available growth retardants to control Planting Time and Flurprimidol Treatment growth of lachenalia. Many studies Influence the Growth and Flowering have been conducted on the use of plant growth retardants in the cultiva- of Lachenalia tion of well-known ornamental bul- bous plants (Krug et al., 2006a, 2006b; Salachna and Zawadzinska, 2013), but 1 1 Anna Kapczynska and Ma gorzata Malik De Hertogh and Le Nard (1993) emphasize that information on the ef- ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. growth retardant, planting date, potted lachenalia, fect of plant growth regulators is not morphological features transferable from one genus (or even cultivar) to another. For example, SUMMARY. The growth and flowering of ‘Rupert’ and ‘Ronina’ lachenalia (Lache- nalia paclobutrazol applied exogenously to ) in a greenhouse environment were manipulated by varying planting times alstroemeria (Alstroemeria) plants is and flurprimidol treatments. Bulbs were planted in November, December, January, and February. At each planting date, the following flurprimidol treatments were ineffective, whereas in the case of the tested: soaking the bulbs before planting (15 and 30 mgÁLL1) or a single foliar spray freesia (Freesia), lily (Lilium), and tulip (15, 30, 45, and 60 mgÁLL1). The results showed that foliar application of (Tulipa) species, it has a positive effect flurprimidol was ineffective in controlling inflorescence stem height and inflores- in controlling the height of the market- cence length; only soaking bulbs of ‘Rupert’ in flurprimidol at the concentration of able plant (De Hertogh and Le Nard, 30 mgÁLL1 shortened the inflorescence stem height. Moreover, soaking bulbs in the 1993). L concentration of 30 mgÁL 1 may be recommended for potted lachenalia pro- The objective of this study was to duction, as shorter and wider leaves were obtained and every planted bulb emerged determine how flurprimidol, applied and flowered. The later the date of planting of the bulbs, the more quickly the plants at different concentrations and plant- began to flower. As planting time was delayed, inflorescence stem length and leaf ing dates as a preplant bulb soak or length decreased, and the number of florets and leaf width increased. Soaking the bulbs in the retardant (30 mgÁLL1) delayed the emergence of flowers for 5–6 days, a foliar spray, influences the growth of but the retardant did not affect the number of leaves or the number of florets per ‘Ronina’ and ‘Rupert’ lachenalia. inflorescence. Regardless of the factors applied, the two cultivars of lachenalia differed with respect to each of the analyzed traits. Materials and methods The experiment was carried out lobalization and increased unique morphological features but also in 2012–13 in a glass-glazed Venlo- competition in the floricul- on more practical aspects, such as the type greenhouse (equipped with Inte- gro 724 process computers; Priva, De ture sector have led to the ability to obtain flowering plants when G Lier, The Netherlands) of the Faculty creation of new flower production demand is high (winter and early spring of Biotechnology and Horticulture centers. Africa, where a significant in- months). Hence, one of the most crease in horticultural production and of the University of Agriculture in important stages in the process of in- Krakow, Poland (lat. 50.08°N, long. flower exports has been observed, is troducing new cultivars is the determi- ° one of these (Benschop et al., 2010). 19.95 E). The day and night green- nation of the optimal planting time house air temperature set point was The genus Lachenalia is particularly to produce true-to-type, high-quality ° interesting due to its rich palette of 18 and 15 C, respectively, under potted plants or cut flowers within ambient light conditions (Fig. 1). flower colors and unique spotted a strictly scheduled time frame. To leaves. This great diversity of flower Two cultivars of lachenalia were in- maintain compact, greenhouse-grown vestigated: Ronina (yellow flowers) and foliage characteristics has attracted ornamental plants (and thus, help to considerable interest among re- and Rupert (lilac-purple flowers), improve the appearance of those plants both from the African BeautyÒ series. searchers and breeders, and was a de- and their marketability), plant growth cisive factor in the selection of this The bulbs (average weight 4.0–4.5 g, regulators are applied during the pro- circumference 5.5–6.0 cm) were pur- genus for the experimental program duction phase. Treating plants with to release and commercialize new chased from Afriflowers (Cullinan, growth retardants is especially recom- cultivars for use as cut flowers or South Africa). The bulbs were pre- mended during winter and spring, potted ornamentals (Duncan, 2012; pared for the experiment by applica- when low light levels cause excessive ° Kleynhans, 2002). Since 2001, new tion of a cold (9 C) treatment, stretch. No information has been pub- followed by 2 weeks at 35 °C and 22 cultivars of this geophyte have been ° ° available commercially under the trade lished on the use of commercially weeks at 25 C. The period at 9 C name Cape Hyacinth (Kleynhans, 2006). Successful commercialization of Units new plants depends not only on their To convert U.S. to SI, To convert SI to U.S., multiply by U.S. unit SI unit multiply by Department of Ornamental Plants, University of 29.5735 fl oz mL 0.0338 Agriculture in Krakow, 29 Listopada 54, 31-425 2 2 0.0929 ft m 10.7639 Krakow, Poland 2.54 inch(es) cm 0.3937 This study was supported by the Polish Ministry of 28.3495 oz g 0.0353 Science and Higher Education: DS 3500/KRO/2012- 1 ppm mgÁL–1 1 2015. 3.8745 Wh/ft2 JÁcm–2 0.2581 1Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. (°F – 32) O 1.8 °F °C(°C · 1.8) + 32 • June 2016 26(3) 293 RESEARCH REPORTS except the number of leaves (data not shown), were influenced by the plant- ing date (Tables 1–4). The shortest plants were obtained by planting bulbs on the latest date. The inflores- cence stem height for February was 8 cm (‘Ronina’) and 22 cm (‘Rupert’) shorter than those obtained from the bulbs planted in November. The shortest inflorescences were noted for the November ‘Ronina’ and the Feb- ruary ‘Rupert’. However, for both cultivars, the floral part ratio (the share of the inflorescence in the in- florescence stem) increased as the planting date was later. A similar ten- dency was observed for stem diameter. The number of florets of ‘Rupert’ and ‘Ronina’ increased as the planting date Fig. 1. Weekly average (A), lowest (L) and highest (H), day (D) and night (N) was delayed; however, for ‘Ronina’ temperatures (T), and radiation (RAD) during the experiment on lachenalia (from no differences were noted for bulbs week 47 of 2012 to week 20 of 2013); (1.8 ·C) D 32 = °F, 1 JÁcmL2 = 0.2581 planted in November and December. Wh/ft2. The mean length of a single floret for ‘Ronina’ and ‘Rupert’ was 3.1 and 2.5 cm, respectively. With the delay in was varied between 25 and 37 weeks floret to the apex of the inflorescence), the planting date, shorter and wider to facilitate four different planting dates. the floral part ratio (the quotient of leaves were obtained and the plants The bulbs were planted at monthly inflorescence length to inflorescence began to flower sooner. intervals on 23 Nov. 2012, 20 Dec. stem height), the number of florets in As the number of days to flower 2012, 24 Jan. 2013, and 25 Feb. the inflorescence, the diameter of the initiation decreased (the later planting 2013. The bulbs, soaked (for 30 inflorescence stem, the length of a sin- date), the inflorescence stem height min) in a 0.25% captan suspension, gle floret (the first developed one), the and leaf length of both cultivars and were planted at a depth equal to twice number of leaves produced by one the inflorescence length of ‘Rupert’ the height of the bulb in 19-cm plastic bulb, and the length and width of the decreased linearly. However, the floral pots (five bulbs per pot, 16 pots/m2) first and second leaf, were recorded, as part ratio, number of florets, floret filled with a peat substrate [pH 5.5– well as the number of days to the start length, stem diameter of both cultivars, 6.5 (Botanica Professional; Comeco, of flowering. and inflorescence length of ‘Ronina’ Plock, Poland)]. After the first leaves The experiment was set up in increased linearly. had appeared, 30N–0P–16.6K liquid a completely randomized system with FLURPRIMIDOL TREATMENT. The fertilizer, with microelements (Floro- four replications of each treatment application of flurprimidol and its vit Universal; Inco-Veritas, Warsaw, combination: four planting dates · concentration affected length and Poland) at the concentration of 1.0%, seven flurprimidol treatments (includ- width of leaves and number of days was used every 2 weeks in the amount ing control). Each replication consisted to flowering of ‘Ronina’ and ‘Rupert’ of 250 mL per pot. For each month of of one pot containing five bulbs (20 lachenalia. In addition, flurprimidol planting (first factor), the following bulbs per treatment combination). For treatment influenced the inflores- flurprimidol (Topflor 015 SL; SePRO, each cultivar, 140 bulbs were used in cence stem height and floret length Carmel, IN) treatments (second fac- each planting date (month). All data of ‘Rupert’ (Tables 2–4). The short- tor) were used: soaking the bulbs for were analyzed using STATISTICA est and the widest leaves were ob- 60 min in flurprimidol solutions be- 10.0 data analysis software system tained from bulbs soaked in flurprimidol fore planting, at either of two concen- (StatSoft, Tulsa, OK). Experimental at 30 mgÁL–1.Ascomparedwiththe trations: 15 or 30 mgÁL–1; applying data were subjected to variance analy- control plants, it reduced the first and a single foliar spray when the average sis, and the t test or Tukey’s multiple second leaf length by 18% and 17% leaf length was 15 cm (6 weeks after range test were used to separate the for ‘Ronina’ and 23% and 23% for planting) using flurprimidol at the means at a significance level of P £ ‘Rupert’, and it increased the first following concentrations: 15, 30, 45, 0.05.
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