1 ISSUE 1 2017 NORDISK ARKITEKTURFORSKNING Nordic Journal of Architectural Research 1–2017 ISSUE 1 2012 TITTEL TITTEL TITTEL XXXXXXXX 1 Nordic Journal of Architectural Research ISSN: 1893–5281 Chief Editors: Claus Bech-Danielsen, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University, Denmark. Madeleine Granvik, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Division of Landscape Architecture, Sweden. Anni Vartola, Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Finland. For more information on the editorial board for the journal and board for the association, see http://arkitekturforskning.net/na/. Submitted manuscripts Manuscripts are to be sent to Madeleine Granvik ([email protected]) and Claus Bech-Danielsen ([email protected]) as a text file in Word, using Times New Roman font. Submitted papers should not exceed 8 000 words exclusive abstract, references and figures. The recommended length of contributions is 5 000–8 000 words. Deviations from this must be agreed with the editors in chief. See Author's Guideline (http://arkitekturforskning.net/na/information/authors) for further information. Subscription Students/graduate students Prize: 27.5 Euro. Individuals (teachers, researchers, employees, professionals) Prize: 38.5 Euro. Institutions (libraries, companies, universities) Prize: 423 Euro. Membership for the association 5.5 Euro (for individuals who get access to the journal through institutions). Students and individual subscribers must inform about their e-mail address in order to get access to the journal. After payment, send the e-mail address to Trond Haug, [email protected]. Institutional subscribers must inform about their IP-address/IP-range in order to get access to the journal. After pay- ment, send the IP-address/IP-range to Trond Haug, [email protected]. Payment Sweden, pay to: postgirokonto 419 03 25–3 Denmark, pay to: Danske Bank 16780995, reg.nr. 3409 Finland, pay to: Danske Bank 800013–70633795, IBAN code FI30 8000 1370 6337 95 Norway, pay to: Den Norske Bank 7877.08.13769 Outside the Nordic countries pay in Euro to SWIFT-address: PGS ISESS Account no: 4190325–3, Postgirot Bank Sweden, SE 105 06 Stockholm. Published by SINTEF Academic Press P O Box 124 Blindern, NO-0314 Oslo, Norway. ISSUE 1 2012 TITTEL TITTEL TITTEL XXXXXXXX 2 CONTENTS EDITORS’ NOTES ...........................................................................................................5 ANNI VARTOLA, MADELEINE GRANVIK AND CLAUS BECH-DANIELSEN GESTURE AND PRINCIPLE IN URBAN TECTONICS – AN EDUCATIONAL CASE STUDY .............................................................................9 MARIE FRIER HVEJSEL, LEA HOLST LAURSEN AND POUL HENNING KIRKEGAARD LIFESTYLES AND HOUSING DESIGN: CASE FINNISH TOWNHOUSE ............ 35 EIJA HASU, ANNE TERVO AND JUKKA HIRVONEN PURPOSE-BUILT MOSQUES IN COPENHAGEN: VISIBILITY, PUBLICITY AND CULTURAL DISPUTE ................................................................... 61 MAJA DE NEERGAARD, LASSE KOEFOED AND KIRSTEN SIMONSEN ARCHITECTURAL POLICY PROGRAMMES IN FINLAND – PERSPECTIVES ON LOCAL LEVEL ....................................................................... 85 PETRI TUORMALA URBAN BIKESCAPES IN NEW YORK – OUTLINE OF A NEW URBAN TYPOLOGY ................................................................................................................111 GITTE MARLING AND LINE MARIE BRUUN JESPERSEN DESIGNING AND CONTROLLING ADAPTIVE LIGHTING USING NETWORK-BASED AGENTS METHODOLOGY ...................................................135 TONI ÖSTERLUND AND HENRIKA PIHLAJANIEMI VISUALISING OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT FROM THE PERSPECTIVES OF CHILDREN AND TEACHERS ............................................................................169 KERSTIN NORDIN CHINA IN DENMARK: THE TRANSMISSION OF CHINESE ART AND ARCHITECTURE FROM THE VIEW OF JØRN UTZON’S DANISH SOCIO-CULTURAL BACKGROUND ......................................................................197 CHIU CHEN-YU, PHILIP GOAD AND PETER MYERS Photo on the front cover: “Urban Bike Scapes, New York: Architectural analysis for a new urban typology”. Photographer: Line Marie Bruun Jespersen ISSUE 1 2012 TITTEL TITTEL TITTEL XXXXXXXX 3 ISSUE 1 2012 TITTEL TITTEL TITTEL XXXXXXXX 4 CHINA IN DENMARK THE TRANSMISSION OF CHINESE ART AND ARCHITECTURE FROM THE VIEW OF JØRN UTZON’S DANISH SOCIO-CULTURAL BACKGROUND CHIU CHEN-YU, PHILIP GOAD AND PETER MYERS Abstract Danish architect Jørn Utzon’s lifetime obsession with Chinese art and architecture is well known. However, why Utzon was interested in Chi- na and how he perceived Chinese art and architecture were not clearly explained in the previous studies. To answer the above questions with a better understanding of Utzon and his Danish socio-cultural back- ground, the authors examines the experiences of the young Utzon and his connection with varied ideas and artefacts associated with China. The authors argue that the path leading to Utzon’s reception of Chinese art and architecture can be traced back to the intermittent three-hun- dred-year connection between China and Denmark generally, and the legacy of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in particular. Together, these represent an amalgamation that assimilated diverse aspects of China taken by different people before and during Utzon’s early career. This further provided Utzon with the impetus to construct his own un- derstanding of Chinese art and architecture with his pivotal study trip to China in 1958. Thus, China could serve as both Utzon’s aesthetic inspira- tion and confirmation for his architectural works. Keywords: Jørn Utzon, transmission, China, Denmark, Chinese art and architecture ISSUE 1 2017 197 Introduction The year 2004 marked an important milestone in the career of Danish 1. Utzon was fully involved with the architect Jørn Utzon (1918–2008) when the Louisiana Museum of Modern preparation, after having repeatedly declined prior invitations. The infor- Art in Denmark launched the first retrospective exhibition of his lifetime mation was from the interview with 1 work. For this event, Utzon selected only two books as the summation Utzon’s oldest son – Jan Utzon – in of his architectural inspirations: one was the 1937-edition of Billeder fra the Sydney Opera House in 2008. Kina (Images of China) by Osvald Sirén (1879–1966); the other was the 2. The Yingzao fashi is a technical treat- ise on architecture and craftsman- 1925-edition of an ancient Chinese technical treatise on architecture ship written by the Chinese author Li and craftsmanship first published in 1103 AD, Yingzao fashi (Chinese Jie (李誡; 1065–1110), in the mid Song Building Standards)2 (Bech, 2007). In a documentary film to commemo- Dynasty (960–1279 A.D.) of China. For rate the exhibition, Utzon alluded to the significance of Billeder fra Kina the origin, content and purposes of the Yingzao Fashi, see Feng, J. (2012). by presenting two lavishly-printed photographs of the Great Front Hall 3. This sketch was first published in Ut- of the Ancestor Shrine in Imperial Beijing from this book (see Figure 1). zon’s 1962 manifesto ‘Platforms and The roof/earthwork juxtaposition shown in these photographs directly Plateaus: Ideas of a Danish Architect’ (Utzon, 1962) to indicate his inspira- recalls Utzon’s now well-known sketch of “Chinese houses and temples”3 tion received from Chinese building in his 1962 manifesto Platforms and Plateaus: Ideas of a Danish Architect culture. (see Figure 2) (Utzon, 1962, p.116). As one of the keys indicating the archi- 4. Later, in Utzon’s 2002 Sydney Opera tect’s inspiration and vision for the Sydney Opera House (1956–66), Utzon House: Utzon design principles, he republished the same sketch to explained his perception of Chinese architecture with his sketch:4 present his “vision” for the Sydney Opera House. Chinese houses and temples owe much of their feeling of firmness and security to the fact that they stand on a platform with the same outline as that of the roof or sometimes even of larger size, depending upon Figure 1 the importance of the building. There is magic in the play between roof T’ai Miao, The Great Front Hall of the Ancestor Shrine and its interior, Beijing. and platform (Utzon, 1962, p.116). Sirén, O., 1937, Billeder fra Kina. Køben- havn: Gyldendalske Boghandel, plate 22–3. ISSUE 1 2017 CHINA IN DENMARK. THE TRANSMISSION OF CHINESE ART AND ARCHITECTURE ... CHIU CHEN-YU, PHILIP GOAD AND PETER MYERS 198 Figure 2 Jørn Utzon, sketch for “Chinese houses and temples”, 1962, the monumental roof/earthwork juxtaposition indicat- ing Utzon’s inspiration and vision for the Sydney Opera House. Utzon, J., 1962, Platforms and Plateaus: Ideas of a Danish architect. In: Zodiac 10: International Magazine of Contem- porary Architecture. p. 116. In fact, this is not the first time Utzon presented Chinese architecture as one of his important inspirational sources. In his first architectural mani- festo, Tendenser i Nutidens Arkitektur (Tendencies in present-day archi- tecture) (1947), co-written with Tobias Faber (1915–2010), two young ar- chitects delivered their severe critique on the failures of contemporary Danish architecture (Faber and Utzon, 1947, pp.63–64). Their text was fol- lowed by twenty-eight images and added captions, which demonstrate a variety of architectural ideas. Interestingly, these images contained four illustrations of Chinese architecture, including the historical temple – Tsingyang Zhai – in Taishan (Mount Tai), the Lingxiao pagoda
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