THE MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA OF HONG KONG AND SOUTHERN CHINA V Edited b y Brian Morto n The Swir e Institut e o f Marine Scienc e The University o f Hon g Kon g Hong Kon g Proceedings o f th e Tenth Internationa l Marin e Biologica l Workshop : The Marine Flor a an d Fauna o f Hon g Kon g an d Souther n China , Hong Kong , 6-26 Apri l 1998 . # m *» 9 * I K *t HONG KON G UNIVERSIT Y PRES S Hong Kon g University Pres s 14/F Hing Wai Centr e 7 Tin Wa n Pray a Roa d Aberdeen Hong Kon g Hong Kon g Universit y Pres s 200 0 ISBN 962 209 525 9 All rights reserved. N o portion o f this publication ma y b e reproduce d or transmitted i n an y for m o r by an y means, electronic o r mechanical , including photocopy , recordin g o r an y informatio n storag e or retrieval system , without prio r permission i n writing fro m th e publisher, Hon g Kon g University Press . Front cover : The Cape d'Aguilar Marin e Reserve, Hong Kon g Secure On-line Orderin g http://www.hkupress.org Printed i n Hong Kon g b y Condor Production Co . Ltd. CONTENTS Introduction i x Acknowledgements xii i Participants x v Previous worksho p proceeding s currentl y availabl e xxii i INTRODUCTION Coastal zon e management fo r marin e conservation i n Hong Kong : the nee d 3 for regiona l co-operatio n i n souther n Chin a B. Morton TAXONOMY AN D ANATOM Y Additions t o the apseudomorph tanaidacean s (Crustacea : Peracarida ) o f 3 7 Hong Kon g R.N. Bamber A new specie s o f Colanthura (Crustacea : Peracarida : Isopoda : Anthuridea ) 5 3 from Hon g Kon g R.N. Bamber Mysids (Crustacea : Mysidacea ) fro m Hon g Kong , with a description o f a new 5 7 species o f Heteromysis (Mysinae : Heteromysini ) R.N. Bamber Additions t o the tanaidomorph Tanaidace a (Crustacea : Peracarida ) o f 6 5 Hong Kon g G.J. Bird and R.N. Bamber Barnacles (Cirripedia : Thoracica) fro m epibenthi c substrat a i n the shallo w 10 5 offshore water s o f Hon g Kon g T.Y. Leung and D.S. Jones VI CONTENT S Egg capsules an d earl y developmen t o f Siphonaria japonica (Gastropoda : 12 9 Pulmonata) R. Huang and B.K.K. Chan An investigation o f the taxonomic statu s o f Siphonaria specie s i n Hong Kong , 13 7 using shel l morphometrie s an d allozyme s G.P. Slings by, RJ. Lewis and G.A. Williams Genetic diversit y o f Saccostrea cucullata (Bivalvia : Ostreidae ) withi n th e 14 7 Cape d'Aguila r Marin e Reserve, Hong Kon g K. Lam, Q. Huang, X. Y. Chen and B. Morton Anatomy o f som e subtida l Opisthobranchi a (Mollusca : Gastropods ) 15 7 from Hon g Kon g water s K.R. Jensen Observation o n egg capsules an d protoconchs o f som e marine prosobranch 18 3 Gastropoda fro m Hon g Kon g J. Knudsen BEHAVIOUR AN D PHYSIOLOG Y Diet an d feeding preferenc e o f Turbo cornutus (Gastropoda : Turbinidae ) 20 5 in Hong Kon g B.K.K. Chan and R. Huang Activity pattern s o f Clithon oualaniensis (Mollusca : Gastropoda ) o n intertidal 21 7 seagrass bed s i n Hong Kon g Y. Takada The hypoxia tolerance s o f subtida l marin e bivalves fro m Hon g Kon g 22 9 S. Nicholson and B. Morton Mucous productio n an d morphometrie s i n the mangrove littorinids , Littoraria 24 1 melanostoma an d L. ardouiniana O.H.K. Lee and M.S. Davies Scavenging behaviou r o f Nassarius pauperus (Gastropoda : Nassariidae ) fro m 25 5 the dynamic subtida l sand s o f Lobster Bay , Cape d'Aguilar Marin e Reserve , Hong Kon g B. Morton and K. Chan Osmoregulation i n the highshore cra b Grapsus albolineatus fro m Cap e 26 7 d'Aguilar, Hon g Kon g D. Morritt and G. A. Williams CONTENTS VII Osmoregulation i n larvae o f the mosquito Aedes togoi fro m supralittora l roc k 27 7 pools a t Cape d'Aguilar, Hon g Kon g D. Morritt and G.A. Williams The swimmin g rhyth m o f Dynoides daguilarensis (Isopoda ) a t the Cape 28 7 d'Aguilar Marin e Reserve , Hong Kon g L. Li MARINE PARK S AN D RESERVE S Underwater map s o f the Cape d'Aguilar Marin e Reserve , Hon g Kon g 30 1 P.A. Hodgson The biogeomorphology o f th e Ting Ko k mangrove, Tolo Harbour , 31 9 Hong Kong * Q.M. Zhang, S. Liu, S.Z. Lui and Y.C Zhang The distribution an d shel l allometr y o f the rock oyster Saccostrea cucullata 33 1 (Born, 1778 ) a t the Ting Ko k mangrove, Hon g Kong * HM.C. Chiu A re-survey o f the coral communities i n the Cape d'Aguilar Marin e Reserve, 34 1 Hong Kon g T.H. Clark Shallow scleractinia n cora l communities o f Ya n Cha u Tong/Lai Ch i Wo 35 1 Marine Par k an d Oute r Doubl e Heaven , Hon g Kon g D. McCorry The reef fis h specie s o f the Cape d'Aguilar Marin e Reserve, Hoi H a Wan 36 9 Marine Park , Ya n Cha u Ton g Marin e Par k an d Pin g Chau , Hon g Kon g A. S. Cornish POLLUTION Barnacles a s biomonitors o f trace meta l availabilitie s i n Hong Kon g coastal 38 5 waters: 199 8 updat e G. Blackmore and P.S. Rainbow Trace metal s i n portunid swimmin g crab s fro m th e southeaster n water s o f 41 1 Hong Kon g G. Blackmore and P.S. Rainbow * These papers ar e placed i n this section becaus e o f the editor's vie w that th e Ting Ko k mangrove shoul d b e declared a marine reserve . VIII CONTENTS Trace metal s i n th e sublittora l epibenthi c Bufonaria rana (Gastropoda : Bursidae ) 43 5 from th e southeaster n water s o f Hon g Kon g G. Blackmore and P.S. Rainbow Tolo revisited : a resurvey o f th e coral s an d thei r meta l burden s i n Tol o 45 5 Harbour an d Channe l twelv e year s an d on e millio n peopl e late r D. McCorry and G. Blackmore A surve y o f impose x level s i n subtida l gastropod s (Mollusca : Gastropoda ) 48 5 from Hon g Kon g Z.Y. Li An analysi s o f a fis h kil l a t Ping Chau , Hon g Kong , Apri l 199 8 50 7 A.S. Cornish arid J.C.Y. Lun Epibenthic cra b (Crustacea : Brachyura ) assemblage s o f th e southeaster n water s 51 7 of Hon g Kong : th e 199 8 traw l programm e G. Blackmore and P.S. Rainbow Changes i n th e epibenthi c cra b assemblage s o f th e southeaster n water s o f 53 5 Hong Kong : a comparison o f th e 1992 , 199 5 an d 199 8 traw l programme s S.Y. Lee, G. Blackmore and P.S. Rainbow The 199 8 resurve y o f th e subtida l mollusca n communit y o f th e southeaster n 55 3 waters o f Hon g Kong , si x year s afte r dredgin g bega n an d thre e sinc e i t ende d K.F. Leung and Brian Morton The praw n resource s o f th e southeaster n water s o f Hon g Kong : a comparison 61 9 of th e 1992 , 199 5 an d 199 8 traw l survey s S.F. Leung and K.F. Leung Effects o n th e benthi c fis h faun a durin g an d afte r large-scal e dredgin g i n th e 65 1 southeastern water s o f Hon g Kon g A.W.Y. Leung PARTICIPANTS Australia Dr T.H. Clar k c/ o Sunsai l Australi a PT Y Ltd. , P.O . Bo x 65 , Hamilto n Island, Queenslan d 4803 , Australia . China Dr K e Caihuan Departmen t o f Oceanography , Xiame n University , Fujia n 361005, China . Professor L i Fuxue Departmen t o f Oceanography , Xiame n University , Fujia n 361005, China . Professor L i Sheng Sout h Chin a Se a Institut e o f Oceanology , Th e Chines e Academy o f Sciences, 16 4 West Xingang Road, Guangzho u 510301, China . Professor Zhan g Qiaomi n Sout h Chin a Se a Institut e o f Oceanology , Th e Chines e Academy o f Sciences, 16 4 West Xingang Road, Guangzhou 510301, China . Denmark Dr K.R . Jense n Zoologica l Museum , Universitetsparke n 15 , DK-2100 , Copenhagen, Denmark . Professor J . Knudsen Zoologica l Museum , Universitetsparke n 15 , DK-2100 , Copenhagen, Denmark . Japan Professor Y . Takada Ishigak i Tropical Station, Seikai National Fisheries Research Institute, Fukai-Ot a 148-449 , Ishigaki , Okinaw a 907-04 , Japan.
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