Horace Mann veteran retires after 36 years ,. www.allstonbnghtontab.com FRIDAY, JULY 2, 2004 Vol. 8, No. 47 42 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ Sprinkler law drips down on nightclubs By Josh B. Wardrop that all bars and nightclubs -with STAFF WHITER capacities over 50 persons must n Monday, the Mm;sachu­ install sprinkler systems within setts House of Represen­ three years - that ha'> some local 0 tatives voted to pass a tavern owners fearing for the sta­ piece of legislation that strikes a bility of their industry on a local major blow for fire safety efforts level. across the states, but may have 'The big places, the Boston significant financial ramifications nightclubs, aren't going to be that for those in the bar/nightclub in­ affectt!d," said Matt Mon-isscy, dustry. manager of Our House West in The bill includes upwards of Allston. "They'll just raise drink $ 11 million for firefighting equip­ prices to make up the exorbitant ment grants and new training pro­ cost. It's the little local taverns, grams for firefighters, and also which are already being hurt by sets new criminal penalties for the smoking ban, that will suffer." code \iolations <,uch as blocking Sen. Jarrett Banios. D-Cam­ exits and failing to maintain bridge, was a key figure in push­ smoke detectors. But it's one par­ ing the bill, which started taking I" Y KATE~ ticular component of the bi II - an shape when he and Rep. Timothy Al Grlcus studies " Annabelle In the Garden," an acrylic painting done by Dawn Evans Scaltreto. It was one of 38 paintings presented item that would make it the law SPRINKLERS, page 26 In the " A Celebration of Life" exhibit at the Veronica B. Smith Senior Center. Seniors bru...,h up on their artwork Local pols vow to Annual exhibition at Senior Center a variety ofnzedia get VA C cash back By Erin Smith for the da) to attend the showing. CORR£S >N0£NT Carol Du,,t•ult of All,ton hung her Goven1or's veto clouds future ofjobs Mountain ranl!e'- lined \\ ith fall fo­ p.m .l!rl!?' tor the exh1bilion la..,t \\'ednes- progra1nfor disabled people H . wa' i.: ~ :· 'i.bi1 • 'II the oce.. w .11 ,1 '.""'\-:~~._J.._ da). Alt.. mgh '<Ill' l1it)~ht ~ for colorful lfower' tn window ' lined 3 - \ears, Du e.ull f{ unJl painting-a very the wal Is as spectators circled tn1.. rC' lm 1ff1.:reut anJ l:halkngrng rut 'hen ~ht' By Chris Orchard / ch011..·c·- the)' made by vetoin!! oci;r pcru~ing the paintings. 'tarted the hobb) t\HJ )t:.!1.., .tgl' Atter the<;e funds. Although many of the senior' 't.ined painting for 'ix month'>. '>he entered one Gmeml1r :\Int Rom1te) "s re- ,, ·x:ar1<mal .r d\;.m ·ement painting onl) a lh\ ye,ars ago at \\eekly ot her fir...t painlmgs in un art exhibit al cent SI 08.S million in budget \C- Centl.."1 a.,...1.,ts .. adults \\ ith d1" art classes. thi.: paintings displa)ed at the the Honan Librar> und won honorable toe" eh1.."1ted little emotion from abilities in finding and m.1intain­ Veronica Smith Multi-Sen ice Senior mention That recognition ga\e Dusseult polit1c.1I oprxmenh. Yet Rom- ing employ1~ent," -.aid Center during its annual art exhibition ri­ 1he confidence to continue pamting ne) \ cut' mcluded a $50.000 Lantheaume. valed professional works of art. e\ef) other day. gr.int for the Albton-B1ighton The center offer~ programs in "You take a piece of paper and a per- "The Breakers, .. a painting b) Joe Calci, "I ended up gi\ ing up a bedroom in Vocational Advancement Center, job skills training, skill cvalua­ son who has never painted before creates was one of the paintings put on display m) house a-, an art '>tudio," said and A-B lawmakers want it back. tiol)s, job readiness, job place- a beautiful painting. It "s wonderful," durtneiastweek's artshowopenlngatthe Dus-,eult. The $50,()()() "is peanuts to the m~t and job support. state, but huge for us," said Diane he adults who participate in said Al Gricus, who dropped all hi s plans Veronica B. Smith Senior Center. ART, page 26 Lantheaume, executive director the. e programs have mental or of the VAC. "It's a shocking VAC , page 26 INSIDE Window Group sets fund-raising wheels in motion to'The Presentation School Foundation holds kickoffparty By Michelle Apuzzlo Cf'RRESPONOENT World' An angel earned it!. wings last -weekend. By Josh B. Wardrop Shortly before the Presenta­ STAFF WI ·. · tion School Foundation held i~ Every year, Bostonian., donate celebration to honor Secretary money to WGBH. the city\ of State William Galvin and local public television and radio others who have helped to keep station. Now, if the '>talion\ the <;chool open, an anonymous plans to relocate to Market Street donor ga\e $I 0,000, becoming in Brighton go a-, planned. tho e the first pledge at the founda­ generous donors will be able to tion's angel level. see what they're pa)ing for up Galvin's extension of a close. 100,000 personal line of credit Theater group At last week\ Bo ton Rede­ has spurred a community-wide . velopment Authoril) Large Pro­ effort to save Our Lady of Pre­ gomgmore ject Review meeting with the <>entation School. After a stand­ Allston-Brighton community, ing ovation echoed throughout PublickinA-B Tomas Rossant, architect on the the Brighton Knjghts of Colum­ WGBH project v. th the ftnn bu-;. Galvin commended the ..,,.SEEPAGE22 Polsheck Partnership Architect. strength of the school and par­ showed images depicting a ents, but was cautiously opti­ INSIDE WGBH studio that looked out on mi tic about long-tenn plans. Market Street and allowed those 'The future is bright. We just STAFF PHOTO BY MICH-'EL Mi\N~ING From left to right, Alexis Tlce-Alarcon,12; Alex Eustice, 12, and Victoria Tice-Alarcon, 8, head Into on the street a look in'itde. 'The have to make sure we keep Commentary 10 the fUndralser for the Our Lady of Presentation School on Sunday. goal is to make the building par­ working at it," he said. Community Notes 8 tially transparent,'" said Ro-.-.am State Sen. Steven Tolman re­ Allston-Brighton," he said. Doris Walsh, an OLP alum­ first donor to give $1,000. Walsh "We want to recreare the pleas­ ferred to Galvin as the "perfect What Tolman seemjngly no­ nus, returned to Oak Square to feels that closing the school Crime 13 antness of walking do" n wa.,h- example of what OLP is all ticed was that the school's sup­ Hve after her mother passed would make Oak Square a less / ington Street and being able to about," as he rallied the crowd. port reaches far into the com­ away. Although she has no chil­ family-friendly environment. Library Notes 21 look in the shop wmdo" :· "You can feel the pride in this munit), not just to parishioners dren, he is committed to keep­ "It wouldn't be a neighbor­ To that end, Ros ant" plan to room. You can feel the pride of and parents. ing the school open and was the SCHOOL, page 26 Obituaries 6 WGBH, page 12 People 27 \I \EL ALL MA.IOR Political Notebook 25 BRAND TIRES Cl II HO PH \CI IC: Mortgage Loans Schools at discounted 23 Local knowledge. Sports 30 minute fitness Experienced answers. 2 6 Auto ~21. & weight loss center Shawmut Properties Work lnjurie Peoples I~ Tremont Street• Brighton Federal Savings Bank Your Neighborhood Realtor® ;69 Washington St., Brighton ~lls1on 229 \jonh H.urnrl Stree1 MASSACHUSETTS.OLDEST TIRE DEALER" (1910) 556 Cambridgt· "'t .• Bril[htou Brigh1on 435 Markel Su-eet (617) (617) 25+0707 • www.pfsb.com 144 BOYLSTON ST./RTE. 9 787-2121 617-789-5551 BROOKLINE 617-232·4869 7 98238 60009 2 (617) 787-8700 @ u-. FDIC Page 2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, July 2, 2004 www.allstonbrightontab.corri'.. • 4 COMMUNITY AOL Keyword We want your news! Key contacts: NEWSPAPER ~{OMftl."<Y THIS WEEK on townonline ·com Town Online Editor... • • .... Wayne Braverman (781) 433-8365 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton wbravermallGtnc.com The Allston-BrllPJton TAB is published online at www.allstonbrightontab.com and America Online TAB! We are eager to serve as a Reporter Josh Wardrop (781) 433-8333 Keyword: Town Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 local publications, profiles of forum for the community. Please JWllrdrop@cnc com more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts communities, and items of regional interest. send us calendar listings, social ~ &awm1111 Editor in chief . Greg Reibman (781) 433-S:Y.5 gre1brnarmtnc.com news and any other items of com- Arts & Entertainment Lost Futures . ·~· munity interest. Please mail the &lJ Advertising Director Crs Warren (781) 433-8313 MetroWest Daily News staff information to Wayne Braverman, Advertising sales . • Harnet Stenberg (781) 433-7865 Find out what's hip and happening in Real Estate sales . • Mark A Macrelfi (781) 433-8204 Eastern Massachusetts. Click on photographer Milton Amador editor, Allston-Brighton TAB, P.O. Russian section advertiSing Yun Tabansky (617) 965-1673 Town Online's Arts & Entertainment explores the AIDS epidemic 1n the Box 9112, Needham, MA 02492. · Classlfledftlelp wanted • • • . ~80()) 624-7355 section. It has all the latest Caribbean in a series of photos from You may fax material to (781) calendar llstlll!JS . (781) 433-8211 dining, music, museums, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. 433-8202. Our deadline for JoshW<rdrop Newsroom lax number • . ... (781) 433-8202 literature, performing arts, See the complete photo gallery at: recieving press releases is Monday, 5 p.m., Artsi1istings tax number (781) 433-8203 and movie news.
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