GEOLOŠKI ANALI BALKANSKOGA POLUOSTRVA Volume 81 (1), July 2020, 11–30 – https://doi.org/10.2298/GABP200213005J Original scientific paper Оригинални научни рад Stratigraphy revision of Upper Badenian of Rakovica stream near Belgrade (Central Paratethys, Serbia) 1 2 3 ORdana OvanOvić eJfudin RaBaC TJePan ORić g J , S v & S ć Abstract . Belgrade area is a region of high paleobiodiversity, being ranked among the best known in Serbia. The prominent position among a number of Middle Miocene (Badenian) fossiliferous sites in the vicinity of Belgrade (southern Pannonian Basin, Central Paratethys) are occupied with sediments of Rakovica stream, also known as “Rakovica sands”. Here, the integrated evi- dence based on new fossil findings of calcareous nannoplankton, foraminifera and molluscs assemblages, allows the stratigraphic revision of the clastic facies of the Rakovica succession. Based on the studies of lithological composition,Ammo- niahigh viennensis paleodiversity molluscs faunaBorelis and haueri local palaeogeographical setting, it can be concludedSphaenolithus with reasonable heteromorphus certainty that deposits of Rakovica stream en- titled “Rakovica sand” represents a sandstone of the shallow marine (littoral) environment duringd RBigny Lower Badenian time. Larged RBigny benthic foraminifera Key words: ( ’O ), and efLandRe( ’O ) as well as zone marker Stratigraphy, nn5 d correspond to this biostrati- Middle Miocene (Badenian), graphic level. during the late early Miocene and Middle Miocene (Badenian), nannoplankton, foraminifera, the climate in the Central Paratehys was mainly subtropical. This is supported molluscs, Rakovica stream at its southern margin by the presence of thermophilous mollusc taxa, as well (Belgrade). as the Conidae, Strombidae, Xenophoridae, Pleurotomidae, Turridae, Murici- dae, etc. Consequently, the investigated deposit can be ascribed to the early Badenian which biostratigraphically corresponds to the nn5 nannozone by correlation with successions in theirs type-areas to the Central Paratethys, and defines preciously the time of the marine transgression in this area. Апстракт. Околина Београда је регион високог палеобиодиверзитета који се сврстава међу најпознатије у Србији. Истакнуто место међу бројним средњомиоценским (баденским) фосилним налазиштима у бли - зини Београда (јужни обод Панонског басена, Централни Паратетис) заузимају седименти у Раковичком потоку, такозвани “Раковички пе - скови”.Овде обједињени докази засновани на новим фосилним налазима заједница кречњачког нанопланктона, фораминифера и мекушаца омо - гућавају стратиграфску ревизију кластичних фација из Раковице. На основу проучавања литолошког састава, високог палеодиверзитета фау - 1 Natural History Museum, Njegoševa 51, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia, E-mail: [email protected] 2 University of Tuzla, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, Univerzitetska 2, 75000 Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, E-mail: [email protected] 3 Geological Survey of Austria, Neulinggasse 38, A-1030 Vienna, Austria, E-mail: [email protected] 11 Gordana Jovanović, SeJfudin vraBac & StJepan ćorić Ammonia vien- nensisне мекушаца и локалнеBorelis палеогеографске haueri средине, може се поуздано за - кључити да седиментиSphaenolithus потока Раковица, heteromorphus такозвани “Раковички пескови” представљају пешчаре плитководне морске (приобалне) средине из временаd раногrbigny бадена. Kрупни бентоскиd rbigny фораминифери ( ’O ), ( ’O ), као eflandreи маркер за нанопланк - тонску зону НН5, d одговарају овом биостратиграфском нивоу. Током касног раног миоцена и средњег мио - Кључне речи: цена (бадена) клима је у Централном Паратетису била углавном суп - стратиграфија, средњи миоцен торпска. На основу присуства бројних термофилних врста мекушаца, као (баден), нанопланктон, што су Conidae, Strombidae, Xenophoridae, Pleurotomidae, Turridae, Muri- фораминифери, мекушци, cidae, итд., закључујемо да су слични услови владали и на његовом Раковички поток (Београд). јужном ободу. Сходно томе, проучавани седименти се могу приписати раном бадену, што биостратиграфски одговара нанозони НН5, коре - лацијом са сукцесијама у њиховим типичним областима Централног Паратетиса и на тај начин прецизно je дефинисано време морске трансгресије на овом подручју. Introduction Orić byeZelj working in the lastanT decade (ć OvanOvićet al., 2009; P et OvanOvićal., 2013; S et al., 2018;andiC j et al., The shallow marine deposits are famous for a long 2019a; j et al., 2019a; M et al., 2019). time for their highly diverse and excellently pre- These regions of the Pannonian basin were flooded served foraminifers and mollusc assemblages. in Ser- later than the northernOrić and western regionsanT during bia, the largest spatial distribution of badenian the earlyOvanOvić badenian (ć et al., 2009; S et al., sediments exposed on the surface can be found in 2017; j , 2018). However, the chronostrati- belgrade and its vicinity, where they have been best graphic correlations of marine Middle Miocene de- studied due to the rich mollusc fauna. also, the bry- posits of the Serbian neogene are still considered ozoa, spongia, corals, ostracods, along with the crabs problematic. The facies distribution, stratigraphy, and fish remains are present. Since the firstujO vićdiscovery and tectonic structure of the belgrade area which ofavlOvić fossils fauna at rakovica stream (Ž , 1886; comprises early and middle Miocene sediments P , 1890) and later on, this site have beenuKOvić the have not been studied in great detail. The precise subject eTrOvićof interest of reMijamany researchersanić (l , chronological analysis wasanT largely improvedandiC for the Ammonia beccarii 1922; P , 1962; e , 1977; g et al., 2016, several sites in Serbia (S et al., 2018; M et etc.). The chronostratigraphical framework of the al., 2019), but chronology of the oldest units of the sedimentary succession from rakovica stream (the belgrade area are still largely speculative. The out- upper badenian age, Zone) was cropping rocks exposed on the rakovica valley are basedeTrOvić on studies of the foraminifera assemblages partanić of the upper badenianandiC with mostundić authors (P , 1962; 1985), however, these important mi- (g et al., 2016, M et al., 2019, r et al.,O crofauna collections are not available. as a conse- vanOviC2019). recently, the latest discovery in Serbia (j - quence, it often happens that many localities areO ́et al., 2019a) modified previous biostrati- vanOvićassumed to belong to the upper badenian age (j - graphical results of some localities and indicated the , 2018), pointing to the need to reassessundić the necessity of stratigraphic revision of rakovica and age of some classical badenian localities. later, r some other localities in the region. et al. (2019) published a summary review of several in order to check the stratigraphic position of se - Miocene sites near belgrade, but they did not add new diments from the rakovica stream, several samples stratigraphic records for so-called “rakovica sand”. have been analysed in respect to nannoplankton, 12 for the southern margin of Central Paratethys, foraminifers, and molluscs.Geol. an. The Balk. research poluos., 2020, was 81 (1), based 11–30 some independent age constraints were established on these fossil assemblages in order to revise the Stratigraphy revision of Upper Badenian of Rakovica stream near Belgrade (Central Paratethys, Serbia) graphically and taxonomically important microfossils and macrofossils. a total of 12 samples for the analysis were analysed, collected from two outcrops and from one well. also, old collections of the natural History Museum in Belgrade, comprising 3000 specimens from the Rakovica deposits, were investigated. for stratigraphic revision of these deposits and for ex- plaining the real vertical ran - ges of studied fossil assem- blages, we used calcareous nannoplankton, benthic fora - minifera and so me termo - Fig. 1: A. Geographical position of Rakovica stream locality in Europe (Google Earth); B. Lo- cation of the studied area in Serbia; C. Toporaphic map 1: 50 000, Sheet Belgrade 4 showing philic molluscs, in particular the location of the studied successions (squares). those considered of strati- graphic importance to the Ba - denian. Sediment samples were processed by using standard micropaleontologi- cal and palaeontological me - upper Badenian deposits of Rakovica stream, and in thods of preparation technique. a total of 3 samples order to provide a thorough scientific background for for the analysis of nannoplankton assemblages were future study. new research clarified the stratigraphic prepared partly at the vienna Smear slides,eRCH follow-ieLSen position of the deposits of the so-called “Rakovica ing standard procedure described by P -n sand”. Micropaleontological and gmacropaleontolog- (1985). ical studies on the outcropping rocks exposed on the for the foraminifera and small mollusc extrac- Rakovica valley showed the existence of a rich fauna, tion, 9 samples were prepared and washed at the foraminifera and molluscs being the most important laboratory and allowed to dry. Laboratory methods component of assembly of the fossil invertebrate. The were employed for disintegrating soft sandstone combination of biostratigraphic analyses based on using hydrogen peroxide. Samples were washed and studies of some rare calcareous nannoplankton, the foraminifera and molluscs were recovered from foraminifera and rich molluscs assemblages, allows the over a 0,1 mm fraction-sieve and picked under the revision of
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