1. intmr^rstrr lEttntitts It^raHi WEDMBSDAT, MABCH 4,1943 ^ age i i x T i i y Average Daily Circulation and more than 100 lovely dlapUye tion plcturM M a olimnx to tk* The Weather The regular meeting of Um Anr meeting. Tbese included fllma on For the Month of February, The reaular moathly meeting of will show how anyone can plan to Exchange C4lub Forecaat of r . S. Weather : the Dorcaa Society will be held at derson-Shea Post, 2048 will be held make his own property, large or the “ Romance of Aluminum,” About Town the Emanuel LAitheran church fol­ this evening at 8:15 at the Green. small, beautiful. T'nder the direc­ "Normandie Disaster,” "Retreat 7,120 lowing the UenUn Quiet Hour n't This meeting should have been tion of Mrs. Iiwing C. Wright of Sees Pictures of Germans in Russia'' and the 8:15 tonight. The hostessea will be held last night but due to the Flower Exhibit "Bombing of Pearl Harbord’ Member of the Audit Slightly warmer tonlRlit. l^- ' ^ Chestnut Hill, the Garden Clubs ‘ . IfM. Harry Rylander. «rf Mr*. Ruth Chambers. Mrs. Marie blackout Commander Linders de­ have arranged for a series of Thirty-five members were pres­ enALL Bureau of Circulatlona •treet. haa returned Bunzel, Mrs. Norma Dickson, Mrs. cided it would be wise to postpone small and simple gardens/ of fruits ent at the session. The next regu­ Manchetter— A City of Village Charm tton trip to Miami and P*™ Olive Decker and Mrs. Florence the meeting until this evening. Bokton Show to Be Held and flowers showing what can be Movies of Up to Minute lar meeting will be held on March o f Florida. She accomparfed Mr. Brian dson. done with a small outlay of cash News Events Shown 17. There will be a short meeting f u d od and Mri. Charier Rylai^er and Grant New' Line * March 16-21; Local and tin#. These are really little of the Board of Control of the club VOL. LXL, NO. 132 (OlaaKlfled Advertising on aPge It) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1942 (FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS their aon Theodore, of Bridgeport, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Ben­ Residents Interestefl. gardens for busy people —but Before the Members. next Wednesday evening. YOU PAY FOA formerly of 'thla town. son of Princeton street, left today beautiful for all that. by auto for a two weck.s' vacation For Local Finn Orchid* .Are Emphasized Geared to meet the needs of the The Manchester Exchange Club By our ''IWetered In Miami and St. Petersburg, Fla. Orchids are again emphasized held its regular meeting last Mr. Benson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perrett and Glenney, owners of hour, the V'etory Fower Show of this yeaf' with a triple display the Massachusetts Horticultural evening at Hotel Sheridan. A Fu«l OH 0«n v«rlM ^ E. Benson have been wintering in the Silver Lane bus line were ye.t- from the American Orchid Society, roast beef supper was served at STILL AVAILABLE- PIKEHURST... Society, the Vist consecutive New ■Mrs. M. Ida Young of Uingmea- Florida and It is expected they w;ill terday granted permission by the 6:30. Kniri Stidham, former pre.M- make the return trip with their Public Utilities Committee to op­ England Snruig Flower Show, dow and Edwin S. Weli.stor. presi­ But H urry! THURSDAY which is to" be held in Mechanics dent of the society. Roses are fea­ dent of the local club, had a birth­ son. erate buses between Manchester day yesterday, and It waa appro­ Cepter and the East Hartford Building, B<J8ton, March 16-21, tured too,, for, In addition to the Jap Invaders Cut Java Railway Line; left the drawing boards of the de­ priately celebrated by the club at Philco and Leonard Our llsh shipment this Chaplain Hughes Robinson of plant of the United Aircraft Com­ parade of long-stemmed beauties, signers today and went into the there will be a demonstration of the meeting. week will include only the 77th Coast Artillery will be pany. There waa no opposition to REFRIGERATORS their petition. hands of the carpenters, plumbers, the modem u.se of roses in the William Spears, former state the I^entcn speaker this evening at eiectrlclans, and painters who will FRESH Fish . nothing 7-30 at St. Marys F.pi.scopal The Silver Lane bus will be op­ home, as well as a wedding scene president of Ehcchange, spoke a 7 Cu. Ft. Model build the framework of the 173 few words about the duties of the chilled. church, and at 7:00 Sunday eve­ erated to gel people from Man­ with a backgnnind of roses ONLY *159.95 ning Rev. L. Mark Brewster of St. chester to work on time for the exhibits on the dusty boards of the All in all, 173 displays have been Exchange Club and civic groups Haddock Fillets James's church. Farmington, will three different shifts and will lay live hall*. : planned by Arno Nehrling. show maintaining the American way of 1— .\BC 9-Lb. Washer. Sole Fillets over in the .’icinlty of the plant for Meanwhile, In the more than 100 manager, both to provide Instruc­ living. Spears was the officer who *89.95 N«f«r. by mmm ol iIm m d preach. greenhouses in all parts of New tM lfd IU4 Snl M«t«f am amt track*' Stream Across Lower Sittang River about 30 minutes to pick up Man­ tion and Inspiration for victory presented the local club with its Red Perch Fillets 3— 1942 Thor Washers, 8 a n pfoyidid with a ticket ikac d Rev. Nelson Young, of 24 Locust chester people and those living England, skilled horticulturlsU- : gardeners as well as to create a charter when it was first formed. hlounder Fillets are sitting up nights nursing along and 9-Lb. Models primltd wick th« sftmM gallamMSt along the ine of their bus back I glorious oasis of beauty in a war Harry C. Smith, a member of Mto roue etorafe t»nk. Ikie street, while on his way to a doc­ the multitudes of trees, slirubs, Ih tttm Cod Pollock from the different .shifts. \ troubled world. the club, showed a series of mo­ *79.97 and *89.95 ticket eerve* m a delivefy ttceipt aad tor's office in the Watkins build­ plants and bulbs which are being Whole Haddock ing yesterday afternoon, collapsed In another ae"tion of today’s I R M Crockett of the Gkrden 1—Quality DeLuxe Gas fi fovr gyaraatc* of fttU meaanec. while on the stairs, and was rush­ Herald the schedule is printed. The lorced into bloom for the zero Center. West Hartford, Is arrang­ Survivor* of Torpedoed Destroyer ed to the Memorial hospital. He buses will .eave the Center each hour. March !6, at noon. ing for a bus to Mechanics hall. Range, Serve Birds Eye Peas; is reported as resting comfortably morning at 6.15 which will assure Victory Gardena I Boston, on March 18, and tho.se Special! $79.50 Pallotti Says Cox This year, great stress Is being 1 who would like to attend the show Pincers Movements only I/ C per serving at those working on the first shift to 6 4 today. placed upon victory gardens. Three HEALTH REST 1—L. & H. Electric Com­ this special price of 24c a reach their work before 7 o'clock. I should get in touch with him. or The Missionary Society of The next bus leaves the Center at | larg^ kitchen gardens are being with Mrs Norman Ash or Mrs. P. bination Range', *219.50 package. Emanuel Lutheran church will 2 45 in the afternoon and the third j staged by Ih.' F:.-4sex County Agri­ L Davis of ttiis town. Mr Crock­ MATTRESS cultural School, the Worcostei ett is president of the Connecticut Easv Terms— To 18 Months Lax in Enforcing Birds Eye Strawberries hold Its regular monthly meeting at 11:15 at night. The buses will i Guaranteed for 5 Tears! Wednesday evening, March 11, fol­ leave the East Hartford plant of | North High School and the Ja­ Horticultural Society In which the Against Two Cities; for dessert.. A.sparagus.. lowing the Lenten quiet hour. the company at 7:15 In the morn­ maica Plain High School. In ad­ local Garden Club and a number Com. .Limas. There will be no meeting tomor­ ing. 3:45 in tSu afternoon and at dition. experts will be on hand to of Its members are enrolled He is $19.95 enson row afternoon. The organization 12:15 in the'morning. show by demonstration the variou.s ■al.so trying to line up a party for L. T. WOOD State Contracts the New 'York show for the tenta­ 81.00 Down and $1.00 Per ~ i'l • L plans a few evening meetings, so garden ope -atlons, to answ er all Week. I m kkk W* Flamp Oat-ap Plnehont that younger women who cannot questions and to make free soil tive date of March 19. CO. attend afternoon meetings may All Apartments tests. "Bring a sample of your Allowing Use o f “ Im­ Heading Down Coast The Ladles’ Society of the Zion FOWL 99c each have the privilege of attending oc­ garden soil to the ahow and we'll KEMP'S, INC. PHONE 4496 proper Material’’’ on British Move Special on Native Broil­ casional meetings. Already Lease<l tell you what It may need to make t.utheran church on Copper street, Fine Bedding’. it fruitful" - this Is the free offer will have a meeting this evening Read Herald Ad vs.
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