THAT MAGAZINE FROM CiTR 101.9 fM JANUARY 1991 FREE IBUTE B MORE MORE **%** METAL SHOP PRESENTS WEDNESDAY JANUARY 9 • 7:30pm P.N.E. FORUM ANOTHER SUPER METAL BLOW OUT FROM YOUR TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL - OUTLETS, FRIENDS AT PERRYSCOPE AS WELL AS TRACK AND ZULU RECORDS. CHARGE RY PHONE 280-4444. JANUARY 1991 • ISSUE #96 • I I II Ml" I I ——— SHINDIG That Nose - growing competition from CiTR 7 MY FAVOURITE MOMENT OF 1990 Jerome Broadway gets frisked 9 THE C WORD Someone make Tom Milne shut up! 13 MIGHTY DIAMONDS A 24-carrot interview 14 HARD ROCK AND TRUANCY [The Man Sherbet laments the end of The Wall 15 D.O.A. Nice guys: Finished at last 16 FICTION New Year's Eve by Anne Jew 30 •d-Wl-fil-H AIRHEAD 5 FUTURE RAP 21 MINIS 10 GIRLS NEXT DOOR 23 THE BIJOUX 18 REAL LIVE ACTION 25 SUBTEXT 19 DATEBOOK 27 UNDER REVIEW 20 ON THE DIAL 28 7" 21 CHARTS 29 H'iv,im DANCING ON THE CLOUDS Marc Yuill and Julian Lawrence 22 JUNKFLESH Bryce Rasmussen 26 EXEIl D.O.A. shot by Leonard Whistler with his Mamiya RZ 67 c Wimpy never showed up for the session. i*]-.jH*'ii**]:ivi EDITRIX Lisa Marr ART DIRECTOR Robynn Iwata EDITORIAL AS­ SISTANTS Paul Funk, Viola Funk, Randy Iwata, Lloyd Uliana PRO DUCTION Rick Awender, Bill Baker, Dean Doherty, Randy Iwata, Robunn Iwata, Lydia Schymansky GRAPHICS Scott Fearnley WORD PROCESSING Tricia Festejo PHOTO DEVELOPMENT Lydia Schymansky SPINLIST Randy Iwata, Lloyd Uliana ADVERTISING Greg Elsie ADVERTISING PRODUCTION Robynn Iwata. LOCAL DISTRIBUTION Matt Steffich SUBSCRIPTIONS / MAIL DISTRIBU­ TION Lydia Schymansky PROGRAM GUIDE / DATEBOOK / DELIV­ ERY FRIEND Randy Iwata ACCOUNTS Linda SchoKen TECHNICAL SUPPORT Ted Aussem, Su Langlois PUBLISHER Barb Elgood Discorder Copyright © 1991 by The Student Radio Society of the University of British Columbia. All rights reserved. Discorder is that magazine from CiTR 101.9 fM, and is printed monthly in Canada on paper manufactured in Canada. Discorder prints what it wants to, including the CITR On The Dial program guide and the CiTR SpinList playlist charts. Circulation is 17,500 copies distributed free to over 230 locations. 12 month subscriptions are $15 in Canada, $15 (US) to the states, and $24 elsewhere. Please make cheques or money orders payable to Discorder Magazine. "Vancouver rockmag DISCORDER sez the next big thing's straight edge rock" #51. Deadline for ads and submissions is the 15th of the month. We want your stuff - send it our way, and if we like it, we'll use it; if not, we'll lose it. CiTR 101.9 fM is 1800 watts of stereophonic bliss from UBC to Langley, Squamish, and points beyond. We're also on ali major cable systems in the lower mainland except Shaw in White Rock. Office hours for CiTR, Mobile Sound, and Discorder are MF, 10-4. Call CiTR DJ line @ 228-CITR, our offices @ 228-3017, our news + sports ® 222-2487, fax us c/o CiTR ® 228-6093, or write Discorder, #233- 6138 SUB Boulevard, Vancouver, BC, CANADA V6T 2A5 JANUARY 1991 3 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FRO4 M THE NICK TIM TOMMY LYIE JOHANNE BILLY LISA RICK LANCE DAVE JAN JENNIFER BETH FIONA MARK JASON JOHN CHRIS THEO AMS MARCO CHRIS GRANT JOSEPH KELLY JOHN JENNIFER GEORGE GREG DAVID STEPHEN GREG THMHC YOU FOB GETTING PISSED MID UNLEASHING^ OF PARTY POWER NEW YEARS WITH OUR VERY SPECIAL GUESTS SONS'/ FREEDOM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT LUVAFAIR TTTTTTTVVTTTVTTTTVT abandoning one's family and job and alert. It is nol possible lo under Give it a try Mr. Brown, you just way society wants you io. Hey. isn't According 10 ihc Vedic custom the stand higher spiritual inilhs, or even might like il. lhal what hardcore is supposed lobe wife is taken care of by ihc remain­ to remember your name, when your If il is still "obvious the Krish­ •bout? ing family and society. She is treated intelligence is polluted by intoxicat­ na's (sic| are a wheel" I guess that's Mr. Brown slates lhat with all much like a widow, for her husband ing substances. Slaying away from a matter of opinion. All I know is the money in ISKCON the organi is considered materially dead gambling reduces our lendency lo lhat the lifestyle I've adopted is by zation can fUxxl ihc hardcore scene So you can sec that by ihc lime cheat and helps lo keep one's mind far more natural and healthier, phys­ uuli Vines and records, his true thai Prabhupada came lolhcU.S.in 1965 focused on spiritual topics, not on ically and mentally, lhan any olher a lot of Vanes and groups arc pre­ he was already firmly established as our own material gain. alternative available. senting K nshna philosophy but these a spiritualist and preacher of Krish- Mr Brown's claim lhat devo­ As for Mr. Brown listing the arc individually funded projects. tees support themselves by selling criminal activities of some devotees liven ihe projects thai arc done by The claim lhat the Krishna sect flowers and cookbooks is another and then saying il is representative full time devotees (a lot of the bands "follows a bastardized form of 500 example of his incomplete informa­ of ihc entire movement is ridiculous. and Vines are done by people inter year old Hinduism, started by I-ord tion regarding the life-styles of dev It is clear lhat ihc criminal activities cslcd in the philosophy and not liv­ Caitanya" is both historically inac- olecs. It is true lhal wc sell bixiks listed go against the basic principles ing ai any temple) arc privately <Yo 6138 SUB Blvd. c. Their Nol only cookbooks but a great vari - of Krishna consciousness. tSKCON funded by the individual. Once again lhal Lord Cailanya, who is Krishna ely of spiritual litcralure All of wenl through a major overhaul in Mr. Brown has overlooked ihe facts Vancouver, B.C. himself, appeared on the Earth 500 Prabhupada's translations of the 1986 to remove the unwanted ele and is presenting misinformation. years ago to teach the besl method Vedic scriptures are highly respect­ ments. Prabhupada used to stress When describing the Shelter V6T 2A5 for spiritual life in ihis present age. ed and many arc used by universities that "punty is the force". If one de­ gig that ux)k place at the temple on The falsehood lies in the claim lhal and libraries throughout the world. viates from the principles of Krishna Sept. 15. 1990, Mr. Brown poinls what Lord Cailanya laught was "a Items such as flowers, candles consciousness then they will fall out ihc slage wa.s constructed from bastardized form of Hinduism". I .ord or paintings are sold by some devo­ down. It is unfortunate that many picnic tables and there was no PA Cailanya's teachings were directly tees as a way lo make ends meet. Bul devotees in positions of authority present. Where was lSKCON's from the Vedic scriptures, the whal Mr. Brown has overlooked is strayed and misused their position multi-millions? I'd sure like lo know scriptures we follow in Krishna con­ lhat many devotees hold normal jobs for their own personal gain. One because I'm the one that built ihc IMil=f. sciousness. Hinduism, a term which to support themselves and their fam- familiar wilh the philosophy and ihc slage from whatever I could find, teachings of Prabhupada can see thai THAT'S SIC! ALL LETTERS PRINTED AS RECIEVED. isn't even found in the Vedas, is in Uies. I myself have a job al a mar­ made the posters on a pholixxipier fact a bastardized version of Vedic keting research firm downtown. So these criminal activities are the fault and put most of the posters up. The knowledge. beware, the person next lo you in the of the individual and nol reflccuvc lake from the gig was split 3 ways ISKCONFUSION? The next part of Mr. Brown's office or the classroom just might be of the majority of sincere devotees. between ihc 2 bands and the temple If anything the crimes listed are a Since Mr. Brown is so against article is one of my f avounte. 1 always a cull member. kitchen lo pay for the feast. reflection of the sick society we are these "decadent cults" he must be in hke it when a person tries to present The first lemple program of So you sec K rishna-core is the raised in and confronted wilh every- re: Helter Shelter: Hare Krishnas, favour of deprogrammers. I'll give himself as an authority and present the day starts at 4:30 AM. Atten­ work of dedicated individuals pre­ Hardcore and Ray from Outer Space him my address so he can hire some "facts" aboul something lhat I do dance is recommended bul not senting a philosophy that has changed by Gavin Brown. guys to kidnap me, force me to take everyday. What I'm referring to is forced. lust like everything in Krish­ The accusations of Prabhupa­ their lives in a positive way. We are November, another month and drugs, drink beer, have meaningless Mr. Brown's presentation of the na consciousness. Prabhupada has da "profiting horrendously"from the nol trying to brainwash, manipulate another Discorder. Almost as soon sex and eat Big Macs. Then I'll be a "decadent cult life-style" of Krishna given us a process by which we can misdeeds of some devotees who or control. Wc are just trying to as your mag hit the streets, my at­ normal guy and good ol' Gav devotees.
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