365 is getting a little big for our britches, and goes from casino to Great Rivers Center mu- by britches, I mean offices. Who’da thunk it? seum. And our construction is working around It was not long ago that we started this whole the stacks of materials and free furniture that crazy notion in the third floor “office” of an old we moved into the space ahead of time. When Victorian row house on Bluff Street, fueled by McKesson left its downtown offices a couple Paul’s Big Game Tap burgers and White Rus- months ago, making room for IBM, we were sians. It was not uncommon to see the light on the lucky recipients of some nice office furni- up there at 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. Man, where did ture that only had to make a short trip down my youth go? Now we have a new brood of the street (even if it is one way in the other di- all-nighter-pullers burning the midnight oil for rection). And thanks to Todd for the new white us. The only difference is, no one paid me to do couch his wife didn’t like. I guess I should it. We were just dumb, though some would call thank his wife. I wonder how long it will stay it chasing a dream or building a business. Who white around all these yahoos. We even hired knew they’d be right? the nice crew who took the lights from the old Diamond Jo down there to come and put them Now we’re at capacity in our world headquar- all back up in our new office. And a great crew ters at 1st and Main. What a conundrum. It’s from Conlon has nearly completed building such a nice place in a perfect spot. There’s just out all the walls and parts of the office that I’m less and less room to stretch your legs and have positive we’d have severely screwed up had we a quiet conversation every day. So, out we go, tried to do it ourselves. looking for a new nest and we have one. So begins the next big headache: MOVING! I just After three marathon days of salvaging and did this exactly one year ago, only that time it hauling ceiling tiles, I was surprisingly suffering was my home. Now it’s a company. from some kind of chronic back pain such that chiropractic and the hot tub were not helping. The building we’re taking over is at 4th & Lo- It would seem to be the perfect excuse not to cust. At one time it was a firehouse, the kind do more manual labor, but I sucked it up and that housed horse-drawn fire engines. I guess forged ahead. Last Friday a couple of us tore the they weren’t engines back then, though. It sheet rock off a long stretch of brick and lime- also once housed Al Capone’s cars when he stone wall. It was a crappy job and, at the end, visited Dubuque. So that’s some cool history. I could barely grip a wunderbar in my left hand Since then it’s been a lot of things. I believe due to hours of prying; to my surprise, my back Dick Gregory started the Floor Show in that lo- pain went away in the process and has not come cation. That’s a good omen. More recently it’s back. So I guess drywall deconstruction is the been a print shop and copy center. That sign cure for lower back pain. I haven’t checked the still hangs outside the building. Not for long. massive dumpster we have behind the building in a couple of days. It’s funny how a dumpster Naturally, the building was, of course, in noth- in the middle of downtown can magically fill up ing close to “move-in” condition.” Oh, joy! overnight with stuff you don’t even remember That usually means work for me and indeed throwing away. Then again, one man’s trash is it has been. Once we had a plan for what we another man’s treasure (and don’t I know that were going to do with the space (and doesn’t it for sure!) Maybe someone found some uses for really pay off on occasion to have an architect some of what we couldn’t save. for a wife?), we started collecting the materi- als we’d need to do the work. In most cases, Now all we need to do is install those ceiling this means dropping a bundle at the hardware tiles ... carpet, paint, ceramic tile, decorate and, store, but forget not that we are 365. So that oh yeah, move everything we own four blocks means we are not only sustainable and envi- to a new home. And clean out that basement. ronmentally conscious, but also poor cheap Ugh! I do not look forward to that. The creepy bastards. Time to beg for deals and free stuff. basement of the 365 compound has amassed a And wouldn’t you know it, we found some. lot of, well, crap in the past few years. There are probably a couple of bodies down there. Sounds We salvaged just over three tons, yes, THREE like a great job for the new kids in the office. As TONS of building materials from the old Dia- we are only about a third of the way through this mond Jo Casino Portside Building. Ceiling tiles process, I’m positive there will be many more of a few varieties and lighting galore, includ- nightmarish stories along to way to share with ing very cool, but fragile, white ceramic (Ed. you before you can drive by Five Flags and say Tim: They were plaster! They just look ceram- “Hey, they made it there alive.” But we’re not ic!) tiles from above what was once Jo’s Cafe there yet. I’m seeing a great job for Jack’s Truck- turned out to be extremely valuable: Ten times ing coming up very soon. I don’t think I’m going as costly as what we might have budgeted for. to have the fortitude to lift those desks once that Many thanks to our friends at Durrant, Conlon day finally comes. If it ever comes. We’ve got and J.P. Cullen who helped make that happen. some serious noise-making to do first. And all By diverting that 3 tons of what would other- in the middle of the busiest and most successful wise have been junk from the landfill, we have month we’ve ever had. Go figure. You wonder saved ourselves literally thousands of dollars how you can ever possibly fit more hours into and also helped the new River Museum expan- a month and every month we find a way. Well, The 365ink crew... faces you already know! sion achieve credits toward the LEED-certified back to the mess ... anyone got a Sawzall I can construction they are doing on the facility as it borrow? Tim Mike Kristina Jeff Kelli Ralph Oliver Matt Lisa Chris Pam Jon Ben Ron Bob Roy Brad Bryce Issue #90 _____________________The Inkwell Publisher: Bryce Parks ([email protected]) SEPTEMBER 3 - 16 Editor: Tim Brechlin ([email protected]) Advertising: Kelli Kerrigan In this Issue: ([email protected]) 563-451-9365 Voices from the Warehouse Writers & Content: Momentum 4 Mike Ironside ([email protected]) Tim Brechlin, Bryce Parks, L.A. Community Shorts 5 Hammer, Chris Wand, Mayor Roy Lizards on the Loose Buol, Matt Booth, Bob Gelms, Pam Kress-Dunn, Jeff Stiles, Me- Karaoke Contest gan Dalsing and Pat Fisher. Benton Labor Day Open Horse Show Designers: Kristina Nesteby The Cove ([email protected]) Signature Chef’s Dinner Bryce, Tim & Mike 365 Pop Quiz 6 Photography: Mike Ironside, Ron Tigges, Area Briefs 6 Bryce Parks Meet The McDermott Family 7 Layout: Andrew Bird Returns 8 Tim Brechlin, Bryce Parks Director of Operations: The Last All That Jazz 9 Patricia Reisen-Ottavi, J.D. Autumn DMA Exhibits 10 Community, Incorporated Pam Kress-Dunn 11 Brad Parks, C.E.O. Ralph Kluseman Wando’s Movies 12 Special thank you to: RiverFest 13 Brad Parks, Bob & Fran Parks, Christy Monk, Katy Brechlin, Kay Kluseman, Mindframe Movies 13 Todd Locher, Everett Buckardt, Julie Steffen, Sheila Castaneda, Ron & Jen- nifer Tigges, bacon, the crew of Ra- Andrew Bird Cont’d 14 dio Dubuque and all the 365 friends and advertisers for all your support. Andrew Bird Cont’d 15 You are all 365. Budweiser Nightlife 16-17 Dubuque365 / 365ink Dragon Boat Festival 18 210 West 1st Street, Dubuque, IA, 52001 Warehouse Art Gallery 19 dubuque365.com Bob’s Book Reviews 22 (563) 588-4365 Mattitude 23 All contents (c) 2008, Community, Incor- porated. All rights reserved. LifeStiles 24 Like our stuff? Eating Healthy w/ Hy-Vee 25 We can make yours too! Silver Dollar Music 26 Crosswords & Puzzles 27 365 • Web Site Development • Trixie Kitsch 28 • Graphic Design • Dr. Skrap’s Horoscopes 28 • Photography • • Video Production • Puzzle / Pop Quiz Answers 28 • Marketing / Consulting • We’ve hidden 365’s WANDO somewhere in this issue of Dubuque365ink. Can you find the master of movies buried within these pages? Hint: He’s tiny and could be anywhere, In a story? In an ad? On the cover? Good Luck! ARE THOSE VOICES I HEAR IN MY HEAD? I THINK SOOOOOO! 4 SEPTEMBER 3 - 16 located in the Voices Warehouse Gallery 19, author, performance artist, political in the building on the Northeast corner and cultural provocateur, and “escapee of 10th and Jackson Streets.
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