Soviet Russia, but is forced to refuse energetically to take part in any block¬ The Vaultman Churches of State and Nation Soviet Drafts ade and that the German people, who City, have suffered terribly under the block¬ No calling requires greater ade, cannot conscientiously commit intrinsic character and Women Into "such terrible injustice" against any Business Yoii^ Don 9t Get Tributes to Roosevelt's people. » more intensive training Pay Memory than that of vaultman in ^War Service Russians Expected to Is Lost Profit a institution. At the Oscar large Straus Speaks at .-.-. Mercantile you will find Rooseveltmemorial Association Remain in Vladivostok the most Free Synagogue in Carne- | men of unusual MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Military Training Ordered, Kolchak's Allied calibre . men who have gie Hall and Former Pres¬ Refusal of your mailing «list: Preparatory to Forming Plea That Be With, CONSIDERthe letters send out grown with the institu¬ ident Taft at New Haven 1 MADISON AVENUE, N. Y. Them Into Medical Troops you get tion. Corps, drawn Considered as Final across, or fail to.according to Petrograd Reports State whether, are or MERCANTILE 1919 OMSK, Oct. 26..The Vladivostok they personal THE Meeting at Oyster Bay incident, which started with the de¬ process letters. mand of the Allied commanders that J to a Safe Deposit Company desire be member of the RooseteU Factories To Be Closed Russian troops should be removed You may think your results are Memorial Floats From . Established 1S70 Flag Memorial Association, and ask Üiat my name from Vladivostok, is regarded here as good enough. But at best process Staff at Public All closed. (To the demand of the Allied letters are a hit-andf-miss 115 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Library; be enrolled. Workmen To Be Sent to command, Admiral Kolchak's govern¬ proposi¬ a matter Continues Journey To-day the Front; Yudenitch Re¬ ment replied with a strong note ot tion.largely of luck. Name. protest to the Allied governments sumes Not so with Hooven Drive Toward City against this, as an infringement of Letters. The churches of New York City and Russian sovereignty, and with an Each Hooven letter is a tho tribute to Address- personal Militia Called country paid yesterday order to the commander of the Rus¬ line to the man it's sent to. the memory of Colonel Theodore HELSÏNGFORS, Oct. 26.- Reports sian troops in Vladivostok to resist Roosevelt in hundreds of meetings at from Petrograd state the central exec- and State. utive any attempt to force their retirement Eliminate To Knoxville to which sermons and speeches were City committee (the soviet organiza¬ from the the "take it for tion) has decided to city.) given on texts drawn from the former close ail the fac- The All-Russian in this granted" nuisance of process let¬ President's and I to the tories and send the to government, life ideals. At the desire, also, to subscribe Permanent Memorial, soon workmen the connection, publishes the complete ters.born to die in the Curb Car Riots same time King Albert and Queen front. Women will undergo military lext of the telegram which Admiral usually Elizabeth of Belgium to to be erected, the sum of #- training and be formed into a medical Kolchak sent to the Russian com¬ waste-basket, unopened and un¬ journeyed mander at Vladivostok Oyster Bay and laid a wreath on the te Alk«* M. corps, according to the same order. upon learning read. NOTK..Make che«fca pursMe Wt**ta, MaW.1 Trie«,, He. 1 A that the Allies, through the Japanese With greater efficiency and of Ser¬ Colonel's grave. An added tribute was A»«., New York CHy, S. T. Russian army officer, who escaped General Resumption Trolley from Inigaki, had ordered the with¬ at an far lower in paid to the Colonel's memory by ex- Petrograd, says the situation drawal of the troops by noon of Sep¬ expense propor¬ vice With Non-Union Em¬ there is tember 30. It President William Howard Taft in a the world to advocate the true doc¬ desperate. The absolute neces- reads: tion to the replies, you can make tr.eech at New sities of life are "To demand the removal of the After Haven, Conn. trines of Americanism." on lacking and even the Russian each form letter ployees Eight-Day Oscar S. Straus, sjjmember of Roose¬ "I believe the Colonel's choice of a Boycott sailor masters of the troops from Vladivostok personal.getting velt's madtr Eggs, city have only a means to make an attempt the Cause of Cabinet, the principal ad¬ memorial would be something to do meagre diet of of against your over with a human Tie-Up Disorder dress at a meeting held at the Free good," said Major La Guardia, "He Butter and Coffee bread, herrings and safety Russia. I instruct you to message in Hall was water. The rest of the inform the commander of the Allied Synagogue Carnegie yesterday responsible for clean politics. He population detachments that touch that makes each letter an in¬ morning. In offering a text Rabbi was the ideal statesman and politician. rarely see bread. Coal is iacking, busi¬ Vladivostok is a Tenr... Oct. 26..After Stephen S. Wise read from the His made it for Will Start ness is dead and cholera and Russian fortress and that the Russian dividual salesman. KNOXVILLE, prophet policy impossible any To-day typhoid soldiers are Isaiah and followed with a brief ex¬ state to be fever are there under my authority a day marked by frequent clashes grow- to-day under the direct raging. and should execute That is * cerpt from one of the apocryphal writ¬ domination of a political boss." The official reports of the North- no other orders why.- ing out of a resumption o? street car ! ers. but my own or those of my represen¬ To-day, Roosevelt Day, the sixty-first National western army this morning and last tatives. I order service with non-union crews two bat- "In the words of an apocryphal anniversary of the Colonel's birth, Housewives' League night state that General Yudenitch has you to protest against Hooven Letters Get all attempts on the safety of Russia Replies y talions of the 4th Tennessee Infantry writer," said Or. Wise, "1 would say of will bring Roosevelt Week to nn end. Men to successfully resumed the offensive and Colonel 'he put on The first 'event of the will be the Urges Co-operate southwest and southeast of to stop at nothing that may be Where Process Letters Fail to-night were ordered by the Governor Roosevelt, right¬ day Petrograd lecessary to achieve this end." eousness as a breastplate and true flicht of the Boosevelt flag to Oyster to Lower Women in spite of the nrrival of Bolshevik re¬ to mobilve here to a Prices; [An earlier dispatch from Omsk immediately pre¬ judgment instead of helmet.' Bay, where ceremonies will be held inforcements from the North Russian dated HOOVEN LETTERS and the serve order in the event the situation "He took holiness for an invincible this afternoon and to Plants front. The White have September 30, stated the Allies HOOVEN to-night. Inspect Storage troops fought had withdrawn their re¬ shieid ne requires no memorial at The Roosevelt waved from a their way eastward as far as demand for AUTOMATIC TYPEWRITERS arc Sold gets beyond the control of local author¬ flag Tosna, moval of the Russian in re¬ only by the hands of Americans. But every specially constructed flagstaff in twenty-five miles east of Gauchina, on troops ities. Governor Roberts, at Nashville, American would do well for his own sponse to Admiral Kolchak's protest. front of the Public Library from sun- Boycotts against the consumption of the railroad to Moscow. This point from also is prepared to call for the use of sake and for his country's sake to per¬ rise to sundown had been reached earlier a Subsequent dispatches Vladivos¬ yesterday, guarded by eggs, butter and coffee are to be put by cavalry tok, however, intimated the Allied com¬ HOOVEN SERVICE, Inc. United States cavalry at Fort petuate the memory of Theodore the Quentin Roosevelt battalion of the raid. Ogle- Roosevelt." Junior Naval into effect to-day by members of the manders were endeavoring to have Atl- 387 Fourth Ave. Tel. Madison 5720 if this neces¬ and Marine Scouts. The Drive to Coast Under miral Sq. '.horpe, Georgia, becomes Thousands Visit Grave Hebrew Band fur¬ National Housewives' Mrs. Way Kolchak reconsider his attitude Orphan Asylum League. The White were also on the basis of their to him of sary- "Hundreds and thousands of nished music. Thousands visited the Julian Heath, the president, announced troops pushing report One infantry company and the ma¬ people their way northward from Krasnoie the continued friction with the new go to Oyster Bay to visit the cemetery flag during the day. At sundown the yesterday that housewives Seio toward the Gulf of Russian levies, whose lack of chine gun company of the State Guard, flag was placed in the library. generally Finland in an discipline have where rest the mortal remains of and all persona who eat in endeavor to reach the coast at a had resulted in the murder of three which headquarters here, are Theodore said Mr. Straus, Goes to restaurants point Allied on their arms in the Knoxville Roosevelt," Oyster Bay To-day or hotels are to be between Cronstadt and Petrograd. soldiers, including an American, sleeping come, young and old, rich and the Public asked to help until and in minor President Seite THE MIRACLE FOOD / armory to-night.
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