1768 CONGRESSIONAL _RECORD-HOUSE FEBRU~RY 26 The PRESIDING OFFICER. With· Services Committee, which seeks to · is widely held in Oklahoma that the land out objection, they will be passed over. transfer · the Remount Service from the. is potentially valuable as a possible site HOME LOAN BANK BOARD Army to the Department of Agriculture, for the 'discovery of . oil and the drilling was favorably reported by the Armed of oil wells, and I think the Federal Gov­ The legislative clerk read the nomina· Services Committee by unanimous vote, ernment has a great interest in that . tion of J. Alston Adams, of New Jersey, and is based upon an agreement which potentiality. ' · to be a member of the Home Loan Bank already has been worked out by the Army I desire further to point out that the Board. and the Department of Agriculture. horse industry of the country has come The PRESIDING OFFICER. With· In view of the hearings we have had to rely on the Remount Service dur­ out objection, the nomination is con· in the Armed Services Committee and ing the course of many years. 1;here firmed. in view of the extensive negotiations are millions of dollars of Federal money The legislative clerk read the nomina~ which have taken place between the invested in it. Contrary to the impli· tion of William K. Divers, of Ohio, to be Army and the Department of Agricul· cations of the comments · of the Senator a member of the Home Loan Bank Board. ture, certainly I do not think any good from Oklahoma, there is a great demand The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without purpose would be served by having the in the State of Oklahoma for the reten­ objection, the nomination is confirmed. bill recommitted to the Committee on tion of ·El ·Reno as a Federal remount UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Agriculture for further stp.dy of the sta'tion. · · The legislative clerk read the nomi­ problem. I think the only way in which the nation of Frank E. Flynn, to be United · The record is perfectly clear. I am. Senator from Oklahoma an<l the junior States attorney for the district of Ari- ready to debate the record as soon as Senator from Oregon can ·draw the issue zona. a motion to take up the bill is made on this matter is to get a motion before -· The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without on the floor of the Senate, and then all the Senate. I am perfectly willing to objection, the nomination is confirmed. members of the Committee on Agricul­ have the Senate determine the merits of UNITED STATES MARSHALS ture can participate in the debate if they the issue, b€cause I am satisfied that the wish to take exception both to the find­ merits are on my_ side. I believe that The legislative clerk read the nomi­ ings of the Armed Services Committee when Senators investigate the merits of nation of Benjamin F. Ellis to be United and to the arrangement which has been the case, they will realize that the time States matshal for the middle ·district of entered into between the Department of has come to take action on the bill which Alabama. the Army and the Department of Agri­ the Armed Services Committee has pend­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without culture. ing before the Senate, pass it, and· send objection, the nomination is confirmed. Let me say that so far as the interes't it- on· 1ts way to the White House for The legislative clerk read the nomi­ of the Department of Justice in the mat­ signature. nation of Rupert Hugo Newcomb to be ter is concerned, in respect to obtaining RECESS United States marshal for the southern some land for the Federal reformatory district of Mississippi. Mr. KNOWLAND. I move that the which is located in the neighborhood of Senate ·do now recess until the hour of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the Oklahoma remount station, I am ad­ 12 o'clock tomorrow. objection, the nomination is confirmed. vised that the Department of Agricul­ That completes the Executive Cal· · The motion was agreed to; and <at 5 ture stands ready and willing to enter o'clock and 43 minutes p. m.) the Senate endar. · · · into negotiations with the Department Mr. KNOWLAND. I ask that the took a recess until tomorrow, Friday, of Justice and to effectuate an under­ February 27, ·1948, at 12 o'clock meridian. President be notified forthwith of the standing with that Department which .. confirmation of executive nominations. - would make available the necessary The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without acreage of the remount-station land for CONFIRMATIONS objection, the President will be notified the Department of Justice reformatory. Executive nominations confirmed by forthwith. t desire to say however, because it go-es the .Senate February 26 (legislative day TRANSFER OF REMOUNT SERVICE to the essence of the matter, that the of February 2), 1948: The Senate resumed the consideration issue I propose to draw with irfy good DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE of legislative business. friend from Oklahoma [Mr. THOMAS] H. Graham· Morison to ·be an Assi"stant Mr. KN0WLAND. Mr. President-­ is whether or not the land- is suitable Attorney General. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, will the for agricultural purposes, since his bill HOME LOAN BANK BOARD Senator yield-to me? seeks to break it up into 160-acre farms J. Alston Adams to he a member of the Mr. KNOWLAND. I yield. for veterans. The soil experts of the Home Loan Bank Boa rd for the term expir· Mr. MORSE. _ I wish to make a brief Government, including some within the ing June 30, 1950. statement in regard to House bill 3484, State of Okhihoma, whose evidence I William K. Divers to be a member of the caiendar No. 365. I shall make a more shall introduce into the RECORD when the Home Loan Bank Board for the remainder extensive statement when the .Senator debate starts, say that the effect of of the term expiring June 30, 1951. · from Oklahoma [Mr. THOMAS] and I can breaking it up into '160-acre farms for UNITED STATES ATTORNEY proceed with the debate on that bill by veterans will be that when they start Frank E. Flynn to be United States at­ way of motion. ·to put the plow into the land it will torney for the district of Arizona. I was not able to be present yesterday blow away. The fact that it has been UNITED STATES MARSHALS when the Senator from Oklahoma com­ usable and serviceable for a remount Benjamin F. Ellis to be a United States mented on this bill, as appears on page station grows entirely out of the fact that marshal for the middle district of Alabama. 1691 of the CONGRESSIONAL . RECORD. I grass was kept on it. If anything but , Rupert Hugo Newcomb to be a United only wish to have the RECORD for today ·grass is put on it, it will be found to be States marshal for the southern district of show that I am in complete, unalterable in the heart of an Oklahoma dust bowl. Mississippi. disagreement with- the Senator from It is because of that fact, along with cer­ Oklahoma regarding the proposal he tain other facts, I understand that the makes concerning the El Reno remount Senate of the Oklahoma Legislature HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES station. passed a resolution against the proposal I wish to point out to the Members· of submitted by the Senator from Okla- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1948 the Senate that the Oklahoma remount . homa, which resolution I placed in the station is one of four remount stations, RECORD last year. The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. and they should be considered on ·a na­ · I_ a~so want to say that I have already Rev. John M. Wilson, of the First Pres­ tional basis, not on an Oklahoma basis. introduced a bill which proposes that if -byterian Chur.ch of St. James, -Minn., It is the one station out of the four that any part of the remount station ever offered the following prayer: · is practically on a self-sustaining basis, falls in private hands, the oil rights and Almighty God, Thou who art infinite because that particular station has been the· mineral rights which may materialize goodness and abiding truth, we come to kept seeded over the years, so that a very into oil wells underneath the land shall Thee because we need Thy guidance, Thy J.arge hay supply is mowed there. remain as a Federal oH reserve. I have strength, · and Thy forgiveness. · I desire to emphasize that this bill, communications from people in the State Thou-- hast created us a Nation with a which was reported from the Armed of Oklahoma pointing out that the belief vision of eaualitv and freedom and with 1948· . CONG-RESSION-AL ·RECORD-H.OUSE 1769 matchless resources for the attainment committees appointed by said Fort Peck - mittee of . the Sioux · City Chamber of .Qf that dream. Help us to remember General Council, and· official delegates .of the Commerce. that we can re.main a _great peopie only · Fort· Peck tribes; S.1089. An act to amend the Civil Service Mr. GAVIN asked and was granted as in humility and penitence · we seek Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amended, . permission to extend his remarks in the to wailc in-Thy ways of justice and right- . so as to provide. annuities for investigatory . RECORD . and i:p.clude a statement made eousness. · personnel of .the Bureau of Narcotics who . before a subcomniitte.e of the Committee Forbid that we should allow any sec­ have rendered at least 20 years of service; on Appropriations handling the Forest tional self-interest, any pride or unthink­ S.
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