THE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM • NOVEMBER 8 , 2009 • $2.50 Rome Welcomes Anglican Catholicism Send this fonn or call us toll free at 1-800-211-2771. 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Phone Billing Address ________ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ Bi.Bing City Please start this gift subscription O Dec. 20, 2009 Credit Card # _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ Exp. Sign gift card _ _________ _ THELIVING CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, LIVINGCHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and M independent weekly serving Episcopalians since1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. Phone: 414-276-5420 Dr. ChristopherWells Executive Directm ( ext. 15) THIS WEEK Betty Glatzel General Manager ( ext. 17) John Schuessler Managing Editm (ext. II) MichaelO'Loughlin Direcrm-of As$ocw.redPubli,ca/,wns ( ext. HJ DouglasLeBlanc Editor al Large ( ext. 22) AmyGrau Graphic Artist ( ext. 13) Tom Parker Advertising Manager ( ext. 16) Thais Jackson Fulfillment Manager ( ext. 21) Renee Weber Marketing/Promotion Director(ext. 19) BOARDOF DIRECTORS The Rev.Thomas A. Fraser Riverside,Ill. (President) MiriamK. Stauff Wauwatosa,WIS. (Vice President) DanielMuth News St. Leonard,Md. (Secretary) HowardM. Tischler 7 Bishop Ackerman Responds Albuquerque,N.M. (Treasurer) to 'Renunciation' The Rt. Rev.Bertram N. Herlong Franklin,Tenn. The Rev.Jay C. James Raleigh,N.C. The Rt. Rev.D. Bruce MacPherson Alexandria,La. Opinion RichardMammana, Jr. New Haven,Conn. 9 Cmli enarrant ThomasRiley United, Not Absorbed Vienna,Va. MissAugusta D. Roddis (emeritus) Marshfield,Wis. 10 Editorials Editorial and Business offices: Vatican Initiative Along the Path to Unity 816 E. Juneau Avenue Milwaukee, Wl 53202-2793 Mailingaddress: P.O. Box 514036 11 Reader's Viewpoint Milwaukee, Wl 53203-3436 Fax: 414-276-7483 Zen Meta.physics and the Episcopal Church E-mail: [email protected] By JOHN P. KEENAN www.livingchurch.org MANUSCRIPTSAND PHOTOGRAPHS: THE Liv­ ING CHURCHcannot assume responsibility for the 14 Letters return of photos or manuscripts. THELlvING CHURCH is published every week, Trust-law Issue dated Sunday, by the Living Church Foundation, Inc., at 816 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202. Periodicals postage paid at Milwaukee, WI, and at additional mailing offices. SUBSCRIPTIONRATES: $45.00 for one year; OtherDepartments $8.5.00 for two years. Canadian postage an addi­ tional $55.00 per year, Mexicoand all other ror­ eign, $62.00 per year. 4 Sunday's Readings POSTMASTER:Send address changes to THELIVING CHuRcH,PO. Box514036, Milwaukee, WI 53203-3436. Subscribers, when submitting address changes, please allow 3-4 weeks for change to take effect. 15 People & Places THE UVING CHURCH(ISSN 0024-5240) is pul>­ lished by THE LIVINGCHURCH FOUNDATION, Onthe Cover INC.,a non-profit organization serving the Church. All gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible. Statue of St. Peter in St Peter's Square, ©2009 The living Church Foundation,Inc. All rights reserved No reproductlonin "'hole or part Vatican City, Rome. can be made withoutpermission or THE!J\,JNG CUURrn. Volume239 Number 19 NOVEMBER 8, 2009 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 Smallis Big,Little is Much 'The Lord loves the righteous" (Psalm 146:Bb). The 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 27B), Nov. 8, 2009 BCP: 1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146 or 146:4-9; Hebrews9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44 RCL: Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 and Psalm 127; or 1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146 and Hebrews9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44 We learn this week of the impover­ pro noun ces that these "will receive ished widow of Zarephath whom God the greater condemnatio n." For us has commanded to feed Elijah during the evident lesson is that God does the drought imposed on the land and not demand wealth - he demands populace as a conseque nce of their sacrifice. That is, the amount of the persistent wrongdoing; and in the gift is almost unimportant. Of great­ gospel, we have the account of a poor est significance is that a giver be con­ widow who contributes "two small formed by his giving more and more copper coins" to the temple treasury , into the way of virtue . adding her negligible gift to the abun­ God desires the full hearts of his dance that others have contrib uted. people, and their gift-giving is a vital Immediately prior to the account of part of being shaped in sanctity. An the widow's mite, Jesus warns his offering, however , even in large hearers against those in leadership amount, which is a substitute - or who love their pos itions of influence worse - for genuine offering of self and use them to get respect from oth­ is loathsome to God. The sobering ers and numerous other privileges. fate of Ananias and Sapphira (Acts Among their outrages is that they 5:1-11) was not pronounced because "devour widows ' houses." Jesus does they'd kept back money from the THE MISSION BOOKSTORE OF NASHOTAH HOUSE not condemn those who give large church and lied about it, but because AN EPISCOPAL SEMINARY amounts , nor those in positions of their action showed that they had 2777 MISSION ROAD NASHOTAH, WI 53058-9793 leadership as such. He condemns turned utterly away from God. "hypocrisy" - the abuse of leader­ Although God informed Elijah, "I Most booksseen in The LivingCh urch are available. ship and falsity in prayer exercised Ask aboutclergy and church discounts. have commanded a widow there to (262) 646-6529 solely for personal profit and aggran­ feed you," this is apparently news to dizement without regard for genuine the widow, for she knows of no spe­ godliness or even mere altruism. cific command that she is to feed the The widow in the gospel con­ SHRINE OF OUR LADY prophet. She is willing, however, to tributes "all she had to live on," which share her pitifully meager resources OF CLEMENCY is set in stark contrast to those who with the prophet just on his say-so Continuous Novena daily at 5.45pm "devour widows' houses." The first is Send your prayer requests to that the Lord will keep her and her godly generosity and spiritual virtue; son supplied. This is sufficient "com­ Canon Gordon Reid S.Clement's Church, 2013 Appletree St. the second is rapacio us exploitation mand" for her, who shows the char­ Philadelphia, PA 19103 of the powerless by conscienceless acteristic generosity of goods found www.s-clements .org hypocrites. It is no wonder that Jesus in those who are truly faithful. LookIt Up How did King David respond when Araunah offered to give him everything he needed to offer a sacrifice to the Lord? See 2 Sam. 24: 18-25. Visitwww. ThinkAbout It Why did King David make that answer to Araunah? And what did he do about it? livingchurchNext Sunday The 24th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 28B), Nov. 15, 2009 .org BCP: Dan.12:1-4a (5-13); Psalm 16 or 16:5-11; Heb. 10:31-39;Mark 13:14-23 RCL: 1 Sam.1:4-20; 1 Sam. 2:1-10orDan.12:1-3; Psalm 16; Heb.10:11-14(15- 18)19-25;Mark 13:1-8 4 THE LIVING CHURCH • NOVEMBER 8. 2009 NEWS RomeWelcomes Sojourning An gl1icans "Personal Ordinariates" does not See from groups of Anglican clergy roll off the tongue, but on Oct. 20 it and faithful in different parts of the became a crucial new phrase in the world who wish to enter into full visi­ ecumenical vocabulary between the ble communion." Roman Catholic Church and the Angli­ Both the Vatican and the Archbishop can Communion. of Canterbury emphasized that this Vatican officials announced that development emerges from years of Pope Benedict XVI has agreed to cre­ ecumenical dialogue, and that the dia­ ate Personal Ordinariates for Angli­ logue betwee n the Vatican and the cans, both clergy and laity, who wish Anglican Communion will continue. to become Roman Catholics. "Since the [Second Vatican] Council, Catholic Communications Network photo Archb ishops Nichols (left) and Williams . The Vatican's decision clearly ac­ Anglican-Roman Catholic relations commodates four points of Anglican have created a much improved climate recognition would not have been possi­ identity: of mutual understanding and coopera­ ble, nor would hopes for full visible Spiritual life and liturgy. "In this tion," the Vatican statement said. "The unity have been nurtured. In this sense, Apostolic Constitution the Holy Father Anglican-Roman Catholic Interna ­ this Apostolic Constitution is one con­ has introduced a canonical structure tional Commission (ARCIC) produced sequence of ecumenical dialogue that provides for such corporate a series of doctrinal statements over between the Catholic Church and the reunion by establishing Personal Ordi­ the years in the hope of creating the Anglican Communion," said a joint nariates, which will allow former Angli­ basis for full and visible unity.
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