Decision Statement Daventry District Council Woodford cum Membris Neighbourhood Development Plan Decision Statement Regulation 18 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) 1. Summary 1.1 Following an Independent Examination, Daventry District Council (the “Council”) now confirms that the Woodford cum Membris Neighbourhood Development Plan will proceed to a neighbourhood planning referendum. 1.2 This decision statement and copies of the Woodford cum Membris Neighbourhood Development Plan and its supporting documentation, including the Examiner’s report are available to view on the Council’s website at; https://www.daventrydc.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplanning Hard copies of this decision statement and the modified version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan are available for inspection at the following locations: Daventry District Council Offices (Lodge Road, Daventry, NN11 4FP) o Monday to Thursday 9.00-17.00 o Friday 9.00-16.30 Woodford Halse Library (School Street, Woodford Halse, NN11 3RL) o Wednesday and Saturday 10.00-14.00 o Thursday and Friday 14.00-18.00 Co-operative Food Supermarket (Phipps Road, Woodford Halse, NN11 3TW) o Monday to Sunday 07.00-22.00 2. Background 2.1 Woodford cum Membris Parish Council, as the qualifying body, applied for Woodford cum Membris Parish to be designated as a Neighbourhood Area. Following consultation on the application the District Council designated Woodford cum Membris as a Neighbourhood Area on the 2nd October 2014. 2.2 The draft Neighbourhood Development Plan was published by Woodford cum Membris Parish Council for public consultation on 3rd October 2016 and closed on 14th November 2016. 2.3 Following submission of the Woodford cum Membris Neighbourhood Development Plan to the District Council the plan was published for consultation by the District Council. The consultation period ran from 14th August to 9th October 2017. 2.4 Following the submission consultation, Daventry District Council, with the agreement of the Parish Council, appointed an independent Examiner, Peter Biggers, BSc Hons MRTPI, to review whether the plan met the Basic Conditions required by the legislation and should proceed to a referendum. 2.5 Following the examination, the Examiner’s report was completed in February 2018 and made available on the Council’s website. The report concludes that subject to the making of the modifications recommended in his report the plan meets the basic conditions set out in legislation and should proceed to a referendum. 3. Decision and Reasons 3.1 Daventry District Council has accepted and made the modifications proposed by the Examiner, to ensure that the plan meets the basic conditions. Table 1 below sets out these modifications and the action to be taken in respect of each of them. The Examiner has recommended specific wording modifications, but has left the wording of consequential changes for the District Council to interpret the recommendation and identify specific wording. The consequential changes are minor and only apply to the general text where it is necessary to make it consistent with the Examiner’s recommended changes to policies. Where policies include multiple criteria only those criteria where changes are suggested have been set out considered whether to extend the area in which the referendum is to take place and agrees with the Examiner that there is no reason to extend the referendum area beyond. 3.2 The Council has the Woodford cum Membris Village Neighbourhood Area, which aligns with Woodford cum Membris Parish. 3.3 The Examiner has concluded that with the specified modifications the Woodford cum Membris Neighbourhood Development Plan meets the basic conditions and other relevant legal requirements. The Council concurs with this view. 3.4 To meet the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, a referendum will be held which poses the question; ‘Do you want Daventry District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Woodford cum Membris to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’ 3.5 The referendum will take place on 3rd May 2018 and will be held at; Social Club, 29 Hinton Road, Woodford Halse, NN11 3RT Dryden Hall, School Street, Woodford Halse, NN11 3RL 3.6 The polling cards issued to electors will inform them which polling station they are to attend. Table 1 Examiner’s Recommended Modifications and actions to be taken Recommen Page/ Examiner’s recommended modification Reason Action to be taken dation Paragraph/ reference Policy reference ID number in Submission version of Plan and Examiner’s Report 1A Page 22-41, Insert topic subheadings and number referencing in In the interests of Amend Section 7 in (page 14 of section 7 of the plan setting out the policies (e.g. ‘7.1 clarity and to ensure accordance with the Examiner’s Biodiversity’) that the plan is clear Examiner’s Report) and unambiguous recommendation. having regard to the PPG. 1B Page 15 of Correct typographical errors in the text as set out in the In the interests of Correct Examiner’s table at Appendix 1 clarity and to correct typographical errors report errors. as set out in Appendix 1 of the Examiner’s report 2 Page 8, Figure 1 Delete the words ‘For Key see policies WH2 and WH11 In the interests of Amend title of (page 15 of in Section 7’ from the title to Figure 1 clarity and to ensure Figure 1 in Examiner’s that the plan is clear accordance with the report) and unambiguous Examiner’s having regard to the recommendation PPG. 3A Page 14, para Replace the bullet points at 3.2 setting out the Basic In the interests of Amend paragraph 3.2 (page 15 of Conditions with the following wording: clarity and accuracy 3.2 in accordance Examiner’s to ensure that the with the Examiner’s report) Does the plan promote sustainable development? Basic Conditions are recommendation Recommen Page/ Examiner’s recommended modification Reason Action to be taken dation Paragraph/ reference Policy reference ID number in Submission version of Plan and Examiner’s Report Is the Woodford cum Membris NDP in line with national as set out in planning policy and guidance and does it promote legislation. sustainable development? Is the Woodford cum Membris NDP in general conformity with the strategic policies for the area? Is the plan compatible with European Union obligations? having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State it is appropriate to make the neighbourhood plan; the making of the neighbourhood plan contributes to the achievement of sustainable development; the making of the neighbourhood plan is in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development plan for the area of the authority. the making of the neighbourhood plan does not breach, and is otherwise compatible with, EU obligations. 3B Page 14, para Reword the last sentence of paragraph 3.3 to read: In the interests of Amend paragraph 3.3 (page 16 of clarity and to correct 3.3 in accordance Examiner’s ‘The final decision, therefore, rests with the people of a misleading with the Examiner’s report) Woodford cum Membris and will be a straightforward if a statement. recommendation majority of those voting in the referendum support the WNP it will be ‘made’ by the District Council’. Recommen Page/ Examiner’s recommended modification Reason Action to be taken dation Paragraph/ reference Policy reference ID number in Submission version of Plan and Examiner’s Report 4 Page 19, para Amend wording of paragraph 5.2 bullets to directly In the interests of Amend bullet points 5.2 (page 16 of express what each issue is that has led to the vision, clarity and to ensure in paragraph 5.2 in Examiner’s objectives and policy – as in- ‘The need to manage future that the plan is clear, accordance with the report) housing growth’. unambiguous and Examiner’s appropriate, setting recommendation out a positive vision, having regard to the PPG. 5 Page 22, para Reword paragraph 7.1 lines 1-3 to read: In the interests of Amend paragraph 7.1 (page 18 of clarity and to ensure 7.1 in accordance Examiner’s ‘This section of the Woodford cum Membris NDP that the plan is with the Examiner’s report) contains the draft planning policies that we think should appropriate, having recommendation be used to manage, guide and promote future regard to the PPG. development in the parish up to 2029.’ 6A Page 22, Policy Reword line 1 of paragraph 2 of policy WH1 to read: In the interests of Amend policy WH1 WH1 (page 18 of clarity and to ensure in accordance with Examiner’s ‘Development resulting in significant harm to identified a that the plan is the Examiner’s report) Local Wildlife Sites will not be supported identified in the appropriate, having recommendation supporting text and at Appendix 1 should be avoided. regard to the NPPF Where such harm cannot be avoided applicants will have and PPG. to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the local planning authority why the development cannot be located on an alternative site with less harmful impacts, and that adequate mitigation for the impact on biodiversity is put Recommen Page/ Examiner’s recommended modification Reason Action to be taken dation Paragraph/ reference Policy reference ID number in Submission version of Plan and Examiner’s Report in place. As a last resort, suitable compensatory habitat, within Woodford cum Membris parish, where neither an alternative site or mitigation is possible, suitable compensatory habitat within Woodford cum Membris parish, must be agreed with the local planning authority.’ 6B Page 23, para 2 Add to the supporting text in paragraph 2 of Page 23 the In the interests of Amend supporting (page 18 of following: clarity, to assist in text to policy WH1 Examiner’s decision making, to in accordance with report) ‘…..of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy.
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