-. ~~GIBB Public Disclosure Authorized JORF LASFAR POWER PLANT ASH DISPOSAL SITE DEVELOPMENT Public Disclosure Authorized F~ :, ~~~~t -~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~- i-T 4 Public Disclosure Authorized PHASE 2B - DESIGN OF LONG TERM SITE INTERIM REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized NOVEMBER1996 J96291 B I DOCUMENT CONTROL SHEET PROJECT: Jorf Lasfar Power Plant JOB NO: J96291B Ash Disposal Site Development TITLE: Phase 2B, Design of Long Term Slte, Interim Report Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by ORIGINAL " E S.D. Clamp R.M. Wingfield J E. Crosfield OATS TUSIAIE innO,E AIJAUE 1996__ _ _ _ _ I_ _ REVISION I SUIWtE SIGOWTIE _lOATME REVISION i . _ .. I DATE 51MURE STURE SKN^TURE |REVISION DIAEO DATE NTURE MOTUnIE U E This."ror,andinmaion orsiewich it-r s i,sprovided byGISslelyfor iymauseadreince byits Cletinpeu Gmmancef ,lBsdead ahbes under is contract with tie Client. Any adice, opins, or oonrnerndaomnwithntis report shotld be rad and eied upn ony In the contedof ch repot as a whoee. The adviceand opinions m thisn rport ar' _ Pon the medonnab0nmade Owv111blto GI8 at ie date of this eport and on Cuent UK sndards, s, technooy and Omsu eon praces as at d date ofr iis fepot Foowing fina deknery of dis rpor to Si Clent, GIBB will hae no urther obhkgatirs or duty to advise tOe Chat on any nmaSem,inluding devekopment a*fean the infonnation or made. proided in t s rpot This rt has been prepared by GIB in Sir profesional capacity as Consultirg Engineers The con of tr repor do not m any w_y, pquportf include n maeo lega advice or opinon. Thts eport is prepared in accordance wih tie tems and eondbons of GIBBs onbact with the Client Regard should be had to Sin m. wta ondrbons when consideing anor placing ny riance on ihs rpr Shod the Cient wh to ae i ot o a Third Payor thparts ,G myat fs dicrebon, agee toshreles proved tat (a) GIBBEswnr agrenent is otined prior to sucha , and (b) By releaae of te report to te Third Party. tSat Third Party does not acquire any rigt. conbas, or edwerwse. whatsoer aainst GSB and GIS. acordingly, assume no dutibes, iabit or oblgatons to brat Third Party, and (c) GBB accepts no respotsibility for any lss or damge d by mi.Cint or for any cordlit of GIBBs irsad na out of Si Cierts releeof thispor totheThird Party. a I I CMS GENERATION CO. & ABB ENERGY VENTURES INC. JORF LASFAR POWER PLANT ASH DISPOSAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2B DESIGN OF LONG TERM SITE INTERIM REPORT November 1996 J96291B Revision 0 I I JORF LASFAR POWER PLANT ASH DISPOSAL SITE DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2B DESIGN OF LONG TERM SITE INTERIM REPORT CONTENTS Section Description Page EXECUTIVESUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 2 REGIONAL AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS 2-1 2.1 Regional Physiographyand Geology 2-1 2.2 Historical Summary of Port Quarry 2-2 2.3 Topography of Port Quarry 2-3 2.4 Geologicaland HydrogeologicalConditions at the Site 2-4 2.5 Groundwaterand Site Sensitivity 2-9 3 METEOROLOGICAL DATA 3-1 3.1 General 3-1 3.2 Rainfall 3-1 3.3 Temperature 3-1 3.4 Wind 3-2 4 WASTE STREAM 4-1 4.1 Waste Stream 4-1 5 SITE END USE 5-1 5.1 Site End Use 5-1 6 CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 6-1 6.1 General 6-1 6.2 Voidspace and Landform 6-1 6.3 Settlement and Compaction Requirements 6-2 6.4 Operational Ufetime 6-3 6.5 Site Preparation and Design 6-3 6.6 Site Access and Facilities 6-5 6.7 Site Restoration 6-6 7 OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE 7-1 7.1 General 7-1 7.2 Bund and Lagoon Construction 7-1 7.3 Ash Conditioning 7-1 7.4 Placement Method 7-2 7.5 Dust Control 7-4 7.6 Monitoring 7-4 J96291B November1996 jorf4as2binjO.doc Revision0 8 PREUMINARY COST ESTIMATE 8-1 8.1 General 8-1 9 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE 9-1 9.1 General 9-1 10 RECOMMENDEDFURTHER INVESTIGATIONS 10-1 10.1 General 10-1 10.2 Boreholesand Piezometers 10-1 11 DISCUSSION,CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 11-1 12 REFERENCES 12-1 Figures 1.1 Jorf Lasfar Location Map 1.2 Long Term Site Location Map 2.1 Geological and HydrologicalFeatures 2.2 In-fill Material 2.3 Predicted Flood Levels 2.4 Groundwaterand Electrical Conductivity Levels 4.1 Ash Stream for Long Term Site 6.1 RestorationSurface 6.2 Operational Phases 6.3 Operational Phase 1 (Showing First Three Cells) 6.4 Section A-A' Through Long Term Site 6.5 Lagoon Conceptual Design 6.6 PerspectiveViews of the Long Tern Site Before and After Disposal 9.1 Preparation Contract Schedule 9.2 Operational Schedule Tables 2.1 Composite Lithological Log of Port Quarry 2.2 Geochemical Summary 3.1 Monthly Total Rainfall For Safi J9611 B Novenber1996 jorft-ls_2WLrO.doc Revision0 3.3 Mean and Maximum TemperaturesFor Safi 8.1 Cost Estimate Plates 2.1 Port Quarry Entranceand StockpiledSoil Overburden and MadlWaste 2.2 Port Quarry PanoramaViewed Northwards 2.3 Backfilled Soil Overburdenon Westem Side of Quarry 2.4 Logged Section of the Lower and Upper Quarry Faces 2.5 Oil Contamination on Northem Side of Quarry 2.6 Oil Residue DepositedFollowing Recessionof Surface Water J96291B rfas\2bhrO.doc RenNove1996 Rev,o 0 I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GIBB Phase 1 studies recommendedthe Port Quarry, located some six kilometres from the Jorf Lasfar Power Plant, as the preferred location for the long termndisposal of ash. Desk studies, reconnaissance-level engineering geological mapping, and some limited soilgroundwater sampling and testing have now been carried out. No new topographical survey and no new intrusive investigations were able to be carried out at this stage. Interpretation of the available data has been undertaken, and our preliminary findings are presentedin this Interim Report. We consider the site to be feasible for the long term disposal of ash to land by the haul and tip method. The site is considered to be sensitive with respect to any potential groundwater impacts. However, disposal to the site will have minimal impact on groundwater, providing that certain engineeringworks are undertakenand operationalcontrols are put in place. In combination with ash disposal at the Intermediate Site (refer to GIBB report, entitled "Phase 2A, Intermediate Site, Final Design Report" of November 1996), the Long Term Site will be able to accommodate the CMSIABB minimum requirement of thirty years of ash production. A layout of the Long Term Site and a restoration drawing are included in this report, together with preliminary design details. Operational and monitoring requirementsare outlined. A preliminary cost estimate and implementationschedule have also been prepared. Redevelopment of the Long Term Site for industrial or other uses is considered entirely feasible after disposal operations are completed and provided that adequate controls are applied during ash disposal operations. J96291B Novemnber1996 jorf-lasognkjo.doc Revision0 I I INTRODUCTION This report is prepared for CMS GenerationCo. (CMS) and ABB Energy Ventures Inc. (ABB) in accordancewith Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners Ltd's (GIBB) faxed proposal of work for an interim report on ash disposal at the preferred Long Term (Port Quarry) Site, reference SDC/AI 10/J96291B of 27 September 1996. The Long Term Site will not be immediately available. CMS/ABB require an intefmediate site for ash disposal with a design life of at least three years from the date of CMS/ABB commencing operation of the Jorf Lasfar Power Plant. An interim report on the design of a separate intermediate site for ash disposal was submitted to CMS/ABB in October 1996. CMS/ABB require an environmentally sound, long term site for permanent ash disposal which, in combination with the Intefmediate Site, provides for a disposal period of at least 30 years. Preliminary conclusions regarding the long temn disposal of ash were given in the Phase I - Preliminary Studies Report, prepared by GIBB and dated October 1996 (J96291A Rev. 2). The Port Quarry was identified in that report as the favoured site for long term ash disposal and recommendations were made for the necessary Phase 2 studies. The Port Quarry is located some 6 km to the north-east of the Jorf Lasfar Power Plant (see Figures 1.1 and 1.2). This Interim Report presents findings of the initial Phase 2 studies with particular emphasis given to those topics on which CMS/ABB require advance information prior to completion of design and issue of a final report. These topics include: a conceptual design; a calculation of available voidspace; engineering and operational requirements;a preliminary cost estimate; and a preliminary implementation schedule. The findings of this report are based upon topographic surveys of the Long Tern Site performed in 1982 and 1988 by others, and the results of a drilling investigation performed by Tractebel in 1989. Regional and local desk studies were commissioned on the project area and these data, where applicable, are incorporated in this report. Engineering geological reconnaissance-levelmapping of the Port Quarry has been carried out by GIBB. Samples of the groundwater beneath and surrounding the site were taken from a spring and from public wells and have been tested. In addition, tests have been conducted on silt, sand and gravel materials at the site which have the potential for reuse as cover material. Design concepts have been developed, comprising preliminary layouts, voidspace calculations and restoration options. Operational concepts and a preliminary cost estimate have been prepared. The information provided in this Interim Report is based on the results of the field investigations and desk studies completedto date. Some of the information required to make substantiated conclusions and recommendations was not available for this study.
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