AGENDA tTEM No --.- \a NORTH LANARKSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT To: POLICY AND RESOURCES Subject: SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIPS - COMMITTEE UPDATE From:CHIEF EXECUTIVE Date: 19 March, 2003 I Ref: SIP RPT ~~ 1.0 Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with an update of developments in relation to Partnership activity in the North Lanarkshire Social Inclusion Partnerships and seek approval for a range of funding initiatives and activity previously considered and recommended for approval by the Management Groups. 2.0 SIP Fund Balances 2002/2003 2.1 The details of the current funding available to support additional activity for each of the Social Inclusion Partnerships are outlined in Table (A) below. The table indicates the total budgets available in this financial year and indicates the reallocation of funding due to project underspend. 2.2 In addition Motherwell North Partnership Management Group has recommended the capitalisation of 25 1,000 to allow three projects to complete their capital programme. 2.3 A full breakdown of this information is provided as Appendix One of this report. Budget Re-allocated Capitalised Current MOTHERWELL NORTH Funding Funding Balance Core Social Inclusion Fund &1,675,747 &121,536 &5 1,000 &125,193 Tackling Drugs Misuse Monies (ioint & 155,445 &70,362 50 &70,362 with NLSIP) Community Support Monies &97,500 560,300 EO &60,300 SOUTH COATBRIDGE I Communitv Sumort Monies I &96,750 I Core Social Inclusion Fund 2684,750 &208,5 00 EO &236,720 Community Support Monies &105,000 &4,937 20 &4,937 3.0 Utilisation of SIP Fund Balances 2002/2003 3.1 Since the last meeting, the Management Groups of each SIP have considered proposals to utilise the balances of SIP Funds for 2002/2003. Their recommendations are detailed in Appendix Two. 3.2 In line with previous years Communities Scotland has offered the opportunity to the Social Inclusion Partnership Management Groups to apply for End of Year Flexibility and if approved by them transfer the balance of funding into next financial year 2003/04. 3.3 This arrangement is subject to approval by Communities Scotland later on in the year and the details of the request are outlined in Appendix Three. 3.4 A further report will be brought to Committee when the decision of Communities Scotland is communicated to the Council. 4.0 SIP Fund Balances 2003/2004 4.1 The details of the current funding available to support additional activity for each of the SIPS are outlined in Table (B) below. The table presents the annual budgets allocated to each SIP and the current commitments of funding as previously approved by Committee. MOTHERWELL NORTH Commitments Core Social Inclusion Fund 5452,000 &287,718 f44,221 (2) 5164,282 Community Support Monies E60,000 50 EO 560,000 (1) Re-allocation of monies from Building Communities project. Applicant has secured alternative funding. (2) Re-allocation of monies from Support Team costs as a result of savings in operating costs. 5.0 Allocation of SIP Funding 2003/04 5.1 The Management Groups of each SIP have considered proposals to utilise the balances of SIP Funds for 2003/2004 as detailed at Table (B). Their recommendations are detailed on Appendices Four (MNSIP), Five (SCSIP) and Six (NLSIP). 6.0 Recommendation 6.1 It is recommended that the Committee: (a) notes the current balances available for; (i) financial year 2002/03 as detailed at paragraph 2.2 Table A and Appendix One; and (ii) financial year 2003/04 as detailed at paragraph 4.1 Table B; (b) approve: (i) the request for End Year Flexibility to be sought fi-om Communities Scotland as at Appendix Three; and (ii) the recommendations as detailed at Appendices Two, Four, Five and Six; and (c) otherwise note the content of the report. Chief Executive 19 March, 2003 APPENDIX ONE MOTHERWELL NORTH SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP SIP FUND BALANCES 2002-03 I I Sub-Total 2121,536 Unallocated at 31 WO3 .€3,657 TOTAL 2125,193 251,000 I SOUTH COATBRIDGE SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP SIP FUND BALANCES 2002-03 mainstream partnership activity. Tri-Golf Development .€2,871 The project would wish for balance of funding to be met from 200314 SIP funding. Unallocated at 31 /1/03 EO TOTAL 212,871 20 APPENDIX ONE NORTH LANARKSHIRE SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP SIP FUND BALANCES 2002-03 Capitalisation of fundinp I Comments RTW is seeking to utilise element of original E283,OOO commitment I ~ (Routes to Work) I to match European Bid Feb 2003. Support Team E42,OOO Underspend has arisen due to delay in appointment of staff and I I associated costs Gowkthrapple Home School &3,500 Underspend has occurred as result of staff turnover. Sub total Unallocated at 31 /U03 E28,220 NORTH LANARKSHIRE’S SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP DRUGS MISUSE AND EMPOWERING COMMUNITIES BALANCES 2002-03 Comments Original project proposals to create employment support for former Drugs Misuse - North Lanarkshire &75,814 E40,889 drug-users were overtaken by launch of Progress To Work programme. Request for End-Year Flexibility (See below) Total 3355,885 ;E70,362 Empowering Communities - &97,500 &60,300 Only part salary costs as staff came into post mid way through the Motherwell North year. Year-end flexibility not known until October 2002, thus Empowering Communities - South &96,750 E43,230 limiting time available to work up proposals for expenditure e.g. Coatbridge accredited training. Empowering Communities - North E105,000 E4,937 Lanarkshire Total 65299,250 3308,467 APPENDIX TWO MOTHERWELL NORTH SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP - 2002/03 SOUTH COATBWGE SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP - 2002/03 EMPOWERING COMMUNITIES - SOUTH COATBRIDGE SIJ? - 2002/03 Project Description Funding Coatbridge Federation of Tenants & To fund Marketing Strategy for the Association. f3,600 Residents Association Total $3,600 Project Description Funding: Getting Better Together Healthy Living Centre Upgrade to support NOF Lottery application E63,700 Centre, Shotts Stoneyetts Bowling Club Additional support to small grant to meet crime prevention recommendations in relation to f8, 185 erection of perimeter fence. Carbrain Community Regeneration Initiative Part Contribution to the total cost of Consultants to conduct a residents survey. E2,OOO SPARC To retain Clerical Support up until the end of June, pending outcome of application to &1,614 Total $75.499 APPENDIX THREE MOTHERWELL NORTH SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP OPTIONS FOR END-OF-YEAR FLEXIBILITY 2002-03 Project I Description I Funding Ravenscraig Programme I End of Year Flexibility to contribute to larger European Programme E82,190 NORTH LANARKSHIRE SOCIAL INCLUSION PARTNERSHIP OPTIONS FOR END-OF-YEAR FLEXIBILITY 2002-03 DRUGS MISUSE AND EMPOWERING CO MMUNITIES OPTIONS FOR END-OF-YEAR FLEXIBILITY 2002-03 Empowering Communities I End of Year Flexibility will be sought to raise awareness amongst SIP residents of the E 103,530 (South Coatbridge& Motherwell North) emerging decision making processes and community participation expectations within the Community Planning Agenda. The Partnership Support Team is also currently in the process of identifylng accredited training to establish a programme that fits the needs of community representatives, activists and forums. Total %173,892 APPENDIX FOUR -MOTHl RWELL NORTH ZCOMMENDATII INS2003-2004 MN/Al/l Reema Road The Wise Group Raising profile of recycling as UN 32,000 Approve -Recycling Project means of waste management. To be delivered by 6 LTU - adults from NL SIPs areas MNIAI 12 Viewpark Out of Viewpark Family Developing childcare places 37,107 MN 37,107 Approve School Care Centre (30) for primary aged school children North Motherwell North Motherwell Carry out structural work to E10,000 MN 10,000 Approve Pavilion Project Pavilion Project convert existing Sports Steering Group Pavilion into a Youth Information and Activity Basekoject North Lanarkshire NLC, community To promote the North 24,658 MN 15,000 Approve Challenge Support Services Lanarkshire Challenge throughout NL SIPs - MhVA315 SIP Music Lessons1 Reeltime Music Provision of dedicated 27,848 MN 27,848 Approve Workshops workshops in SIP areas to engage young people on a more active and creative level APPENDIX FOUR MN/A3/6 I Motherwell North NLC, Community I Provision of high-- quality . 12,615 Approve Services leisure time programme targeted at 5-12 years MN/A4/1 Small Grants Partnership Support To provide a thematic small 100,000 100,000 Approve Programme Team grants programme, supporting organisations to make sustainable changes MN/A4/3 North Motherwell NLC Phase 2 of an environmental 120,000 80,000 Approve Environmental improvements ILM in area Improvements ILM surrounding Pat Cullinan Phase 2 Centre. MN/A4/5 SIP Paths and Access NLC, Planning and Delivery of new and improved 35,000 10,000 Approve Environment footpaths in or adjacent to the SIP, as part of the Public Access Strategy MN/AS/1 STEPS & CAVOC Delivery of Pacific Institute 29,907 Breakthrough Programme to staff in social Capacity Building enterprises and public sector and Personal partners, to promote Development organisational capacity Programme APPENDIX FOUR 1 Build IT I NLC - Yvonne Weir To provide unemployed SIP 126,500 I MN 8,333 Approve residents with skills in ICT. I MN/B1/5 SIP Audit Partnership Support To provide audit support to 24,000 24,000 Approve (Management Costs Team groupslorganisations in receipt No Proforma) of SIP funding MN/C1/2 Choices for Life Strathclyde Police NL wide Choices for Life 10,000 MN 5,000 Approve event. event in May 2003 (Drugs Misuse) I I APPENDIX FIVE Small Projects Fund Administered by SIP To provide a small projects Approve. Team fund encouraging applications SC019 from voluntary, community and statutory agencies Healthy Lifestyle Rosehall High School Provide healthy lifestyle E120K I E70K Approve. SCOOl Project training to young people Infant Mental Health Coatbridge LHCC A project to support parents E60,164 f60.164 Approve.
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