Rapa Nui Journal: Journal of the Easter Island Foundation Volume 1 Article 1 Issue 6 Rapa Nui Notes Winter 1987 1988 Rapa Nui Notes 1988 Winter Follow this and additional works at: https://kahualike.manoa.hawaii.edu/rnj Part of the History of the Pacific slI ands Commons, and the Pacific slI ands Languages and Societies Commons Recommended Citation (1988) "Rapa Nui Notes 1988 Winter," Rapa Nui Journal: Journal of the Easter Island Foundation: Vol. 1 : Iss. 6 , Article 1. Available at: https://kahualike.manoa.hawaii.edu/rnj/vol1/iss6/1 This Research Paper is brought to you for free and open access by the University of Hawai`i Press at Kahualike. It has been accepted for inclusion in Rapa Nui Journal: Journal of the Easter Island Foundation by an authorized editor of Kahualike. For more information, please contact [email protected]. et al.: Rapa Nui Notes 1988 Winter ,....,...~--,-~~,....,..,..,.~--, "':':iiliiii:"':':'~":':':'~""":'~:':':"'~:"""~':':•...~•.•:.:••~•.•:•.•.~.:•.•.•.~.~~ ~~.:..•:.:~•.•:.:.:~.:.:. ~~..~•.•:.•••~.:.:.:.:~..•:.:..~:.:.:~.:.:.:.:~.:.:':"~':""'~""" ~"""'!!!""":'~:""':'!!!":':"'~:':':':'~:':""'~:..•.•.•~•••.:..~.•..•:•.~.:~:•..•~••••. ~......•.••.•.•••••••••••••.....•....••.•••.•••.••..•.•.•.•....•.••.......•.•.....•.•••••.•.•.•. ~~~;.-r 'mfmtm~~~~~~~t~f~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~t~~;~;;;;;;;;~r;::::t: ~==lli RQ!pl! N~1 N ji.~.i.:·.:.:·~.:l.j~~"d~lflIILQQ~~~:,~~~::·~df:~~~~~~~~.~~ .. :.::::::;::::::::::;::.:.> .: .. AtfffiB~Y~~;~~~~':::::: CofEditdi\ :. Whaf'sNew Maria de Rapa Nui in Hangaroa by The evocative statue of the Virgin and Joan T. Child in the church at Hanga Roa has captivated many visitors to the island, A streetmarket,feria, is now held onPoli­ Seaver butfrwknowits history. Wearegrate- carp<> Toro Street on Saturday and Tuesday ful to Joan Seaver for the following I~landers a.m. bringfresh fish, poi, andlocally article on Maria de Rapa Nui.1 grown vegetables and fruits to sell. The remodeling of the church is now The election of Chilean president Salvador completed, and the new anthropological Allendein 1970 wasnot the onlyelectrifying museum has some of their pennanent ex­ event to happen that year. At the CIlleta hibitsinplace. Moreexhibits willbeadded as (fishing community) on Rapa Nui, island­ funds become available. ers-after over one hundred years of mis­ Down the street from the church a new sionization-were carving monumental re­ restaurant/bar has justopened. Called Kopa ligious art for the first time since the ancient Kavana, it has become a lively nightspot in moai of almosta thousand yearsago. Instead the village. ofprehistoric kin groups, thepetitionersthis CONAF (National ParksofChile) has ini­ time were three members of the Catholic tiated a program for school children aged 10 clergy from Santiago. and older. Small groups study and learn Padre Raul Hasbun, articulate leader of about the conservation of the archaeological the delegation, had his work cutout for him features of their island. They wear a special when he and his colleagues landed at Mata­ cap and ann band, with hope that they will veri on Wednesday, May 16. First, he had to spread the word about conservation on the assuage the disappointed Rapa Nui who island. CONAF is also providing TV and had come to greet their expected new statue radio announcements on a regular basis that of the Virgin del Carmen, Chile's patron stress conservation, preserva­ saint. Next, since he had come to detennine tion, and anti-litter practices. the source of rumors spreadingon the Con­ Thesmallbay nearthe CIlI­ tinent about "restless natives" on Chile's eta and AhuTautira hasa new SouthPacific island, he was to set the island­ addition; a snack bar and ers at a task both productive and unifying dressing room has been built (and probably distracting?). Instead of re­ along with terraces that lead ceiving a ready-made statue from Chile, he down to the bay. A shallow must persuade them to carve their own sea pool has been constructed statue of the Virgi. All of this was to be dealt so that young children can with before the three sacerdotes left the tar­ iji:i:·::::·:ill:·:li:ill:rnin~:·:~/··:!:::::· play in safety. This very attractive addition mac! enables children and islanders who cannot Whatever Padre Hasbun's words, his }t .A.ttractions .' easily get to Anakena to have access to a safe plan succeeded. "Approximately twenty" swimming beach. artisans,afterheated privatediscussions,ac­ ··1.: Next year Chile will spend close to 500 cording to one of their members, eventually million pesos on a Plan of Development for satinthefront pewoftheChurchoftheHoly Rapa Nui. Among the works that will be Spirit and raised their hands to accept the undertaken are the paving of the streets of commission. They were to find and cut an Hanga Roa, improvementof dock facilities at appropriatelog, takeitto thecaleta andcarve Hanga Roa, and the improvement of the it within the next six days. In the Biblical small fishing ports. Also, the number of fashion, on the seventh day (a Sunday), the scholarships for students will be increased to completed statue would be brought in pro­ 75 and thenumberofvocational scholarships cession up the road from the CIlleta and t.,II.'11:1:[(~~liilljl~If:~i~:':1 will be raised to 100. installed next to the church altar. continued on page 7.... continued on page 7... Rapa Nui Notes 6 / Page 1 / Winter 1987/88 Published by Kahualike, 1986 1 Rapa Nui Journal: Journal of the Easter Island Foundation, Vol. 1 [1986], Iss. 6, Art. 1 Stone Conservation Project Report on Recent by Monica Bahamondez Prieto, is in chargeo! by Archaeology on Dr. Christopher the island's restoration project under the Monica Stevenson Direction de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos, Bahamondez Rapa Nui SantiJ:lgo de Chile. Her report, in Spanish, is Prieto followed by an English translJltion. A s part of a long term research project concerned with the study of prehistoric Easter Island economy and socio-politi­ Para nadie es un secreto que estado de deterioro en que se cal structure, excavations were conducted at Site 6-356 with encuentra gran cantidad de moai de Isla de Pascua es de the assistance of Earthwatch volunteers under the direction caracter grave. Poresta rawn se elaboro un proyecto decon­ of Dr. Christopher Stevenson and Ms. Felicia Rounds. The servacion del material litico de la isla, el que se enmarca excavations entailed the intensive excavation of a single dentro del Proyecto CH1/79/0l3, suscrito entre el PNUD y open-air residential site located in the southwestern portion la DirecciondeBibliotecas,Archivosy Museos. Comienzaen of the island. This undertakingrepresents the first thorough el ano 80 con traida a la isla del experto polaco Sr. W. investigation of a major habitation site ever conducted on Domaslowski, quien propone en primera instancia un Easter Island. metodo de Conservacion de la Piedra. Posteriormente se Research objectives for the first field season focused on envio a la Sra. Monica Bahamondez, Ingeniero Quimico, a the identification of site workshop areas and the investiga- realizar un curso de especializacion en CQ!t~D'acion de -~tion of speCific cultural features. In order to realize these Piedra (Venecia 83), con el fin de analizar la factibilidad de objectives, a complete surface collection of the artifactual aplicar el metodo propuesto y tomar bajo su cargo la etapa material from the surface of the site was taken. Theentire site experimental. area was divided into 192 five meter square units and all La empresaalemanaWacker, fabricante delos productos artifacts ofobsidianand basaltwerecollected. A preliminary recomendados presto la asesoria del Prof. Roth, Quimico de mapping of the absolute numbers of artifacts indicated that dicha empresa, quien superviso la aplicacion de las resinas. well definedareasofhighartifactconcentration werepresent El trabajo es de caracter experimental y consiste bcisica­ across the site area. These zones of high density appear to mente en consolidar la piedra para devolverle su durenza represent areas where obsidian was worked into finished original y posteriormentehidrofobizarle,es decir, impedirla tools. Five distinct concentrations were identified. penetracion de agua, principal causante del deterioro. Los After the surface collection, the entire site was tested with resultados obervados ala fecha son altamente positivos con one meter square excavation units positioned at systematic 10 que esperamos retardar al maximo el deterioro de los intervals across the site. An additional sample of the stone moais. En el presenteanoseha planificadola intervencionen tool assemblage was collected and part of a purposefully 3 esculturas ubicadas en distintas zonas de la isla 10 que buries human skull was recovered. Also encountered were permitira una buena evaluacion de la etapa experimental. five basalt hoes. To our knowledge, this is the first reported [It is no secret that thestate ofdeterioration ofa great numberof discovery of this tool type from the island. moai on Easter Island is very grave. For this reason, a stone conser­ Architectural features at the site consisted of a subter­ vation project was developed as part of Project CHI/79/013, co­ raneanmanavai (gardenenclosure), a hare moa (stone chicken sponsored by the PNUD and the management of Libraries, Ar­ coop), an ana kionga (refuge cave), the remains of a house chives and Museums. It began in 1980, when the Polish expert, W. entrance feature, and a deep cooking midden with umu Domaslowski, was brought to the island. He first proposed a (earth
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