The Steffen Group 803 S Calhoun St, Ste 100 Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Phone: 260-426-0633 Fax: 260-426-0636 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 1 Chessie System Boxcar - 9740 10 Vulcan Chemicals 1-D Tank Car - 19615 2 Salem Boxcar - 7709 11 Firestone 1-D Tank Car (027) - 9051 3 D&RGW Boxcar - 9705 12 Mobilgas 1-D Tank Car (027) - 9039 4 Prince Albert Boxcar - 7702 13 1-D Tank Car - 19935 5 El Producto Boxcar - 7711 14 Texaco 1-D Tank Car - 9147 6 White Owl Cigars Boxcar - 7707 15 Mobil 1-D Tank Car -16127 7 Beechnut Boxcar - 7703 16 Mobilgas 1-D Tank Car - 9156 8 Gold Medal Reefer - 9860 17 Gulf 1-D Tank Car - 9189 9 Bakelite 3-D Tank Car - 9327 The Steffen Group Page: 2 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 18 Flatcar w/2 cars - 6511-2 28 PRR Auto Carrier, 3-tier - 9351 19 Twin Auto Flatcar (black frame, 29 C&O Auto Carrier, 3-tier - 9126 premium cars) - 64 30 National League Hockey Boxcar 20 NYC Flatcar - 49503 (027) - 9360 21 Great Northern Auto Carrier, 31 National Basketball Association 3-tier - 9216 Boxcar (027) - 935 22 C&O Auto Carrier, 3-tier - 9123 32 Major League Baseball Boxcar (027) - 9362 23 PC Auto Carrier, 3-tier - 9139 33 Commemorative Boxcar 150 YEARS - 1832-1982 24 Santa Fe Auto Carrier, 3-tier - 9281 34 Union Pacific Stock Car - 9407 25 N&W Auto Carrier, 3-tier - 9129 35 Winston Boxcar - 7708 26 ICG Auto Carrier, 3-tier - 9145 36 D&RGW Boxcar - 9714 27 C&O Auto Carrier, 3-tier - 9123 The Steffen Group Page: 3 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 37 A.C. Gilbert Reefer - 19529 47 Norfolk & Western Auto Carrier, 2-tier - 9125 38 Santa Fe Reefer (FARR 1) - 9880 48 True Value Boxcar (027) - 9046 39 Old Milwaukee Reefer - 9856 49 Hamm's Reefer - 9862 40 Ball Glass Jars Reefer - 5705 50 Budweiser Reefer - 9850 41 Union Pacific Boxcar - 9203 51 Canadian National Boxcar - 9718 42 Ralston Purina Reefer - 9873 52 C&NW Boxcar - 9786 43 Coors Reefer - 9866 53 Kickapoo Gondola (027) - 9030-10 44 Schiltz Reefer - 9851 54 Gray Flatcar - 1877-3 45 Pabst Reefer - 9859 55 Rutland Boxcar - 6464-300 46 Hamm's Reefer - 9862 56 Frisco Boxcar - 6014 The Steffen Group Page: 4 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 57 Union Pacific Gondola w/canisters 67 Kickapoo Dump Car - 9330 - 9283 68 C&NW Bay Window Caboose - 58 CB&Q Caboose - 13516 9361 59 Union Pacific Boxcar - 9755 69 Union Pacific Caboose - 6167 60 Lionel Lines Stock Car - 6646 70 Morton Salt Covered Quad Hopper - 9114 61 CP Rail Boxcar - 9703 71 Dr. Pepper Boxcar - 7811 62 Swift Boxcar - 6050 72 Mail Pouch Boxcar - 7710 63 Short Gondola w/ 4 canisters - 6112 73 General Mills Wheaties Boxcar (027) - 9040 64 Short Gondola w/ 4 canisters - 6142 74 Cass Secenic Shay Locomotive "7," CC - 6-11140 65 D&RGW Stock Car - 9763 75 G&N 0-4-0 Locomotive "1066",Railsounds - 6-1143 66 Conrail Boxcar (027) - 9037 The Steffen Group Page: 5 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 76 PRR Boxcar - 470290 86 MKT Stock Car - 40778 77 Port Huron & Detroit Boxcar - 87 Santa Fe Boxcar - 14628 1033 88 The All-Nation Line Boxcar - 2501 78 Illinois Central Boxcar - 30136 89 4 PC 2/ Track D&W RR Denver 79 Grand Trunk Western Gondola - Express Set 591570 90 Great Northern Caboose - 11038 80 C&NW Gondola - 44610 91 Lionel Lines SP-type Caboose - 81 C&IM Gondola - 29210 6057 82 Wyandotte 1-D Tank Car - 4084 92 Kickapoo Valley & Northern Caboose - 9067-10 83 LS&I Boxcar - 44610 93 PRR N5-type Caboose, tintype - 2472 84 Union Pacific Boxcar - 193461 94 DL&W Work Caboose - 6419 85 Northern Pacific Boxcar - 1003 The Steffen Group Page: 6 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 95 Lackawanna Caboose - 890 104 Chessie System N5c Caboose - 9167 96 Lehigh Valley Caboose - 61360 105 Santa Fe Caboose - 12531 97 Lionel Lines S-type Caboose - 6057 106 Great Northern Railway Caboose - X742 98 Wabash S-type Caboose - 9080 107 Union Pacific Caboose - 6160 99 Milwaukee Road SP-type Caboose (SSS) - 9169 108 Chessie System S-type Caboose - 16536 100 Railway Express Caboose - 69026 109 New York Central System Caboose - 296 101 Virginian N5C Porthole Caboose - 6427 110 Rock Island Stock Car - 19530 102 S-type Caboose, maroon, 111 Coca-Cola NW2 Switcher - 8473 "Lionel" only - 6017 112 Western Maryland Reefer - 9818 103 S-type Caboose, smoke - 6557 The Steffen Group Page: 7 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 113 MKT Stock Car (SSS) - 9725 123 Coca-Cola SP-type Caboose - 9073 114 Illinos Central Covered Quad Hopper - 9264 124 Erie Boxcar - 78960 115 Vernors Boxcar - 7809 125 Pacific Fruit Express Reefer - 309045 116 Fanta Boxcar - 9745 126 Santa Fe Boxcar - 3021 117 Sprite Boxcar - 9743 127 Burlington Boxcar - 62984 118 NYC Boxcar - X6454 128 3M Company Boxcar - 1040 119 Tab Boxcar - 9744 129 Maine Potatoes Refrigerator Car - 6533 120 Orange Crush Boxcar - 7810 130 Santa Fe Reefer - 9247 121 REA Refrigerator Car - 6572 131 GN Boxcar - 27100 122 Canada Dry Boxcar - 7802 132 Swift Refrigerator Line - 4274 The Steffen Group Page: 8 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 133 Erie Lackawanna - 84433 143 NYC Boxcar - X6454 134 Crisco Reefer - 4061 144 Conrail Boxcar (027) - 9035 135 NH Boxcar - 39687 145 Heinz Reefer - 19539 136 Warren 1-D Tank Car - 4819 146 NYC Stock Car - 63561 137 Celanese Chemicals 1-D Tank 147 Ford- Autolite Boxcar (027) - Car - 77416 9042 138 BA 1-D Tank Car - 689 148 Wabash DD Boxcar - 16255 139 Lionel Train Transport Truck 149 CB&Q Hopper - 117770 140 Southern Pacific Flatcar w/L&N 150 Lehigh Valley Hopper, short - trailers - 9333 6076 141 Illinois Central Flatcar w/trailers - 151 B&O Quad Hopper - 9130 9285 152 General Mills Wheaties Boxcar - 142 SCL Flatcar - 9212 26257 The Steffen Group Page: 9 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 153 MKT Stock Car (SSS) - 9725 162 Peabody Short Line Hopper Car - 6631 154 Canadain National Hopper (027) - 9013 163 GN Flatbed w/ 2 IL Central Gulf Trailers - 9282 155 Ralston Purina Covered Quad Hopper - 9262 164 N&W Covered Quad Hopper - 6446-25 156 Pacific Fruit Express Reefer - 9872 165 N&W Quad Hopper (SSS) - 9113 157 Missouri Pacific Lines - 3494-150 166 LV Open Quad Hopper, maroon - 6436-25 158 SP Boxcar - X6454 167 Lehigh Valley Short Hopper - 6456 159 Pepsi Boxcar - 7800 168 Penn Central Boxcar - 9201 160 Alaska Open Quad Hopper - 6636 169 Erie-Lackawanna Boxcar (027) - 9043 161 L&N Flatbed w/CP Rail Trailers - 9222 170 Danger Radioactive Material 3 Mile Island TMI 3-28 The Steffen Group Page: 10 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 171 SOO Line Operating Boxcar - 180 Canadian Pacific Boxcar - 2227 3494-625 181 Betty Crocker LT Wt 64100 172 Texas Pacific Lines Boxcar - Plate C 90315 183 Shell 1-D Tank Car - 9151 173 Louisiana Midland Boxcar - 9444 184 Santa FE Boxcar - 6014 174 NYC Operating Boxcar - 3494-1 185 Airex Boxcar- 6014 175 ATFS Operating Boxcar - 3484-25 186 Chessie System Covered Quad Hopper - 9265 176 Wabash Flatcar w/o trailers - 16314 187 CB&Q Stock Car - 32066 177 CP Flatbed w/o trailers - 9149 188 ALCOA Hopper w/missing top hatch - 634656 178 Van Camp's Boxcar 638-2361 189 Flatcar w/Rocket Launcher 179 Lehigh Valley Hopper, short - (missing rocket) - 6650 6076 The Steffen Group Page: 11 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 190 Detroit & Mackinac Open Quad 199 NYC Caboose - 18279 Hopper - 6736 200 Penn Caboose - 477618 191 NYC Pacemaker - 174479 200a Lionel O Gauge Blue Streak Set 192 Lionel Lines Stock Car - 6656 200b Lionel 681 (2-8-4) w/ tender O 193 Railroader Club 1-D Tank Car Gauge -1995 202 Boston & Maine Boxcar - 194 Crysatal Line 3-D Tank Car - 6464-475 9353 203 Central of Georgia Boxcar - 195 Texaco 1-D Tank Car - 9147 6464-375 196 Sunoco 2-D Tank Car - 2465 204 Cental of Georgia Boxcar - 6464-375 197 Santa Fe 1-D Tank Car (FARR 1) - 9321 205 New Haven Boxcar - 6464-425 198 Lehigh Valley Hopper - 6176 206 State of Maine Boxcar - 6464-275 The Steffen Group Page: 12 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 207 State of Maine Operating Boxcar 216 RI Green Boxcar - 6464-75 - 3494-275 217 Pennsylvania Boxcar - 6464-200 208 State of Maine Boxcar - 6464-275 218 NYC Gondola - 6062 209 M&StL Boxcar - 6464-525 219 Pennsylvania Gondola 347000 - 2452 210 Western Pacific Boxcar - 6464-100 220 New Haven Boxcar - 6464-725 211 NYC Pacemaker Boxcar -6464-125 221 Pennsylvania Boxcar - 6464-200 212 NYC Boxcar - 6464-900 222 MP Boxcar - 6464-150 213 Wabash Operating Boxcar - 3424 223 D&RGW Boxcar - 6464-650 214 MKT Boxcar - 6464-350 224 RI Route of Rockets Boxcar - 6464 215 SP Boxcar - 6464-225 225 MKT Flatcar w/ 2 Katy Semi Trailers - 16330 The Steffen Group Page: 13 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains 3/12/2016 LOT # LOT # 226 Gondola w/canisters - 6112-86 236 State of Maine Boxcar - 6464-275 227 Union Pacific Coal Dump Car - 9311 237 Rutland Boxcar - 6464-300 228 D&RGW Boxcar - 6464-650 238 Frisco Boxcar - 6014 229 Santa Fe Boxcar - 6464-700 239 GN Boxcar - 6464 230 AT&SF Operating Boxcar 63132 240 Nabisco Shredded Wheat Boxcar - X3464 - 6024 231 BM Boxcar - 6464-475 241 MP Boxcar - 6464-150 232 NH Boxcar - 6464-425 242 MP Boxcar - 6464-150 233 Great Northern Boxcar - 243 M&StL Boxcar - 6464 6464-450 244 PRR Gondola 347000 - 2452 234 B&M Boxcar - 6464-475 245 NYC Gondola, Red - 6462 235 State of Maine Boxcar - 6464-275 The Steffen Group Page: 14 Lifetime Collection of Crismore Lionel Trains
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