Canadian Literature / Littérature canadienne A Quarterly of Criticism and Review Number !"#, Autumn !$"%, Of Borders and Bioregions Published by The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Editor: Margery Fee Acting Editor: Laura Moss Associate Editors: Joël Castonguay-Bélanger (Francophone Writing), Glenn Deer (Reviews), Kathryn Gra&on (CanLitGuides), Iain Higgins (Poetry), Daniel Laforest (Francophone Writing) Assistant Editor: Ti'any Johnstone (Reviews) Past Editors: George Woodcock ("()(-"(**), W. H. New ("(**-"(()), Eva-Marie Kröller ("(()-!$$%), Laurie Ricou (!$$%-!$$*) Editorial Board Heinz Antor University of Cologne Kristina Fagan Bidwell University of Saskatchewan Alison Calder University of Manitoba Carrie Dawson Dalhousie University Cecily Devereux University of Alberta Janice Fiamengo University of Ottawa Carole Gerson Simon Fraser University Helen Gilbert University of London Susan Gingell University of Saskatchewan Faye Hammill University of Strathclyde Paul Hjartarson University of Alberta Lucie Hotte University of Ottawa Coral Ann Howells University of Reading Smaro Kamboureli University of Toronto Jon Kertzer University of Calgary Ric Knowles University of Guelph Louise Ladouceur University of Alberta Patricia Merivale University of British Columbia Judit Molnár University of Debrecen Linda Morra Bishop’s University Lianne Moyes Université de Montréal Maureen Moynagh St. Francis Xavier University Reingard Nischik University of Constance Ian Rae King’s University College Julie Rak University of Alberta Roxanne Rimstead Université de Sherbrooke Sherry Simon Concordia University Patricia Smart Carleton University David Staines University of Ottawa Cynthia Sugars University of Ottawa Neil ten Kortenaar University of Toronto Marie Vautier University of Victoria Gillian Whitlock University of Queensland David Williams University of Manitoba Mark Williams Victoria University, New Zealand Herb Wyile Acadia University Editorial Anne Kaufman and Robert Thacker Introduction: Reading Ricou ! Articles Tamas Dobozy The Writing of Trespass "" CanLit_218_3rdProof.indd 1 14-02-05 10:26 PM Articles, continued Laurie Ricou Binder Twine #$ Maia Joseph, Travis Mason, Angela Waldie The Laurie Ricou Files: The A&erlife of Habitat Studies %& Lisa Szabo-Jones Adventures in Habitat: An Urban Tale !& Magali Sperling Beck Poetical Encounters: An Interview with Jan Conn '! Neil Querengesser “God in his blank spaces”: Quantum Theology in Tim Lilburn’s Names of God "$$ Katherine Ann Roberts Cascadia Redux: Chronicle of a Return to the (Extra) West ""& Poems Sonnet L’Abbé "$ TV Mason !* Christopher Patton (), ""! Susan McCaslin '* Nancy Pagh %*, %! Derrick Stacey Denholm )' Books in Review Forthcoming book reviews are available at canlit.ca/reviews Authors Reviewed Diane Dubois "*& George Amabile "%# Loren Edizel "*' Oana Avasilichioaei "%# The Enpipe Line Collective "%$ Andrew Baldwin "%! Neil S. Forkey "#% Tzeporah Berman "%' Monica Gattinge "!$ Laura Cameron "%! Sky Gilbert "*" Sarah Phillips Casteel "'* Charlotte Gill "%' Herménégilde Chiasson "*$ Sarah Glassford "!" Paul Cohen "&" Helen Guri "!( Stephen Collis "%$ Phil Hall "*" Méira Cook "*" Ian Hamilton "!% Gilles Cyr "*# Colin Hill "!! Frank Davey "*% Peter Hodgins "&& Joe Denham "** Ava Homa "*' A. A. Den Otter "#% Koom Kankesan "!& Myrna Dey "** Deborah Kirshner "!& CanLit_218_3rdProof.indd 2 14-02-05 10:26 PM Audrey Kobayashi "%! Reviewers Jane Koustas "&& Dina Al-Kassim "*' Michaël La Chance "!) Réjean Beaudoin "&$ Mary Jo Leddy "*' Clint Burnham "*% Mark Leiren-Young "%' Charles Dionne "*# Jonathan Livernois "&$ Veronique Dorais Ram "'( Serge Lusignan "&" Debra Dudek "'% Linden MacIntyre "&( Alana J. Fletcher "%! Nicole Markotić "!( Marc André Fortin "!! France Martineau "&" Wayne Grady "#% Ralph Maud "*% Brian Russell Graham "*& Bruce Granville Miller "&% Mark Harris "'& Yves Charles Morin "&" Jasmine Johnston "&% George Murray "*" Martin Kuester "&& Nicole Neatby "&& David Leahy "!& W. H. New "%# Jan Lermitte "!" Keith Oatley "'( Joel Martineau "!%, "&( Charles Olson "*% Travis V. Mason "*" Pamela D. Palmater "&% Jane Moss "*$ Diane Saint-Pierre "!$ Laura Moss "%$ Jordan Scott "%$ Maria Noëlle Ng "** Priscilla Settee "&% Jonathan Paquette "!$ Amy Shaw "!" Chantal Phan "&" Winfried Siemerling "'% Du,y Roberts "%# Sylvie Simmons "'& Molleen Shilliday "!) Michelle Smith "*" Lisa Szabo-Jones "%' Maria Truchan-Tataryn "'( Erin Wunker "!( Christl Verduyn "&& Opinions and Notes Thomas Whar ton “ L i n g e r i n g a &er Mass” ")$ Lost and Found “Loss of the Steamship Paci-c, November +th, "#*)”: Poetry and Commentary James P. Delgado Loss of the Steamship Paci-c ")* Rev. Geo. Mason Loss of the Steamship “Paci,c,” November +th, "#*). ")& John Wilson Foster A&erword ($$ CanLit_218_3rdProof.indd 3 14-02-05 10:26 PM Canadian Literature, a peer-reviewed journal, welcomes original, unpublished submissions of articles, interviews, and other commentaries relating to writers and writing in Canada and of previously unpublished poems by Canadian writers. The journal does not publish ,ction. Articles of approximately -)$$ words (including Notes and Works Cited), double-spaced, in "!-point font size, should be submitted online to canlitsubmit.ca. Submissions must be in Rich Text Format (../0) or Microso& Word (.123 or .1234). Submissions should include a brief biographical note ()$ words) and an abstract (")$ words). Articles should follow 567 guidelines for bibliographic format as outlined at canlitsubmit.ca/submissions/help. Littérature canadienne, une revue évaluée par les pairs, accueille la sou- mission d’articles, d’entrevues, et d’autres commentaires originaux et non publiés sur les écrivains et l’écriture au Canada, ainsi que de la poésie canadienne pour publication initiale. La revue ne publie pas de ,ction. Veuillez soumettre les articles—d’environ -)$$ mots (notes et références bibliographiques comprises), à double interligne, taille de la police "!— en ligne à canlitsubmit.ca. Les soumissions doivent être en format de texte enrichi (../0) ou Microso& Word (.123 ou .1234). Les soumissions doivent comprendre une brève note biographique ()$ mots) et un résumé (")$ mots). Les articles doivent suivre les directives 567 en matière de format biblio- graphique comme décrites à canlitsubmit.ca/submissions/help/fr. CanLit_218_3rdProof.indd 4 14-02-05 10:26 PM Canadian Literature online: Archives (canlit.ca/archives) Issues L" to "() are freely available online as are all editorials and pre-print book reviews, including unpublished upcoming reviews, from issue L"(- onwards. CanLit Guides (canlitguides.ca) A modular learning resource that introduces students to reading and writing at a university level. CanLit Submit (canlitsubmit.ca) Submit articles, poetry, and book reviews online to speed up evaluations and reduce paper waste. Online Store (canlit.ca/store) Order subscriptions and back issues securely with credit card or Interac. Copyright © !$"% The University of British Columbia Subject to the exception noted below, reproduction of the journal, or any part thereof, in any form, or transmission in any manner is strictly prohibited. Reproduction is only permitted for the purposes of research or private study in a manner that is consistent with the principle of fair dealing as stated in the Copyright Act (Canada). IC; 9"$#"-"**( Publication of Canadian Literature is assisted by The University of British Columbia, the Faculty of Arts (MN3), and OOP.33. Canadian Literature is indexed in Canadian Periodical Index, Canadian Magazine Index, Humanities International Complete, and the ./0 International Bibliography, among numerous others. The journal is indexed and abstracted by QNO32, R.2SMQO/, and KNQO. Full text of articles and reviews from "((* on is available from R.2SMQO/, TKUQ, and QNO32 Publishing. The journal is available in micro,lm from University Micro,lm International. Publications Mail Agreement !$"+ C<ACB9?G;?D= 82. +$)(!)+% B7=7>7 (IC; ?=B6<>:>): ?=>?@?><76 J)-; Registration 82. $#-+* ?=C;?;<;?D= J"#- D<;C?>: B7=7>7 (CH?GG?=I ?=B6<>:>): 9:;<9= <=>:6?@:97A6: B7=7>?7= ?=>?@?><76 J#- BK1; ?=C;?;<;?D= 7>>9:CC:C ;D J!"- BK1 Canadian Literature ?CC= $$$#-+%-$ The University of British Columbia Managing Editor: Donna Chin 7=CD Building, Room # [email protected] -%$% =E Marine Drive Production Sta': Zoya Mirzaghitova, Vancouver, AB Jennifer Lin, Beth Veitch Canada @-; "F" Design: George Vaitkunas ;:6:GHD=:: (-$+) #!!-!*#$ Illustrations: George Kuthan :57?6: [email protected] Printing: Hignell Printing Limited canlit.ca Typefaces: Minion and Univers canlitsubmit.ca Paper: recycled and acid-free CanLit_218_3rdProof.indd 5 14-02-05 10:26 PM Editorial Introduction Reading Ricou Anne Kaufman and Robert Thacker And it is especially about writing and reading a region. —Laurie Ricou, The Arbutus/Madrone Files: Reading the Paci-c Northwest In the summer of "(*+, newly removed to Canada and just embarked on a graduate program at the University of Waterloo, one of us started reading Ricou. That person had already discovered Alice Munro and her just-published Vancouver-set story “Material” ("(*%), one that features unremitting rain, an overworked sump pump, and Vooding as central plot elements. “Material” would later prove to lead to a lifelong reading passion just then beginning. But reading Ricou that summer would also lead to another such passion: his Vertical Man/Horizontal World: Man and Landscape in Canadian Prairie Fiction, published in "(*% too, held the keys to a coequal interest: the prairie
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