20140407fort4:cover61404-postal.qxd 3/18/2014 9:22 PM Page 1 April 7, 2014 $4.99 JOHN O’SULLIVAN: PUTIN’S VICTORY FOR AUTHORITARIANISM FLORENCE KING ON GREG GUTFELD THEODORE DALRYMPLE REIHAN SALAM: THE JOYS OF GENTRIFICATION ON WORLD WAR I HOW TO DESTROY PARADISE Kevin D. Williamson ON PUERTO RICO $4.99 ON PUERTO RICO 14 0 74820 08155 6 www.nationalreview.com base:milliken-mar 22.qxd 3/18/2014 11:27 AM Page 2 base:milliken-mar 22.qxd 3/18/2014 11:27 AM Page 3 TOC:QXP-1127940144.qxp 3/19/2014 2:35 PM Page 1 Contents APRIL 7, 2014 | VOLUME LXVI, NO. 6 | www.nationalreview.com ON THE COVER Page 27 Bankruptcy Reihan Salam on gentrification Boricua p. 33 Undone by gigantic deficits BOOKS, ARTS and rapacious public-sector & MANNERS unions that have looted an 38 SHOOTING AT THE HIP otherwise productive Florence King reviews Not Cool: economy, Puerto Rico The Hipster Elite and Their War on You, by Greg Gutfeld. is the junk-bond king of paradise. Kevin D. Williamson 42 WITCHES’ BREW Michael Auslin reviews Asia’s Cauldron: The South China Sea COVER: MICHELE FALZONE/AWL IMAGES/GETTY IMAGE and the End of a Stable Pacific, by Robert D. Kaplan. ARTICLES 43 BORN INTO ANXIETY Kevin D. Williamson reviews PUTIN’S WORLD 17 by John O’Sullivan The Triple Package: How Three In Crimea, a victory for authoritarianism. Unlikely Traits Explain the Rise and Fall of Cultural Groups in CONSERVATIVE STATE THINK TANKS by Stephen Moore 19 America, by Amy Chua and The Left tries to shut them down because they’re winning. Jed Rubenfeld. SEXUAL ASSAULT AND MILITARY JUSTICE by David French 21 45 THE PATH IN ROME The political undermining of due process. Kathryn Jean Lopez reviews 23 DOWN WITH ELEVEN by Jay Nordlinger Roman Pilgrimage: The Station On the overamplification of American life. Churches, by George Weigel with Elizabeth Lev and Stephen Weigel. 25 AND WHEN THE WAR IS DONE by Theodore Dalrymple How to remember the First World War? 47 FILM: ONCE MORE UNTO THE BREACH Ross Douthat reviews 300: Rise of an Empire. FEATURES 27 BANKRUPTCY BORICUA by Kevin D. Williamson Down and out on the isle of prom-queen jerky. SECTIONS 31 A DEFENSE OF BULK SURVEILLANCE by Arthur Herman & John Yoo 4 Letters to the Editor The NSA programs enhance security without uniquely compromising privacy. 6 The Week 33 WELCOME, GENTRY by Reihan Salam 36 The Long View . Rob Long Development and affordable housing go together. 37 Athwart . James Lileks 38 Poetry . Len Krisak 48 Happy Warrior . Kyle Smith NATIONAL RevIeW (ISSN: 0028-0038) is published bi-weekly, except for the first issue in January, by NATIONAL RevIeW, Inc., at 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. © National Review, Inc., 2014. Address all editorial mail, manuscripts, letters to the editor, etc., to editorial Dept., NATIONAL RevIeW, 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Address all subscription mail orders, changes of address, undeliverable copies, etc., to NATIONAL RevIeW, Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 433015, Palm Coast, Fla. 32143-3015; phone, 386-246-0118, Monday–Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. eastern time. Adjustment requests should be accompanied by a current mailing label or facsimile. Direct classified advertising inquiries to: Classifieds Dept., NATIONAL RevIeW, 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 or call 212-679- 7330. POSTMASTeR: Send address changes to NATIONAL RevIeW, Circulation Dept., P. O. Box 433015, Palm Coast, Fla. 32143-3015. Printed in the U.S.A. RATeS: $59.00 a year (24 issues). Add $21.50 for Canada and other foreign subscriptions, per year. (All payments in U.S. currency.) The editors cannot be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork unless return postage or, better, a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Opinions expressed in signed articles do not necessarily represent the views of the editors. base:milliken-mar 22.qxd 3/18/2014 11:24 AM Page 1 ® OR WATCH IT ON HBO GO® is only accessible in the US and certain US territories. ©2014 Home Box Office, Inc. All Rights Reserved. HBO® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. letters -- READY:QXP-1127940387.qxp 3/19/2014 1:48 PM Page 4 Letters APRIL 7 ISSUE; PRINTED MARCH 20 EDITOR Richard Lowry RoboArt Senior Editors Richard Brookhiser / Jay Nordlinger Ramesh Ponnuru / David Pryce-Jones Being a little behind in my read- Managing Editor Jason Lee Steorts ing, I just finished Kevin D. Literary Editor Michael Potemra Executive Editor Christopher McEvoy Williamson’s great article on pub- Roving Correspondent Kevin D. Williamson National Correspondent John J. Miller lic art (“Vandals and Scandals”) in Art Director Luba Kolomytseva the February 24 issue. I would like Deputy Managing Editors Nicholas Frankovich / Fred Schwarz to ask the author for his take on Associate Editors Patrick Brennan / Katherine Connell Detroit’s RoboCop-statue funding Production Editor Katie Hosmer via Kickstarter. By way of back- Research Associate Scott Reitmeier Assistant to the Editor Madison V. Peace ground, in 2011, a Kickstarter cam- Contributing Editors paign was launched to make a Shannen Coffin / Ross Douthat / Roman Genn Jim Geraghty / Jonah Goldberg / Florence King RoboCop statue from the 1987 iconic movie, which takes place in Detroit. Lawrence Kudlow / Mark R. Levin The nonprofit Imagination Station raised $60,000 online, and a ten-foot-tall Yuval Levin / Rob Long / Jim Manzi Andrew C. McCarthy / Kate O’Beirne statue is on its way to a Detroit-based bronzeworks. Reihan Salam / Robert VerBruggen NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE Page W. H. Brousseau IV Editor-at-Large Kathryn Jean Lopez Managing Editor Edward John Craig Flint, Mich. News Editor Tim Cavanaugh National-Affairs Columnist John Fund Media Editor Eliana Johnson Staff Writer Charles C. W. Cooke Associate Editors KeVIn D. WIllIamSon ReSponDS: now that Detroit itself has succeeded in Molly Powell / Lucy Zepeda realizing the horrific dystopian future of RoboCop, building a ten-foot-tall Editorial Associate Andrew Johnson Technical Services Russell Jenkins statue of the character seems a little beside the point. But the model behind Web Developer Wendy Weihs Web Producer Scott McKim the RoboCop tribute—a private nonprofit raising money from RoboCop fans EDITORS- AT- L A RG E via Kickstarter—is precisely the right one. It has been corrupt and backward Linda Bridges / John O’Sullivan political institutions and semi-political institutions, from the Detroit city NATIONAL REVIEW INSTITUTE council to the automotive labor unions, that have transformed Detroit from BUCKLEYFELLOWINPOLITICALJOURNALISM Alec Torres the nation’s most prosperous industrial city into the current pit of squalor and Contributors neglect that it is. If anything is going to rescue Detroit, it will be collabora- Hadley Arkes / Baloo / James Bowman Eliot A. Cohen / Dinesh D’Souza tive entrepreneurial projects, both in the for-profit world and in the nonprof- M. Stanton Evans / Chester E. Finn Jr. Neal B. Freeman / James Gardner it sector. maybe the RoboCop statue is not the most important of them—okay, David Gelernter / George Gilder / Jeffrey Hart scratch the “maybe”—but it is an example of the right sort of thing to be Kevin A. Hassett / Charles R. Kesler David Klinghoffer / Anthony Lejeune doing. as for the work itself—de gustibus, etc. D. Keith Mano / Michael Novak Alan Reynolds / Tracy Lee Simmons Terry Teachout / Vin Weber Chief Financial Officer James X. Kilbridge Accounting Manager Galina Veygman Sexual Expression First Accountant Zofia Baraniak Business Services I almost cried when I read mary eberstadt’s piece (“progressivism’s War on Alex Batey / Alan Chiu Circulation Manager Jason Ng Winners”) in your march 10 issue. Assistant to the Publisher Kate Murdock at one point in her article, she answered her own question: “If today’s pro- WORLD WIDE WEB www.nationalreview.com MAIN NUMBER 212-679-7330 gressives really care so much about the poor, why not cease and desist in their SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES 386-246-0118 enthusiastic efforts to obstruct such manifestly good works?” Her answer WASHINGTON OFFICE 202-543-9226 ADVERTISING SALES 212-679-7330 pointing to “the ideological desire to put sexual expression first” is to the Executive Publisher Scott F. Budd Advertising Director Jim Fowler point, of course, but unfortunately it also answers another question, which I Advertising Manager Kevin Longstreet heard stated rhetorically recently: “Why is a woman’s right to abortion more Associate Publisher Paul Olivett important than a baby’s right to live?” Director of Development Heyward Smith Vice President, Communications Amy K. Mitchell PUBLISHER David Ziegler Jack Fowler Via e-mail CHAIRMAN John Hillen CHAIRMANEMERITUS Thomas L. Rhodes FOUNDER William F. Buckley Jr. Letters may be sub mitted by e-mail to [email protected]. 4 | www.nationalreview.com APRIL 7 , 2 0 1 4 base:milliken-mar 22.qxd 3/18/2014 11:30 AM Page 1 Espionage and Covert Operations: A Global History Taught by Professor Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius TIME , ED O T FF I E IM R L 1. Introducing the Secret World 70% 2. Ancient Espionage 3. Medieval and Renaissance Spying off 4. Spies of the Elizabethan Age 9 O 1 R 5. Spies in the Age of Discovery D AY ER BY M 6. Espionage in the American Revolution 7. Spying of the European Great Powers 8. U.S. Civil War Spies in Blue and Gray 9. The Great Game of Empires 10. Spy Phobia before World War I 11. Mata Hari and Company in World War I 12. Subversion—Lawrence of Arabia and Lenin 13. Radical Challenge—The Interwar Years 14.
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