Index acanthite, 76, 151, 160 occurrence, 74 Acme mine, 121, 122 thermometry, 169 Acupan mine, Philippine Islands, 184, 185, assays 186, 187 by districts, 118 adularia, 101 by mines, 119-121 age relations lead-silver ores, 19 metallic minerals, 129-132 native tellurium-bearing ores, 66 ore types, 23 associations, hypogene vein minerals, 127-129 Chi-square tests, 113-115 aikinite, 92-93 frequency of occurrence, 111-112 Alpine Horn mine, 58, 74, 83, 85, 91, 97, mineral pairs, 111-112 128, 139, 202, 203, 212, 213, 218, 219 preferential nature of, 113-115 altaite summary, 111-115 diagnostic properties, 45 system Au-Ag-Te, 136-137 distribution, 125 Atlantic mine, 120 occurrence, 76-77 Au-Ag-Te, the system, 133-148 alteration (see supergene alteration, wall applied to Boulder ores, 135-148 rock alteration) associations of tellurium, 139 amalgam, 68, 69 degree of equilibrium, 146-148 Ambrose, J. W„ 185 effects of cooling, 147-148 American mine (Gold Hill district), 58, 74, experimental relations, 133-135 99, 222, 223 hessite inversion, 141, 169 American mine (Magnolia district), 58 melting phenomena, 138-139 ankerite-dolomite, 96 minerals, 132-133 aplite, relation of ore to, 12 observed associations, 136-138 Archer mine, 74, 168, 169, 176 origin of hessite-sylvanite intergrowths, argentian tetrahedrite, 94 142-143 argentite origin of late veinlets, 143 tellurium grease, 76, 151, 160 origin of petzite-hessite intergrowths, occurrence, 76, 151 141-142 stability, 160 preferential associations, 115 Argall, G. O., Jr., 101 the join AuTe2-AuAgTe4, 139 Argo mine, 19 thermometry, 168-169 arsenopyrite Axelrod, J. M., 104 barometry, 166, 168 azurite, 151 227 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953814/mem109-bm.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 228 TELLURIDE ORES OF BOULDER COUNTY, COLORADO Baker, G., 48,141 Bray, J. M., 178 barite, 97-98 breccia reefs Barton, P. B., Jr., 154 as mineralogicàl controls, 126 base metals (see also individual sulfides of) as structural controls, 22, 29-32 production of, 7 distribution, 10, 30 telluride ores, 123 general character, 15-16 Becking, L. G. M. B„ 153, 154, 156 British Columbia tellurides, 184-185 Berek, M., 36 Buena ("Wano") mine, 16, 20, 21, 27, 29, Berman, A., 81 31, 32, 33, 58, 67, 78, 79, 80, 86, 88, Berry, L. G., 35, 47, 80, 109, 141 89, 95, 104, 122, 126, 153, 175, 218, biotite latite 219 as source of vein components, 177-178 bulk compositions distribution, 30-31 telluride ores, 138 gold content, 31-32 Bull of the Woods reef, 16, 30 petrography, 14, 15 bull quartz veins, 16 relation to telluride deposits, 11, 14, 15, Bumble Bee mine, 58, 68, 104, 204, 205 31, 32 Burlington mine, 19 volatile content, 32, 180-181 calaverite bismuthinite, 74 diagnostic properties, 46 Bjerrum, J., 158 distribution, 125 Black Rose mine, 29, 31, 58, 69, 74, 79, 86, melting, 168 88, 91, 104, 122, 216, 217 occurrence, 77-79 black tellurium, 81-82, 87 relation to krennerite, 139, 183-185 Blanchard, F. N., 175 X-ray data, 77-78 Blue "vein," 16 Cabri, L. J., xvi, 46, 48, 50, 51, 109, 130, Bondholder mine, 58, 69, 71, 92, 109, 204, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 205 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 168, Bonorino, F. G., 25, 26, 27, 28, 55, 100, 169, 184 172, 173, 177 calcite, 96-97 Borchert, H., 50, 51,139 Callow, K. J., 48, 141, 184, 185 bornite, 76 calomel, 94, 95, 152 Boulder County Cameron, E. N., 36, 37,152 geologic map, 10 carbonates, 96-97 geologic setting, 9-16 Carpenter, R. H., 37 mining districts, 7 Cash mine, 7, 15, 58, 64, 74, 81, 82, 85, 88, mining history, 7 97, 122, 123, 124, 212, 213 nickel deposit, 17 centers of production ore deposits, 17-23 definition, 29 physiography, 165-166 map, 30 production, 7 mineralogy of, 124-126 structures, 15-16 relation to breccia reefs, 29-32 telluride belt, 9, 10 cerargyrite, 95, 158 tungsten district, 17, 21, 22 Chace, F. M., x Boulder Creek Granite chalcedony, 102 distribution, 10 chalcocite, 76, 151 hydrothermal alteration, 25-28 chalcopyrite petrography, 12 exsolution, 74, 124 source, 12 occurrence, 67-70 trace elements, 178 Chancellor mine, 19 Bowie, S. H. V., 39, 40, 41 chemical analyses boxworks, limonite, 105 altered wall rocks, 28 bravoite chi-square tests occurrence, 75 mineral associations, 113-114 thermometry, 169 Christ, C. L., 153, 170 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953814/mem109-bm.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 INDEX 229 Christie, O. H. J., 99 duration of mineralization, 170-172, 179- cinnabar, 75 181 Clark, F. W., 89 Eckel, E. B„ 63, 66, 68, 75, 77, 78, 89, 98, Clark, L. A., 166, 168, 169 185 classification Eclipse mine, 59, 76, 84, 106, 214, 215 Boulder County deposits, 186-187 Edwards, A. B., 48 telluride deposits, 183-186 E/i-ac]- phase relations clay minerals, 25-27, 153 in system Ag-Te-S-H-O-Cl, 158-159 Cloke, P. L., 156 Eh-pH phase relations Cold Spring-Red Cloud mine, 7, 14, 58, 64, in system Ag-Te-S-H-O-Cl, 158-161 66, 69, 74, 77, 80, 82, 85, 87, 89, 92, in system Au-H-O-Cl, 156 97, 99, 107, 122, 150, 151, 210, 211, in system K-Fe-S-H-O, 160-163 212, 213, 220, 221 in system Te-H-O, 153-155 Colorado mine, 7, 58, 59, 64, 70, 74, 76, 82, Eldora district, 9, 107 93, 96, 97, 101, 123, 150, 156, 202, electron microprobe analyses, 35-36, 224, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 220, 221, 224, 225 225 elevations Colorado mineral belt, 9, 11 erosion surfaces, 167 coloradoite mine workings, 122 cuprian, 79 Ellen mine, 120 diagnostic properties, 47 Emancipation mine, 22, 27, 32, 59, 64, 65, distribution, 125 67, 68, 72, 78, 92, 96, 104, 122, 149, occurrence, 79-80 202, 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 218, 219 contact metamorphic deposits, embolite, 95 tellurides, 183 Emmett mine, 19 cooling Emmons, W. H., 156, 158 equilibrium during, 147-148 Empress Josephine mine, Kerber Creek dis- intergrowths produced, 141-143 trict, 80 phase relations, 136 Empress mine, 59, 80, 88, 89, 169, 210, post-depositional, 176 211,216,217 copper empressite combining tendency, 70 diagnostic properties, 47 Copper King mine, 178 occurrence, 80-81 covellite, 151 stability, 148, 149 Cripple Creek, Colorado, 109,185, 186 synthesis, 135 Croesus mine, 18, 59, 65, 75, 94, 101, 104, enargite, 19 109, 202, 203 Endlich, F. M., 66, 69, 75, 77, 78, 89, 95, Dana, E. S., 63, 99 99, 103 Dana, J. D., 63, 99 enrichment, supergene, 150, 160 Davis, J. H., 37 equilibrium deformation during cooling, 147-148 during mineralization, 128-129, 180 during initial deposition, 146-147 native tellurium, 68 erosion surfaces, 165-168 sylvanite, 83, 91 eutectoid intergrowths, 138 Deltombe, E., xvi, 153,155, 179 Evening Star mine, 96 depths exsolution indicated by arsenopyrite, 166,168 hessite and petzite, 87,141-142 mines, 20, 118, 122 sphalerite, 74, 124 ore deposition, 165-166 versus replacement, 144 oxidation, 149 ferberite present water table, 149 tungsten ores, 21 de Zoubov, N., xvi, 153, 155, 179 occurrence, 100-101 dolomite (see ankerite-dolomite) ferrotellurite, 99, 151 Dun Raven mine, 66 Flattop surface, 165-167 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/953814/mem109-bm.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 230 TELLURIDE ORES OF BOULDER COUNTY, COLORADO fluid inclusions goethite fluorite, 175 boxworks, 105 quartz, 174-175 hypogene, 105 salinity, 174 occurrence, 105, 151 fluid inclusion thermometry, 173-176 relations to jarosite, 98-99, 152, 160-163 fluorescent minerals stability, 160-163, 170 calomel, 94-95 thermometry, 170 scheelite, 101 gold (see also gold, native) tests for, 94 assays, 117-122 fluorite discovery, 7 fluid inclusions, 175 lead-silver ores, 19 occurrence, 95 placer deposits, 7, 150 pitchblende in, 19, 95 production, 7 thermoluminescence, 175-176 sources, 177-178 fluorspar deposits supergene geochemistry, 156-158 age relations, 23 Gold Hill district distribution, 10 assay record, 118-122 elevations of mines, 122 general character, 18, 19 erosion surfaces, 167 Forlorn Hope mine, 84 Laramide stocks, 14 Fortune mine, 121, 122 location, 9, 10 Fortune reef, 16, 17, 30 productive centers, 29-31 Fournier, R., 28, 172, 173 wall rocks, 11 Fourth of July mine, 59, 76 gold, native Franklin mine, 59, 89, 90, 96, 214, 215 distribution, 125 freibergite, 18 fineness, 65 Freiberg mine, 59, 69, 92 indentation hardness, 42 Frondel, C., 81, 99 rusty gold, 63 Front Range mineral belt occurrence, 63-66, 150 fault movements, 32 reflectivity, 39, 40 intrusive sequence, 23, 178 gold telluride deposits (see telluride de- ore controls, 11 posits) relation to telluride belts, 9 Golden Age mine, 59, 69, 83, 106, 165 Frueh, A. J., Jr., 47, 48, 50, 141 Golden Bell mine, 89, 90 Furbish, W. J., 160 Golden Harp mine, 59, 65, 79, 96 Galbraith, F. W., 45, 185 Good Hope mine, Vulcan, Colorado, 186 galena, 70 Goodwin, A. M„ 184, 185 Galopin, R., 43 goyazite, 99-100 gamma phase grade (see assays) breakdown, 142-143, 145, 146, 147 Grand Central mine, 26, 122 occurrence, 109 Grand Republic mine, 20, 101 paragenesis, 130, 131 Grandview mine, 15, 18, 59, 89, 94, 100, synthesis, 135 101 Garrels, R. M., 153, 170 Graphic mine, 101, 121 Genth, F. A., 5, 66, 77, 78, 79, 89, 92, 98, Gray Copper mine, 59, 93, 220, 221 Gray Eagle mine, 76, 107, 174, 176, 180, 99, 103, 151 222, 223 Gladiator mine, 59, 69, 102, 104 Grouse mine, 59, 109 Gladys mine, 65 guides to ore Glassford Creek, Australia, 183 character of quartz, 103 Goddard, E.
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