596(www.historyofceylontea.com) DIRECTORIES PLANTERS' ASSOCIATION OF CEYLON. !Names of Committee Members for the Year 1858-841 IL. H. Kelly (Chairman) Alexander Philip (Secretary) Hon. R. B. Downall Hon. R. A. Bosanquet Hon. F. M. Mackwoocl Thos. North Christie W. D. Gibbon H. S. Saunders W. D. Bosauquet E. S. Grigson R. Porter W. Bowden. Smith Norman W. Grieve A. L. Cross H. A. Clark Chas. Young Kandy G. M. Ballarclie C. 0. Mackwood J. Russell Grant W. Ferber Laurie James Black( tt George Wall A. G, K. Borron Shelton Agar James H. Barber A. S. Scovell C. E. Strachan John H. Starey A. T. Karslake Wm. Mackenzie Alex. Ross Ed. Hamlin G. A. Talbot Atibrigamuwa W. Church (Chairman & Hon. Sec.) H. L. Forbes R. Asplaud Arthur Scovell, A. T. Rettie (Chairman) G. P. Osborne (Secretary) Barlulla and H. 0. Hoseason John R-ttia Madulsima J. H, Sproule W. W. Martyn C, Esdaile P. F. Hadow. Giles F. Walker (Chair.nau) John S. Thomson (Hon. Sccy Dikoya j L. H. Kelly A. Tabor F. G. A. Lane T. S. Dobree J. Huntley Thring (Clio;rman) Alfred. Denison (Ron. Secy.) G. A. Talbot W. C. Buchanan Dimbula G. Beck K. MacIvor J. Sinclair J. Cantlay Dolosbage ct j James Allan (Chairman) J. F. Rol (Hon. Secretary) Yakciesea l Thos. Smith J. A. Burmester Dumbara ..J. K. Ingleton H. J. Vollar Hantane and Nilambe .. W. L. Strachan Gabriel Ross i R.Beauchamp Dowuall (Chairman) James Duncan (Secretary) Haputalo -, J. H. W. Mayow A. Orchard F. V. Harper Hawaiian, ..C. S. Armstrong J. R. Hood Kadug I nnawa Kalutara Morison (Chairman) James A. Coohar (Hon. Secy.) Kelehokka .. H. A. Clarke A. M. White Kelani Valley .. H. K. Rutherford (Chairman) George Hardie (Hon, Secy.) Knuckles ...T. C. Owen A. C. S m ail Ketmale ...James Gray S. A. P. Gallwey Kurunegala . • - IA. E. Wright (Chairman) T. G. Hayes (Honorary Seep) T. N. Christie H. M. Teller Maskeliya H. D. Deane C. S. Agar S. E. Tt rich Matale North — Do East _Joseph Fraser Do West ...J. Anderson Hugh Fraser • Panwila ...J. Holloway flunasgiriya ...F. Haddeu D. M. Davidson Mat m ata ...J. Stuart Medamaha. nuwara, ...Eric S. Anderson Pussellaw a ...F. G. Carey Ramboda and Pundaluoya ..F. C. Gubbins J. L. Austruther Rangala ..,Edw. J. Young Sabaragamnwo, R. S. Duff Tytler Udapuseellawa Geo, A. Dick (Chairman) Cecil Naftel (Hon, S.Jurearv) bIBECtORIES. 607 KANDY UNITED SERVICE LIBRARY. Pal ron—His Excellency the Governor. COMMITTEE: The Government Agent 1 . J. B. Bishop, E.q. The Commandant Kr-qtjot+o J. S. Harper, Esq. Rev. J. Watt J. C. F. George, Esq. W. Penney, EMI. M. S. Cravi ford, Esq. J. H Sproule, Esq. Honorary Secretary and Treasurer—J. B. Bishop. No. of Volumes ab ut 10,000.—Subscribers 82. Hassim Samahon—Librarian, KANDYAN ARTWOR K ASSOCIATION. Patron—The Hon. A. H. Gordon, C4 .C.M Chairman—The Hon. the Govt. Agent, C. P. (W. E. T. Sharpe, Esq., c.c.s.) COMMITTEE : A. C. Lawrie, Esq. The Kachchcri Mudaliyar, Nev.11 , Esq., c.c.s. Panebokke R. M. The Diwa Nilame F. H. Price, Esq., c.c.s. A. M. Ashmore, Esq., c.c.s. Dr. Trimen, F. J. B. Bishop, Esq. Hun. Treasurer and Secretary —H. Nevill, Esq., c.c KANDY CLUB. Patron and President--His Excellency the Governor. Vice-President—A. C. Lawrie, Esq. Trustees—Hon. A. C. Lawrie and Major H. Bynle, COMMITTEE: Ron, ii, B. Downall Ed. Webb, Esq. H. Nevill, Esq., c.c.s. J. S. Harper, Esq. W. Penney, Esq., c.c.s. A. H. Murray.Mensies, Esq, 3, Murray Rub rtSon, Esq. H. A. D. MacLeod, Esq. J. H. Hughes, Esq. Dr. V. de S. Duke J. C. Cuurtuey, Esq. R. J. Farquharson, Esq J. R. Grant, Esq. H. Creasy, Esq. W. Forbes Laurie, Esq. H. R Tratlord, Esq, D. C. Wood, Esq. C. S. Armstrong, Esq, Graham Hoge, Esq. Rowland Boustead, Esq. L. IL Kelly, Esq. A. D. Maclean, E,q, R. E. Waller, Esq. W. Cantrell, Esq H. J. Vollar, Esq. Spencer b hell i , Esq. T. C. Huxley, Lg. F. G. Carey, Esq. W. MacGregor, Eaq. W. Chas. Whitham, Esq. W. R. Waller, Esq.—Secretary. HANDY A. B. C. D. CLUB. Patron—His Excalleency the Governor. President—Tne Hon. the Government Agent. Y.ce-President—The Comman 'aut. MEMI3ERS OF COM AIMEE. Major Byrde. • Ashley Walker, Esq. J. H. Sproule, Esq. A. H. Cimpbell, E. Hamlin, Fsq. W. Penrey, Esq. W. It. Waller, E'q. J. C. F. George, Esq. Honorary Secretary & I rtasurer—H. Creasy, Esq. CENTRAL TOWN LIBRARY. Established 1841. COMMITTE R : J. B. Siebel, Esq. Cornelis Pereta, E:q. J. H. Sproule, Esq. A. L. I. L. Marikar, Esq. W. A. Gnonetellike, Esq. R. W. Jonklaas, Esq. C. Jayetilleke, Esq. A. de Silva, Esq, J, J. Casie Chetty, Esq. Edwin Beven, EN.—Honorary Secretary, L. Vauderstraaten, Esq.—Honorary Treasurer. 76 698 bllikeTORiES. TRINITY COLLEGE; KANDY. (Founded 1872.) Princilial—The Rev. E.,Noel Hodge% M.A. Oxen, Viee.Prineipal- Head Master—J. W. Wirekoon, EN., F. A. Cal, Assistant Masters, Mr. C. 0. Siebel, F. A. Cal. I Mr. E. D. W. Siebel, F, A. Cal. Mr. H. C. Jayesinghe. Mr. E. F. Perera. Mr. A. M. Jayewardeus, F. A. Cal, J. C. Hausman, F. A, Cal. Mr. M. P. Siremene, (See Advertisement.) TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, (Founded 1875.) President—Rev. E. Noel Hodges, M.A. Oxon, Vice-President—Mr. J. W. Wirekoon. Secretary—Mr, Charles C. Handy. Treasurer— 4.i CEYLON SOCIETY FOR PROCURING ADDITIONAL SCOTTISH CLERGYMEN AND FOR PROMOTING CHURCH EXTENSION. COMMITTEE : Rev. John Watt—Kandy, Hon. Secretary (vacant) ; Rev. Henry L. Mitchell—Galls. Watt, acting. ,, C. McLean—Matale. C. Grant, Hon, Treasurer. Colombo. C. W. Ferdinandq. John Guthrie, C. Dickman. Kandy. J. W. Mottan. R. P. Jansz, W. V. Wuutersz. D. A. Wendt. C. S. Hay. Ellcaduw a—Hugh Fraser. Dimbula—J. Martin, W. SmiIh, Matale East—Geo. Reid. Dr. Craft, J. Cantlay, W. Keith, Xotmale—James Gray. Ambagamuwa—John Fraser. RANDY ORIENTAL LIBRARY. (Established 1875.) patron—H. E. the Governor. • President—The Hon. the Government Agent, C.P. Vice President—The District Judge, Kandy. Honorary Treasurer—The Assistant Government Agent, Kandy, Honorary Secretary—W. Goonetilleke, Esq. Ctim-SnitrEt.—Giragama, the Diwa Nila'ee or the Maligawa, the Presider' bf Dumbara and lidnnuwars, the Rattmahatmayas of Cdunuwara, Yatinuwa Tutnpane, Hurispattu, Lower Dumbara, Upper Dumbara, I/mer Hewahe Udapalata, Uda Bulatganaa, Matale North, Matale East and Matale South, also a. the Presidents of Matale East and Matale North. DIRECTORIES, 599 TAMIL COOLY MISSION, COMMITTEE: January 1888, Agar, Walter Mackie, Thos. Anderson, Jag, fl Mackwo-d, F, Andrews, R. Maiq, C. J. 11 &Hardie, G. M. Master, W. E. Bestall, Rev. W. J. G. Mayow, J. H. W, Bisset, James Milne, Wm, Byrde, F. W. Morrison, W, IT. Cantlay, ' P..rter, R, Carry, A. M. * PypPr, G. Carey, A. E. II -ekes, E. G. Carey, A, F. Renton, J. H, Cross, A. L. H ttie, A. T. Dewar, I. L. * Righy, Rev, F. W. C, Dick, G. A. Robe. tip J. A. Ferguson, A. M, Jur, Rose, Gabriel • Gibbon, W. D. Rossiter, J. A. Gibbon, C. * Rowlands, Rev. W. F. Gobbing, F. C. Siebel, J. B. Henry, C. M. * Si um ns, Rev. ,T, D. Henry, W. P. Smith, W. • Hodges, Rev. E. N. Small A, C , HorsIsy, Rev. H. * Sproule, J. H, Husey, H. M. Thomas, A, II. Raley, Rev. J. * Thomas, Rev. J. D, Igham, A, C. Tranchell, Majm7E, F. Jackson, W. B. G. F, Jardine, W. Tytler, R. S. Duff Lapham, Rev. H. A. * Vollar, H, J. Langdon, Rev, S. Walter, W, H. Laud, F. G. A. Welldon, C. E. Laurie, Buxton Wright, A, E. Laurie, F. M. Young, Chas. Leechman, G. B, Youag, E. J. • Loos, Dr. W. D. Gibbon, Esq., Honorary Treasurer. Rev. J. D. Simmons, Secretary. (Those marked (5) form the Executive Committee,) K ANDY INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Patron—His Excellency the Governor. COMMITTEE FOR 1887 : The Hon. the Government Agent, C. P. The Chaplain of St. Paul's Church, Randy. The Commandant of Kandy. Ex-Opio, The District Judge of Kandy. J. B. Bishop, Esq. H. NevillaEsq. Major H. Byrde, Est. 0. W. Morgan, Esq. J. S. Harper, Esq. J. H. Sproule, Esq. Dr. J. Loos. E. Dumaresq Thomas, Esq, Rev. W. Henly. J. Loos, M. D., and Rev, W. Henley—Honorary Seoretariss. J. B. Bishop, Esq.—Flonorary Treasury. Manager—Robert Spencer Schrader. Printer—C. E. Geodohild. RANDY BUDDHIST THEOSOPHICAL SQCIETY. President—Edward de Silva. Vice-President—J. Wijeyagunawardana, Registrar. secretary—D. S. S. Wickremaratua. Treasurer---D. T. Karonaratna, P. 0. Head Quarters in Natha Dewala Premises. DIRECTORIES. KANDY FRIEND-IN-NEED SOCIETY. Patron—His Excellency the Governor, President—The Hon. the Government Agent. Vice.President—The District Judge. ContarrTEE Bartholomeusz, F. B., Esq. Loos, Dr. J. Bishop, J. B., Esq. Morgan, Dr. J. T. Bestall, Rev. W. J. G. Pagnani, Rt. Rev. Bishop Casio Chitty, J., Esq. Prior, Rev. H. S. De Alwis, J.. Mudoliyar Perera, C., Muhandirana Gibbon, W. D., Esq. Parauagama, J. R., Idudaliyar Gratian, Dr. E. Siebel, J. B., Esq. Gunasekare. Rev. E. Siebel, E. L., Esq. Gunawardene, Rev. G. E. &demons, F., Esq. Henley, Rev. W. Sproulo, J. H., E-q. Hodges, Bev. E. Noel Van Cuylenburg, H. M., Esq. Lapham, Rev. H. A, Watt, Rev. J. Honorary Secretary—Major H. Byrde. I Asst. Seer.tary—E. L. Siebel, Esq. Almoner—J. B. Blazi, E.,,q. KANDY BLUE RIBBON ASSOCIATION. 'W. D, Gibbou, Esq.—Chairman. Rev, W. J. G. Bes"all Gordon Pyper, Esq, Raw, S. Lingdon Bev. G. E.
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