JULY 2013 www.pcaucr.org J U L Y 2 0 1 3 The Journal of Upper Canada Region 1 EDITOR Emily Atkins, [email protected] MANAGING EDITOR Garth Stiebel, [email protected] July 2013 TECHNICAL EDITOR George O’Neill, [email protected] PHOTO EDITOR CONTENTS Eshel Zweig, [email protected] REGULAR REPORTS Club Photographer UCR Events Calendar 4 Michael A Coates New Members 6 Members’ Anniversaries 7 Contributing Photographers The Way We Were 9 Graham Jardine Social Events 10 Ken Jensen June Social Report Ronan McGrath 11 Andreas Trauttsmansdorff FEATURES Eshel Zweig Beaver Valley Fun Run had the answers 14 A Sunday sprint to Apsley: Kawartha Fun Run 16 Advertising Chair (Contact for advertising inquiries) Position open. For information contact Richard Shepard, contact Road Trips: Dan Sharp’s 911 C4S Cabriolet 21 details below. A fish story: Simcoe County Fun Run 22 Members’ Rides: How JELLI BN came to be 24 PUblisher/Advertising The greatest show on track 28 Administration Life in the fast lane 36 Richard Shepard, [email protected], 416.559.2960 COMING EVENTS Director of Communications 2013 Rallies: Coming soon 8 Kye Wankum Escape to LA 2013 18 PCA/UCR Annual Concours d’Elegance 23 Design and LAyout Tire Rack Street Survival School 27 Doug Switzer, AdverCom Consulting COLUMNS printing President’s Forum 5 Harmony Printing Limited, Toronto, Ontario Tech Session 12 Don Gain, Sr. at [email protected] Track Talk 32 Objects of Desire 35 CONTACT UCR The Steering Column 40 Angie or Mark Herring at (905) 854-3332 Peripheral Vision 43 You may visit UCR on the web @ http://www.pcaucr.org DATA To change your address, enjoy no-hassle renewal and ensure your UCR Contacts 44 uninterrupted subscription to Panorama and Provinz, simply phone Tech Centres Angie or Mark Herring at (905) 854-3332 or email at: ucrmembers@ 45 xplornet.com Ad index 46 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement Number: 40042299 Porsche Provinz (ISSN-0835-2151) is published monthly by the Porsche Club of America Upper Canada Region Inc. (“UCR”). Copying for other than per- sonal use, or of contents not owned by UCR, without the permission of UCR or the other copyright owner, is expressly prohibited. The ideas, opinions and suggestions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of UCR. Photography and illustrations are used by permission of the artist(s) and are protected by copyright. The acceptance and display of advertising in this publication does not constitute any endorsement of the advertiser by UCR. NOW ONLINE Board Minutes: http://pcaucr.org/ucr-board-minutes/ Please ensure you are logged in to the UCR site to read the minutes. The Mart: http://pcaucr.org/classifieds/ Cover: Photo courtesy Classified ads can be submitted through the website. of Porsche Canada. 2 JJ U U L L Y Y 22 0 0 1 1 3 3 The Journal of Upper Canada Region 3 2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Please check future issues of Provinz, as details for some events are yet to be confirmed. PRESIDENT'S FORUM As always, for last minute updates on all events, please visit the UCR website at www.pcaucr.org 19-20-21 Fri-Sat-Sun ALMS race and MARCH o my 911 was all prepared for its June will also see the Porsche Parade Porscheplatz, CTMP 1 Fri Ski Day, Osler Bluff Ski Club first outing at Mosport on the occur on June 23-26 in Traverse 28 Sun Fun Run: Collingwood 12 Tues UCR Social S May 11, 12 weekend. It was also City, Michigan. It is the major event 28 Sun Autocross: Toronto Star, going to be our first Saturday event in of the year for Porsche Club of 23 Sat Cayenne Fun Run: Sugar Vaughan providing a ride at lunch time to 10 America and the 136 Clubs in our Shack Run AUGUST young children with cancer. The origi- universe. At last count, there are APRIL nal idea came from my very good friend around 800 people attending and, 3 Sat UCR Rally, Location TBD 9 Tues UCR Social David Forbes’ s conversation with Dr. while this will be my first ever Pa- 13 Tues UCR Social 13 Sat Introductory Driving School, Lorne Rotstein, one of the outstanding rade, we have the most members at- CTMP Training Facility 17 Sat Introductory Driving School, surgeons at Princess Margaret Hospital. tending from a region. I look forward Walter Murray Shannonville Dave Osborne, our track chair, em- to meeting all our fellow members. 20 Sat Open House: Launch into Spring, UCR President Markham Fairgrounds 17-18 Sat-Sun Driver’s Education, braced the idea and Stephen Goodbody, Our region will be receiving the Shannonville chief instructor, Del Bruce, and others Award for the greatest absolute 27 Sat Introductory Driving School, on the track team were set to make it growth in 2012. I will report in my CTMP Training Facility 25 Sun Autocross: Toronto Star, Vaughan a memorable event. And a memorable next Forum as to the Parade experi- MAy event it was, but unfortunately I got the ence. SEPTEMbER 4 Sat Fun Run: Muskoka Spring Run flu and missed my first Mosport event 7-8 Sat-Sun Targa Muskoka 11-12 Sat-Sun Driver Education, since I joined the club five years ago. Fun Runs are in full swing and our “Swing into Spring”, CTMP 10 Tues UCR Social thanks go out to Peter Oakes and By all accounts, the event was an out- Clive Van Wert for the first ever 14 Tues UCR Social 14 Sat Fun Run: Porsche of London, London Run standing success. One young girl said Kawartha run, which was a great 19 Sun Autocross: Toronto Star, she would have to take her leg off to get success. Then Beaver Valley, capably 15 Sun UCR Concours, Moser’s Grill, Vaughan in the car. And she did and had a great organized by experienced members 4448 Guelph Line, Burlington, ON 25 Sat Fun Run: Beaver Valley time. One young lad asked “will we be Hazel De Burgh and Dwight Dyson. 20 Fri Braidan Tire Charity Day, CTMP 26 Sun Fun Run: Kawartha going faster than my mother’s mini- And of course in my backyard, the 21-22 Sat-Sun Driver Education, van?” Another said, “This is awesome— Muskoka Fun Run was beautifully Fall Colours, CTMP JUNE it’s the only time people have not been handled by our Fun Run Chair, 28 Sat Fun Run: Muskoka Fall Run putting needles in me.” David Forbes. So take a look at the 1 Sat Fun Run: Porsche of London, schedule and come and try one. They Simcoe County OCTObER The courage and strength these young are not called Fun Runs by accident. 7 Fri Charity Event, Black & Red Run people have is amazing, and I want to Group Training Day 8 Tues UCR Social thank all from our Club who made this On the Autocross pad, Mario Mar- 8-9 Sat-Sun Driver Education, Track Walk 19-20 Sat-Sun Driver Education, such an incredible event. As Stephen rello is off to the start of another Event, CTMP Oktoberfest, CTMP Goodbody said, “ We provide so little great season. Mario has been the 11 Tues UCR Social 26 Sat Cayenne Fun Run: Porsche- yet receive so much from these events”. voice of Autocross for many years Abilities Family Run and we appreciate his dedication and 15 Sat Fun Run: Bear Manor Niagara We also have our ‘Driven to Smile’ skill in running them. Escarpment Run 26 Sat UCR Rally, Location TBD event, where many children and adults 15 Sat Legends of the Autobahn, CTMP NOVEMbER with special needs were given a ride One last note on Targa Muskoka 16 Sun Yorkville Exotic Car Show around Mosport on June 7. Having as- 2013. We are down to the last couple 12 Tues UCR Social 28-29-30 Fri-Sat-Sun UCR Club Race & Advanced sisted in this last year, let me tell you of spots and then we will be sold out. Lapping, CTMP 23 Sat Annual Banquet it is also a heart-rending experience. So grab one now. Our thanks go out to Jill Clements- JULy DECEMbER Baartman, our coordinator, and her Until next month, drive safely. team and the Track Team for the hours 10 Tues UCR Social 9 Tues UCR Social they put in to make this special event Walter Murray 12-13-14 Fri-Sat-Sun Driver’s Education, Can/Am happen. with NNJR, CTMP 4 J U L Y 2 0 1 3 The Journal of Upper Canada Region 5 Welcome! Name Location Model Thanks To Corey McIntyre Lindsay 86-944 Salvatore Monaco Downsview 12-Boxster Porsche of London NEW MEMBERS Chris Montgomery Whitby 06-911S Patrick Moriarty Guelph 13-Boxster Porsche of London Name Location Model Thanks To Kris Noakes Mississauga 06-911 Fawez Abiad Windsor 12-911 TS Downtown Porsche Colin Osborne Burlington 13-Cayenne Downtown Porsche Suzanne Akoury Toronto 13-Boxster S Downtown Porsche David & Tara Pollard Oakville 04-911 Porsche of London Ibrahim Altay Toronto 13-Panamera GTS Downtown Porsche David Pullan & Terri King Stoney Creek 03-911 Kelly Annett Azilda 13-Cayenne T Downtown Porsche Honquin Qu Richmond Hill 13-Cayenne Downtown Porsche John Arand London 99-911 Alex Quazi Toronto 13-Cayenne Downtown Porsche Benjamin Berrigan Toronto 09-911 Barry Quinn Toronto 12-Cayman R Louis Bertoia Windsor 13-911 Porsche of London Jeffrey Richmond London 10-911T Stephen Campbell St. Thomas 00-911 Dave & Roberta Riddell Brockville 09-911C4S John Cappellazzo St. Catharines 13-Cayenne Downtown Porsche Paul Robinson Windsor 13-911 Porsche of London Salina F.
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