![Exect]Tive Engineer Shahpurkandi Dam Division No.Ii](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Diversion of I09.64 ha. lirrest land ( 49.32 ha. Protected forest and 60.32 ha. PLPA area) g-r ercluding delisted area(58.75 ha ) and river bed area(161.73 ha PF + 3.78 ha PLPA Total I65.5lha ) out of333.91 ha of forest land for Reservoir of Shahpurkandi Dam Project in Tehsil Dhar Kalan Forest Division and district Pathankot. ( By. ( SANDESH RAJ ) EXECT]TIVE ENGINEER SHAHPURKANDI DAM DIVISION NO.II, S H A H PU R KAN D I TOWN S H I P. ) Proposal No. FP/PB/H Y D I 4059212019 . ['ilc No.: Page. .... CHECK LIST SERIAL NUMBER:-07 STATEMENT SHOWING DETAILS OF NON FOREST AREA TH Sr District Division Range/T Khasra/Survey or Non-Forest area Present land Remarks No ehsil/ Compartment involved in the use. village Number or Km. proposal (ha) Stone 1. ) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pathankot Pathankot Dhar (hasra no . list 331.24 Ha. 'fehsil rttached Dhar kalan Place. Pathankot Date......"....... Countersigned by: - ( SANDESH RAJ ) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SPKDAM DIVISION NO.II, SHAHPURKANDT TOWNSHIP. Dirersion of 109.64 ha. forest land ( 49.32 ha. Protected forest and 60.32 ha. PLPA area) excluding delisted area(58.75 ha ) and river bed area(161.73 ha PF + 3.78 ha PLPA Total l65.5lha ) out of 333.91 ha of forest land for Reservoir of Shahpurkandi Dam Project in Tehsil Dhar Kalan Forest Division and district Pathankot. ( By. ( SANDESH RA.l ) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SHAHPURKANDI DAM DIVISION NO.II, * *A N DI row NS H I P')Proposal No' FP/PB/H Y D' ?, 8A :,Tt:Iu :::?' "*" JUSTIFICATION FOR LOCATING THE PROJECT TN FOREST LANT) Shahpurkandi Dam Project is located in the Ravi river terrain in Pathankot District Of Punjab State. The excess water of the River Ravi at present is going waste through the Madhopur Headworks downstream to Pakistan. Implementation of the project would minimize such wastage of water. A Bilateral agreement was signed between Punjab and J&K in Jan, 1979. As per the agreement, construction of Ranjit Sagar Dam (Thein Dam) and Shahpurkandi Dam was to be taken up by Punjab Govt. Ranjit Sagar Dam was commissioned in Aug, 2000. The ShahpurKandi Dam project is proposed on River Ravi, ll d/s of Ranjit Sagar Dam and 8 km u/s of Madhopur Head Works. ShahpurKandi Dam will act as balancing reservoir for working of RanjitSagar Power plant as a peaking station & to regulate the supplies to ShahpurKandi Hydel channel/ U.B.D.C canal system.With the completion of this project, complete water of river Ravi will be utilized for irrigation as well as power generation of 206MW. The proposed site for construction of Shahpurkandi Dam is strategically located on the Ravi river because the parlicular stretch is narrow on the said location . There is no other possible way out to avoid the submergence of forest land in the Shahpurkandi Dam Reservoir. So it is necessary to do diversion of 109.64ha. (49.32 ha. protected forest and 60.32ha. PLPA area) forest land. t-\\+ Place. Pathankot ( SANDESII RAII) Date.............. countersigned by: - ,r}?.rT["rt,]lr!;Tlt5.rr, SHAHPURKANDI TOWNSHIP. Diversion of 109.64 ho r^-^^- , . _ jli},?rTi,#ro;z\^r!pAarea) il#{i}1i;1:*tii'rii,{*ltfuffi :tfi:11"i11",k&f +ii:{l',li?,1i,tLlx* ffi"tB*'ul,'ffi rrj.rjiti..r*ir,;i?iiiiffi1t*#i,*#;i ji."f;#fl i #rym;l'8.,1+slxs,l-i*m*mt#l'rx-:*iftx*#"s:; *ffi ,?,;xtr#,fiffifl#,irilr"ry.;m"#,ff ,-Trrnil?rf irr;f'f],r"ffiii File ,f F,itT:*xaNolrd*fri#,*d"TffiIKilHffi No. : IPB/IdYD/4OSgztz-Ltg CIIECK LIST S-ERTAL CERTIFICATE NUMBER: -10 TONilTXrrrtUna ubb oF F,REST LAND to cerrify that the forest area invorved barest in the proposar rrrrr-,rrJ'lr.is:st area is unavoidabre is proposed for diversion. and Place. pathankot r\ Date. countersigned by: - tg1ryDlH4 EXECUTIVT TNCTNTNN spK DAlr orvrsrox iv"oil, SHAHpURKANDT rriwrvirup. Diversion of 109.64 ha. forest land ( 49.32 ha. Protected forestand 60.32 ha. PLPA area) excluding delisted area(58.75 ha ) and river becl area(161.73 ha PF + 3.78 ha PLPA Total 165.51 ha ) out of 333.91 ha of forest land for Reservoir of Shahpurkandi Dam Project in Tehsil Dhar Kalan Forest Division and district Pathankot. ( By. ( SANDESH RAJ ) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SHAHPURKANDI DAM DIVISION NO.II" SHAHPURKANDI**A N DI rowNSHTOWNSHIP.)Proposal I P. )Proposal No. FP/PB/HYD140592/2019FP/PB/HYD t 40se2/201 I8> :f,\T.:, "e ar" ? CHECK LIST SERIAL NUMBER :-11 UNDERTAKING FOR PAYMENT OF COST OF COMPENSATORY AFFORESTATION I ( SANDESH RAJ ) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SPK DAM DIVISION NO.II, TOWNSHIP. hereby, undertake to pay the entire amount for compensatory afforestation in lieu of the diversion of 109.64 ha. of forest land for Reservoir of Shahpurkandi Dam Project in Tehsil Dhar Kalan Forest Division and district Pathankot. as per the prevailing wage rates at the time of undertaking the plantation activities. Place. Pathankot Date.............. Countersigned by: - ( sANDESrtRiiD ' EXECUTIVE ENGTNEBR SPK DAM DIVISION NO.IL SHAHPTJRKANDI TOWNSHTP. Diversion of 109.64 ha. forest land ( ,19.32 ha. protected forest and 60.j2 ha. pLpA area) excluding delisted area(58.75 ha ) and river bed area(161.73 ha pF + J.7g ha pLpA Total l65.5lha ) out of333'91 ha offorest land for Reservoir ofShahpurkandi Dam project in Tehsil Dhar pathankot. Kalan F'orest Division and district ( Br. ( SANDESH ira.l I EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SHAHPURKANDI-"j"t"'"'"':"''"?,,r, DAM DIVISION NO.II, i'T,i.ll',-.^-'''"*-t''t' ..63 UNDERTAKING FOR PAYMBNT OF ADDITIONAL COMPENSATORY AFFORESTATION OF FOREST AREA It is to cerrify that I ( SANDESH RAJ ) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER spK DAM DMSION NO.II, TOWNSHIP, have applied for diversion of 109.64 ha forest area for the purpose of diversion of forest land for Reservoir of Shahpurkandi Dam project in Tehsil Dhar Kalan Forest Division and district Pathankot. I hereby, undeftake to pay additional Compensatroy afforestation if so determined as per decision of the Hon,ble Supreme Court of India. Place. Pathankot TD Date.............. Countersigned by: - ( SANDESH\*;)' EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SPK DAM DIVISION NO.II, SHAHPURKANDI TOWNSHIP. ,irNt mffi-$Nlr fi fiI {a.SII{i| }r {, art* l- f IGErrqHr \fi.rlf].rf,:lr.sl lrin rT$l,tt.[ m Diversion of 109.6-l ha. forest land ( 49.32 ha. Protected forest and 60.32 ha. PLPA area) excluding delisted area(58.75 ha ) and river bed area(161.73 ha PF + 3.78 ha PLPA Total l65.5lha ) out of 333.91 ha of forest land for Reservoir of Shahpurkandi Dam Project in Tehsil Dhar Kalan Forest Division and district Pathankot. ( By. ( SANDESH RAJ ) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SHAHPURKANDI DAM DIVISION NO.II, SHAHPURKANDITOWNSHIP.)Proposal No. FP/PB/HYD140592/20tq eV Parrc-----.... FileNo.:_ - CHECK LIST SERIAL NUMBER:.12 UNDERTAKING FOR PAYMENT OF NET PRESENT VALUE OF FOREST AREA It is to certify that I (SANDESH RAJ ) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SPK DAM DIVISION NO.[I, TOWNSHIP. have applied for diversion of 109.64 ha. of forest area for the purpose Reservoir of Shahpurkandi Dam Project in Tehsil Dhar Kalan Forest Division and district Pathankot. I hereby, undertake to pay the net present value (NPV) of the above forest land. Place. Pathankot tb Date.............. Countersigned by: - t snNnesh il51 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER SPK DAM DIVISION NO.II, SHAHPURKANDI TOWNSHIP..
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