NEW ADDITIONS TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY English Books 020 LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCES 1. Kamalavijayan, D., ed. International Conference on Information Management in a Knowledge Society: February 21­25, 2005: conference papers / edited by D.Kamalavijayan...[et al]. ­ New Delhi: Allied Publishers , 2005. 2v. : tables: figs.: illus.; 25cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 81­7764­770­9. 025.04 KAM­in C76575;v.1,C76576;v.2 2. Basu, Paul, ed. Museums, heritage and international development / edited by Paul Basu and Wayne Modest. ­ New York: Routledge , 2015. ix, 345p.: plates; 24cm. (Routledge studies in culture and development). Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­0­415­65951­2. 069.091724 BAS­m B213319 Price : PD ***90.00 080 GENERAL COLLECTIONS 3. Murti, Narayana The wit and wisdom of Narayana Murthy / Narayana Murthy. ­ New Delhi: Hay House Publishers , 2016. 219p.: illus.; 18cm. ISBN : 978­93­85827­02­0. 080 MUR­w B213689 Price : RS. ***399.00 4. Ravinder Kaur, comp. and ed. Indian freedom movement: famous speeches of national leaders / compiled and edited by Ravinder Kaur. ­ New Delhi: Writers Choice , 2015. x, 243p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978­93­84081­11­9. 080 RAV­in B213532 Price : RS. ***895.00 2 100 PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY 5. Deshpande, Sharad, ed. Philosophy in colonial India / edited by Sharad Deshpande. ­ Heidelberg: Springer , 2015. xiii, 272p.:figs.; 25cm. (Sophia studies in cross­cultural philosophy of traditions and cultures; v.11). Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­81­322­2222­4. 181.4 Q5 B213918 Price : EUR ***99.99 6. Chaturvedi Badrinath Unity of life and other essays / Chaturvedi Badrinath; edited by Tulsi Badrinath. ­ New Delhi: Oxford University Press , 2016. xviii, 159p.; 22cm. (Rs.450/­). ISBN : 0­19­946518­5. 181.4 Q6 C76909 200 RELIGION 7. The ten great birth stories of the Buddha: the Mahanipata of the Jatakatthavannana / translated and introduced by Naomi Appleton and Sarah Shaw; foreword by Peter Skilling. ­ Chiang Mai: Silkworm Press , 2015. 2v.: plates; 23cm. ISBN : 978­616­215­113­2. 294.382325 Q5 B213147;v.1,B213148;v.2 8. Krishna Kumar Theme for today / Krishna Kumar. ­ New Delhi: VAK , 2015. 104p.: illus.; 19cm. (Rs.350/­). ISBN : 978­93­81018­28­6. 294.5 Q5 C76891 9. Singh, Prem Jihadi war of ideas / Prem Singh. ­ New Delhi: Surendra Publications , 2016. viii, 244p.; 24cm. Bibliography: p.241­242. ISBN : 978­93­80817­61­3. 297.72 Q6 B213696 Price : RS. **1495.00 3 300 SOCIAL SCIENCES, SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY 10. Deepak Kumar The trishanku nation : memory, self and society in contemporary India / Deepak Kumar. ­ New Delhi: Oxford University Press , 2016. xi, 212p.; 22cm. (Rs.495/­). ISBN : 0­19­946153­8. 301.0954 Q6 C76910 11. McDuie­Ra, Duncan Borderland city in new India: frontier to gateway / Duncan McDuie­Ra. ­ Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press , 2016. 207p.: plates; 24cm. (Asian borderlands). Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­90­8964­758­0. 301.095422 Q6 B213151 Price : PD ***64.00 12. Chatterji, Sarajit Kumar Communalism from Indian perspective / Sarajit Kumar Chatterjee. ­ New Delhi: Concept Publishing , 2016. xii, 484p.: tables; 22cm. Bibliography: p.457­476. ISBN : 9789351251996. 302.140954 Q6 B213662 Price : RS. **1750.00 13. Sanchez, Yvette, ed. Transculturalism and business in the BRIC states: a handbook / edited by Yvette Sanchez and Claudia Franziska Bruhwiler. ­ Surrey: Gower Publishing , 2015. xxvi, 373p.: figs.: plates; 25cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­1­4724­4401­1. 302.35091724 Q5 B213330 Price : PD ***35.00 4 14. Bhalla, D. Future of India / D.Bhalla. ­ New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan , 2016. 176p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978­93­5186­647­3. 303.440954 Q6 B213881 Price : RS. ***300.00 15. Celikates, Robin, ed. Transformations of democracy: crisis, protest and legitimation / edited by Robin Celikates, Regina Kreide and Tilo Wesche. ­ London: Rowman and Littlefield , 2015. vii, 282p.; 23cm. Bibliography: p.257­274. ISBN : 978­1­78348­089­0. 303.484 Q5 B213355 Price : PD ***24.95 16. McGuigan, Jim, ed. Raymond Williams: a short counter­revolution towards 2000 revisited / edited with additional material by Jim McGuigan. ­ London: Sage Publications , 2015. xiv, 233p.; 24cm. ISBN : 978­1­4462­9471­0. 303.49 Q5 B213178 Price : PD ***79.00 17. Patnaik, Girija Prasanna Terrorism in world politics: India's response / Girija Prasanna Pattnaik. ­ Kolkata: Punthi Pustak , 2016. 406p.: tables; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 390­402. ISBN : 978­93­81209­30­1. 303.625 Q6 B213384 Price : RS. **2500.00 5 18. Rikhy, B.S. Inside ISIS / B.S. Rikhy. ­ New Delhi: Surendra Publications , 2016. viii, 240p.; 24cm. Bibliography: p.237­238. ISBN : 978­93­80817­60­6. 303.6250956 Q6 B213697 Price : RS. **1495.00 19. Sharma, Suresh, ed. Demographic challenges in India / edited by Suresh Sharma. ­ London: Athena Academic , 2016. xiv, 282p.: figs.: tables; 25cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­19­1039­004­7. 304.60954 Q6 B213181 Price : PD ***34.95 20. Jacobsen, Knut A., ed. Young Sikhs in a global world: negotiating traditions, identities and authorities / edited by Knut A. Jacobsen and Kristina Myrvold. ­ Surrey: Ashgate , 2015. xv, 293p.: plates; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­1­4724­5696­0. 305.235 Q5 B213157 Price : PD ***70.00 21. Mill, John Stuart The subjection of women / John Stuart Mill. ­ New Delhi: VAK , 2015. 112p.; 23cm. (Rs.450/­). ISBN : 978­93­81018­29­3. 305.42 Q5 C76895 22. Wollstonecraft, Mary A vindication of the rights of woman / Mary Wollstonecraft. ­ New Delhi: Maheshwari Vani Prakashan , 2015. 248p.; 23cm. (Rs.695/­). 1792 edition and 1992 edition also available in Parliament Library. ISBN : 81­89795­16­3. 305.42 Q5 C76899 6 23. Hartley, C. Gasquoine The position of woman in primitive society : a study of the matriarchy / C.Gasquoine Hartley. ­ New Delhi: Vani Prakashan , 2015. 192p.; 23cm. (Rs.395/­). Writer also wrote under the pseudonyms of Walter M.Gallichan and Arthur D.Lewis. ISBN : 978­93­5000­948­2. 305.4209 Q5 C76894 24. Aggarwala, Bina Gender challenges / Bina Agarwal. ­ New Delhi: Oxford University Press , 2016. 3v.: tables: figs.: maps; 23cm. Contents: v.1 Agriculture, technology, and food security; v.2 Property, family, and the state; v.3 Environmental change and collective action; includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 0­19­809982­7. 305.420954 Q6 C76901;v.1,C76902;v.2, C76903;v.3 Price : RS. **3995.00 25. Beard, Mary Women as a force in history : a study in traditions and realities / Mary Beard. ­ New Delhi: Lekhshri Publication , 2015. 348p.; 23cm. (Rs.895/­). ISBN : 978­81­905378­6­5. 305.420973 Q5 C76897 26. Dam, Debashree, comp. The glorious 100 : women's scientific contribution in ZSI, 1916­2015 / compiled by Debashree Dam, Dhriti Banerjee and Nivedita Saha. ­ Kolkata: Zoological Survey of India , 2015. xviii, 197p.: plates: figs.; 25cm. ISBN : 978­81­8171­420­6. 305.435 Q5 C76979 27. Mozans, H. J. Women in science / H.J. Mozans. ­ New Delhi: Lekhshri Publication , 2015. 400p.; 23cm. (Rs.995/­). Bibliography: p.396­400. ISBN : 978­81­905378­4­1. 305.435 Q5 C76898 7 28. Pattenden, Jonathan Labour, state and society in rural India: a class­relational approach / Jonathan Pattenden. ­ Manchester: Manchester University Press , 2016. xiv, 200p.: tables: figs.; 25cm. ISBN : 978­0­7190­8914­5. 305.5620954 Q6 B213371 Price : PD ***75.00 29. Khair, Tabish The new xenophobia / Tabish Khair. ­ New Delhi: Oxford University Press , 2016. ix, 220p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978­0­19­946358­9. 305.8 Q6 B213388 Price : RS. ***495.00 30. Hillman, Ben, ed. Ethnic conflict and protest in Tibet and Xinjiang: unrest in China's West / edited by Ben Hillman and Gray Tuttle. ­ New York: Columbia University Press , 2016. viii, 270p.: maps: tables; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­0­231­16998­1. 305.800951 Q6 B213343 Price : $ ***60.00 31. Raha, Manis Kumar The Sherpas of the Himalayas: their life, culture and society / Manis Kumar Raha, Palash Chandra Coomar and Sudip Bhui. ­ New Delhi: Concept Publishing , 2016. xxi, 392p.: plates: tables;23cm. Bibliography: p.375­385. ISBN : 978­93­5125­194­1. 305.800954 Q6 B213682 Price : RS. **1450.00 8 32. McDuie­Ra, Duncan Debating race in contemporary India / Duncan McDuie­Ra. ­ London: Palgrave Macmillan , 2015. viii, 136p.; 22cm. Bibliography: p.116­132. ISBN : 978­1­137­53897­0. 305.8009542 Q5 B213351 Price : EUR ***59.99 33. Solomon, John A subaltern history of the Indian diaspora in Singapore: gradual disappearance of untouchability 1872­1965 / John Solomon. ­ Oxon: Routledge , 2016. xiii, 220p.; 24cm. (Intersections: colonial and post colonial histories; 12). Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978­1­138­95589­9. 305.89141105957 Q6 B213150 Price : PD ***90.00 34. Weber, Max The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism / Max Weber. ­ New Delhi: Arunodaya Prakashan , 2015. 119p.; 23cm. (Rs.395/­). ISBN : 81­88473­78­2. 306.6 Q5 C76896 35. Madan, T.N. Family and kinship : a study of the pandits of rural Kashmir / T.N.Madan; with a foreword by J.A.Barnes. ­ 50th anniversary ed. ­ New Delhi: Oxford University Press , 2016. xl, 326p.: plates: tables: figs.: maps; 22cm. (Rs.550/­). (Oxford India paperbacks). ISBN : 0­19­946543­6. 306.83095411 K5;Q6 C76911 9 36. Roberts, Nathaniel To be cared for : the power of conversion and foreignness of belonging is an Indian slum / Nathaniel Roberts. ­ New Delhi: Navayana Publishing , 2016. xv, 286p.: plates; 22cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 9788189059781. 307.3364095432 Q6 B213659 Price : RS. ***495.00 320 POLITICAL SCIENCE 37. Haar, Edwin van de Degrees of freedom: liberal political philosophy and ideology / Edwin van de Haar. ­ New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers , 2015. viii, 155p.; 24cm. Bibliography: p.133­149. ISBN : 978­1­4128­5575­4. 320.51 Q5 B213171 Price : $ ***59.95 38. Zimmerman, Erin Think tanks and non­traditional security: governance entrepreneurs in Asia / Erin Zimmerman. ­ Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan , 2016. xi, 214p.; 22cm. (Critical studies of the Asia­Pacific).
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