J. N. Am. Benthol. Sw., 2004, 23(1):50-68 Q 2004 by The North American %ntholagical Society Relationships between environmental characteristics and macroinvertebrate communities in seasonal woodland ponds of Minnesota Department of EntomEog, Urziwsity of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 USA USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station, 2831 East Highq 269, Grand Rqids, Minnesota 55744 USA Abstract. We related macroinvertebrate communities and environmental variables in 66 small sea- sonal woodland ponds of northern Minnesota, USA. These wetlands were relatively pristine, being embedded in 50- to 100-y-old Pd-growth forests. Macroinvertebrate taxon richness in ponds increased as hydroperiods lengthened, tree canopies opened, water pH declined, and litter input decreased. Eighteen macroinvertebrate taxa were widespread (occurred in >5O0/0 of ponds), and hydrology water chemistry, geomorphology vegetation, occurrence of other macroinvertebrate taxa, and presence of amphibian larvae each explained some variation in relative abundance of widespread macroinverte- brates. The first 4 axes of a canonical correspondence analysis explained 37% of total variation in relative abundance of widespread macroinvertebrate taxa. Overall, however, macroinvertebrates were remarkably unresponsive to environmental variables. Most relationships between macroinvertebrates and environmental variables were nonsignificant, and the few significant relationships observed were weak (<20% of variation). We suggest that this lack of response occurs because most macroinverte- brates in seasonal woodland ponds are habitat generalists. These species routinely endure pronounced and unpredictable environmental changes; hence, they possess a durability that makes them resistant to most natural variation in habitat conditions. Key words: wetlands, invertebrates, hydroperiod, canopy cover. There are several hypotheses about ecological indirect, with hydrology affecting distributions controls on macroinvertebrate communities in of predaceous salamanders, which in turn af- seasonal ponds. The treatise by Wiggins et al. fected invertebrate abundance. Few would argue (1980) on seasonal ponds in Ontario focused at- that wetland organisms must deal effectively tention on hydroperiod, and maintained that with temporary drying, but Williams (1996) drying prevented many organisms from exploit- suggested that drying is not a difficult barrier ing these temporary habitats. Recent studies by to overcome because the ability to survive dry Schneider and Frost (1996) in 7 Wisconsin periods has evolved repeatedly in a wide range ponds, Brooks (2000) in 5 Massachusetts ponds, of unrelated wetland taxa. For species adapted and Fairchild et al. (2003) in 9 Pennsylvania to seasonal wetlands, drying may not be a ma- ponds contrasted invertebrate communities jor environmental constraint. along a hydroperiod gradient, and reported that Wetland ecologists have tacitly assumed that faunas from ephemeral habitats were different water chemistry is an important influence on from those in permanent ponds. However, in a wetland invertebrates (Batzer and Wissinger more extensive study of 41 ponds in Colorado, 1996), although little quantitative evidence ex- Wissinger et al. (1999) found little evidence that ists to support this hypothesis. In semi-arid hydrology directly affected community struc- western Australia, Growns et al. (1992) found ture beyond the fact that only a few inverte- that invertebrate communities varied with water brates exploited extremely short-duration color and nutrient concentration. Nutrient levels ponds. Wissinger et al. (1999) suggested that the also limited invertebrates in an oligotrophic most important influence of hydroperiod was marsh in Canada (Campeau et al. 1994, Gabor et al. 1994). In some North American prairie E-mail addresses: [email protected] wetlands, highly saline or alkaline conditions * bpalik632fs.fed.u~ permit only the most tolerant organisms to per- ,ASONAL WOODLAND PONDS sist (Euliss et al. 1999, Lovvorn et al. 1999). However, each of these wetlands showed ex- treme (high or low) chemical concentrations, which in some cases were anthropogenically in- duced. Examples of associations between water Rice River quality and invertebrates from natural habitats Lake plain with more moderate chemistries appear to be End moraine lacking (Batzer and Wissinger 1996, Wissinger Study pond et al. 1999, Battle and Golladay 2001). The hydrology and water chemistry of sea- sonal ponds both are undoubtedly governed by landscape features, so one might expect rnac- roinvertebrate communities to vary with chang- es in landscape characteristics, such as landform or soil type. However, limited information exists on how macroinvertebrates in seasonal ponds are influenced by landscape features (Euliss et al. 1999, Hall et al. 1999). Some authors have speculated that patch size influences biotic di- versity of seasonal ponds (Ebert and Balko 1987, Hall et al. 1999, Wissinger et al. 1999), so rnac- roinvertebrate communities may vary with Sucker Lakes watershed I pond size. In addition to abiotic factors, biotic features Outwash plain also may influence invertebrates in seasonal End moraine woodland ponds. Recent evidence suggests Study pond that, like streams (Wallace et al. 1997), the con- FIG. 1. Locations of the Sucker Lakes (lat 47'15'N, dition of the surrounding upland forest and lit- long 94'30'W) and Rice River (lat 417045'N, long ter input influence macroinvertebrate commu- 93'37'W) watersheds in northern Minnesota's Chip- nities in ponds (Higgins and Merritt 1999, Batz- pewa National Forest. er et al. 2000, Palik et al. 2001). Entrekin et al. (2001) and Battle and Golladay (2001) hypoth- esized that differences in plant communities to test competing hypotheses are even rarer (but among ponds affect distributions of wetland in- see Wissinger et al. 1999). The goal of our study vertebrates by altering food quantity and qual- is to describe macroinvertebrate communities ity. In addition to bottom-up trophic influences and habitat conditions in a large set of seasonal with plants, macroinvertebrates in seasonal woodland ponds in Minnesota, USA, and to de- ponds also may be controlled by predation termine how much variation in composition is (Wellborn et al. 1996, Wilbur 1997, Wissinger et explained by various abiotic and biotic habitat al. 1999). Most research in seasonal ponds has factors. We also provide a correlative means of focused on invertebrate predation by vertebrates testing and comparing some of the emerging (see reviews by Batzer and Wissinger 1996, Wis- hypotheses regarding the maintenance of rnac- singer 1999), whereas the importance of preda- roinvertebrate communities within seasonal ceous macroinvertebrates has not been evaluat- ponds. ed (but see Higgins and Merritt 1999, Battle and Golladay 2001). Methods With the possible exception of hydrology, there is little compelling evidence to support Study zwterskds and pond selection any hypotheses regarding controls on macro- invertebrates in seasonal ponds. Very few stud- Wi, conducted our study on the Chippewa ies have addressed any particular hypothesis, National Forest in north-central Minnesota and most published studies have been conduct- within the Sucker Lakes and Rice River water- ed on a small number of sites (40). Attempts sheds (Fig. 1). Dominant glacial landforms in- D. P. BATZERET AL. cluded ground moraine and outwash plain in tern, with inline persulfate digestion for total N the Sucker Lakes watershed and end moraine and total I? Total organic C was measured using and lake plain in the Rice River watershed. Up- a Dorhmann DC-190 analyzer. We measured land forests within study watersheds were color (as absorbance) of water samples using a mostly mixed pines (Pinus banksiana, I! resinosa, Spectronic 21D. and/or I? strobus) on the outwash, and mixed Pod size.-We determined pond surface area hardwoods (P'opulus trmuhides, I? ~andidentata, using the seasonal high-water level in 1998. Acer saccharum, Tilia amevimna, and/or Qwcus Presence of high-water marks, such as sedi- rubra) on the moraines and lake plain. Glacial ment-coated or recently saturated leaf litter, was landforms were mapped as part of the National used to establish pond margins. We measured Forest's ecological classification and inventory margin-to-margin pond length in 2 perpendic- (Chippewa National Forest 1996). In addition, ular dimensions, and used those dimensions to National Fbrest personnel identified and digi- estimate surface area using the formula for an tized all seasonal ponds in study watersheds us- ellipse. ing 1:24,000 leaf-off color-infrared air photog- Vegetation.-In 1998 in each pond, we estab- raphy. lished 1 line transect that spanned the basin's We randomly selected 66 ponds for study in longitudinal axis, and recorded herbaceous 4 glacial landforms (Fig. 1). We constrained our plant cover and coarse woody debris (CWD) selection of ponds using the following criteria: along the transect using the line-intercept meth- 1) the surrounding forest was >50 y old; 2) od, We defined CWD as trunks and branches ponds and surrounding forests showed no evi- >5 cm diameter at their narrowest point within dence of recent disturbance; 3) pond area was the pond basin. We assigned plant cover, as a >0.02 but <0.5 ha; 4) ponds had mineral or distance along the transect, to categories includ- mixed mineral and organic soil substrates, as ing sedge, grass, floating-leaved plants, sub- opposed to peat; and 5)
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