Look inside for [CATHERINE MONEY HEf GLAND SAVING HER PETS Coupons USA WEEKEND willpower. The Connections pas- • tor at Jour­ ney Commu­ nity Church in Westland lost nine pounds and UBSEWER shuh ' weighed 363 PRICE: $1» SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 2012 •hometownlife.com pounds after the third week of "The Biggest Loser," a popular TV •. ' • . ..'•.•' ' reality show. Shuh wasn't even in consideration when his Red Team had to vote off a member, so he Westland gets state money remains at the Biggest Loser ranch and in the hunt for the $250,000 grand prize. The Biggest Loser is on 8-10 p.m. Tuesday with shared services report on WDIV-TV. By LeAnne Rogers shared revenues. vided added value service. Print es. The service generates about Observer Staff Writer "We will get the full amount copies are available for review $100,000 in savings for Westland. Valentine's this fiscal year, we'll put it into at city buildings, including West- , • A school liaison officer With the acceptance of a report fund balance," Mayor William land City Hall, the William P. which is funded jointly with Day contest on municipal shared servic­ Wild said. The current fiscal Faust Public Library and the Wayne-Westland Community Enter our Facebook es, Westland will be receiving . year budget did not include the Bailey Recreation Center. its full $1.1 million in funding $1.1 million which will be added Included examples are: Schools. The officer is assigned contest for a chance to the school during the day and to win a $400 package under the state Economic Vitali­ to the current $2.2 million fund • Joint emergency dispatch in ty Incentive Program. balance. place since 1999. Westland has a attends functions in the evening. for a romantic night The city saves about $60,000 on at the Townsend Hotel The report on shared servic­ ;. Available on the city website, contract with Inkster to provide and an $80 voucher for es is one of three requirements the shared services summary emergency dispatching services the cost of the officer annually. the Rugby Grille. Nine to meet for full funding for what includes programs that saves the. while each community maintains • The Westland Fire Depart- jecond-place winners used to be called statutory state city money or in some cases pro­ its own police and fire servic­ Please see FUNDING, A2 will get two tickets to Emagine Theatres. Share the contest link with a Facebook friend and get an extra five City holds chances to win if they also enter the contest. Pairs of movie tickets will be awarded from seminar Feb. 1 to Feb. 10. The grand prize drawing is Feb. 13. To enter, go on energy to our website, home- townlife.com, and click on the Valentine's Contest link, which is lo­ efficiency cated on our Don't Miss module on the right- There is still time for West- hand side of the site. land business owners to reg­ ister for a free Energy Effi­ ciency Seminar to be held Wednesday, Feb. 1 at the Wil­ liam P. Faust Public Library. Winners The seminar will be held Congratulations to 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the winners of Ob­ lunch will be provided. server & Eccentric and This seminar is part of May­ Hometown Weekly — or William Wild's Mission -'-• Facebook contest at Green Initiative and is a way hometownlife.com. to stimulate the economic The following were development in the downtown selected at random to district by assisting projects win two tickets to the that result in reduced ener­ North American Inter­ gy use, greenhouse gas emis­ national Auto Show sions and contribute to a more last week at Cobo Technology Librarian Kristy Cooper (left) is hoping that 20-30 people will turn out for an informational meeting Thursday at the William Faust Library and volunteer to become literacy tutors like Karen Kehoe. sustainable downtown dis­ Center: Sue Sims Covitz trict. of Livonia, Sterling Russell of Southf ield, Attendees will learn about Kevin Kreis of West- low cost energy upgrades, operational energy cost sav­ land, Lydia Ziegler of Library seeks more literacy tutors Milford, Kristen Drauss ings, utility rebates/incen­ Farmer of Plymouth, tives, tax credits and deduc­ Mary Kashat of Farm- By LeAnne Rogers interested in the adult literacy ing about two years ago and was tions, along with the West- ington Hills, Kenneth ObserverStaffWriter' tutor training at 7 p.m. Thursday, certified with another program. land Downtown Development Stickney of Farmington Jan. 26. The training, which will It didn't pan out with the stu­ Authority's New Energy Effi­ Hills, Pamela Walker of Sines all of the volunteer adult be conducted by the Washtenaw . dents. I never got called, then the ciency Enhancement Grant Canton and John Hutt literacy tutors at Westland's Wil­ County Literacy Council, will be students didn't follow through," Program. of Farmington Hills liam P. Faust Public Library are held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Kehoe said. "I read about the pro­ "The City of Westland is currently working with students, • Saturdays, March 3,10 and 17, gram in the library newsletter. I ., committed to helping the eco­ Go to hometownlife. Kristy Cooper hasn't been trying at the library, located on Central always wanted to do it. It's work­ nomic viability of local busi­ com for local news, to recruit more people needing City Parkway between Ford and ing out well this time." nesses," Wild said. "Saving features, advertising help with their reading skills. Warren Road. A reader herself, Kehoe said ' money on business energy and sports. "We have three students wait­ Currently, the library has 20 she struggled with math during operating costs can put quite a ing now," said Cooper, technology active tutors — all were trained college and utilized the services bit of money back in the pock- librarian, who hopes to add vol­ during spring 2011 and commit­ ofatutor. ets of the business owners and' unteers after an upcoming train­ ted to work with a students for help their bottom line." INDEX "I felt like, what might some ing session. "I cut back on adver­ one year. people be missing they couldn't Interested businesses Community Life B5 tising for students until we have Crossword Puzzle.... C2 Westland resident Karen Kehoe read? So much of our world has to are asked to reserve a spot Education A4 more tutors. The students are was among that group of tutors do with reading," she said. "I felt Wednesday, Jan. 25, by calling Health B9 definitely out there." and is working with a student, a like I wanted to give something (734) 467-3264. The library is Homes C2 The library is hosting an infor­ woman in her 40s. located at 6123 Central City Jobs..... C1 mational meeting for people "I had actually taken the train­ Please see TUTORS, A4 Parkway. Obituaries..! B8 Services C1 Sports B1 Wheels C3 Hearing adjourned in church embezzlement case © The Observer & Eccentric tolume 47 • Number 70 « By LeAnne Rogers The defense attorney rep­ Galoch has been charged drew a number of onlook­ ObserverStaffWriter resenting Kathleen Galoch, with embezzling over $1,000 ers connected with the Home Delivery: =11=! 63, requested the delay from a nonprofit organiza­ church. The amount of mon­ (866)887-2737 __s A preliminary examination Thursday in 18th District tion — a 10-year felony. A ey Galoch is charged with for a Canton woman charged Court to allow more time to not-guilty plea was entered stealing is only a fraction of Return Address: with embezzling more than review the audit prepared by. on behalf of Galoch, who was the nearly $143,000 reported 41304 Concept Dr. is $13,000 from a Westland the Archdiocese of Detroit. freed on a $10,000 person­ missing from St. Theodore Plymouth HI 48170 :5 church has been adjourned A long-time employee at St. al bond .-•''-, Galoch untilFeb.2. Theodore Catholic Church, The adjourned hearing Please see HEARING, A2 36444 W. Warren Avenue New Patient Special Westland Includes regular •>< At the corner of Warren and cleaning, complete Central City Parkway exam & x-rays (734) 261-6060 now on//... www.parksidedentalteam.com 7lk Parkside DENTALTEAM Saving You OVER $200! • Sedation Dentistry • Dental Implant With this ad • Expires 2/5/2012 I • Emergencies Welcome Family Dentistry • Orthodontics • Cosmetic Dentistry J Evening & Weekend Appointments mmw~ /»-;-;• •i^^_ t V 1 I A2 (W) Observer & Eccentric | Sunday, January 22,2012 LOCAL NEWS online at hometownlife.com State of State short oh news for cj|iei By LeAnne Rogers Noting the governor" nate services," LeBlanc ically, Snyder mentioned constituents that they Th^nfoSfcing ar^er"the Observer Staff Writer put a strong emphasis on said. high-crimes cities like won't raise taxes." State of ffle State foeech, the need to cut costs and Not only did LeBlanc Flint, Saginaw, Pontiac ' Anderson also criti­ LeBlanc saitfh^jsfeeived 'in a State of the State run more efficient gov­ attend the speech, he was and Detroit. cized Snyder's address a call from Republican speech light on details, ernments, Wild noted among those asked to "I'm sure the specif­ because he believed it Speaker of the House Jase local officials noted that Westland has already escort the governor into ics will co,me. It would be "lacked an agenda." It's Bolger asking him to facil­ a particular topic not been a leader in both the room. nice to learn about that important for the gov­ itate a meeting with House addressed by Gov.
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