191 SHORT BIOGRAPHIES OF PERSONS MENTIONED IN THE TEXT Allers, Rudolf, Psychiatrist, 1883 (Vienna) - 1963. 1908109 assistant doctor at the Psychiatric Clinic in Prague (Arnold Pick), 1909-18 assistant doctor at the Psychiatric Clinic in Munich, here head of the chemical laboratory, 1913 promotion to university lecturer in Munich, from 1919 assistant doctor at the Physiological Institute in Vienna, 1927 promotion to university lecturer for psychiatry in Vienna, 1938 professor of philosophy and psychology at the Catholic University in Washington, 1948 professor of philosophy and psychology at the Georgetown University in Washington. Alter, Wilhelm sen., Psychiatrist, 1843 (PrausS/Silesia) -1918 (Breslau?). 1878 director of the asylum in Brieg (Silesia), 1884-1912 director of the asylum in Leubus. Althoff, Friedrich, Head of a Prussian governmental department, 1939 (Dins­ laken) -1908 (Berlin). From 1897 to 1907 head of the university department at the Prussian Ministry of Culture. Alzheimer, Alois, Psychiatrist, 1864 (MarktbreitILower Franconia) - 1915 (Breslau). From 1888 assistant doctor, later senior doctor at the Municipal Asylum in FrankfurtlMain (Sioli), 1902 Psychiatric Clinic in Heidelberg, 1904 Psychiatric Clinic in Munich (Kraepelin), here 1904 promotion to university lecturer, until 1912 senior doctor, 1912 appointment to Breslau as professor and clinic director. Well­ known publication: "Uber einen eigenartigen, schweren Erkrankungsprozess der Hirnrinde" Neurol. Zbl. 25 (1906),1134; presenile dementia "Morbus Alzheimer". Angerer, brother of Angerer, Ottomar von, mentioned in the text is surgeon, 1850-1918. 1879 promotion in Wurzburg, 1885 associate professor at the Surgical Out-Patient Clinic in Munich, 1890 surgical professor, successor of Nussbaum at the Surgical Clinic of the Munich University. Arndt, Erich, Psychiatrist, ?-? Assistant doctor at the Psychiatric and Neurological Clinic in Greifswald, 1902 assistant at the Psychiatric Clinic in Heidel­ berg, later (from 1905?) senior doctor in Greifswald, took over possession and directorate of the sanatorium in Meiningen. Publication: "Uber die Geschichte der Katatonie" Cbl. Nervenheilk. Psychiatr. 13 (1902), 81-121. 192 Arnold, Julius, Pathologist, 1835 (Zurich) - 1915 (Heidelberg). 1866-1907 professor of pathological anatomy and director of the Pathological-Anatomical Institute in Heidelberg. Aschaffenburg, Gustav, Psychiatrist, 1866 (Zweibruecken) -1944 (Baltimore). From 1891192 assistant doctor at the Psychiatric Clinic in Heidelberg, 1895 promotion to university lecturer for psychiatry in Heidelberg, 1901 head physician of the Department for Mntally III Criminals in Halle/Saale, 1904 professor of psychiatry at the Academy of Practical Medicine in Cologne, 1919 became professor at the foundation of the University of Cologne, 1937 emigration to the United States. Editor of the "Handbuch der Psychiatrie", LeipzigIVienna 1911- 1928. Asquith, Herbert Henry, Earl of Oxford and Asquith, English politician, 1852 (Morley/Yorkshire) - 1928 (London). Liberal member of parliament, 1905 chancellor of the exchequer, 1908-1916 prime minister, then until 1926 head of the Liberal opposition. Ave-Lallement, Friedrich Christian Benedikt, An authority on criminal law and author, 1809 (Lubeck) - 1892 (Marienfelde near Berlin). From 1835 lawyer in Lubeck, 1851 actuary of the police in Lubeck, 1868 retirement. Also wrote detective novels. Most important book: "Das deutsche Gaunertum", 4 volumes, 1858-1862. Avenarius, Richard, Philosopher, 1843 (Paris) - 1896 (Zurich). Studied in Zurich, Berlin, Leipzig. 1876 promotion to university lecturer in Leipzig, from 1877 successor of W. Windelband as professor of philosophy in Zurich and editor of the "Vierteljahresschrift flir wissenschaftliche Philosophie". He substantiated the empiriocriticism as a variant of positivism, demanded a natural world concept free of metaphysics. Most important book: "Kritik der reinen Erfahrung", 2 volumes, 1888-1890. Axenfeld, Theodor, Ophthalmologist, 1867 (Smyrna) - 1930 (FreiburglBreis­ gau). Pupil of Uhthoff, 1897 professor of ophthalmology in Rostock, 1901 until his death professor in FreiburglBreisgau. Editor of the "Klinische MonatsbHitter flir Augenheilkunde" . Bandorf, Melchior Josef, 1845 (Weyhers near Fulda) - 1901 (Munich). From 1873 assistant doctor to Bernhard von Gudden at the District Mental Asylum in Munich, 1883 director of the newly founded Upper Bavarian Psychiatric Asylum in Gabersee. 1901 retirement. Author of numerous biographical sketches of psychiat­ rists, which were published from 1872 until 1899 in the "Allgemeine deutsche Biographie" . Batocki-Friebe, Adolf Max Johannes von, East Prussian politican, 1868 (Bledau near Koeningsberg) - 1944 (Bledau). 1900 District magistrate at Koenigsberg, 1907 chairman of the Chamber of Agriculture in East Prussia, 1914 193 lord lieutenant of East Prussia, 1916 president of the Federal Ministry of Food, from 1918 again lord lieutenant of East Prussia, 1919 resignation from this office, 1927 honorary professor at the university of Koenigsberg. Berger, Hans, Psychiatrist, 1873 (Neuses near Coburg) - 1941 (Jena). From 1897 assistant to Otto Binswanger at the Psychiatric Clinic in Jena, 1912 here official senior doctor. 1919-38 professor of psychiatry and neurology and director of the Psychiatric Clinic Jena. Developed the electro-encephalogram, first used on humans in 1924. Committed suicide. Grandfahter was the writer Friedrich Rueckert (1788-1866). Not identical with the Berger mentioned on page 45 Bertels, Arved, Psychiatrist, ?-? Assistant at the Psychiatric Clinic in Dorpat, promotion on "Ablenkung der Aufmerksamkeit" under Kraepelin (1889), later prosector at the Municipal Hospital in Riga. Bettmann, Siegried, Specialist for internal medicine, dermatology, 1869 (Bayreuth) -? Assistant doctor to Erb at the Medical Clinic in Heidelberg, 1897 here promotion to university lecturer for internal medicine, 1918 professor of skin and venereal diseases in Heidelberg. Beyer, Ernst, Psychiatrist, 1869 (Essen) - ? 1897/98 assistant to Kraepelin in Heidelberg, opened a Sanatorium for the Mentally III in July 1898 in Neckargmuend, 1900-1905 owner and director of the Sanatorium Gut Waldhof in Littenweiler near FreiburglBreisgau, 1905-1934 head of the Rhenish People's Sanatorium for the Mentally III in Roderbirken near Leichlingen, retirement in Dusseldorf. Binet, Alfred, Psychologist, 1857 (Nice) - 1911 (Paris). From 1892 experi­ mental psychology in Paris, co-worker of Charcot at the Salpetriere, from 1895 director of the psychophysiological laboratory at the Sorbonne. Together with the doctor Th. Simon measured intelligence with tests ("Binet-Simon-Test", 1905). Birch-Hirschfeld, Felix Victor, Pathologist, 1842 (Kluvensiek in the district of Rendsburg) - 1899 (Leipzig). From 1870 prosector at the Municipal Hospital in Dresden, from 1885 professor of general pathology and pathological anatomy in Leipzig, Cohnheim's successor. Publication: "Lehrbuch der allgemeinen und speciellen pathologischen Anatomie", 1877. Birkmeyer, Karl, Lawyer, 1847 (Nuremberg) -1920 (Munich). 1874 associate professor for penal law at the University of Munich, 1877 professor for penal and civil law in Rostock, 1886 professor in Munich for penal law and legal philosophy. Bissing, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron von, Egyptologist, 1873 (Potsdam) - 1956 (Niederaufdorf am Inn). 1906-1922 first professor appointed to the professorial chair for egyptology at the University of Munich. Bleuler, Eugen, Psychiatrist, 1857 (Zollikon near Zurich) - 1939 (Zollikon). 1886-1898 director of the Asylum Rheinau, in the canton of Zurich, 1898-1927 194 professor of psychiatry at the University of Zurich and director of the Psychiatric Clinic and Asylum Burghoeizli: Book: "Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie", published for the first time in 1916. Described the group of schizophrenias and basic and accessory symptoms. Boecklin, Arnold, Swiss artist, 1827 (Basle) - 1901 (San Domenico near Fiesole). Painted mainly landscapes, also figures from the ancient myths. Worked in Weimar, Munich, Switzerland and Italy. Boehm, Franz, Politician, 1861 (Mannheim) - 1915 (Karlsruhe). Doctor of engineering sciences honoris causa, from 1911 Minister for Culture and Education in Baden, patron of the university in Baden. Bohemus, Martinus, Theologist, composer of hymns, 1557 (LaubaniSilesia)- 1622 (Lauban). Bohlen and Halbach, Gustav von, Industrialist, 1870 (The Hague) - 1950 (Bluehnbach near Salzburg). Son-in-law of Friedrich Alfred Krupp (1854-1902), took over the entire Krupp company in 1909, took on the name of "Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach". Boehmert, Viktor, Professor in Dresden, 1829 (Quesitz) - 1918 (Dresden). 1875-1885 and 1895-1903 professor at the Technical University in Dresden; privy councillor. Publication: "Die 25jiihrige Tiitigkeit des Dresdner Bezirksvereins gegen den MiBbrauch geistiger Getranke". Alkoholfrage, 5 (1908), 99-151. Bollinger, Otto, Pathologist, 1843 (AltenkircheniRhenish Palatinate) - 1909 (Munich). 1871 professor for pathological anatomy, histology and physiology at the Veterinary School in Zurich. 1874 ordinarius at the Veterinary School in Munich, 1880-1909 professor for pathological anatomy and head of the Pathological Institute of the Munich University. Book: "Atlas und GrundriB der pathologischen Anatomie", Munich 1896/97. Bombarda, Miguel, Psychiatrist, 1851 (Rio de Janeiro) - 1910 (Lisbon). Professor of physiology at the Medical-Surgical School in Lisbon, 1892 head of the Psychiatric Asylum Rilhafolles,
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