.s, pint 3!>c. 8 o’clock. KInzIer meeting Arre- thia morning swept through the du­ Germany's announcement of a cob- Bonelees Freeh tion if passed by Congress. loopholes had .\ppcared in the old ''merely make certain that those Clams in the Shell, 2 qts. mony and Hutton playing Mark­ Lubrication Jobs plex house at 63-6S Woodland street, ham. Senate approval was freely pre­ law which made abuses easy. who arc less scrupulous than 1 know script army quickened their paco Haddock Filets 35c. at dicted, but Admlinstratlon leaders owned by C2iarlea K. Bocirs, a bar­ "It is time,” he said, "to make most of our producers to be, can not today as the League of Nations 18c lb. Steaming Clams, 2 qts. Watkins Brothers will be open Which Type Shall It Be? counted on that body to refuse to ber, and had enveloped the entire In­ Somebody ought to tell Daisy about the A A A and its beef curtailment scheme or she may be put on the spot practical Improvements. A meas­ force their more honest competitors convoked an extraordinary session to 39c._____________________ this evening for friends of Mrs. Rob't. K. Anderson pass tbe measure over a veto. That terior before firemen from the Man­ for upsetting the New Deal by setting oher cows a bad example. That herd of calves in the foreground Is ure is needed which will extend the into dishonorable ways.” voked an extraordinary session to wou’d require a two-thirds vote.
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