DCLHS INDEX TO Bulletin 1-69 & Journal 70 (c) 2009 INDEX The fi rst number is the number of the Bulletin in which the reference can be found; fi gures in brackets are page references. Figures in bold are used to indicate that the subject is the main concern of those pages, or receives substantial treatment, except in cases where the article title is quoted in full. For Bulletins 6 and 7, which originally appeared without pagination, page numbers have been allocated on the same basis as pagination elsewhere. Titles of articles are in italics, titles of books reviewed are in Arial italic. Abbot Memorial Industrial School, Gateshead, The 32(69-74), 50(106) Aberdeen, S., Newton Aycliffe - the Beginning of a New Town 12(42-45) Accidents 52(42-49), 69(3-20) Admiralty jurisdiction (of Bishops of Durham) 23(45-47), 25(40) Aerial photography 14(37-39), 47(101-103) Agricultural labourers 70(21-23) Agriculture 12(1-4), 14(6), 18(33, 39-40), 19(44-47), 21(36-37), 23(12-14, 16-17, 18), 25(31-34), 35(25-36, 39-46), 36(15-16), 46(46-89), 47(50, 57-60, 70), 70(15-31) Alcohol abuse 54(52-65) Aldborough 25(13) Aldin Grange 17(31) Allen, E., Obituary - Charles Philip Neat 20(2-3) Allen, E. (obituary) 29(52-53) Allendale 24(40), 31(13, 15-16), 33(9) Allenheads 18(32) Allison, George 55(14-15) Alnwick 24(40), 38(34-35), 60(12) Alston 15(19, 20), 33(8, 10, 12-13, 15-18) Amble 67(67-69) American Civil War 19(2-8), 46(34-45), 48(48-54) Anderson, E. (et al), Evenwood’s Heyday: a Colliery Village, 1896-1918 reviewed by M. Ray 57(69-70) Anderson family 22(20), 51(3-4, 6) Angus, D. and McNee, T., Seaham Harbour, the First Hundred Years reviewed by T. Corfe 36(47) Ann (ship) 53(23) Annfi eld Plain 47(95-97) Apothecaries 35(13-21), 46(7-15), 57(32-50) Appleyard, H. and Hogg, P., The Pyman Story: Fleet and Family History reviewed by W. Stokes 64(34-35) Archaeology 63(5-35) Architecture 3(6-7), 12(6-7), 23(14-19), 28(33-34), 30(49-50), 31(82-83), 34(4-7), 40(4-42) Army 64(3-10) Ashgill 11(13), 27(46, 52) Atkinson, D., Co-operation in Darlington 1868-1900 Part I 25(5-26), Part II 26(26-37) Atkinson, F., Vernacular Building 3(6-7) Atkinson, F., Peat Spades 7(7-9) Atkinson, F., Beamish 1974: The North of England Open Air Museum 17(34-36) Atkinson, F., Life and Tradition in Northumberland and Durham reviewed by N. McCord 39(45) Atkinson, F., Victorian Britain: the North East reviewed by G.E. Milburn 45(73-74) Atkinson, F., The Man Who Made Beamish: an Autobiography, reviewed by I. Watson 62(36-41) Atkinson, Revd Richard 65(92-109) Auckland St Andrew 13(2-7) Auckland St Helen 13(2-7), 42(15) Aycliffe 15(34-35), 42(8); see also Newton Aycliffe Aylmer, John Harrison 51(31) Backhouse, Edward 34(10-11, 14), 35(42), 49(57-58) Backhouse family 52(20-21, 31-32) Bainbridge, John 49(7, 8) 15 DCLHS INDEX TO Bulletin 1-69 & Journal 70 (c) 2009 Baker Baker family 3(13), 44(7), 56(3-20) Baker, George (of Elemore) 49(56-59), 56(8-9, 12-13, 15) Baker, Judith 56(3-15) Baker, R.A., Town and Gown: Early Scientists at the University of Durham and their Role in the Community, 1830-1855 54(22-23) Baldersdale 57(69) Ballads 20(57-58n) Balmbra’s Music Hall 21(18, 19) Bamburgh Castle 45(25, 37-39) Banham, J., Arthur Mowbray - Adventurer or Entrepreneur? A North East Businessman in the Industrial Revolution Part I 48(27-47) Part II 49(45-68) Banham, J., A Very Great Public Conveniency: the Origins of Banking in County Durham 52(19-41) An Addendum 53(9-12) Banham, J., review of R. Bridle and J. Porter (eds), The Motorway Achievement – Frontiers of Knowledge and Practice, Vol 2 66(68-69) Banham, J., review of C. Mountford, The Private Railways of County Durham 69(51-52) Banks 52(19-41), 53(9-12), 55(11-12) Baptists 9(18-20), 17(7, 8, 14, 16, 17), 18(8-28), 41(47-48) Barclay, Revd L.L. 62(3-23) Barke, M., Migration in Darlington in the Mid Eighteenth Century: Some Tentative Observations 27(16-28) Barnard Castle 10(26-30), 11(41), 13(40), 16(11, 26, 28), 22(7, 13, 36), 27(21-23, 59-63), 33(24-40), 38(21n.), 41(7), 45(70-71), 46(27-33), 48(9), 49(7-8), 64(23-33) mechanics' institute 54(34-35) Barnby, R.A., Darlington’s Railway Workshops 10(22-25) Barnby, R.A., The Infl uence of the London Lead Company on the Development of Middleton-in-Teesdale 15(19-32) Barrett, Charles 55(11-13), 61(6-7) Barrington, Shute, Bp of Durham 47(45-48, 52-53) Barrow, T., The Whaling Trade of North-East England 1750-1850 reviewed by G.R. Batho 62(41-42) Barton 25(13) Barton, P., The Southerner - An Alleged Commerce Raider 46(34-45) Barton, P., The Peterhoff - An Unlucky Sunderland-Built Ship 48(48-54) Barton, P., Titles for Raby 51(55) Barton, P., Richardson Brothers, Hartlepool Shipbuilders 53(13-26) A Postscript 55(32) Barton, P., When Seaham Harbour ‘Belonged’ to Stockton 59(30-39) Barton, P., Stockton Fights Two Railway Bills of 1858 62(24-32) Barton, P., Stockton During the Great French Wars 1793-1815: Further Observations 66(35-42) Barytes mining 17(29), 47(61) Bastardy 46(27-33) Batho, G.R., review of D.Thomas, Strike a Light: John Walker 1781-1859, Who Invented the Friction Match in 1826 45(72) Batho, G.R., review of J.J. Vickerstaff, A Great Revolutionary Deluge? Education and the Reformation in County Durham 51(80-81) Batho, G.R., review of G. Morgan and P. Rushton, Rogues, Thieves and the Rule of Law: the problem of Law Enforcement in North-East England, 1718-1800 58(53) Batho, G.R. and Faulkner, M., An Elisabethville Family: The Prowses 61(52-61) Batho, G.R., review of A. Young and M.J. Stead, In the Footsteps of Robert Bruce 62(41-42) Batho, G.R., review of T. Barrow, The Whaling Trade of North-East England 1750-1850 62(41-42) Batho, G.R., review of V. Watts and J. Insley, A Dictionary of County Durham Place-Names 64(36) Battles 69(21-27) Beadle, H.L., Upper Teesdale Lime Kilns 8(2-8) Beadle, H.L., The History of Cow Green Mines 9(1-10) Beadle, H.L., The Lead Smelting Mills of Teesdale and District 11(2-10) Beadle, H.L., Bowlees Chapel 20(26-40) Beamish (colliery) 18(55) Beamish Museum 2(6-8), 17(34-36), 39(45), 62(36-41) Beaumont family 47(45, 48, 52-54, 56-57) Beaumont, J.N., 59(31-32) 16 DCLHS INDEX TO Bulletin 1-69 & Journal 70 (c) 2009 Bedburn 13(2-7) Bedford, Earl of (Francis Russell) 51(40-41) Beer, K., The Diary of a Village Postmistress: The Years 1908-1918 36(29-45) Beer, K., The Career of a Village Schoolmaster: James Wilson 1836-1911 38(34-54) Beer, K., ‘Sherlock Holmes’ at Witton Gilbert 39(23) Beer, K., Samuel Hume, A Durham Watch and Clock-Maker 40(62-78) Beer, K., Willa Brown: Her Life in Nursing 50(98-107) Beer, K., How the People of Durham Were Affected by the Civil War Between 1642 and 1648 54(13-21) Beer, K., ‘Sense and Sensibility’: the Life and Sentiments of a Young Lady In and Out of Love 56(21-30) Beer, K., Durham Building Craftsmen in the Early Seventeenth Century 66(6-24) Bek, Anthony, Bp of Durham 27(2-3) Belgian colony, Birtley 61(52), 68(61-69) Bellasis family 42(49) Bellasis, Brian 49(13) Bellasis, Sir William 22(21, 22), 35(5), 48(17) Bellingham 22(5), 24(40) Bentham, Jeremy 20(23) Benson, J., The Miners’ Provident Association 18(28-31) Benson, J. and Neville, R.G. A Bibliography of the Coal Industry in the North East 24(18-36) Benwell (colliery) 18(58-59) Berryman, B., The Tools of Local History. Durham County Library - Local Collection 11(31-32) Berwick 24(40), 31(7-9) Bible Christians 47(83-100) Bibliographies 24(18-36), 37(38-43), 39(33-43) Billingham 19(12), 22(23, 36), 49(7), 70(6-10) Billy Row Centenary Methodist Church 57(51-66) Binchester 13(2-7) Biographical dictionaries 54(4, 7-12) Birkett, D.A., The Boundary Stones from the Free Section of the Byers Green Branch of the Clarence Railway. Relics of an Example of Nineteenth Century Sharp Practice? 41(15-17) Birth, marriage and death records 65(76-88) Birtley 44(39-41), 61(52), 68(61-69) Bishop Auckland 10(2, 20-21), 13(2-7, 8-21, 40), 17(13, 16, 18), 22(7, 13), 22(23), 24(9-11), 38(7), 41(7-8), 43(20-21), 49(13), 62(13), 70(3-6) Bishop Auckland Pottery see Canney Hill Pottery Bishop Middleham 34(4) Bishopwearmouth 12(21-22), 18(2-28, 41-50), 22(36), 23(6), 29(2-3), 32(55-56), 34(43-44), 40(4-42), 42(9); see also Sunderland Bishop, William 19(14) Black, J., The British Press and European News in the 1730s: the Case of the Newcastle Courant 26(38-43) Black, J., Eighteenth Century Journalism in the North East: The Darlington Pamphlet of 1772 36(3-14) Black, J., Heavenly Streamers, Coal Disputes and an Attempted Jail Break: Durham and the Press in the Eighteenth Century 38(11-12) Black, J., “The Nursery of Indolence”: Durham in 1749 40(3) Black, J., Eighteenth Century Home Recipes 44(3-6) Black Boy (colliery) 10(21), 18(58) Black Death, The 14(6), 22(43), 27(3) Blackett, Sir Thomas 47(50, 52-54) Blackhall (colliery) 14(10) Blackton 11(9) Blackwell Bridge 62(33-35) Blakiston family 19(12-13), 22(19, 25-36), 42(15), 48(5, 11, 17, 18, 21, 22), 49(8-11, 12, 19) Blanchland 42(37), 45(23-50) Blaydon 18(32, 34-5) Bluecoat Charity School, Durham 50(70, 72, 80n) Blyth 67(64-67) Boagey, W., A Note Upon the Cholera Outbreak at Hartlepool 1832 15(40-41) Boilermakers’ Society 12(34-39) Bolam 13(2-7) Boldon(s) 12(3), 19(23), 42(9) 17 DCLHS INDEX TO Bulletin 1-69 & Journal 70 (c) 2009 Boldon Book, The 14(4), 23(13, 20, 21), 27(2, 12n) Bonomi, Ignatius 15(21), 28(34), 30(19), 31(53), 37(25), 50(71-72), 60(55) Books, music 64(11-19) Botcherby family 61(3, 5, 12) Botcherby, John 61(3-17) Botcherby, Robert 61(6-8) Bovill, D.G., The Sunderland Orphan-Asylum and the Education of Boys for the Mercantile Marine 1850-1902 39(12-22) Bovill, D.G., The Industrial Training Ship “Wellesley” and the Training Ship Movement 41(18-35) Bowes 33(24, 27-31) Bowes family 16(26, 30-31), 22(18, 20, 21, 22), 30(28), 33(34), 43(25-35), 46(46,89), 49(6) Bowes, Sir George 22(18), 43(25), 46(46) Bowes, John and Josephine 16(26, 30-31), 30(28), 46(46-49 ,65-68,71), 57(40) Bowes, Mary Eleanor 43(25-34), 46(46) Bowes Museum 2(6-8), 7(14-16), 16(26-33), 51(35) Bowes Railway 6(9) Bowes, Sir William 22(18) Bowlby, Russell 34(19-42) Bowlees Chapel 20(26-40) Bowling, H.M.
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