Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, USDA § 318.13-25 green scale host plants is prohibited: (d) The sweet potatoes must be in- Ixora, ginger (Alpinia purpurata), spected by an inspector and found to be plumeria, coffee, rambutan, litchi, free of the sweet potato scarabee guava, citrus, anthurium, avocado, ba- (Euscepes postfasciatus Fairm.). nana, cocoa, macadamia, celery, Pluchea indica, mango, orchids, and § 318.13-25 Sweetpotatoes from Hawaii. annona. Sweetpotatoes may be moved inter- (3) An inspector must visually in- state from Hawaii in accordance with spect the cut blooms of gardenias in this section only if the sweetpotatoes each consignment prior to interstate meet the conditions in paragraph (a) or movement from Hawaii to the main- paragraph (b) of this section or if the land United States. If the inspector sweetpotatoes are fumigated with does not detect green scale in the con- methyl bromide in accordance with signment, the inspector will certify the part 305 of this chapter. consignment in accordance with (a) Vapor heat treatment and inspec- § 318.13–3(b). If the inspector finds green tion. (1) The sweetpotatoes must be scale in a consignment, that consign- treated with vapor heat in accordance ment will be ineligible for interstate with part 305 of this chapter. movement from Hawaii. (2) The sweetpotatoes must be sam- pled, cut, and inspected and found to be (Approved by the Office of Management and free of the ginger weevil (Elytrotreinus Budget under control number 0579–0198) subtruncatus). Sampling, cutting, and inspection must be performed under § 318.13–24 Sweet potatoes from Puer- to Rico. conditions that will prevent any pests that may emerge from the sampled Sweet potatoes from Puerto Rico sweetpotatoes from infesting any other may be moved interstate to Atlantic sweetpotatoes intended for interstate Coast ports north of and including Bal- movement in accordance with this sec- timore, MD, under limited permit if tion. treated in accordance with part 305 of (3) The sweetpotatoes must be in- this chapter or if the following condi- spected and found to be free of the gray tions are met: pineapple mealybug (Dysmicoccus (a) The sweet potatoes must be cer- neobrevipes) and the Kona coffee-root tified by an inspector of Puerto Rico as knot nematode (Meloidogyne konaensis). having been grown under the following (4)(i) Sweetpotatoes that are treated conditions: in Hawaii must be packaged in the fol- (1) Fields in which the sweet potatoes lowing manner: have been grown must have been given (A) The cartons must have no open- a preplanting treatment with an ings that will allow the entry of the APHIS-approved soil insecticide. pests of concern and must be sealed (2) Before planting in such treated with seals that will visually indicate if fields, the sweet potato draws and vine the cartons have been opened. They cuttings must have been dipped in an may be constructed of any material APHIS-approved insecticidal solution. that prevents the entry of the pests of (3) During the growing season an ap- concern.5 proved insecticide must have been ap- (B) The pallet-load of cartons must plied to the vines at prescribed inter- be secured before it leaves the treat- vals. ment facility in one of the following (b) An inspector of Puerto Rico must ways: certify that the sweet potatoes have (1) With polyethylene sheet wrap; been washed. (2) With net wrapping; or (c) The sweet potatoes must be grad- ed by inspectors of Puerto Rico in ac- 5 If there is a question as to the adequacy cordance with Puerto Rican standards of a carton, send a request for approval of which do not provide a tolerance for in- the carton, together with a sample carton, to the Animal and Plant Health Inspection sect infestation or evidence of insect Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, injury and found by such inspectors to Center for Plant Health Science and Tech- comply with such standards prior to nology, 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 400, Ra- movement from Puerto Rico. leigh, NC 27606. 203 VerDate Mar<15>2010 10:59 Feb 20, 2014 Jkt 232016 PO 00000 Frm 00213 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\232016.XXX 232016 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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