Red Book®: 2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases Errata (3/15/13) For the most up-to-date list of important Red Book errata, please visit the Red Book Online Web site at http://www.aapredbook.org. The list of errata is available in ­standard­HTML­format­and­as­an­easy-to-navigate­and­easy-to-print­PDF­file­and­ is freely accessible to all visitors to the site. On Red Book Online, you can sign up for e-mail­alerts­to­be­notified­automatically­when­new­errata­have­been­announced. www.aapredbook.org Page 260, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC152.body: In Burkholderia Infections, Treatment section, the following changes should be made: •­ In­the­first­paragraph,­a­portion­of ­the­2nd­sentence should be changed from Most experts recommend to Some experts recommend. •­ In the second paragraph, a portion of the 1st sentence should be changed from ceftazidime and meropenem or imipenem to ceftazidime or meropenem or imipenem. •­ In the second paragraph, a portion of the 2nd sentence should be changed from trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and doxycycline to trimethoprim- sulfamethoxazole or doxycycline. (See page 4 for revised text.) Page 349, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC186.body: In Haemophilus influenzae Infections, in Table 3.10, add new 2nd row with the following information across the four columns: PRP-T; ActHIB; PRP conjugated to tetanus toxoid; Sanofi Pasteur. (See page 5 for revised text.) Page 350, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC186.body: In Haemophilus influenzae Infections, in Table 3.11, add new 2nd row with the following informa- tion across the four columns: PRP-T (Sanofi Pasteur); 2, 4, 6 mo; 12 through 15 mo; 16 mo through 4 y. (See page 6 for revised text.) Page 436, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC202.body: In Human Immunodeficiency­Virus­Infection,­Control­Measures/Interruption­of ­Mother-to- Child­Transmission­of ­HIV­section,­in­the­discussion­of ­nevirapine,­the­parenthetical­ phrase of “(at birth and at 48 hours and 96 hours of life)” should be changed to “(at birth, 48 hours after the first dose, and 96 hours after the second dose)”—so that the full sentence reads, “A 2-drug regimen of zidovudine for 6 weeks with 3 doses of nevirapine during the first week of life (at birth, 48 hours after the first dose, and 96 hours after the second dose) is as 2 ERRATA effective but less toxic than a 3-drug regimen of zidovudine, lamivudine, and nelfinavir.” (See page 7 for revised text.) Page 544, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC233.body: In Pediculosis Capitis, Treatment section, the last sentence of the Permethrin (1%) paragraph should be changed from Permethrin is not approved by the FDA for use on children younger than 2 years of age. to Permethrin 1% is approved by the FDA for use on children 2 months of age or older. (See page 8 for revised text.) Page 646, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC259.body: In Shigella Infections,­Treatment­section,­a­portion­of ­the­first­sentence­of ­the­3rd­bullet­point­ should be changed from parenteral azithromycin for 3 days, ceftriaxone for 5 days to azithromycin for 3 days, parenteral ceftriaxone for 5 days. (See page 9 for revised text.) Page 668, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC264.body: In Group A Streptococcal­Infections,­Clinical­Manifestations­section,­first­paragraph,­last­sentence,­ the words “suppurative and” should be added before nonsuppurative and the words “and acute glomerulonephritis” should be deleted from the parenthethical passage, so that the full sentence reads, “The goals of antimicrobial therapy for GAS upper respiratory tract disease are to reduce acute morbidity, suppurative and nonsuppurative sequelae (acute rheumatic fever), and transmission to close contacts.” (See page 10 for revised text.) Page 674, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC264.body: In Group A Streptococcal Infections, Treatment section for Pharyngitis, 2nd-to-last bullet, the dosage for azithromycin should be changed from “(12 mg/kg/day [maximum, 500 mg] on day 1, then 6 mg/kg/day [maximum, 250 mg/day]), which is given on days 2 through 5” to “(12 mg/kg/day for 5 days [maximum 500 mg/day]).” (See page 11 for revised text.) Page 782, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC131/SEC289.body:­In­Varicella-Zoster­ Infections, Care of Exposed People section, in the Chemoprophylaxis paragraph, at the­beginning­of ­the­first­sentence,­the­words­“or more than 96 hours have passed since exposure” should be deleted so the beginning of the sentence reads simply, “If Varicella-Zoster Immune Globulin is not available, some experts recommend...” (See page 12 for revised text.) Page 814, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC295/SEC304/T132.expansion.html: In­Table­4.2,­in­the­Azithromycin­(Zithromax,­Zmax)­row,­under­Comments,­a­por- tion of the text should be changed from “Pharyngitis: 12 mg/kg/day (maximum 500 mg) on day 1, then 6 mg/kg/day (maximum 250 mg) on days 2–5” to “Pharyngitis: 12 mg/kg/day for 5 days (maximum 500 mg/day).” (See page 13 for revised text.) ERRATA 3 Page 841, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC295/SEC314.body: In Table 4.8, under Acyclovir­(Zovirax),­the­following­changes­should­be­made: •­ In­the­row­for­Varicella­in­immunocompetent­host,­Oral­route,­under­“Usually­ Recommended­Dosage,”­a­qualifier­should be added so the entry 80 mg/kg applies to ≤40 kg children, and an entry should be added reading >40 kg: 3200 mg in 4 divided doses for 5 days. •­ In­the­row­for­Varicella­in­immunocompetent­host­requiring­­hospitalization,­IV­route,­ under­“Usually­Recommended­Dosage,”­the­dosage­for­all­patients­should be changed to 30 mg/kg per day for 7–10 days or 1500 mg/m2 per day in 3 doses for 7–10 days. (See page 14 for revised text.) Page 880, www.aapredbook.org/content/1/SEC317/SEC328.body: In Prevention of Bacterial­Endocarditis,­in­Table­5.3,­in­the­final­row,­in­the­Regimen,­Adults­column,­ the dosage for clindamycin should be changed from 6700 mg, IM or IV to 600 mg, IM or IV. (See page 15 for revised text.) 4 ERRATA—REVISED TEXT FOR PAGE 260 been­reported­to­cause­pulmonary­infection­in­people­with­cystic­fibrosis­and­people­trav- eling to areas with endemic infection as well as septicemia in children with chronic granu- lomatous disease. The incubation period is 1 to 21 days, with a median of 9 days, but can be pro- longed (years) for melioidosis. DIAGNOSTIC TESTS: Culture is the appropriate method to diagnose B cepacia complex infection.­In­cystic­fibrosis­lung­infection,­culture­of ­sputum­on­selective­agar­is­rec- ommended to decrease the potential for overgrowth by mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa. B ­cepacia and B gladioli­can­be­identified­by­polymerase­chain­reaction­assay,­but­this­ assay­is­not­available­routinely.­Definitive­diagnosis­of ­melioidosis­is­made­by­isolation­ of B pseudomallei from blood or other infected sites. The likelihood of successfully isolating the organism is increased by culture of sputum, throat, rectum, and ulcer or skin lesion specimens. A positive result by the indirect hemagglutination assay for a traveler who has returned from an area with endemic infection may support the diagnosis of meli- oidosis,­but­definitive­diagnosis­still­requires­isolation­of ­B pseudomallei from an infected site. Other rapid assays are being developed for diagnosis of melioidosis, but none are available commercially. TREATMENT: Meropenem is the agent most active against the majority of B cepa- cia complex isolates, although other drugs that may be effective include imipenem, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, ceftazidime, doxycycline, and chloramphenicol. Some experts recommend combinations of antimicrobial agents that provide synergistic activity against B cepacia complex. The majority of B cepacia complex isolates are resistant intrinsically to aminoglycosides and polymyxin B. The drugs of choice for initial treatment of melioidosis include ceftazidime or meropenem or imipenem for a minimum of 10 to 14 days. After acute therapy is completed, eradication therapy with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole or doxycy- cline for 12 to 24 weeks is recommended to reduce recurrence. Further studies to deter- mine the optimal duration and regimen are ongoing. ISOLATION OF THE HOSPITALIZED PATIENT: Contact and droplet precautions are recommended for patients infected with multidrug-resistant strains of B cepacia complex. Standard precautions are recommended for people with B pseudomallei infection. CONTROL MEASURES: Because some strains of B cepacia complex are highly trans- missible and virulence is not well understood, many centers limit contact between B cepacia complex-infected­and­-uninfected­patients­with­cystic­fibrosis.­This­includes­ inpatient,­outpatient,­and­social­settings.­For­example,­patients­with­cystic­fibrosis­who­ are infected with B cepacia complex are cared for in single rooms and have unique clinic hours. Education of patients and families about hand hygiene and appropriate personal hygiene is recommended. Prevention of infection with B pseudomallei in areas with endemic disease can be ­difficult,­because­contact­with­contaminated­water­and­soil­is­common.­People­with­ ­diabetes­mellitus,­renal­insufficiency,­or­skin­lesions­should­avoid­contact­with­soil­and­ standing water in these areas. Wearing boots and gloves during agricultural work in areas with endemic disease is recommended. ERRATA—REVISED TEXT FOR PAGE 349 5 Immunization. Two single-antigen (monovalent) Hib conjugate vaccine products and 2­combination­vaccine­products­that­contain­Hib­conjugate­are­available­in­the­United­ States (see Table 3.10). The Hib conjugate vaccines consist of the Hib capsular poly- saccharide (polyribosylribotol phosphate [PRP]) covalently linked to a carrier protein. Protective antibodies are directed against PRP. Conjugate vaccines vary in composition and immunogenicity, and as a result, recommendations for their use differ.
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