Spatial Data Infrastructure for the rural areas of Galicia-North Portugal (SDI SIGN): aims, organizational model and databases themes Manuel Gallego 1, Joaquim Alonso 2, David Miranda3 1 S.A. para o Desenvolvemento Comarcal de Galicia A Barcia, 15896-Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2 Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC) Viana do Castelo, Portugal 3 Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Campus universitario, 27002 Lugo, Spain 1 AgendaAgenda Project description Partnerships SIGN: previous project Why SDI? Sub-projects / Databases Data Sets vs INSPIRE Data Chronology Project Diagram SDI Architecture Potential users www.proyectosign.org Conclusions 2 ProjectProject frameworkframework Title: The Spatial Data Infrastructure for the rural areas of Galicia-North of Portugal project (SDI SIGN) Program: Interreg III A Sub-program: Galicia (Spain) – North of Portugal Axis 3: Socioeconomic Development and employment promotion Measure 3.2: Technological development, research and extension of the Information Society January 2006 – December 2007 3 GeneralGeneral ObjectivesObjectives Improve the cross-border networking. Create integrated services of GI Promote the use of geo-referencing information Develop working methodologies Produce spatial databases Make a great amount of spatial data available Increase the number of users 4 InterventionIntervention area area of of the the project project Euro-region Portugal Spain Area surface 6.300 km² 3.500 km² 2.800 km² Population 800.000 640.000. 160.000 PortuguesePortuguese municipalities: municipalities: Spanish comarcas: ••VianaViana do do Castelo Castelo Spanish comarcas: • Valença ••OO Baixo Baixo Miño Miño • Valença • O Condado ••CaminhaCaminha • O Condado • Monção ••AA Paradanta Paradanta • Monção • Terra de Celanova ••PontePonte de de Lima Lima • Terra de Celanova • Paredes de Coura ••BaixaBaixa Limia Limia • Paredes de Coura • A Limia ••ArcosArcos de de Valdevez Valdevez • A Limia ••PontePonte da da Barca Barca ••MelgaçoMelgaço ••VilaVila Nova Nova de de Cerveira Cerveira ••AmaresAmares ••BarcelosBarcelos ••BragaBraga ••EsposendeEsposende • Terras de Bouro • Terras de Bouro 5 ••VilaVila Verde Verde PartnershipsPartnerships An international workgroup was set up, including public and private institutions from both Portugal and Galicia (Spain): S. A. para o Desenvolvemento Comarcal de Galicia (in the role of Lead Manager) Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (IPVC) Instituto para o Desenvolvimento Agrário da Região Norte Associação Florestal de Portugal (FORESTIS) Direcção Regional de Agricultura do Norte (DRAP) Comissão de Viticultura da Região dos Vinhos Verdes (CVRVV) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) 6 SIGN:SIGN: previousprevious project project The Geographic Information System for the rural areas of Galicia-North of Portugal project (GIS SIGN) (INTERREG III-A), developed between April 2003 and December 2004, aimed at initiating a cross-border cooperation with the development of common spatial databases related to the rural environment, simultaneously interchanging data and experiences between the regions and institutions. • To define a joint model of structuring information as a first step towards unifying and harmonising the data of both countries. • To compile and organise the data available. • To elaborate a GIS for the planning and evaluation of the activities of the rural environment. • To exchange information and experiences. • To reflect the databases in a final product with easy visual interpretation, • To facilitate getting a global vision of the territory. 7 WhyWhy SDI? SDI? The Information Communication Society advances involves a wide diffusion of Geographical Information A great amount of spatial data to share Increasing importance of spatial data management in different organizations Standardization efforts to interchange Geographic Information Having strong tools easy to use and fairly economic to capture and analyze the spatial information More availability of experienced experts 8 Sub-ProjectsSub-Projects / / DatabasesDatabases Cartographic reference database (BDREF) Geomorphology and Lithology (BDGEA) Soils units and land suitability (BDSOL) Land use and cover (BDUSO) Forest land use and forestry areas administration (BDFOR) Population, demography and rural activities (BDRUR) Tourism information (BDTUR) Meteorological data (BDMETEO) Agro-environmental indicators monitoring system (BDSTAT) Spatial planning (BDORD) GIS, SDI and project management training (FORMAR) Communication and promotion (DIVUL). 9 DataData SetsSIGNSetsSIGN II II vsvs INSPIRE INSPIRE DataData Annex III Annex I Statistical units BDRUR Coordinate reference syst. BDREF Buildings BDREF Soil BDSOL Geographical grid systems BDREF Land use BDUSO Geographical names BDREF Human health and safety Administrative units BDREF Utility and governmental services Addresses Environmental monitoring facilities BDSTAT Cadastral parcels BDSTAT Production and industrial facilities Transport networks BDREF Agricultural and aquaculture facilities BDSTAT Hydrography BDREF Population distribution — demography BDRUR Protected sites BDUSO Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units BDORD Natural risk zones Annex II Atmospheric conditions Elevation BDREF Meteorological geographical features BDMETEO Land cover BDUSO Oceanographic geographical features Orthoimagery BDREF Sea regions Geology BDGEA Bio-geographical regions Habitats and biotopes Species distribution Energy resources 10 Mineral resources ChronologyChronology Schedule Apr 2003 Dec 2004 Jan 2006 Dec 2007 BDREFBDREF BDUSOBDUSO BDFORBDFOR BDSOLBDSOL BDGEA BDRURBDRUR BDORDBDORD BDTURBDTUR BDMETEOBDMETEO BDSTAT FORMARFORMAR DIVUL Project Final Seminar Project Final Seminar SIGN SIGN II 11 ProjectProject DiagramDiagram Harmonization Databases Dissemination BDREFBDREF Metadata GaliciaGalicia •Data•Data adquisition adquisition BDUSOBDUSO •Methodology•Methodology •Data•Data Model Model BDFORBDFOR •Feature Catalogue Imagery Data Reports •Feature Catalogue Reports BDSOLBDSOL TransferableTransferable BDGEABDGEA experienceexperience Know-howKnow-how BDTURBDTUR Spatial Data Workshops BDORDBDORD Workshops North Portugal Web site / Geo-portal North Portugal Web site / Geo-portal BDMETEOBDMETEO Tabular Data •Data•Data adquisition adquisition •Methodology•Methodology BDRURBDRUR •Data•Data Model Model •Feature Catalogue Geo-services •Feature Catalogue BDSTATBDSTAT Geo-services 12 FeatureFeature CatalogCatalog One first step towards developing a conceptual model of geographic information ISO 19110:2005 The Feature Catalog describes what kind of information is included in a given data theme and what properties and values are stored there A Feature catalog is not an implementation model but can, with rules, be used to create one or more implementation models Implementation guidance supplements abstract or conceptual models Feature Catalog includes: Feature types: definitions Attributes: definitions, data types Domains: expected values and types 13 ProjectProject WorksWorks Jan 2006 Jan 2007 Dec 2007 DataData MetadataMetadata StandardsStandards ServicesServices FrameworkFramework Dissemination EC GI&GIS JIDEE 07 Final Seminar14 Porto ArchitectureArchitecture Databases Server application Client Spatial Data Services Applications Metadata CS-W CatalogCatalog CS-W Desktop Imagery Data Tabular Data Solutions WFS WFS-G Gazetteer Galicia-Spain Gazetteer WMSWMS FeatureFeature Catalogue Catalogue ISO 19110 ISO 19110 WCSWCS Services OGC Spatial Data OtherOther Metadata OpenLSOpenLS ClientsClients Geomedia Webmap Pro Geomedia Webmap Pro Equipament Imagery Data Geomedia Webmap for Linux Tabular Data Geomedia Webmap for Linux Location Coordinate Transform Tabular North Portugal Tabular 15 Other Applic. Other Queries Applic. Queries PotentialPotential users users Regional government Universities, high schools and research centers Forest and agricultural associations Municipalities Agro-tourist sector Land management Other users 16 www.proyectosign.orgwww.proyectosign.org Website: Multi-lingual (ES, P, EN, GA) Information about the project Training courses and E-Learning Documentation Feature Catalog Metadata Catalog Geo-portal Geo-services Catalog 17 GoalsGoals ofof SDISDI SIGNSIGN It is a powerful tool for decision support when developing the rural territory in Galicia (Spain) and the North of Portugal. Development of procedures and partnerships to create a regional data framework: a distributed, electronically connected network of geospatial data procedures, managers and users each data producer is expected to describe available data in electronic form and prepare the metadata Support the understanding and usage of geographic information Increase the availability, access, integration and sharing of geographic information, enable inter-operability of geospatially enabled computer systems ….. and cooperate with others in achieving this ! 18 Thank you for your attention Moito obrigado pelas atenções dispensadas Gracias por su atención 19.
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