THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside Greece email: VEMA [email protected] MAY 2003 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 In this issue... FEATURE The Luxury Theatre: A touch of class How to purchase your tickets in Australia FEATURE Athens Games tickets Commemoration of the fall go on worldwide sale of Constantinople Tickets for the Athens 2004 ATHOC announced in April Games had already been Olympics went on world- that all 2.3 million tickets set bought. PAGE 15/35 wide sale this month, with aside for national Olympic com- Greek organisers urging mittees, TV rights holders, *** For more details and how TRAVEL people to buy early to avoid sponsors and other organisa- to purchase Olympic tickets in disappointment weeks after tions associated with the 2004 Australia turn to page 22/42 sponsors snapped up all tickets allocated to them. Greek satellite to assist Athens organisers (ATHOC) said three million tickets were Athens Olympics coverage available, ranging from a single 11 euro ($A20) seat to an A Greek and Cypriot-owned telecommunications satellite "Olympic experience" package at the 2000 Sydney Games. launched aboard a US rocket should be ready to transmit the valued at 71,000 euro or More than two thirds of all tick- 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. $A127,000. ets cost up to 30 euros. The launch on 14th May was the second for an Atlas-5 rock- Government spokesman Mr Tickets for the most popular et, its builder, Lockheed Martin said. Telemachos Hytiris said no ini- events such as swimming and The first Greek-Cypriot satellite was financed by the Hellas- tial figures for sales were avail- athletics finals cost from 40-90 Sat consortium. Half an hour after the launch, the satellite sep- able yet but urged people not to euros. A seat at the opening cer- arated from the rocket's second stage, according to Interna- Plaka: leave applications to the last emony on August 13 starts at tional Launch Services. minute. 100 euro ($A180) and rises to The satellite was built by the European company Astrium. It The old neighborhood "It's still too early to say but you 950 ($A1,700). weighs 3.3 tons and is to transmit coverage to Greece, Eastern can be sure that there will be Organisers say they have Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East and South Africa, of Athens great demand for them so it is received four times as many according to the builder. best to act now and book tickets applications for tickets to the The satellite has 30 channels, each capable of retransmitting several networks. It is expected to last 15 years. PAGE 20/40 early," he told reporters. opening ceremony as there are Average prices are about 35 seats at the 70,000-capacity "The Hellenic satellite permits the coverage of the Athens euros, a reduction from 53 euros Olympic stadium. 2004 Olympic Games worldwide, while representing the main channel of broadcasting communication between Greeks abroad with Greece and Cyprus," Mr Lefteris Antona- INTERVIEW copoulos, president of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organisation, principal promoter of Hellas-Sat, said in a state- NRL star ment. Five companies formed the Hellas-Sat Consortium: the Hel- Braith Anasta lenic Telecommunications Organisation, the Cypriot compa- ny Avacom Net, the Cyprus Bank of Development, the Hel- lenic Aerospace Industry and Canada's Telesat. talks to Astrium is owned by EADS, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company. The Vema PAGE 23/43 AFP FEATURE FEATURE Is there a problem St Spyridon College students live up with the United Nations? to their principles and honour their heritage PAGE 16/36 PAGES 11/33 & 14/34 MAY 2003 2/22 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA DID YOU KNOW? Winston Churchill was a stutterer. As a child, one of his teachers warned, "Because of his stuttering he should be discouraged from fol- Views lowing in his father's political footsteps." Your say... Mass Media and the Church A Response to the article titled “Towards a ty to shed some light on the issue of devel- “Student Focus” section. Mass Media Strategy for the Greek oping a mass media strategy for the Church. That is students from Primary and Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia - April There is a real need to motivate High Schools could be interviewed edition (Greek Australian Vema ) young Greek Australians read The Vema. (Orthodox Day Colleges and parish Greek Furthermore the Greek Australian schools) and a report could be compiled. I would like to share some sugges- Vema shoud be circulated within parish Articles geared to the needs of tions in relation to improving the content of Youth groups and Greek schools and not families could also be written and published. the Greek Australian Vema. Let me first say only at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy Social workers and psychologists associated that I am indeed impressed by the wide to parishioners, most of whom are first gen- with the Greek Welfare Centres could be range of articles being published (both eration Greeks. approached and asked to contribute an arti- Greek and English ) and sincerely hope that In the last two editions of The cle on issues affecting families. those of us who can read Greek do in fact Vema a section called “Career Focus” on For examples articles on child make the effort to read both the Greek and Teaching has been published. This is a great rearing, dealing with teenage children, drugs English section of The Vema. Although still idea. and alcohol, the emotional and psychologi- On May 10, 1994, Nelson Rolihlahla in its early stages this official Church news- Being a teacher myself it was good cal needs of an infant, teenager, adolescent, Mandela is sworn in as the first black paper has a lot of potential and a bright to read about what others are doing in the the impact of television on children. This president of South Africa. Two weeks future. field of education. Flowing on from this edition could be titled Family life and could earlier, more than 22 million South I would like to take this opportuni- idea The Vema could consider publishing a be bilingual. Africans had turned out to cast bal- In conclusion I strongly believe lots in the country's first-ever mul- that the Archdiocese needs to concentrate on tiracial parliamentary elections. An All Saints Grammar School empowering various members of the Greek overwhelming majority chose community to publish articles. Mandela and his African National With proper guidance and support Congress (ANC) party to lead the Anzac Day Commemorative Service a climate needs to be created where people country. from different backgrounds are encouraged and supported to write articles. Everyone has MAY 4 something to say and share with others. We need to develop the sense of 1979 - Margaret Thatcher sworn in ownership and the mentality that The Vema Margaret Thatcher, leader of the is my newspaper, and not just a newspaper Conservative Party, is sworn in as Britain's based in New South Wales! first female prime minister. The Oxford-edu- cated chemist and lawyer was sworn in the Kon Bouzikos day after the Conservatives won a 44-seat Preston Victoria majority in general parliamentary elections. 1 2 MAY 7 PHOTO 1: Reverend Fathers Christos Athens 2004 Triandafyllou and Nicholas Stavropoulos 1915 - Lusitania sinks commencing the ANZAC Commemorative On the afternoon of May 7, 1915, the British Service. PHOTO 2, 3 and 4: NSW Minister and Hellenism ocean liner Lusitania is torpedoed without of Health, Mr Morris Iemma, Mayor of warning by a German submarine off the Canterbury Ms Kayee Griffin and Senior Dear Editor, south coast of Ireland. Within 20 minutes, the School Captains Efrosini Paleologos and The 2004 Olympic Games hold the vessel sank into the Celtic Sea. Of 1,959 pas- John Kolovos laying wreaths. prospects of many great things for the sengers and crew, 1,198 people were Hellenic people and Hellenic culture, not the drowned. On the last day of term, students, 3 least of which will be to heal much of the staff and parents from Kindergarten - Year pain caused by Bush Jnr going to war against MAY 9 12 attended their regular end-of-term Iraq. Liturgy at All Saints Greek Orthodox We should also recognize the great 1978 - Aldo Moro found dead Church, Belmore (NSW). support for Olympism from our Church. To On May 9, 1978, the body of former Italian Following the Liturgy, Reverend me this proves that Hellenism, Orthodoxy prime minister Aldo Moro is found, riddled Fathers Christos Triandafyllou and and Olympic heritage are intertwined in by bullets, in the back of a car in the center of Nicholas Stavropoulos commenced the special ways. historic Rome. ANZAC Commemorative Service. The original themes of Olympism Attending this special event were were based on integrity and honesty in com- MAY 10 The Honourable Mr Morris Iemma, MP petition, on doing your best, and in achieving for Lakemba and NSW Minister for 4 a higher level of existence. These, to me, are 1994 - Nelson Mandela inaugurated Health, Ms Kayee Griffin, Mayor of also what my faith is about and both are a In South Africa, Nelson Rolihlahla Canterbury City Council, Mr Dimitris NSW Minister for Health part of Hellenism. Mandela is sworn in as the first black Klotsotyras representative of the Greek Ange Kenos president of South Africa. In his Consul General Mr Evangelos Damia- * Mr Dimitrios Klotsotyras representing Victoria inaugural address, Mandela, who spent nakis, along with numerous members of His Excellency the Consul General of 27 years of his life as a political prisoner the Parish and School’s Boards and com- Greece Mr Damianakis of the South African government, declared munity members.
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