B u c h a n a n R e c o r d , PHOTOGRAPHS! PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, First-Class and in All Styles! ----BY---- ‘ A FINE LINE OF cro:E33sr g k h i o l m e s . FRAMES, MATS, CORDS, TASSELS, ^ TERMS. SI.50 PER YEAR, And everything pertaining to the Photographic PAYABLE IK ABYAKQE, trade. C A L L Af\3D S E E ME! ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN OK APPLICATION. BUCHANAN, BEBBIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, .1884. NUMBER 45. Second door east o f Post-Office, VOLUME XVIII. O ?- _B1a» fr&tf OFFICE—la Record BuMing, Oak Street. F R I T Z ’S C O U R T SH IP. hasty supper I sought my apartment, brother’s wife was a charming girl ious Mr. Smith, “don’t feel badly, for Scientific Miscellany. Business Directory. and was lazily taking a view Of the about four years older than I, and we it was then that I began to love the Business Directory. BY EOOEKK J. HALL. surroundings, which were those of the Were soon fast friends. young woman under this curly mop and T h e . T h e o r y o f V a c c in a t io n .— . usual second-class American hostelry. Time went by, and except for tlie her brother’s clothes!” Prof. Tyndall suggests that, Just as the ARRY BINNS, N ows Dealer and Stationer. /,•- Yaw; yust I vas von happy mans, soil may be so effectually robbed of H Stationery and all the leading News and X /A I laughed mine self to-blts, Some one knocked. Opening the door ever-present sense of loss and grief for About half an hour afterward I ask SOCIETIES. Story Papers, and periodicals constantly on hand. some essential ingredient by one abun­ 3Iino vife she vauts vo calfltlhim Hans, I found the proprietor, and behind my father, which the excitement of Leltoy if he had know,n all this time Located m Post Office. ¥ dant crop as to be incapable of pro­ 0 .0 . F.—Bnchanan Lodge No. 73 holds its I dinks v e oaldt him F ritz. him a remarkably ’ handsome young my Jouriiev li;ul temporarily driven that I was his fellow-traveler, and he AUER & SON, Harness, Rohes, Blankets, A lu;p;>y s r; r*sa it was t.» M r. A* I\. ducing another, so in the human sys­ 1 . regular meeting, at Odd. Fellows Hall, on Norton, ot B U;oi, Couu., At hen ATHxoraonos Dot vas our'papy! gentleman. “Sorry to disturb you, from my mind, X was quite happy. says yes, and that 'Tom said I was his each Tuesday evening. L Whips, Trunks, A c. Light Harness a special­ tem a parasitic disease may so com­ ty. Repairing and commissions for new Harness put Taira on ills feet, and se^t lifcn diccrruUy F-r-i-t-z dot vas speldt— sir,” said the former blandly, "but we One evening some three months sister Just in time to prevent his (Le promptly attended to. Front at., foot Day's Avo. Dot vas mine name you see— pletely exhaust the blood of some in­ T71 & A, 31,—Buchanan Lodge No. 6S holds a about his business. I/'t him teU bis own story: are.jamed full to night, and I thought after my arrival, it being Bridget’s Roy’s) making a confident of him, but V enl vasyounknnd got no geldt, gredient necessary to th e. growth and r . xegulat meeting Friday evening on or before H. KINYON’S Central News, Book and “ About three wee. s a*o I w, s U.~cn perhaps you would be willing to share “evening out,” it fell to my lot to an­ he says he only asked Tom if I was the full moon in each month. H . Jewelry Store is the place to buy Gold and with a severe crick iu tha buck. Forfonr duys nans dondt got lofo vor mo. your room with this gentleman.” swer tlie door-bell. At about 8 o’clock Irish and all that Just so that Tom propagation of the parasite that the I xrxi unable to turn in le d without help, and Dot vas mine valor-in-law. production of a second crop in fatal or OF IT.—Bnchanan Grange No 40 meets on Silver Watches, Clocks, Silverware, BookB, Al­ "But, sir,’’ 1 gasped, and then the it rang sharply and I opened tlie door, should "repeat it to me, at which du­ bums, Birthday Cards, Ac. when lifted up conduct stand c:i myftet iwnis considerable quantity may be impossi­ P • the second and fourth Saturday of each in 'need t »try Atulopkokos, after all tho usual Von tay I g o to lo o g k apond, suave proprietor, evidently taking my "Good evening,” said a fine, manly plicity I am aghast. month, at 2 o’clock r. at. r---- .---------------------------------------- - remeuie.* fjdlcd. Ia SO minuted :r ter taking tho ble. It would thus appear that pro­ ARMERS & MANUFACTURERS BANK, Bn­ first doso I could Pear my weight upon my feet. T o liundt m e vor a b la ce ; assent for granted, slipped a valise voice, “is Mr. Seaver at home?” I ask him how lie discovered me in O. G, T.—Buchanan. Lodge N o S56 holds its F chanan, 3Dch. All business entrusted to this In two d 'y o I w. s aide to get abo^t and attend I meedtvon fraulcin volkin oud “Yes,” said I ; “ will you walk up­ the beginning. Was it because I ran tective vaccination or inocculation is Bank will receive prompt and personal attention. into the room and ushered in my’ I . regular meeting on each Nonday evening. to bnskier-s. In two other ca*es •\\h eh have Dot hot a bretty vaee. would-be room-mate, and quietly slip­ stairs, please?” that night ? simply the introduction into the blood Win. Pears, Pres.; Geo. H. Richards, Vice Pres.; come to my knowledge its ute kui been utunded A . F. R oss, Cashier. Dot vas Katrine! ped himself away. He stepped into the light—it was my A nd he says lie didn’t suspect any­ of weakened and comparatively harm­ /"t A, K.—Win. Pcrrott Post No. 22. Regular With the same results.” less disease germs to consume the ma­ I X . meeting ou the first and third Wednesday UCHANAN 3LARBLE WORKS. Monuments I stob m idt her to dalk abid, “Good Heavens!” thought I ; “ what fellow traveler of the over-land route! thing then, but was very much puzzled. evening of each month. Visiting comrades al­ and Headstones of all designs and kinds of A poor ipan inl'hiladelpliia Jut.1 t » Lot- She loogk at me—is vay— on earth shall X do?” I fairly shook in my boots. “But,” he says, “X put my wits to work, terial which might become food for ways welcome. BMarble. Bristle Bros., Proprietors. row a dollar t> bur a bo; tie or A m opiiokos. Den Ihire ond her vatermsd similar germs in a more vigorous and On account ot li!s poverty hlsuumcsliallr main For a moment I glared dumbly at “ Who shall I say ?” and when yon answered me as you did To help him magke dc hay, dangerous condition. O, HAMILTON, M ilk Dairy. Delivers M ilk a secret. He h..d su!Tci*cd teiiibly iro^x KIilu- the intruder, who was making a thou­ The detestable unknown handed me at the way-station where we stopped I ATTORNEYS. W . in all parts of the corporation daily. Resi­ matism. Hegratefulywrites: Dot vas pizness; dence, head of Front street. sand apologies, and really seemed a his card, which read: “Leltoy Smith.” knew at once. And your voice, my W in d W o r k .— A gale at East fc>t. “ I took ray liil&t d *S3 Tuesday afternoon, Katrine she vas Vork m id me, nice enough young fellow. Then a When I had ushered him into the dear,” he adds, “ was entirely too sweet Louis in 1871, according to Mr, C. AN RIPER & WORTHINGTON, Attorneys and ou Wednesday, tf.er but&eveu desw, 1 k.d 310NTG03IERY, Grainer and Decorator. She sbread de day I cudt, brilliant idea struck me. X had left little parlor I went for my brother, for your part.” Y and Counselors at Law, and Solicitors in Chan­ , Stay he found at Straw’s Paper Store. not a sharp or severe at he left. Then I reduced Shaler Smith, overturned a locomotive, cery. Collections made and proceeds promptly D tho dose out .half and took theremalndtrcf the Unde ven I stob to loogk at she my hag down-stairs, and murmurring who cried on receiving the card: “And do you think it was kind of exerting a force of no less than 93 remitted. Office over Rough Bros’ . Store. bottle. 1 waoa. leto bQ Metdy at work till Sefc- Her scliccks got redt Hko bindt. about it I hastily left the room. Once 3Tou,” I asked, reproachfully, “to make •orday, when I took a tevero cold ana wax izn- “Hello! Old Smith. Why, wlien did pounds per square foot. A t St. Charles Dot vas pashvulnessl AVID E. HINStAN, Attorney and Counselor ab!e U w ein y hit ban l. 1 purchased another outside X could scarcely control myself. he get hack? I say, Margaret, it’s me so uncomfortable, and to be so—to a jail was destroyed in 1877, the pres­ D__ at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery.
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