i i *-•*-*--*.:-__>.. j. *_.*_.-tf- .^u_^_it • •*•.- * i-<-*''. •• av**-*--.*>*-> - ».*WWMl8iHef,3f*_*-J CITY NEWS ROM EST NEWS - HOM EST VIEWS* HONEST ADYERTESINtfi EDITION CE VOLUME UB SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1928 NO. 297 North Part Colored Vote Gables May First Ballet Continue in Cooper Will Is Promised Is Cast ioru Boost Sixth Yankee Doodle Lands at To McClellan Californian Proposition Of Jersey Colored yetera ef Santa Unite With fB\* Associated TV***) Efforts to William John Cooper, atate Mines Field as End of Meniea held en enthusiastic PORTERVILLE. Oct. 25.— superintendent ef schools, will meeting et their Watonic hall WMt it believed to be tM b* m Santa Meniea all day ta* yesterday and voted to sup­ first ballot cast in California morrow snd will spesti four 1 port ! R. F. Mc^Pfeiian fer re* for Herbert Hoover, Repub­ time,. The public ta Invited te Is Dubious election te the office ef county Other Club lican candidate for president, Fill Chest heer him. Hla talha will deal supervisors. It also wee voted WM forwarded to Ravenna, Non-Stop East-West Hop la the wain with tha elxth te hold e mass meeting Thurs­ Ohio, loot night. Aa A. Sea- proposition an the November Hoover Conceded Victory day evening, November 1, for Meeting Held by Members ton, a visitor here, OMSfoltod Workers Out Combing City ballet, the purpose af which la Famous Monoplane With Harry Tucker, in Southern Sections the purpose ef furthering the of Santa Monica Group his absentee voting privilege te tales the atate beerd ef edu­ candidacy of Mr. McClellan by appearing before Attorney to Bring Sum Up cation out af potituct and put Santa Monican, As Passenger, makes by Observers and others who are favored. Favors Change We E. Burford and voting for to Quota the spposntsng power In the Arthur Reese wee chairman ef Hoovsr. TKo attorney csrti * bunds of the governor. Flight In About Twenty-five Hours the session yeaterday. fisld ts ths legality of tM Ml* Mr. Cooper's first address lot ond forwarded Ita Two Counties Would Oust Cohen Chairman States will be at the Ssnta Meniea high school at 10 o'clock, JUMP FROM PRESCOTT IN QUICK TIME Will Decide From Presidency Full Confidence when there will be a student Brantley Claims body assembly in the audito­ Believed Fliers Break Record Established Contempt Action rium. At tha noon hour he Hudson Seen as Strong for Hint Unaccounted Short­ Meeting Tomorrow Night Will talk before the Rotary In 1923, Unofficial Time Is Given at Smith; Essex in Du­ age in Funds; Fear Loss to Be Fined Report of elub in the Mlramar hotel. A North for Smith general teachers' meeting will Twenty-four Hours, Fifty-five Minutes bious Column of Property Threat of Court All Workers be held et 3 o'clock In ths auditorium ef the Madison By DAVID LAWRENCE Says Sentiment in Palo Six hundred members of With a large force of school, at Tenth etreet end MINES, FIELD, LOS ANGELES. Oet. 25—The mono­ NEWARK, N. J., Oct. 25.1 the Gables club, most of Remark Made by Woman workers in the field, Santa Ariaena avenue, and at ttM plane Yankee Doodle, with Captein C. B. D. Collyer nt the —Northern New Jersey is Alto Strong for them living in the Bay Dis­ Monica Community Chest o'clock, the superintendent will controls end Harry Tucker, Senta Monice sportsman end Democrat on Leaving Room An­ be heard befere the Bay Build- the true battle ground of this trict, responding to a call for noys Judge Spencer officials today were hopeful ore enchange, In the Builders owner, in e passenger's seal, landed here at 21 IS p. m. state. Two counties—Essex | a special meeting in the mu­ that at least a large propor­ Eschange building at Fourth todav, completing a non-si op flight from New York City. OIL MAN FOR HOOVER and Broadway. and Hudson—will decide the nicipal auditorium last night FIND FOR DEFENDANJT tion of the $14,000 needed to Tho unofficial time of the flight, which constituted a issue. Essex includes this to meet what was asserted as bring the chest up to its $50,- new eeat to weat non*atop record, was 24 hours and 55 Banker Praises Good Mind city, which will go for Smith, a "financial crisis in the af­ Charge of Defrauding an | 000 quota would be turned in minutes. Ine beat previous time on a flight without stop but the county will not. Hud­ of Republican fairs of the club," without a at the dinner meeting of the 25 Compete for was 26 houra end 50 minutes, made in 1923 by Lieutenants son will go overwhelmingly Nominee dissenting vote, approved a Innkeeper Dismissed entire organization tomor­ John Mecready and Oakley Kelly, for Smith. resolution to affiliate with tbe Loe by His Order row night nt tho First Presbyterian The Yankee Doodle was the center of interest ln Santa The problem is merely one of dis­ Hy T. Brantley, former repre­ Angeles Athletic club. Negotiations, church. Second and Arizona ave­ Mrs. H. B. Hoffman, who with Monica and at Clover Field this afternoon, but up to a late covering how much Hoover will get sentative of the Auto Club of In accordance with the action of the nue. Hangar Contract in all the counties outside of Hud­ Southern California, In the Bay Dis­ I members, were started today by the her husband conducts a hotel and hour the famous monoplane had not been sighted. The son. For if he comes to Hudson with trict, now engaged in the insur­ executive committee of the club apartment house In Banta Monica, "We have many pleilKou now out­ plane with Harry Tucker, of Santa Monica, owner, as a 100,000 majority, the vote in Hud­ ance business, was at Stanford with Frank Qarbttt, principal was threatened with oontempt of standing which will he reported at Many Contractors Seeking passenger, and piloted by Captain C. B. D. Collyer, flew son may wipe out his chances of when Hoover was there, but never­ owner of the Loa Angeles Athletic court by Judge Charlee Spencer In that time," said It. 13. Parker, Chest eatrying the state. theless is for Smith. club and Interested In a number ot police court this morning at the chnrlman, tht* mnrnlmr, "and wo Work on Clover Field in an attempt to lower the east-to*west non-stop flight successful ventures ln Southern conclusion of the trial of Paul have by no means given up hope of Buildings record. Preliminary surveys and compari­ "I admire Hoover for his abil­ Channock, motion picture studio sons of the figures of the rival man- . j California. According to Dr. J. S. being able to finance our charities ity," he said today, "and as a man carpenter of 1143 Fourth street, nn.I charnrtrr-bulldlng agencies for The plane took off from Garden City, Long Island, agers would seem to indicate that who has come tip from a very hum- Kelsey, jr., who presided tht BIDS ARE OPENED yesterday afternoon at 4:10 p. m„ eastern time. In depart­ Hoover is going to carry practically ( prefer Al I nr*eet,n""'. Mr. Oarbitt has Indicated Banta Monica. Channock was ar­ tho coming yearn." Me station in life, 1 rested on a warrant charging him ing, Tucker said they were carrying enough gasoline to last all of the South Jersey and Central Smith. The latter's great sincer­ that he would be Interested In tak­ The Chest finances the Council ot Jersey counties, but by a reduced ing over the club on a basis that with defrauding an Innkeeper. The Social Welfare, Hoy Neouts of City Engineer Howard Car­ 1'' i twenty-four hours. "If we dont ity, his courage and the wonderful testimony, according to the court, vote over that of four or eight years ! humanitarian measures that he has would Insure the members of their America, Olrl Bcouts, V. M. C, A., PI e y»| | u maka It In that time, wa won't maka ago. He should get a substantial ma­ rights In the club. showed that Channock was not Salvation Army, Community Serv­ ter to Pick Lowest u h put into operation in New York guilty of the charge and the case jority in Essex, which includes the state, command my support. He Adoption of the resolution, sub­ ieo (plnygroundn), Catholic Char­ Offer tlying Hub Is i ••" •"•" * •••.*-«<-«• *•** -**-.*••»-• Oianges and the large commuting mitted by Ira Miller, Santa Monica was ordered dismissed, Channock ities and Red Cross, has demonstrated that he has the testifying that he owed the Hoff- At Wlehita Early population, whose interests and in- political wisdom and power that realtor and a member of the Oables "Our problem this year has been Twenty-five contracting concerne clinations are those of the pro-Hoov­ Club Membership ProtecUve com­ mans $12 and Intended to meet the an unusual one," Mr. Parker con­ ars competing tor the contract fur Organized With \\ H'I I ITA. K mi, Oot, 2ti. The er business and financial district of are required for accomplishment. mittee, which has been hard at obligation. Channock accused the Yankee Doodle, transcontinental I understand there is a very strong tinued, "but we are iure the people the construction of two new h.in- New York city. But how much will work in an effort to save the club hotel proprietor ot locking up his of Santa Monica will not be found Knis at ,1'lsivci* Field, Santa Mon* alrplenn flying from New Tork te Hoover get in Essex and will it swell Smith sentiment at Palo Alto and from allegedly threatened financial toots in his room and refusing them lea's municipal airport, It became Big Attendance] l.oa Angelea, passed over WiohttO San Francisco." wanting, even though some have his margin sufficiently to help over- disaster, was greeted with cheers.
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